Your type "Players" is recursive in a way you almost certainly did not intend. 
That's what leads to this mismatch. 

> Am 16.09.2016 um 04:09 schrieb Mohammad Samman <>:
> I have the following elm code:
> import Json.Decode as Json exposing(..)
> import Result
> type Players = Players (List Players)
> type alias Player = {
>   name: String
>   , team: Maybe Team
> }
> type alias Team = {
>   name: String
>   , players: Maybe Players
> }
> teamDecoder: Json.Decoder Team
> teamDecoder =
>   Json.object2 Team ("name" := Json.string) (Json.maybe ("players" := 
> playersDecoder))
> playersDecoder: Json.Decoder Players
> playersDecoder =
>   Json.customDecoder (Json.list playerDecoder) (\pl ->
>     Result.Ok (Players pl)
>   )
> playerDecoder: Json.Decoder Player
> playerDecoder = 
>   Json.object2 Player ("name" := Json.string) (Json.maybe ("team" := 
> teamDecoder))
> Compiling give me the following error
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> The 2nd argument to function `customDecoder` is causing a mismatch.
> 26|>  Json.customDecoder (Json.list playerDecoder) (\pl ->
> 27|>    Result.Ok (Players pl)
> Function `customDecoder` is expecting the 2nd argument to be:
>     List { name : String, team : Maybe Team } -> Result String a
> But it is:
>     List Players -> Result a Players
> Hint: I always figure out the type of arguments from left to right. If an
> argument is acceptable when I check it, I assume it is "correct" in subsequent
> checks. So the problem may actually be in how previous arguments interact with
> the 2nd.
> I'm wondering why this is the case? Shouldn't the pl variable inside of the 
> anon func be a List Players based on the type signature of 
> Json.customDecoder? How can I decode into the Team type alias?
> Thanks!
> -- 
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