branch: externals/phps-mode
commit 6f4b86356e654d062e098d3e6f1a466e2fec7726
Author: Christian Johansson <>
Commit: Christian Johansson <>

    Added bookkeeping via syntax coloring
---                           |   3 +-
 phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el           | 645 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro.el   |  19 +-
 phps-mode.el                        |   4 +-
 test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el |  59 +++-
 test/phps-mode-test.el              |  17 +-
 6 files changed, 477 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index ad6fc90..99cdfdd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -28,10 +28,11 @@ This mode does not require PHP installed on your computer 
because it has a built
 * A interactive function that can be used interactively to format buffers 
 * Support for asynchronous lexer via processes (`async.el`) or threads
 * Mode-line asynchronous status
+* Bookkeeping in lexical-analysis, showing defined and undefined variables via 
syntax coloring
 ## Roadmap
-* 1. Wisent Parser support
+* 1. LALR(1) Parser support
 * 2. Improved token-blind indentation (alternative and inline control 
 * 3. Other enhancements
diff --git a/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el b/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
index 2c552eb..cb8f398 100644
--- a/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
+++ b/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@
 (defvar-local phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lines-indent nil
   "The indentation of each line in buffer, nil if none.")
+(defvar-local phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping nil
+  "Bookkeeping of all variables in tokens.")
 (defvar-local phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens nil
   "Latest tokens.")
@@ -93,16 +96,17 @@
 (defun phps-mode-lex-analyzer--reset-local-variables ()
   "Reset local variables."
   (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--allow-after-change-p t)
+  (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping nil)
   (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--change-min nil)
+  (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--heredoc-label-stack nil)
   (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--idle-timer nil)
-  (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lines-indent nil)
   (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu nil)
-  (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--heredoc-label-stack nil)
+  (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lines-indent nil)
   (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--processed-buffer-p nil)
-  (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens nil)
   (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state nil)
+  (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state-stack nil)
   (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--states nil)
-  (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state-stack nil))
+  (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens nil))
 (defun phps-mode-lex-analyzer--set-region-syntax-color (start end properties)
   "Do syntax coloring for region START to END with PROPERTIES."
@@ -116,171 +120,179 @@
   "Return syntax color for TOKEN."
   ;; Syntax coloring
   ;; see
-  ;; (message "Color token %s %s %s" token start end)
-  (cond
-   ((or
-     (string= token 'T_VARIABLE)
-     (string= token 'T_STRING_VARNAME))
-    (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-variable-name-face))
-   ((string= token 'T_COMMENT)
-    (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-comment-face))
-   ((string= token 'T_DOC_COMMENT)
-    (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-doc-face))
-   ((string= token 'T_INLINE_HTML)
-    ;; NOTE T_INLINE_HTML is missing by purpose here to distinguish those 
areas from other entities
-    nil)
-   ((or
-     (string= token 'T_STRING)
-     (string= token 'T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)
-     (string= token 'T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE)
-     (string= token 'T_NUM_STRING)
-     (string= token 'T_DNUMBER)
-     (string= token 'T_LNUMBER))
-    (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-string-face))
-   ((or
-     (string= token 'T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES)
-     (string= token 'T_CURLY_OPEN)
-     (string= token 'T_OBJECT_OPERATOR)
-     (string= token 'T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)
-     (string= token 'T_NS_SEPARATOR)
-     (string= token 'T_EXIT)
-     (string= token 'T_DIE)
-     (string= token 'T_RETURN)
-     (string= token 'T_YIELD_FROM)
-     (string= token 'T_YIELD)
-     (string= token 'T_TRY)
-     (string= token 'T_CATCH)
-     (string= token 'T_FINALLY)
-     (string= token 'T_THROW)
-     (string= token 'T_IF)
-     (string= token 'T_ELSEIF)
-     (string= token 'T_ENDIF)
-     (string= token 'T_ELSE)
-     (string= token 'T_WHILE)
-     (string= token 'T_ENDWHILE)
-     (string= token 'T_DO)
-     (string= token 'T_FUNCTION)
-     (string= token 'T_FN)
-     (string= token 'T_CONST)
-     (string= token 'T_FOREACH)
-     (string= token 'T_ENDFOREACH)
-     (string= token 'T_FOR)
-     (string= token 'T_ENDFOR)
-     (string= token 'T_DECLARE)
-     (string= token 'T_ENDDECLARE)
-     (string= token 'T_INSTANCEOF)
-     (string= token 'T_AS)
-     (string= token 'T_SWITCH)
-     (string= token 'T_ENDSWITCH)
-     (string= token 'T_CASE)
-     (string= token 'T_DEFAULT)
-     (string= token 'T_BREAK)
-     (string= token 'T_CONTINUE)
-     (string= token 'T_GOTO)
-     (string= token 'T_ECHO)
-     (string= token 'T_PRINT)
-     (string= token 'T_CLASS)
-     (string= token 'T_INTERFACE)
-     (string= token 'T_TRAIT)
-     (string= token 'T_EXTENDS)
-     (string= token 'T_IMPLEMENTS)
-     (string= token 'T_NEW)
-     (string= token 'T_CLONE)
