Kyle Meyer <> writes:

> Can't you inspect the return value of org-git-version?

That can work out, though unless I'm missing something, I need to move
to the org-mode repository, ask "git branch --contains", and parse the
output.  Possible, but somewhat involved.

(TIL: git-describe's "{tag}-{nbcommits}-g{hash}" is actually a valid
revision format that other Git commands understand.)

For the sake of completeness, I've tried visiting org.el and evaluating

    (package-desc-version (package-buffer-info))

but package-buffer-info ends up calling (version-to-list "9.4-dev"),
which chokes on "-dev".  FWIW, that can be worked around with:

    (add-to-list 'version-regexp-alist (cons "^-dev$" -1))

>                                                         (Though in my
> view, distinguishing based on the functionality present with things like
> fboundp, which you mention below, is typically a better approach, if
> possible.)

Right, that's my conclusion as well :)

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