as topic states, below example and extact messages copied from *Messages* buffer

--------------- 8< ---------------

#+TITLE: Example
#+AUTHOR: Vladimir Lomov
#+DESCRIPTION: This example shows a problem with Org mode and Emacs 108681
#+OPTIONS: LaTeX:dvipng ^:{} toc:nil num:nil

* Example of code

#+NAME: example
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle ex1-example :shebang "#!/bin/bash"
echo "Hello, World"

When 'tangling' from Org document using =C-c C-v t= the minibuffer (echo area) 
byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: ap

When exporting to HTML using =C-c C-e h= in minibuffer I see
org-export-preprocess-string: Symbol's function definition is void: interblock

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P.S. I'm not familiar with emacs-lisp at all, but according to messages
and bzr log I suspect the problem with bytecomp.el.

Also, please note that GTK3 build is broken for revs. from 108687 til
108698, repaired in 108699.

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

Just once I would like to persuade the audience not to wear any article of
blue denim.  If only they could see themselves in a pair of brown corduroys
like mine instead of this awful, boring blue denim.  I don't enjoy the sky
or sea as much as I used to because of this Levi character.  If Jesus Christ
came back today, He and I would get into our brown corduroys and go to the
nearest jean store and overturn the racks of blue denim.  Then we'd get
crucified in the morning.
                -- Ian Anderson, of Jethro Tull

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