-     (string= token 'T_VAR)
-     (string= token 'T_EVAL)
-     (string= token 'T_INCLUDE_ONCE)
-     (string= token 'T_INCLUDE)
-     (string= token 'T_REQUIRE_ONCE)
-     (string= token 'T_REQUIRE)
-     (string= token 'T_NAMESPACE)
-     (string= token 'T_USE)
-     (string= token 'T_INSTEADOF)
-     (string= token 'T_GLOBAL)
-     (string= token 'T_ISSET)
-     (string= token 'T_EMPTY)
-     (string= token 'T_HALT_COMPILER)
-     (string= token 'T_STATIC)
-     (string= token 'T_ABSTRACT)
-     (string= token 'T_FINAL)
-     (string= token 'T_PRIVATE)
-     (string= token 'T_PROTECTED)
-     (string= token 'T_PUBLIC)
-     (string= token 'T_UNSET)
-     (string= token 'T_LIST)
-     (string= token 'T_ARRAY)
-     (string= token 'T_CALLABLE)
-     )
-    (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-keyword-face))
-   ((or
-     (string= token 'T_OPEN_TAG)
-     (string= token 'T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO)
-     (string= token 'T_CLOSE_TAG)
-     (string= token 'T_START_HEREDOC)
-     (string= token 'T_END_HEREDOC)
-     (string= token 'T_ELLIPSIS)
-     (string= token 'T_COALESCE)
-     (string= token 'T_DOUBLE_ARROW)
-     (string= token 'T_INC)
-     (string= token 'T_DEC)
-     (string= token 'T_IS_IDENTICAL)
-     (string= token 'T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL)
-     (string= token 'T_IS_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_IS_NOT_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_SPACESHIP)
-     (string= token 'T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_PLUS_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_MINUS_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_MUL_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_POW_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_POW)
-     (string= token 'T_DIV_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_CONCAT_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_MOD_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_SL_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_SR_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_AND_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_OR_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_XOR_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_COALESCE_EQUAL)
-     (string= token 'T_BOOLEAN_OR)
-     (string= token 'T_BOOLEAN_AND)
-     (string= token 'T_BOOLEAN_XOR)
-     (string= token 'T_LOGICAL_XOR)
-     (string= token 'T_LOGICAL_OR)
-     (string= token 'T_LOGICAL_AND)
-     (string= token 'T_SL)
-     (string= token 'T_SR)
-     (string= token 'T_CLASS_C)
-     (string= token 'T_TRAIT_C)
-     (string= token 'T_FUNC_C)
-     (string= token 'T_METHOD_C)
-     (string= token 'T_LINE)
-     (string= token 'T_FILE)
-     (string= token 'T_DIR)
-     (string= token 'T_NS_C)
-     (string= token 'T_INT_CAST)
-     (string= token 'T_DOUBLE_CAST)
-     (string= token 'T_STRING_CAST)
-     (string= token 'T_ARRAY_CAST)
-     (string= token 'T_OBJECT_CAST)
-     (string= token 'T_BOOL_CAST)
-     (string= token 'T_UNSET_CAST)
-     )
-    (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-constant-face))
-   ((string= token 'T_ERROR)
-    ;; NOTE This token is artificial and not PHP native
-    (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-warning-face))
-   (t (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-constant-face))))
+  (let ((start (car (cdr token)))
+        (end (cdr (cdr token)))
+        (token-name (car token)))
+    ;; (message "Color token %s %s %s" token-name start end)
+    (cond
+     ((equal token-name 'T_VARIABLE)
+      (let ((bookkeeping-index (list start end)))
+        (if (gethash bookkeeping-index phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping)
+            (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
+          (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-warning-face))))
+     ((equal token-name 'T_STRING_VARNAME)
+      (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-variable-name-face))
+     ((equal token-name 'T_COMMENT)
+      (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-comment-face))
+     ((equal token-name 'T_DOC_COMMENT)
+      (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-doc-face))
+     ((equal token-name 'T_INLINE_HTML)
+      ;; NOTE T_INLINE_HTML is missing by purpose here to distinguish those 
areas from other entities
+      nil)
+     ((or
+       (equal token-name 'T_STRING)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_NUM_STRING)
+       (equal token-name 'T_DNUMBER)
+       (equal token-name 'T_LNUMBER))
+      (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-string-face))
+     ((or
+       (equal token-name 'T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CURLY_OPEN)
+       (equal token-name 'T_OBJECT_OPERATOR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)
+       (equal token-name 'T_NS_SEPARATOR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_EXIT)
+       (equal token-name 'T_DIE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_RETURN)
+       (equal token-name 'T_YIELD_FROM)
+       (equal token-name 'T_YIELD)
+       (equal token-name 'T_TRY)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CATCH)
+       (equal token-name 'T_FINALLY)
+       (equal token-name 'T_THROW)
+       (equal token-name 'T_IF)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ELSEIF)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ENDIF)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ELSE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_WHILE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ENDWHILE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_DO)
+       (equal token-name 'T_FUNCTION)
+       (equal token-name 'T_FN)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CONST)
+       (equal token-name 'T_FOREACH)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ENDFOREACH)
