Re: [O] mixed orgmode installation

2014-01-03 Thread Sharon Kimble
On Thu, 2 Jan 2014 08:06:46 + (UTC)
Justin Gordon wrote:

 Achim Gratz Stromeko at writes:
  John Hendy writes:
   Then again, is Worg saying that if `M-x org-version` outputs the
   correct answer... we're all set and there's nothing to worry
  The output of org-version is determined essentially by checking for
  two files from the installation and comparing where they would be
  loaded from.  This catches the most common problems, but certainly
  not all.  In particular, it won't see when the load-path has been
  changed after some parts of Org have already been loaded from
  someplace else (but org-reload will give a warning for this case).
 If I byte compile a file, I get this message:
 In org-jekyll-publish-to-html:
 ox-jekyll.el:280:4:Warning: org-publish-org-to called with 5
 arguments, but accepts only 4
 This is because my installation is pointing to the emacs default
 version rather than my version  from git. If I do C-h f and look up
 this function, I get pointed to the emacs default version.
 However, if I do org-version, I get the proper new version.
 However, if I do list-load-path-shadows, I can verify that
 org-publish is not shadowed, and that's probably due to the fact that
 the new file is called ox-publish.
 How do I fix this???
 I've tried  

You’ve tried what? You seem to have cut off in mid-sentence. 

I had the same problem on debian testing which I resolved by removing
the debian version and going solely with the one from ELPA, in your
case from git. I'm pretty sure that the git version will be more
up-to-date than your distro version! :)

A taste of linux =
efever =
efever =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
Registered Linux user 561944

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] are heading properties always strings?

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Hi John,

John Kitchin writes:

 2. I guess it makes sense that properties would be read as strings,
 but that wasn't obvious from the documentation they would be strings.

 3. It also wasn't obvious that you have to give org-entry-put a
 string. If you try to set it to an integer, you get strange control
 characters like ^A or ^C.

Can you tell which place in the documentation you expect to find this
information?  In functions' docstrings or in the manual?



Re: [O] html - how to make table of contents floating? - Stack Overflow

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Hi Joseph,

Joseph Vidal-Rosset writes:

 It is true that the floating table of contents in orgmode is very
 friendly-using and eyecandy.

You mean the table of contents on this web page?

 So, if someone can send on the list this .org file example, it would
 be a nice gift for this new year.

You can find Worg CSS here:



Re: [O] are heading properties always strings?

2014-01-03 Thread Achim Gratz
Bastien writes:
 3. It also wasn't obvious that you have to give org-entry-put a
 string. If you try to set it to an integer, you get strange control
 characters like ^A or ^C.

 Can you tell which place in the documentation you expect to find this
 information?  In functions' docstrings or in the manual?

Besides documenting the requirement, I guess it makes sense to check for
stringiness before using the argument.

+[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]+

SD adaptations for Waldorf Q V3.00R3 and Q+ V3.54R2:

Re: [O] Org-drill installation

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Hi Todd,

Todd Neufeld writes:

 I am very new to Emacs and Org-mode,
 but am really enjoying it so far.


 I am having trouble installing org-drill,
 or at least running it.

 I have followed the directions of checking off the drill box in the
 customize variables - org module, as directed from the worg page.
 And I have made sure it was saved.

 It seems, to my beginner's eyes, to be in my .emacs file.
 But when I go to run spanish,org I get [No match] or at first a message
 Wrong type argument: commandp, org-id-get-with-outline-drilling.

 I have been trying to install org-drill manually, but have been unsuccessful.

 Any help would be much appreciated, and thanks for indulgence with a very
 beginner question/ situation.

Can you run M-x emacs-version RET and M-x org-version RET and report
what versions you are using for both Emacs and Org ?



Re: [O] [PATCH] Table continuation strings

2014-01-03 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Yasushi SHOJI writes:

 Right.  It is doable, but for Japanese I don't think anyone wants to
 do it, or at least not a ordinal usage, IMO.


