Hi all,

Consider the following testing.el

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
  (add-to-list 'load-path "~/sources/org-mode/lisp/")
  (let ((org-agenda-files '("testing.org")))

and the following testing.org

#+begin_src org
  ,* Heading
  On peut aussi utiliser #+SETUPFILE.

Launching those with
  emacs -l testing.el testing.org
shows[1] that the buffer testing.org doesn't have its headline in blue
like it should. If I then launch Gnus for instance, it also has problems
of missing colors.

I've had such a line in one of my org file for one year now, and it used
to work fine, but I have to catch my train right now so can't debug
further atm. Maybe this rings a bell already ?


[1] This loads the .el file, which in particular loads testing.org, and
then shows that buffer

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