+       (equal token-name 'T_FOR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ENDFOR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_DECLARE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ENDDECLARE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_INSTANCEOF)
+       (equal token-name 'T_AS)
+       (equal token-name 'T_SWITCH)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ENDSWITCH)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CASE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_DEFAULT)
+       (equal token-name 'T_BREAK)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CONTINUE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_GOTO)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ECHO)
+       (equal token-name 'T_PRINT)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CLASS)
+       (equal token-name 'T_INTERFACE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_TRAIT)
+       (equal token-name 'T_EXTENDS)
+       (equal token-name 'T_IMPLEMENTS)
+       (equal token-name 'T_NEW)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CLONE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_VAR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_EVAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_INCLUDE_ONCE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_INCLUDE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_REQUIRE_ONCE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_REQUIRE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_NAMESPACE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_USE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_INSTEADOF)
+       (equal token-name 'T_GLOBAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ISSET)
+       (equal token-name 'T_EMPTY)
+       (equal token-name 'T_HALT_COMPILER)
+       (equal token-name 'T_STATIC)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ABSTRACT)
+       (equal token-name 'T_FINAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_PRIVATE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_PROTECTED)
+       (equal token-name 'T_PUBLIC)
+       (equal token-name 'T_UNSET)
+       (equal token-name 'T_LIST)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ARRAY)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CALLABLE)
+       )
+      (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-keyword-face))
+     ((or
+       (equal token-name 'T_OPEN_TAG)
+       (equal token-name 'T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CLOSE_TAG)
+       (equal token-name 'T_START_HEREDOC)
+       (equal token-name 'T_END_HEREDOC)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ELLIPSIS)
+       (equal token-name 'T_COALESCE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_DOUBLE_ARROW)
+       (equal token-name 'T_INC)
+       (equal token-name 'T_DEC)
+       (equal token-name 'T_IS_IDENTICAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_IS_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_IS_NOT_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_SPACESHIP)
+       (equal token-name 'T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_PLUS_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_MINUS_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_MUL_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_POW_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_POW)
+       (equal token-name 'T_DIV_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CONCAT_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_MOD_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_SL_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_SR_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_AND_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_OR_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_XOR_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_COALESCE_EQUAL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_BOOLEAN_OR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_BOOLEAN_AND)
+       (equal token-name 'T_BOOLEAN_XOR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_LOGICAL_XOR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_LOGICAL_OR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_LOGICAL_AND)
+       (equal token-name 'T_SL)
+       (equal token-name 'T_SR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_CLASS_C)
+       (equal token-name 'T_TRAIT_C)
+       (equal token-name 'T_FUNC_C)
+       (equal token-name 'T_METHOD_C)
+       (equal token-name 'T_LINE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_FILE)
+       (equal token-name 'T_DIR)
+       (equal token-name 'T_NS_C)
+       (equal token-name 'T_INT_CAST)
+       (equal token-name 'T_DOUBLE_CAST)
+       (equal token-name 'T_STRING_CAST)
+       (equal token-name 'T_ARRAY_CAST)
+       (equal token-name 'T_OBJECT_CAST)
+       (equal token-name 'T_BOOL_CAST)
+       (equal token-name 'T_UNSET_CAST)
+       )
+      (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-constant-face))
+     ((equal token-name 'T_ERROR)
+      ;; NOTE This token-name is artificial and not PHP native
+      (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-warning-face))
+     (t (list 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-constant-face)))))
@@ -307,7 +319,7 @@
               ;; Apply syntax color on token
               (let ((token-syntax-color
-                     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-token-syntax-color 
+                     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-token-syntax-color token)))
                 (if token-syntax-color
                     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--set-region-syntax-color start end 
                   (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--clear-region-syntax-color start 
@@ -334,7 +346,7 @@
 (defun phps-mode-lex-analyzer--re2c-run (&optional force-synchronous)
-  "Run lexer."
+  "Run lexer, optionally FORCE-SYNCHRONOUS."
