Re: [O] Specifying \institute[short]{long] in Beamer presentations

2011-03-24 Thread Camille persson
Hi, I'm not sure but maybe you could declare it in your org file as: #+MACRO: BEAMERINSTITUTELONG My long and detailed Institute #+MACRO: BEAMERINSTITUTESHORT Short Institute And change the export code as follows: \\institute[beamerinstituteshort]beamerinstitutelong\n But I didn't

Re: [O] Title page in latex export

2011-03-04 Thread Camille persson
Hi, I think that what it already does But if you mean you should use \maketitlte before \begin{document} you could do it like this: #+BIND: org-export-latex-title-command #+LATEX_HEADER: \maketitle Regards, CP 2011/3/4 Suvayu Ali Hi Orgers, I am trying to

Re: [O] Title page in latex export

2011-03-04 Thread Camille persson
Hi Suvayu, Do you use the lastest update of org-mode ? cause it works perfectly for me without any patch actually... The following org : #+begin_org #+TITLE: My title #+AUTHOR: Camille Persson #+DATE: 2011 #+LATEX_CLASS: book #+end_org ... produce the following latex code: #+begin_latex

Re: [O] How to escape characters in tables

2011-03-04 Thread Camille persson
Hi Ken, 2011/3/4 On 3/3/11 9:07 PM, Suvayu Ali wrote: On Wed, 2 Mar 2011 09:25:57 -0600 wrote: The issue is that I've got tables whose cells contain the '|' character (it's a table of

Re: [O] Re: [Orgmode] [HOW] no way to escape vertical bar (pipe char) in tables?

2011-03-03 Thread Camille persson
Hi Vladimir and Bastien, 2011/3/3 Bastien Hi Vladimir, Vladimir Alexiev writes: I want to manage some perl regexps in a table then feed them to a code block (literate programming). Unfortunately they include alternatives (|) and the table editor