 Ok, I've checked what I can.  It seems working at least for me.  Let's
 patch up the `org-export-dictionary' to see it breaks for others.


 Here is a patch to convert all Japanese entries from :utf-8
 to :default.

I applied it. Thank you.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] [PATCH] Table continuation strings

2014-01-03 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Yasushi SHOJI writes:

 And here is a patch for the rest of Japanese translation strings.

Applied. Thank you.


Nicolas Goaziou

[O] Faces issue with plain lists under second-level headings?

2014-01-03 Thread James Harkins
I'm not sure if this is reported, but I spotted a minor faces bug just 

Put this into an Org buffer.

** Headline
  - *Bold* non-bold
  - *Bold* non-bold
  - Non-bold

Put the cursor on Headline and do M-left, M-right. When the heading is 
any level other than second, no problem. But at the second level, the first 
boldface appears in normal type, while the second item's boldface works 

File this under trivial annoyance, but maybe easy to fix?

Org-mode version 8.2.4 (release_8.2.4-1-gb7d674 @ 

; omitting some variables that are only for agendas and exports

 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(column-number-mode t)
'(compilation-error-screen-columns nil)
'(global-hl-line-mode t)
'(hl-line-sticky-flag nil)
'(initial-frame-alist (quote ((menu-bar-lines . 1) (height . 47) (width . 

'(iswitchb-case t)
'(iswitchb-mode t)
'(org-agenda-cmp-user-defined (quote bh/agenda-sort-by-heading-date))
'(org-agenda-window-setup (quote current-window))
'(org-babel-load-languages (quote ((emacs-lisp . t) (sh . t) (org . t) 
(lilypond . t
'(org-beamer-environments-extra (quote ((CJK Z \\begin{CJK}%a%H 
\\end{CJK}) (onlyenv O \\begin{onlyenv}%a \\end{onlyenv}) 
(overlayarea Y \\begin{overlayarea}%r%a \\end{overlayarea}

'(org-blank-before-new-entry (quote ((heading) (plain-list-item
'(org-confirm-babel-evaluate t)
'(org-cycle-include-plain-lists (quote integrate))
'(org-directory ~/Documents/mobileorg)
'(org-export-allow-bind-keywords t)
'(org-export-latex-coding-system (quote utf-8))
'(org-export-odt-preferred-output-format pdf)
'(org-export-with-smart-quotes t)
'(org-habit-show-all-today t)
'(org-hide-leading-stars t)
'(org-id-link-to-org-use-id (quote 

'(org-latex-listings t)
'(org-latex-packages-alist nil)
'(org-latex-pdf-process (quote (xelatex -interaction nonstopmode 
-output-directory %o %f xelatex -interaction nonstopmode 
-output-directory %o %f xelatex -interaction nonstopmode 
-output-directory %o %f)))

'(org-latex-table-caption-above nil)
'(org-latex-title-command \\maketitle)
'(org-latex-to-pdf-process (quote (xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %s 
xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %s)))

'(org-link-to-org-use-id (quote create-if-interactive-and-no-custom-id))
'(org-mobile-directory /home/dlm/Ubuntu One/mobileorg)
'(org-mobile-files (quote (org-agenda-files 

'(org-mobile-inbox-for-pull ~/Documents/mobileorg/
'(org-modules (quote (org-bbdb org-bibtex org-docview org-gnus org-habit 
org-id org-info org-jsinfo org-irc org-mew org-mhe org-rmail org-vm org-wl 

'(org-odt-convert-process unoconv)
'(org-show-siblings (quote ((default) (isearch t
'(org-timeline-show-empty-dates nil)
'(org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence TODO MAYBE INPROG MTG | 

'(org-url-hexify-p nil)
'(show-paren-mode t)
'(word-wrap t))


Re: [O] html - how to make table of contents floating? - Stack Overflow

2014-01-03 Thread Joseph Vidal-Rosset
2014/1/3 Bastien

 Hi Joseph,

Hi Bastien,

 Joseph Vidal-Rosset writes:

  It is true that the floating table of contents in orgmode is very
  friendly-using and eyecandy.