   (require 'phps-mode-macros)
   (phps-mode-debug-message (message "Lexer run"))
@@ -349,33 +361,45 @@
       (setq async nil))
-       (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lex-string buffer-contents))
+       (let* ((lex-result
+               (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lex-string buffer-contents))
+              (processed-result
+               (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--process-tokens-in-string
+                (nth 0 lex-result)
+                buffer-contents)))
+         (list lex-result processed-result)))
        (when (get-buffer buffer-name)
          (with-current-buffer buffer-name
-           ;; Move variables into this buffers local variables
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--processed-buffer-p nil)
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens (nth 0 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--states (nth 1 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state (nth 2 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state-stack (nth 3 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--heredoc-label (nth 4 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--heredoc-label-stack (nth 5 result))
-           (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--reset-imenu)
-           ;; Apply syntax color on tokens
-           (dolist (token phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens)
-             (let ((start (car (cdr token)))
-                   (end (cdr (cdr token)))
-                   (token-name (car token)))
-               (let ((token-syntax-color 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-token-syntax-color token-name)))
-                 (if token-syntax-color
-                     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--set-region-syntax-color start 
end token-syntax-color)
-                   (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--clear-region-syntax-color start 
+           (let ((lex-result (nth 0 result))
+                 (processed-result (nth 1 result)))
+             ;; Move variables into this buffers local variables
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens (nth 0 lex-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--states (nth 1 lex-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state (nth 2 lex-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state-stack (nth 3 lex-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--heredoc-label (nth 4 lex-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--heredoc-label-stack (nth 5 
+             ;; Save processed result
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--processed-buffer-p t)
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu (nth 0 processed-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lines-indent (nth 1 
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping (nth 2 
+             (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--reset-imenu)
+             ;; Apply syntax color on tokens
+             (dolist (token phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens)
+               (let ((start (car (cdr token)))
+                     (end (cdr (cdr token))))
+                 (let ((token-syntax-color 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-token-syntax-color token)))
+                   (if token-syntax-color
+                       (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--set-region-syntax-color start 
end token-syntax-color)
+                     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--clear-region-syntax-color start 
        (when (get-buffer buffer-name)
@@ -384,6 +408,9 @@
                  (error-message (nth 1 result))
                  (error-start (nth 2 result))
                  (error-end (nth 3 result)))
+             (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--reset-local-variables)
              (when error-message
                (if (equal error-type 'phps-lexer-error)
@@ -416,49 +443,62 @@
     (when force-synchronous
       (setq async nil))
-     (lambda() (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lex-string
-                buffer-contents
-                incremental-start-new-buffer
-                point-max
-                head-states
-                incremental-state
-                incremental-state-stack
-                incremental-heredoc-label
-                incremental-heredoc-label-stack
-                head-tokens))
+     (lambda()
+       (let* ((lex-result (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lex-string
+                           buffer-contents
+                           incremental-start-new-buffer
+                           point-max
+                           head-states
+                           incremental-state
+                           incremental-state-stack
+                           incremental-heredoc-label
+                           incremental-heredoc-label-stack
+                           head-tokens))
+              (processed-result
+               (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--process-tokens-in-string
+                (nth 0 lex-result)
+                buffer-contents)))
+         (list lex-result processed-result)))
        (when (get-buffer buffer-name)
          (with-current-buffer buffer-name
-           (phps-mode-debug-message
-            (message "Incrementally-lexed-string: %s" result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens (nth 0 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--states (nth 1 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state (nth 2 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state-stack (nth 3 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--heredoc-label (nth 4 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--heredoc-label-stack (nth 5 result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--processed-buffer-p nil)
-           (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--reset-imenu)
-           ;; Apply syntax color on tokens
-           (dolist (token phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens)
-             (let ((start (car (cdr token)))
-                   (end (cdr (cdr token)))
-                   (token-name (car token)))
-               ;; Apply syntax color on token
-               (let ((token-syntax-color 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-token-syntax-color token-name)))
-                 (if token-syntax-color
-                     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--set-region-syntax-color start 
end token-syntax-color)
-                   (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--clear-region-syntax-color start 
-           (phps-mode-debug-message
-            (message "Incremental tokens: %s" 
+           (let ((lex-result (nth 0 result))
+                 (processed-result (nth 1 result)))
+             (phps-mode-debug-message
+              (message "Incrementally-lexed-string: %s" result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens (nth 0 lex-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--states (nth 1 lex-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state (nth 2 lex-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--state-stack (nth 3 lex-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--heredoc-label (nth 4 lex-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--heredoc-label-stack (nth 5 
+             ;; Save processed result
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--processed-buffer-p t)
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu (nth 0 processed-result))
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lines-indent (nth 1 
+             (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping (nth 2 
+             (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--reset-imenu)
+             ;; Apply syntax color on tokens
+             (dolist (token phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens)
+               (let ((start (car (cdr token)))
+                     (end (cdr (cdr token))))
+                 ;; Apply syntax color on token
+                 (let ((token-syntax-color 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-token-syntax-color token)))
+                   (if token-syntax-color
+                       (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--set-region-syntax-color start 
end token-syntax-color)
+                     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--clear-region-syntax-color start 
+             (phps-mode-debug-message
+              (message "Incremental tokens: %s" 
        (when (get-buffer buffer-name)
@@ -467,6 +507,9 @@
                  (error-message (nth 1 result))
                  (error-start (nth 2 result))
                  (error-end (nth 3 result)))
+             (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--reset-local-variables)
              (when error-message
                (if (equal error-type 'phps-lexer-error)
@@ -555,7 +598,7 @@
   (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--change-min nil))
 (defun phps-mode-lex-analyzer--process-changes (&optional buffer 
-  "Run incremental lexer on BUFFER.  Return list of performed operations."
+  "Run incremental lexer on BUFFER.  Return list of performed operations.  
Optionally do it FORCE-SYNCHRONOUS."
   (unless buffer
     (setq buffer (current-buffer)))
@@ -655,12 +698,10 @@
                            (message "Found head states"))
                           (push (list 'INCREMENTAL-LEX 
incremental-start-new-buffer) log)
                           ;; Do partial lex from previous-token-end to 
                            (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
@@ -703,7 +744,7 @@
 (defun phps-mode-lex-analyzer--process-current-buffer (&optional force)
-  "Process current buffer, generate indentations and Imenu, trigger 
incremental lexer if we have change."
