Hi Org List,

This is cross-posted here: 

I've run into a strange bug. This is reproducible on my machine with "emacs 
-Q", but not with with emacs-sandbox 
https://github.com/alphapapa/emacs-sandbox.sh/ so I don't know if you'll be 
able to recreate this...

Problem: When exporting an Org file that contains 1) <<noweb>> refs and 2) 
id:link links to CUSTOM_ID, then Org parses files all over my filesystem. Given 
that this happens with "emacs -Q", I don't know why it would be opening files 
in random folders!

The MWE Org file that I'm opening and exporting is:

=========================== BEGIN ===============================

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results value :noweb yes :eval no-export

#+NAME: bar
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results value :noweb yes :eval no-export

* Bug: Export with IDs and links

+ Link to id:foo

=========================== END ===============================

The file is eventually exported correctly and the link works. I think I found 
the bug - when I run org-lint, I am told

> 18 high  Unknown ID "foo"

And when I change "CUSTOM_ID" to "ID", then everything works. No bug. No random 
files parsed. With CUSTOM_ID I can see it parse files throughout my filesystem 
(how does it find them??) because I get this error message about 10x:

> The local variables in /path/to/folder
> contains values that may not be safe (*).
> Do you want to apply it? You can type
> [snip]
>     * eval: (pyvenv-activate "/path/to/anaconda/envs/env")

The bug needs both the id: link to CUSTOM_ID *and* the <<noweb>> ref. If I 
comment out the <<noweb>> ref, then the bug does not appear.

I thought named IDs were supposed to go into CUSTOM_ID properties rather than 
ID properties. Is this incorrect?

Does anyone know why Org is parsing files in random folders when I have a bad 
ID and a <<noweb>>?



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