Good evening,

A few months ago I migrated my Org-Mode configuration from PDFLaTeX to XeTeX.
It is great using "real fonts" and Unicode symbols, and my Org-Mode
configuration only needed a few changes to use XeTeX. Although I didn't read
any documentation on XeTeX, I know enough about LaTeX to stay out of trouble.
When I got around to choosing my primary fonts though I got a taste of my lack
of Unicode knowledge.

The fontspec let's you set up the three main fonts like this

\setmainfont{DejaVu Serif}
\setsansfont{DejaVu Sans}[Scale=MatchLowercase]
\setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono}[Scale=MatchLowercase]

And I figured those would cover at least the emoticon Unicode block. Nope!
Empty boxes appear the first time I want to use a 😈. Sheesh. Never knew how
much work font authors face to cover the code blocks. Now I do. Anyway I am
left scratching my head how to use emoticons in my documents without changing
my three font configurations. And I'm not the only one.

The ucharclass packages exists to solve
this topic. It detects the Unicode block for the characters and changes the
font in place. However #1 I couldn't get it working and #2 the package has no
maintainer. After looking at it I don't think I can do it so I looked for
another way to handle this.

This post
explains how to change the font for a particular region. It works great. I
tested it out for my use cases and it works fine. Here is an example file:

The domino doesn't exist in my default font.
{\xxtx But it does in here: 🁝.}

The ability to use Unicode in Org-Mode and seamlessly export it to PDF via
XeTeX is so nice. And it looks pretty easy to handle different fontx in the
code. So I figured I could write an exporter that extends ox-latex exporter to
do this for me.

The exporter would be basic: it would look at every single character, figure out
if it is in a "special to me" block, and if it is use a different font. My
plan is that simple.

Questions for you:

- What do you think of this?
- What would you do here?
- Would you use it?

My use case is pretty simple, being able to use emoticons and APL characters
and stuff. And I can't be the only one that would use it. I'm reaching out
here though because I'm pretty out of touch in regards to other Org-Mode XeTeX



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