+  "Process current buffer, generate indentations and Imenu, trigger 
incremental lexer if we have change.  FORCE processes without change."
   (phps-mode-debug-message (message "Process current buffer"))
   (when phps-mode-lex-analyzer--idle-timer
@@ -725,7 +766,8 @@
           (phps-mode-debug-message (message "Processed result: %s" processed))
           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu (nth 0 processed))
-          (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lines-indent (nth 1 processed)))
+          (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--lines-indent (nth 1 processed))
+          (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping (nth 2 processed)))
         (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--processed-buffer-p t))
@@ -785,6 +827,11 @@
+(defun phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping ()
+  "Return bookkeeping, process buffer if not done already."
+  (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--process-current-buffer)
+  phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping)
 (defun phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-imenu ()
   "Return Imenu, process buffer if not done already."
         (setq start end)))
     (list (nreverse line-indents) indent tag-level curly-bracket-level 
square-bracket-level round-bracket-level)))
-(defun phps-mode-lex-analyzer--process-tokens-in-string (tokens string)
-  "Generate indexes for imenu and indentation for TOKENS and STRING one pass.  
Complexity: O(n)."
+(defun phps-mode-lex-analyzer--process-tokens-in-string (tokens string 
&optional namespace)
+  "Generate indexes for imenu and indentation for TOKENS and STRING with 
optional NAMESPACE one pass.  Complexity: O(n)."
+  (unless namespace
+    (setq namespace ""))
   (if tokens
               (in-return-curly-bracket-level nil)
               (in-return-level 0)
               (previous-token nil)
+              (previous2-token nil)
+              (previous3-token nil)
               (token nil)
               (token-start nil)
               (token-end nil)
@@ -1011,10 +1062,21 @@ SQUARE-BRACKET-LEVEL and ROUND-BRACKET-LEVEL."
               (imenu-open-class-level nil)
               (imenu-in-class-name nil)
               (imenu-in-function-declaration nil)
+              (imenu-open-function-level nil)
               (imenu-in-function-name nil)
               (imenu-in-function-index nil)
               (imenu-nesting-level 0)
-              (incremental-line-number 1))
+              (incremental-line-number 1)
+              (bookkeeping (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+          ;; Super-globals
+          (puthash "$_COOKIE" t bookkeeping)
+          (puthash "$_GET" t bookkeeping)
+          (puthash "$_GLOBALS" t bookkeeping)
+          (puthash "$_POST" t bookkeeping)
+          (puthash "$_REQUEST" t bookkeeping)
+          (puthash "$_SERVER" t bookkeeping)
+          (puthash "$_SESSION" t bookkeeping)
           (push `(END_PARSE ,(length string) . ,(length string)) tokens)
@@ -1074,6 +1136,100 @@ SQUARE-BRACKET-LEVEL and ROUND-BRACKET-LEVEL."
               ;; `previous-token' is maybe two tokens back
               (when token
+                ;; BOOKKEEPING LOGIC
+                (when (equal token 'T_VARIABLE)
+                  (let ((bookkeeping-namespace namespace)
+                        (bookkeeping-index (list token-start token-end))
+                        (bookkeeping-variable-name (substring string (1- 
token-start) (1- token-end)))
+                        (bookkeeping-in-assignment nil))
+                    ;; Build name-space
+                    (when (and imenu-in-namespace-name
+                               (or imenu-in-class-name imenu-in-function-name))
+                      (setq bookkeeping-namespace (concat 
bookkeeping-namespace " namespace " imenu-in-namespace-name)))
+                    (when imenu-in-class-name
+                      (setq bookkeeping-namespace (concat 
bookkeeping-namespace " class " imenu-in-class-name)))
+                    (when imenu-in-function-name
+                      (setq bookkeeping-namespace (concat 
bookkeeping-namespace " function " imenu-in-function-name))
+                      ;; Add $this special variable in class function scope
+                      (when imenu-in-class-name
+                        (let ((bookkeeping-method-this (concat 
bookkeeping-namespace " id $this")))
+                          (unless (gethash bookkeeping-method-this bookkeeping)
+                            (puthash bookkeeping-method-this t bookkeeping)))))
+                    (setq bookkeeping-namespace (concat bookkeeping-namespace 
" id " bookkeeping-variable-name))
+                    (phps-mode-debug-message
+                     (message "Bookkeeping-namespace: '%s'" 
+                    ;; Support foreach as $key, for ($i = 0), if ($a = ), 
while ($a = ) and do-while ($a)assignments here
+                    (when (and
+                           (string= previous-token "(")
+                           (string= next-token "=")
+                           (or (equal previous2-token 'T_IF)
+                               (equal previous2-token 'T_ELSEIF)
+                               (equal previous2-token 'T_WHILE)
+                               (equal previous2-token 'T_FOR)
+                               (equal previous2-token 'T_FOREACH)))
+                      (setq bookkeeping-in-assignment t))
+                    ;; Support foreach as $key => value
+                    (when (and
+                           (equal previous3-token 'T_AS)
+                           (equal previous2-token 'T_VARIABLE)
+                           (equal previous-token 'T_DOUBLE_ARROW)
+                           (string= next-token ")"))
+                      (setq bookkeeping-in-assignment t))
+                    ;; Stand-alone variable assignment
+                    (when (and first-token-on-line
+                               (string= next-token "="))
+                      (setq bookkeeping-in-assignment t))
+                    ;; Naming of value
+                    (when (equal previous-token 'T_AS)
+                      (setq bookkeeping-in-assignment t))
+                    ;; In function arguments
+                    (when imenu-in-function-declaration
+                      (setq bookkeeping-in-assignment t))
+                    ;; Class variables
+                    (when (and
+                           imenu-in-class-name
+                           (not imenu-in-function-name)
+                           (or
+                            (equal previous-token 'T_STATIC)
+                            (equal previous-token 'T_PRIVATE)
+                            (equal previous-token 'T_PROTECTED)
+                            (equal previous-token 'T_PUBLIC)
+                            (equal previous-token 'T_VAR)))
+                      (setq bookkeeping-in-assignment t))
+                    ;; Do we have a assignment?
