Re: A probable beginner's mistake

2024-04-21 Thread Mike Gauland
On 22/04/24 06:46, wrote: Inline "throwaway" code : src_emacs-lisp((+ 2 3)). Does*not* work. The inline code should be enclosed in curly brackets: src_emacs-lisp{(+ 2 3)}

Re: Passing table to Ruby session

2023-08-13 Thread Mike Gauland
On 11/08/23 19:47, Ihor Radchenko wrote: On Org side, the best we might do is splitting the long command into multiline (if ruby REPL supports line continuation like \ this or similar). Of course, it will be a workaround. I've redefined org-babel-ruby-var-to-ruby in my init.el to add a

Re: Passing table to Ruby session

2023-08-10 Thread Mike Gauland
On 10/08/23 21:11, Ihor Radchenko wrote: Mike Gauland writes: Just to follow up on my problem sending a table to ruby. It doesn't' seem to be an org problem, but with inf-ruby. ... As long as the code to set the variable is under 4k, it works. When it's longer than that,  process-send-region

Re: Passing table to Ruby session

2023-08-09 Thread Mike Gauland
On 10/08/23 09:24, Mike Gauland wrote: Just to follow up on my problem sending a table to ruby. It doesn't' seem to be an org problem, but with inf-ruby. I copied the ruby code that org generates to set the variable, and pasted it in to an inf-ruby session, and that works fine. However

Re: Passing table to Ruby session

2023-08-09 Thread Mike Gauland
Just to follow up on my problem sending a table to ruby. It doesn't' seem to be an org problem, but with inf-ruby. I copied the ruby code that org generates to set the variable, and pasted it in to an inf-ruby session, and that works fine. However, when I select it as a region, and do

Re: Passing table to Ruby session

2023-08-09 Thread Mike Gauland
On 9/08/23 22:14, Ihor Radchenko wrote: Mike Gauland writes: I'll work on putting together a minimal example, if anyone is interested in testing it on their system. A minimal example would certainly help. See Here is an example

Passing table to Ruby session

2023-08-09 Thread Mike Gauland
I'm trying to pass a table to a ruby code block. The table is 211 lines, of four columns. I want to pass it to a session, so I can use the data in subsequent blocks.  I've done this successfully on my work laptop, running Windows emacs (28.2), with ruby 3.2. On my linux box (NixOS),

Re: [BUG] exporting links with underscores

2022-12-16 Thread Mike Gauland
On 17/12/22 11:32, Leo Butler wrote: Org version is 9.5.2; emacs version is 27.1. The manual does not indicate that underscores need to be escaped in links (and they can't be, as far as I can tell). The latex and html exporters interpret them as the start of a subscript. Leo By default

Re: Storing database credentials outside an org file

2021-11-01 Thread Mike Gauland
On 1/11/21 4:33 pm, Tim Cross wrote: Mike Gauland writes: I often use an org file to record database queries, using sql source blocks. I've been putting the database credentials in the file using header-args:sql properties, but I'd prefer to have the credentials saved in a separate file

Storing database credentials outside an org file

2021-10-31 Thread Mike Gauland
I often use an org file to record database queries, using sql source blocks. I've been putting the database credentials in the file using header-args:sql properties, but I'd prefer to have the credentials saved in a separate file for security reasons. Any ideas on how I could make this work?

Re: nbsp as blank

2021-10-19 Thread Mike Gauland
On 20/10/21 12:54 pm, Alexandre Garreau wrote: Hello, nbsp (non-breaking space, #xA0) is not recognized as blank in org-mode, such that “*text* :” (it’s a nbsp here) doesn’t recognize as emphasized… I recall a variable containing such characters but can’t find it again, does anyone know? the

Re: Using a code block as input to another code block

2020-11-22 Thread Mike Gauland
As far as I know, referencing a code block this way uses the results of executing the block as the variable, not the contents of the block. On 22/11/2020 11:30 am, Magnus Therning wrote: I know I can use an example block (literal example) as input to a code block, but I haven't found a way to

LaTeX Headers not in partial export

2020-10-22 Thread Mike Gauland
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or this is expected. I have a number of #+LATEX directives at the top of my org file, for configuring the minted package. When I export the whole thing to LaTeX, the source blocks are formatted with the desired minted options. If I export only part of

Re: Framing images?

