
I can make this happen in the org file between the dashes:
* headline1
* headline2
* headline3
If I put the cursor at the end of headline2 and then hit M-enter, M-rightArrow, the result is a new headline with no space between the '*' and the cursor.

From: Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OK, next try:

I can reproduce this is a headline that contains only ***, bit no TODO keyword.
If there is a TODO keyword, the space is preserved.

I am also fixing this.....

- Carsten

On Dec 16, 2006, at 21:03, Scott Jaderholm wrote:

I definitely have this problem in the middle of the buffer with 4.59. Console mode.


On 12/14/06, Carsten Dominik < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 On Dec 13, 2006, at 17:37, Scott Jaderholm wrote:


It is nice that M-RET adds a space after the last * so that you can
start typing right away. If I M-left/right the headline though
I have typed anything then that charity space is eliminated, and I
often find myself accidently typing ***Something like this instead
*** This. Can we make it so M-left/right preserves the space?
This is only a problem at the end of the buffer, I think.
For this case I have now fixed it, will be in 4.60.
If you also see that problem in the middle of the buffer,
let me know and we will dig deeper.

- Carsten

Emacs-orgmode mailing list

Carsten Dominik
Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
phone: +31 20 525 7477


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:29:23 +0100
From: Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Table questions
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

On Dec 14, 2006, at 17:19, Michael wrote:

I recently started using org-mode and love its table feature. Here are some
questions that I have:

1. In table calculation, how to refer to a cell in a different column and different row? Specifically, I want column 8 row 5 to be the ratio of
   column 7 row 5 and column 7 row 4.

You cannot, at least currently.  I am not sure how well this would
work, because the table editor makes it very easy to swap rows, columns,
to add and delete columns, and such references would become invalid
unless one would carefully track these changes.  There is a limit
of what is still reasonable with the concept of org-mode tables.
If you want to create really complicated tables, maybe you are better off
with a link to another file in which you use SES, or even Excel.

Having said this, I do want to do a bit more in this direction, but
this is nowhere near completion.

2. I think the table minor mode would be a fantastic tool in editing tables in a LaTeX file. I wonder whether it is possible to let orgtbl recognize \begin{tabular}\end{tabular} and use & as column delimiter rather than |
   (also respect end of line \\)?

Yes, I think it would and I have been thinking to make this possible.
However, once I allow this, people will want to use \multicolumn, and
this seems for me to be beyond the scope.

Have you tried

    M-x align-current RET

in a LaTeX table?  It does wonders.

- Carsten


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:39:32 +0100
From: Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Table questions
To: "Eddward DeVilla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

I have no plans to make something as complicated as this work with
the orgtbl mode.  I agree it would be nice to have, but I would not know
where to start.

- Carsten

On Dec 15, 2006, at 17:08, Eddward DeVilla wrote:

I'll follow this up with a few more wishes.  Could the table minor
mode maybe be extended to allow the user to define delimiters?  Say
draw a picture?

struct hugeStaticTable initData = {
 // Draw a picture
 // ORG-ROW-DEF { /* key*/ $1 , /* name */ $2 , /* location */ {  /*
x */ $3 , /* y */ $4 } , /* comment*/ $5 },
 { /* key */ 0, /* name */ "Bob", /* location */ { /* x */ 10.0, /* y
*/ 3.2 }, /* comment */ "You know.  Bob!  Bob.  Good times... Good
times..." }
 { /* key */ 1, /* name */ "Joe", /* location */ { /* x */ 5.5, /* y
*/ 4.4 },  /* comment */ "One fine batter." }

I code with a lot of static tables that are populated by hand.
Keeping them formatted is critical to keeping the code maintainable.
I'd think that this example might be too much for the table-minor
mode, but if there were a way to at least define a row beginning, end
and field separator, it might help.

struct S d = {
 // ORG-ROW-DEF '{'  ',' '}'
 { f1 , f2 , f3 , f4 }


On 12/14/06, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I recently started using org-mode and love its table feature. Here are some
questions that I have:

1. In table calculation, how to refer to a cell in a different column and different row? Specifically, I want column 8 row 5 to be the ratio of
   column 7 row 5 and column 7 row 4.

2. I think the table minor mode would be a fantastic tool in editing tables in a LaTeX file. I wonder whether it is possible to let orgtbl recognize \begin{tabular}\end{tabular} and use & as column delimiter rather than |
   (also respect end of line \\)?



Emacs-orgmode mailing list

Emacs-orgmode mailing list

Carsten Dominik
Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
phone: +31 20 525 7477


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 12:43:45 +0100
From: Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] bug with table in indirect buffer
To: "Eddward DeVilla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: emacs-orgmode <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

Yes, there is a bug, it causes problems with quite a few table
operations when the buffer is narrowed.

Thanks a lot.

- Carsten

On Dec 15, 2006, at 21:13, Eddward DeVilla wrote:


I found a bug with table formatting in an indirect buffer.  In the
file below, if you open the second bullet (My little microcosm) in an
indirect buffer and cause a table format with say C-c C-c, the table
will reformat but afterwards the cursor will be moved to the beginning
of the buffer.  Interestingly enough, this doesn't seem to happen if
the bullet is the first line of the file.

------- -------

* top of the world (but not top of the file)
*** My little microcosm (open me in indirect buffer)
   | reformat me in indirect buffer



Emacs-orgmode mailing list

Carsten Dominik
Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
phone: +31 20 525 7477


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 16:59:49 +0400
From: "Dmitri Minaev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Orgmode] logging transitional states
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


I use org-mode with TODO keywords denoting workflow states. E.g., when
tracking purchases, I set the keywords to:


Is there a way to log the dates not only for the completion (SENT
state), but also for all transitional states?

Thank you.

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