Chris Randle schrieb:
> Hi
> I've been converting a file that contains dates in this format:
> dd/mm/yyyy
> to Org-mode inactive format. It's pretty simple using regular expression
> search & replace, except that I get this far:
> [yyyy-mm-dd ]
> and can't find a way to put the day of the week in there. Individually,
> I can do a 'C-u 0 S-right' on each date, and that shifts the date 0 days
> into the future, and fills in the day of the week.
> This also impacts on cases (unusual and unlikely, I grant you) where you
> might have an incorrect day:
> [2007-11-12 Tue] (should be Mon)
> As far as I can see, that will stay like this until the date is shifted
> in some way.
> Is there any way to parse an entire region/buffer for Org-mode dates and
> refresh their day of the week text?

I would probably do this with an Emacs macro,
searching for the date as a regex, moving to the space before "]" and shifting 
rigth and again shifting left.
This will end up with the right week day for each date.


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