Hi all,

I recently configured my emacs with visual alerts for lines longer
than (say) 80 columns.  I used two mechanisms for this:

  1. the built-in `whitespace-mode', with `whitespace-style' including
     the 'lines-tail symbol

  2. the fill-column-indicator package, which draws a vertical line
     at the 80th column

Unfortunately, neither work well with org-mode:

  1. `whitespace-mode' isn't smart enough to realise that a hyperlink
     [[http://foo][bar]] only occupies 3 columns of visual display, so
     it counts every character as occupying a column, leading to the
     `whitespace-line' face being used to highlight more of the end of
     the line than it should.

  2. fill-column-indicator only displays the vertical line for
     fully visible subtrees

I don't know how the display magic in org-mode works, so unfortunately
I've no idea how to address this.  Any help gratefully received!



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