
I'm no coder but the relevant html seems to be:

<div id="fig:threearrows" class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/threearrows.png" width="300" height="300" align="center" alt="./images/threearrows.png" /></p>
<p>Buried services suite</p>

The source Org file is called (in Windows)


Where folder "site" contains all the files.

Manual1.org calls a dozen #+INCLUDEd Org files arrranged like this:


using this format: in Manual1.org


* Introduction to this manual :scope:

This is an experimental manual, with selected export. The selected text is based on the tag "scope".

#+INCLUDE: "../foldername/filename.org"


The images are arranged like this:


All the image files are included in each of the filename.org files something like this:

#+ATTR_HTML: width="500" height="500" align="center"
#+CAPTION: My picture
#+LABEL: fig:mypicure

When I export from filename.org (to LateX and html), the images obligingly appear.

However when I export from Manual.org, there is the standard broken picture link.

I suspect that the exporter is looking for the image in

\site\Experimental-manuals\images\mypicture.png (which doesn't exist)

where it should be looking in




On , Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> wrote:


> Hi




> I am trying to export html from an Org file "A.org". The Org file is largly

> constructed from other Org files "1.org", "2.org", "3.org", etc. via

> "#+INCLUDE:". These "1.org", "2.org", "3.org", etc. files have a number of images

> included.




> However the images aren't included in the export of A.org.




> What I think is happening is that the images are being looked for in the relative

> path from "A.org", whereas they should be looked at for in the relative path from

> the "1.org", "2.org" files. Am I correct, and is there a workaround (other than

> using an absolute path)?


Provide an example of dir organization, some simple orgfiles and the

generated html output samples.

The more the details and samples provided more there would be incentive

for someone to help you out.

Jambunathan K.



> Thanks


> John


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