+                    (when bookkeeping-in-assignment
+                      (let ((declarations (gethash bookkeeping-namespace 
+                        ;; Track number of times this variable is defined
+                        (unless declarations
+                          (setq declarations 0))
+                        (setq declarations (1+ declarations))
+                        (phps-mode-debug-message
+                         (message "Bookkeeping-assignment: '%s'" 
+                        (puthash bookkeeping-namespace declarations 
+                    (if (gethash bookkeeping-namespace bookkeeping)
+                        (progn
+                          (phps-mode-debug-message
+                           (message "Bookkeeping-hit: %s" bookkeeping-index))
+                          (puthash bookkeeping-index t bookkeeping))
+                      ;; Check super-globals
+                      (if (gethash bookkeeping-variable-name bookkeeping)
+                          (puthash bookkeeping-index t bookkeeping)
+                        (phps-mode-debug-message
+                         (message "Bookkeeping-miss: %s" bookkeeping-index))
+                        (puthash bookkeeping-index nil bookkeeping)))))
                 ;; IMENU LOGIC
                         (push `(,imenu-in-class-name . ,imenu-add-list) 
                     (setq imenu-in-class-name nil))
+                  (when (and imenu-open-function-level
+                             (= imenu-open-function-level imenu-nesting-level)
+                             imenu-in-function-name)
+                    (setq imenu-in-function-name nil))
                   (setq imenu-nesting-level (1- imenu-nesting-level))))
                         (if imenu-in-namespace-name
                             (push `(,imenu-in-function-name . 
,imenu-in-function-index) imenu-namespace-index)
                           (push `(,imenu-in-function-name . 
,imenu-in-function-index) imenu-index))))
-                    (setq imenu-in-function-name nil)
+                    (setq imenu-open-function-level imenu-nesting-level)
                     (setq imenu-in-function-declaration nil))
                    ((and (equal token 'T_STRING)
                     (setq tuning-level 0))))
               ;; Update current token
+              (setq previous3-token previous2-token)
+              (setq previous2-token previous-token)
               (setq previous-token token)
               (setq token next-token)
               (setq token-start next-token-start)
               (setq token-start-line-number next-token-start-line-number)
               (setq token-end-line-number next-token-end-line-number)
               (setq token-number (1+ token-number))))
-          (list (nreverse imenu-index) line-indents)))
+          (list (nreverse imenu-index) line-indents bookkeeping)))
     (list nil nil)))
 (defun phps-mode-lex-analyzer--indent-line ()
diff --git a/phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro.el 
index 93c4532..324437c 100644
--- a/phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro.el
+++ b/phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro.el
@@ -1,21 +1,4 @@
-;;; phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro.el --- ???  -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2018-2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-;; your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Code:
+;;; phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro.el
 (require 'semantic/wisent/grammar)
diff --git a/phps-mode.el b/phps-mode.el
index c589dba..7d4b4b3 100644
--- a/phps-mode.el
+++ b/phps-mode.el
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 ;; Author: Christian Johansson <>
 ;; Maintainer: Christian Johansson <>
 ;; Created: 3 Mar 2018
-;; Modified: 7 Jul 2020
-;; Version: 0.3.52
+;; Modified: 9 Sep 2020
+;; Version: 0.3.53
 ;; Keywords: tools, convenience
 ;; URL:
diff --git a/test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el 
index c604ffb..cc664b4 100644
--- a/test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el
+++ b/test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
               "<?php\nfunction myFunction(\n    $arg = true,\n    $arg2 = 
false\n) {\n    \n}"
+  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
    "$random = get_post_meta(\n                $postId,\n            '_random', 
// TODO Here\n            true // TODO Here\n        );"
    "Line in multi-line function call"
@@ -1351,6 +1351,60 @@
+(defun phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping ()
+  "Test the bookkeeping."
+  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
+   "<?php\n\n$var = 'abc';\n\nif ($var2) {\n    echo 'This never 
happens';\n}\nif ($var) {\n    echo 'This happens';\n}"
+   "Bookkeeping in root level variable assignments #1."