 You mean the table of contents on this web page?

Yes I do.

  So, if someone can send on the list this .org file example, it would
  be a nice gift for this new year.

 You can find Worg CSS here:

Thanks, I will have a look on documentation to understand how to produce by
default html file with this CSS style. I guess that it it perfecty possible
in org-mode of course.

Merci encore pour ce travail fantastique sur org-mode, c'est un outil
génial, et tous mes voeux pour 2014 !


Re: [O] [RFC] ox-ascii.el: fixing variable width character handling

2014-01-03 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Yasushi SHOJI writes:

 Ok here is new one.  I've been using for a while.  Hope it works for

Thank you. It looks mostly good, but I cannot apply it on top of master
branch. Could you rebase and send an updated version?

 * lisp/ox-ascii.el (org-ascii--current-text-width): Convert `length'
   to `string-width'.
   (org-ascii--build-title): Likewise.
   (org-ascii--build-toc): Likewise.
   (org-ascii--list-listings): Likewise.
   (org-ascii--list-tables): Likewise.
   (org-ascii-template--document-title): Likewise.
   (org-ascii-inner-template): Likewise.
   (org-ascii-format-inlinetask-default): Likewise.
   (org-ascii-item): Likewise.
   (org-ascii--table-cell-width): Likewise.
   (org-ascii-table-cell): Likewise.
   (org-ascii--current-text-width): Likewise.

The usual format is

  (org-ascii--build-title, org-ascii--build-toc, ...): Likewise.

IOW, you don't need a new line for each function.

 -  (let ((struct (org-element-property :structure parent-item))
 -(beg-item (org-element-property :begin parent-item)))
 +  (let* ((struct (org-element-property :structure parent-item))
 + (beg-item (org-element-property :begin parent-item))
 + (tag (org-list-get-tag beg-item struct))
 + (bullet (org-list-get-bullet beg-item struct)))

Since you don't use these variables below, you can skip both tag and
bullet binding.

  (+ (- (org-list-get-ind beg-item struct)
 (org-list-get-top-point struct) struct))
 -   (length (org-ascii--checkbox parent-item info))
 -   (length
 +   (string-width (or (org-ascii--checkbox parent-item info) 
 +   (string-width
  (or (org-list-get-tag beg-item struct)
 -(org-list-get-bullet beg-item struct)
 +(org-list-get-bullet beg-item struct)


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Faces issue with plain lists under second-level headings?

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
James Harkins writes:

 I'm not sure if this is reported, but I spotted a minor faces bug
 just now.

 Put this into an Org buffer.

 ** Headline
   - *Bold* non-bold
   - *Bold* non-bold
   - Non-bold

 Put the cursor on Headline and do M-left, M-right. When the heading
 is any level other than second, no problem. But at the second level,
 the first boldface appears in normal type, while the second item's
 boldface works properly.

 File this under trivial annoyance, but maybe easy to fix?

This should be fixed in maint now, thanks for reporting this!


Re: [O] Folding buglet?

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Hi Thomas, (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

 Aloha all,

 * Folding issue
  - One
  - Two

 With this Org mode buffer, which ends immediately after Two with no
 new line, the o of Two shows up when the headline is folded:

 * Folding issue...o

 Obviously, not a big deal, but not expected behavior.

Yes.  I've not searched deep into Org, but I suspect this is
related to outline rather than Org.

Btw, I didn't notice this before because I use

 (setq require-final-newline t)

which you might find useful.

 BTW, 2013 was a good year for Org mode in my book.  Many thanks for all
 the improvements to this already-awesome software.  The Org mode
 community is a source of real pleasure.  Happy New Year!

Indeed -- thanks to everyone involved!


Re: [O] are heading properties always strings?

