I have these types:

> type Affordance
>   = Writable Form
>   | Viewable Animal
> type alias Displayed =
>   { view : Affordance
>   , animalFlash : AnimalFlash
>   }

… stored inside a Dict. So when I try to get what is the only possible case (a 
Writable form), I have a nested structure. I’m hoping I don’t have to write 
this nested case:

>   case Dict.get id model.displayables of 
>     Nothing ->
>       model |> noCmd -- Todo: a command to log the error
>     Just {view} ->
>       case view of
>         Animal.Viewable _ ->
>           model |> noCmd
>         Animal.Writable form ->
>           formOp op form model

… instead using syntax maybe something like what you’d do in Elixir:

>     Nothing -> 
>     Just {view = Animal.Viewable _} -> 
>     Just {view = Animal.Writeable form} -> 

I can’t find a syntax that works. Is there one?

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