+   (should (equal
+            (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t)
+            (list (list "$_COOKIE" t) (list "$_GET" t) (list "$_GLOBALS" t) 
(list "$_POST" t) (list "$_REQUEST" t) (list "$_SERVER" t) (list "$_SESSION" t) 
(list " id $var" 1) (list (list 8 12) t) (list (list 27 32) nil) (list (list 73 
77) t)))))
+  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
+   "<?php\n\n$var = 'abc';\n\nif ($var) {\n    echo 'This never 
happens';\n}\nif ($var2) {\n    echo 'This happens';\n}"
+   "Bookkeeping in root level variable assignments #2."
+   (should (equal
+            (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t)
+            (list (list "$_COOKIE" t) (list "$_GET" t) (list "$_GLOBALS" t) 
(list "$_POST" t) (list "$_REQUEST" t) (list "$_SERVER" t) (list "$_SESSION" t) 
(list " id $var" 1) (list (list 8 12) t) (list (list 27 31) t) (list (list 72 
77) nil)))))
+  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
+   "<?php\n\n$var2 = 4;\n\nfunction myFunction($var)\n{\n    $var3 = 3\n    if 
($var) {\n        echo 'Hit';\n    }\n    if ($var2) {\n        echo 'Miss';\n  
  }\n    if ($var3) {\n        echo 'Hit';\n    }\n}\n\nfunction 
myFunction2($abc)\n{\n    if ($var) {\n        echo 'Miss';\n    }\n    if 
($abc) {\n        echo 'Hit';\n    }\n}\n\nif ($var) {\n    echo 'Miss';\n}\nif 
($var2) {\n    echo 'Hit';\n}"
+   "Bookkeeping in function level with variable assignments."
+   (should (equal
+            (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t)
+            (list (list "$_COOKIE" t) (list "$_GET" t) (list "$_GLOBALS" t) 
(list "$_POST" t) (list "$_REQUEST" t) (list "$_SERVER" t) (list "$_SESSION" t) 
(list " id $var2" 1) (list (list 8 13) t) (list " function myFunction id $var" 
1) (list (list 40 44) t) (list " function myFunction id $var3" 1) (list (list 
52 57) t) (list (list 70 74) t) (list (list 112 117) nil) (list (list 156 161) 
t) (list " function myFunction2 id $abc" 1) (list (list 215 219) t) (list (list 
231 235) nil) (list  [...]
+  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
+   "<?php\n\n// Super-globals\n\nif ($_GET) {\n    echo 'Hit';\n}\nif ($_POST) 
{\n    echo 'Hit';\n}\nif ($_COOKIE) {\n    echo 'Hit';\n}\nif ($_SESSION) {\n  
  echo 'Hit';\n}\nif ($_REQUEST) {\n    echo 'Hit';\n}\nif ($_GLOBALS) {\n    
echo 'Hit';\n}\nif ($_SERVER) {\n    echo 'Hit';\n}\n"
+   "Super-globals"
+   (should (equal
+            (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t)
+            (list (list "$_COOKIE" t) (list "$_GET" t) (list "$_GLOBALS" t) 
(list "$_POST" t) (list "$_REQUEST" t) (list "$_SERVER" t) (list "$_SESSION" t) 
(list (list 30 35) t) (list (list 61 67) t) (list (list 93 101) t) (list (list 
127 136) t) (list (list 162 171) t) (list (list 197 206) t) (list (list 232 
240) t)))))
+  ;; TODO Should add support for self::stuff too
+  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
+   "<?php\n\n// Class properties\n\nclass myParent {}\n\nclass myClass extends 
myParent {\n    private $var1 = 123;\n    protected static $var2;\n    public 
$var3;\n    var $var4;\n    function __construct() {\n        if ($this) {\n    
        echo 'Hit';\n        }\n        if ($this->var1) {\n            echo 
'Hit';\n        }\n        if (self::$var2) {\n            echo 'Hit';\n        
}\n        if ($this->var3) {\n            echo 'Hit';\n        }\n        if 
($this->var4) {\n    [...]
+   "Class properties"
+   (should (equal
+            (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t)
+            (list (list "$_COOKIE" t) (list "$_GET" t) (list "$_GLOBALS" t) 
(list "$_POST" t) (list "$_REQUEST" t) (list "$_SERVER" t) (list "$_SESSION" t) 
(list " class myParent id $var1" 1) (list (list 93 98) t) (list " class 
myParent id $var2" 1) (list (list 127 132) t) (list " class myParent id $var3" 
1) (list (list 145 150) t) (list " class myParent id $var4" 1) (list (list 160 
165) t) (list " class myParent function __construct id $this" t) (list (list 
208 213) t) (list (list 263 2 [...]
+  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
+   "<?php\n\nnamespace myNamespaceA {\n    $var = 123;\n    class myClassA {\n 
       private $var2 = 123;\n        function myFunctionA($var3) {\n            
$var4 = 123;\n            if ($var) {\n                echo 'Miss';\n           
 }\n            if ($var2) {\n                echo 'Miss';\n            }\n     
       if ($var3) {\n                echo 'Hit';\n            }\n            if 
($var4) {\n                echo 'Hit';\n            }\n        }\n\n        
function myFuncti [...]
+   "Bookkeeping in maximum level with namespaces, classes and functions."
