Hi All,

I've seen time and again folks get bitten by trying to install Org with `package.el' while having Org loaded. The latest, but certainly not the first and not the last: https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode/comments/jicj1k/how_to_use_org_version_from_orgpluscontrib/

This is well known, and indeed the manual states "important" in bold to say that "You need to do this in a session where no ‘.org’ file has been visited, i.e., where no Org built-in function have been loaded."

But it is not always easy to ensure that, even when you know what you are doing. And certainly not trivial to users less acquainted with the package system and how library loading works, etc.

However, there is a very easy way to ensure that installation/byte-compilation is done in a clean environment in package `async', namely `async-bytecomp-package-mode'. From my experience, I have a simple:

   (use-package async-bytecomp
     :ensure async
     :defer t
     (async-bytecomp-allowed-packages 'all)
     (async-bytecomp-package-mode t))

in my init file. My `initial-major-mode' is `org-mode' and I've never had an installation problem, even though I update `org-plus-contrib' carelessly at will on a live session.

`async' is by John Wiegley, and available both at ELPA and MELPA.

Wouldn't it be worth mentioning it in the manual and/or in the site/Worg?

Best regards,

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