2020-10-01 Thread Mike Gauland
On 1/10/2020 5:59 am, Eric S Fraga wrote: On Wednesday, 30 Sep 2020 at 11:21, Mike Gauland wrote: I'd like to have a frame around images in my exported documents. I'm primarily interested in LaTeX export, but html is a secondary concern. There are definitely LaTeX ways of doing this (e.g

Framing images?

2020-09-29 Thread Mike Gauland
I'd like to have a frame around images in my exported documents. I'm primarily interested in LaTeX export, but html is a secondary concern. Is there any easy way to do this that I'm failing to find? Kind regards, Mike

Re: Accessing properties in code blocks

2020-01-09 Thread Mike Gauland
Looking at git, it seems that was introduced in 9.2. On 10/01/2020 10:32 am, sergio ruiz wrote: I am getting: eval: Symbol’s function definition is void: org-macro--get-property I am using: Org mode version 9.1.9 (release_9.1.9-65-g5e4542 @

Re: Accessing properties in code blocks

2020-01-09 Thread Mike Gauland
On 10/01/2020 9:23 am, sergio ruiz wrote: * Report section :PROPERTIES: :url: :END: I'd like to have several sections like this. Each section woudl have different values for the same property. They would make different calls to respective url. something like

Re: [org-babel] String interpolation using shell

2020-01-09 Thread Mike Gauland
On 10/01/2020 5:56 am, sergio ruiz wrote: #+BEGIN_SRC shell :var url_input=url_name   curl url_input #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: ^^ This doesn't work. It is trying to use "url_input" in the curl command. You need  a $ in front of the name when referencing a variable in the shell: #+BEGIN_SRC shell

[O] Getting text at position?

2019-06-09 Thread Mike Gauland
I'd like to be able to be able to get the text associated with a given heading (based on the current point, for example). Can anyone point me to an example for doing this in the approved manner (assuming there is one), or to functions to help with this? Kind regards, Mike

Re: [O] Org-mode as a metalanguage: calling SQL functions

2013-04-01 Thread Mike Gauland
. Kind Regards, Mike Gauland

[O] :wrap behaviour

2013-02-28 Thread Mike Gauland
., :wrap off) to disable wrapping. Of course, this makes it impossible to wrap your output in a BEGIN_OFF..END_OFF block, should you ever want to do that. + Use a special symbol instead of a string to turn off wrapping (e.g., :wrap :off) Kind Regards, Mike Gauland

Re: [O] How to make the new exporter open PDF using evince?

2013-02-24 Thread Mike Gauland
James Harkins jamshark70 at writes: A quick web search didn't turn up anything handy, so I thought I'd ask here. Is it possible to configure the new exporter to open a PDF (generated by LaTeX) using evince instead of okular? I think you can do that my changing the order of the

[O] Previewing inline-LaTeX with imagemagick?

2012-07-02 Thread Mike Gauland
I've been playing with tikz to create a flowchart in my org file. The image is rendered correctly when I export to PDF, of course, and setting the 'latex' option to 'imagemagick' generates a PNG when I export the file to HTML. However, if I try to preview that block with org-preview-latex-fragment

[Orgmode] Re: [babel] support plantuml

2010-08-25 Thread Mike Gauland
This looks very useful, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. Do you have an example? I tried this: #+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file uml.png Alice - Bob: Authentication Request Bob -- Alice: Authentication Response Alice - Bob: Another authentication Request Alice -- Bob:

[Orgmode] Re: [babel] support plantuml

2010-08-25 Thread Mike Gauland
Mike Gauland mikelygee at writes: I can get an image if I evaluate the block manually (e.g., via 'C-c C-c' with the cursor on the BEGIN block), but when I export the file the image is invalid. I figured it out. I was getting extra carriage returns in the file. I've fixed them

[Orgmode] Indentation in html tables

2010-07-16 Thread Mike Gauland
I frequently use a columnview dynamic block to create a table (generally a task list, with effort estimates and notes). I export these to HTML, so they look pretty for my Emacsphobic colleagues. I've noticed that when my table includes nested levels, sometimes the level is indicated in the HTML

[Orgmode] Estimate ranges in column view

2010-06-17 Thread Mike Gauland
When planning my work, I estimate the effort required as a range, rather than a single value. That is, instead of estimating a certain task will take 4 days, I'll use a range of 3-5 days. If I'm a bit less confident I know how long it will take, I'll use a wider range (e.g., 2-6 days). When I