+   (should (equal
+            (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t)
+            (list (list "$_COOKIE" t) (list "$_GET" t) (list "$_GLOBALS" t) 
(list "$_POST" t) (list "$_REQUEST" t) (list "$_SERVER" t) (list "$_SESSION" t) 
(list " id $var" 1) (list (list 37 41) t) (list " namespace myNamespaceA class 
myClassA id $var2" 1) (list (list 86 91) t) (list " namespace myNamespaceA 
class myClassA function myFunctionA id $this" t) (list " namespace myNamespaceA 
class myClassA function myFunctionA id $var3" 1) (list (list 128 133) t) (list 
" namespace myNamespace [...]
+  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
+   "<?php\n\n// Conditional assignments\n\n$items = array(1, 2, 3);\nforeach 
($items as $item) {\n    if ($item) {\n        echo 'Hit';\n    }\n}\nforeach 
($items as $key => $value) {\n    if ($key || $value) {\n        echo 'Hit';\n  
  }\n}\nfor ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {\n    if ($i) {\n        echo 
'Hit';\n    }\n}\nif ($a = 123) {\n    if ($a) {\n        echo 'Hit';\n    
}\n}\nwhile ($b = 123) {\n    if ($a) {\n        echo 'Hit';\n    }\n}\ndo {\n  
  echo 'Hit';\n} while ( [...]
+   "Conditional assignments"
+   (should (equal
+            (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t)
+            (list (list "$_COOKIE" t) (list "$_GET" t) (list "$_GLOBALS" t) 
(list "$_POST" t) (list "$_REQUEST" t) (list "$_SERVER" t) (list "$_SESSION" t) 
(list " id $items" 1) (list (list 36 42) t) (list (list 70 76) t) (list " id 
$item" 1) (list (list 80 85) t) (list (list 97 102) t) (list (list 143 149) t) 
(list " id $key" 1) (list (list 153 157) t) (list " id $value" 1) (list (list 
161 167) t) (list (list 179 183) t) (list (list 187 193) t) (list " id $i" 1) 
(list (list 230 232) t)  [...]
+  )
 (defun phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer ()
   "Run test for functions."
@@ -1371,7 +1425,8 @@
-  (phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer--move-lines-indent))
+  (phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer--move-lines-indent)
+  (phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping))
diff --git a/test/phps-mode-test.el b/test/phps-mode-test.el
index 0f246af..603d6a4 100644
--- a/test/phps-mode-test.el
+++ b/test/phps-mode-test.el
@@ -35,12 +35,14 @@
          (incremental-imenu nil)
          (incremental-indent nil)
          (incremental-buffer nil)
+         (incremental-bookkeeping nil)
          (test-buffer-initial (generate-new-buffer "test-initial"))
          (initial-states nil)
          (initial-tokens nil)
          (initial-imenu nil)
          (initial-indent nil)
-         (initial-buffer nil))
+         (initial-buffer nil)
+         (initial-bookkeeping nil))
      ;; Setup incremental buffer
      (switch-to-buffer test-buffer-incremental)
@@ -51,12 +53,12 @@
      (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--process-changes test-buffer-incremental)
-     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--process-current-buffer)
      (setq incremental-states phps-mode-lex-analyzer--states)
      (setq incremental-tokens phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens)
      (setq incremental-imenu phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu)
      (setq incremental-indent (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
      (setq incremental-buffer (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
+     (setq incremental-bookkeeping (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping t))
      ;; Setup incremental buffer
      (switch-to-buffer test-buffer-initial)
@@ -65,12 +67,12 @@
        (message "\nTesting initial buffer '%s':\n'%s'\n" ,title 
-     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--process-current-buffer)
      (setq initial-states phps-mode-lex-analyzer--states)
      (setq initial-tokens phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens)
      (setq initial-imenu phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu)
      (setq initial-indent (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
      (setq initial-buffer (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
+     (setq initial-bookkeeping (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping t))
      ;; Run tests
@@ -84,6 +86,7 @@
      ;; (message "Incremental indent: %s\n" incremental-indent)
      (should (equal initial-indent incremental-indent))
      (should (equal initial-imenu incremental-imenu))
+     (should (equal initial-bookkeeping incremental-bookkeeping))
      (kill-buffer test-buffer-incremental)
      (kill-buffer test-buffer-initial)
@@ -105,8 +108,8 @@
      (when ,title
        (message "\nPassed tests for '%s'\n" ,title))))
-(defun phps-mode-test--hash-to-list (hash-table)
-  "Return a list that represent the HASH-TABLE.  Each element is a list: (list 
key value)."
+(defun phps-mode-test--hash-to-list (hash-table &optional un-sorted)
+  "Return a list that represent the HASH-TABLE.  Each element is a list: (list 
key value), optionally UN-SORTED."
   (let (result)
     (if (hash-table-p hash-table)
@@ -114,7 +117,9 @@
            (lambda (k v)
              (push (list k v) result))
-          (sort (nreverse result) (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b)))))
+          (if un-sorted
+              (nreverse result)
+            (sort (nreverse result) (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b))))))
 (transient-mark-mode t)

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