Hi David,

I've noticed in one of Evan's exemples (repos) that he uses textarea [
value model.whatever ] [] instead of textarea [] [ text model.whatever ].

I haven't studied the reasons why, but in my tests they seem to work (and
using the second way ended up in the same bug you described).

Can you test that and get back to us?

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 05:38 David Legard <daleg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a very simple SPA, one textbox, two buttons, and a div for showing
> messages.
> The aim of the app is to analyse the text in the textbox (on clicking the
> 'Process' button) to show messages in the div.
> The other button, Reset, is supposed to clear the textbox and the messages.
> The 'update' and 'view' functions are very simple
> type Msg = Reset | Process | Change String
> update : Msg -> Model -> Model
> update msg model =
>   case msg of
>     Reset -> {model | kontent = "", messages =[]}
>     Process -> createMessages model
>     Change newcontent -> {model | kontent = newcontent}
> -- VIEW
> view : Model -> Html Msg
> view model =
>    div []
>     [ textarea [kontentStyle, onInput Change] [text (model.kontent)]
>     , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ]
>     , button [ onClick Process ] [ text "Process" ]
>     , div [] (makeMessages (model.messages))
>     ]
> But what happens, on pressing the 'Clear' button, is that the model
> updates as expected ...
> Reset -> {model | kontent = "", messages =[]}
> and the messages in the div clear ... but the textbox doesn't clear.
> Furthermore, the Process button doesn't generate the messages it did
> before. It's as if the model is saying it has no content, but the textarea
> is still full of text. Yet the line:
> textarea [kontentStyle, onInput Change] [text (model.kontent)]
> .. should ensure that whatever is in the model, is also in the textbox.
> Does anyone have an idea where I'm going wrong?
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