Okay, resend in a more concise way.

! Problem:
| (setq org-agenda-time-grid (quote 
|       ((daily weekly today require-timed) "----------------" 
|       ( 000 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2359))))
-> args-out-of-range!

! Reason:
,----[ org-agenda-add-time-grid-maybe ]
|       (while (setq time (pop gridtimes))
|       (unless (and remove (member time have))
| =>      (setq time (int-to-string time))
|         (push (org-format-agenda-item
|                nil string "" nil
| =>             (concat (substring time 0 -2) ":" (substring time -2)))
|               new)
|         (put-text-property
|          1 (length (car new)) 'face 'org-time-grid (car new))))

,----[ Analysis ]
| (setq time (int-to-string time)) => time= "0", so
| (substring time 0 -2) => args-out-of-range.

! Possible Fix:
|           (unless (and remove (member time have))
|             (setq time (int-to-string time))
| ;;MAN make sure time is at least 3 characters long or substring will fail
+ =>          (when (< (length time) 3) (setq time (concat "00" time)))  
|             (push (org-format-agenda-item

! Questions:
| a) Will this break anything I am not aware of yet?
| b) Is there a better way to achieve this?

Memnon Anon

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