Hello elm folks,

I have a beginner question about Random.list: 

Without access to the Generator type constructor, how can one build totally 
novel kinds of list-based generators? For example, suppose you want to 
construct a list generator that terminates not after an integer number of 
iterations (i.e. Random.list), but after a condition determined by 
inspecting one or more items in the list? 

Example: *Generate a list of integers between 0 and 10 until the last one 
is 5*.

It seems like this class of generators requires a version of Random.list 
that accepts a function in place of the integer argument, which is passed 
say, the last generated element of the list and returns a Bool indicating 
whether the list is complete. It could look something like this:

list : (Maybe a -> Bool) -> Generator a -> Generator (List a)
list pred (Generator generate) =
  Generator <| \seed ->
    listHelp [] pred generate seed

listHelp : List a -> (Maybe a -> Bool) -> (Seed -> (a,Seed)) -> Seed -> (
List a, Seed)
listHelp list pred generate seed =
  if pred <| head list then
    (List.reverse list, seed)

      (value, newSeed) =
        generate seed
      listHelp (value :: list) pred generate newSeed

Is it possible to construct this generator using only the primitives 
currently exposed by Random? And if it can be done, why isn’t Random.list 
itself implemented using those same primitives?



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