Am 20.12.2011 01:12, schrieb Bernt Hansen:
Marc-Oliver Ihm<>  writes:

There is probably some overlap here, but I do not see a way to find the 
timstamps of CLOSED
entries with the agenda. So the agenda does not show what you have 
accomplished, only what
is still open.

Another point are maybe inactive timestamps, which I use a lot to simply mark 
my notes with
the current date. I do not know, if they readily show up in the agenda.

Try this in the daily/weekly agenda view:

C-u l to show clock logs, state changes, and closed time stamps [ to show 

HTH, Bernt

Hi Bernt, Hi list,

Now I have checked the commands available in the agenda and you are right: The 
agenda already
contains excellent functionality to do nearly all of the things, my package 

Therefore I deprecated it on Worg by adding this line:

This module is now deprecated, because it mostly duplicates functionality 
already provided
by the agenda; see the list of agenda commands and especially 'v l' for viewing 
entries, 'v [' for showing inactive timestamps and 'j' to display the agenda 
for a specified

Thanx again for pointing this out !

Before polishing my next package for publishing, I will first ask the mailing list for any pointers to prior art :-)

with kind regards, Marc-Oliver Ihm

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