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Achim Gratz writes:

 Bastien writes:
 3. It also wasn't obvious that you have to give org-entry-put a
 string. If you try to set it to an integer, you get strange control
 characters like ^A or ^C.

 Can you tell which place in the documentation you expect to find this
 information?  In functions' docstrings or in the manual?

 Besides documenting the requirement, I guess it makes sense to check for
 stringiness before using the argument.

Indeed, done here:


Re: [O] [HTML][PATCH] use 'class' instead of 'align' for caption

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Hi Vladimir,

Vladimir Lomov writes:

 I prepared a small patch to make ox-html use 'class' attribute instead
 of 'align' in caption element when it is used in tables.

I applied this patch.

I checked to hastily and
thought you already signed the FSF papers.

So I added a TINYCHANGE to your commit message.

You cannot submit new patches until you sign the FSF papers.
Thanks for considering this -- and let me know how I can help.



[O] Authorship and copyright of derived exporters

2014-01-03 Thread Robert Klein

I've been wondering, whom to put on the copyright line and author: lines
in a derived exporter.

For example, I have an exporter derived from the LaTeX backend which
basically is:

- the (org-export-define-derived-backend ...) call
- a renamed copy of org-latex-template modified by adding
  - five lines of comment
  - five times three lines of code
- a copy of the end-user functions of the LaTeX exporter,
  - the functions renamed for the derived exporter
  - 'latex inside them replaced for the derived exporter
- a couple of comment lines explaining the derived exporter

On the other side, I have another derived exporter (from the HTML
backend, this time) with way more of I've written myself,  but still the
end-user functions of the html backend (-export-as-html,
-convert-regino-to-html, -export-to-html, and -publish-to-html) copied,
renamed and 'html replaced inside those functions.

Should I copy the authors of the backends I derived from into my
file(s)?  I'd rather not leave them out, but, on the other hand, maybe
they don't want to be associated with my sometimes paltry attempts at

Thank you very much for your advice.

Best regards

Re: [O] Authorship and copyright of derived exporters

2014-01-03 Thread vilibald

 I've been wondering, whom to put on the copyright line and author: lines
 in a derived exporter.

 For example, I have an exporter derived from the LaTeX backend which
 basically is:

 - the (org-export-define-derived-backend ...) call
 - a renamed copy of org-latex-template modified by adding
   - five lines of comment
   - five times three lines of code
 - a copy of the end-user functions of the LaTeX exporter,
   - the functions renamed for the derived exporter
   - 'latex inside them replaced for the derived exporter
 - a couple of comment lines explaining the derived exporter

 On the other side, I have another derived exporter (from the HTML
 backend, this time) with way more of I've written myself,  but still the
 end-user functions of the html backend (-export-as-html,
 -convert-regino-to-html, -export-to-html, and -publish-to-html) copied,
 renamed and 'html replaced inside those functions.

 Should I copy the authors of the backends I derived from into my
 file(s)?  I'd rather not leave them out, but, on the other hand, maybe
 they don't want to be associated with my sometimes paltry attempts at

 Thank you very much for your advice.

 Best regards

Hi Robert,
I'm actually in similar position, I've created an exporter to dokuwiki and
creole formats, and looking at the contrib/lisp/ox-* files it seems that
nobody is mentioning original backend authors I'd say that if it is new
backend although derived than there's no need to mention them as you are
using it more like library functions

Best regards

Re: [O] Org-mode-publish: link to dedicated target accross files

2014-01-03 Thread Sébastien Brisard
Thanks for this quick answer. I have never built Org-mode myself (always
relied on ELPA), but will give it a go and will report.

Anyway, thank you for your dedication. Org is really a great tool !


2014/1/1 Nicolas Goaziou


 Sébastien Brisard writes:

  If I instead write
   [[file:./][Hashin and Shtrikman (1962)]]
  (without the #), then the behaviour is the exact opposite
  3. in Emacs, the link (including the dedicated target) is found
  4. in the exported HTML file, the link is incomplete (a
  What I would like is 2 + 3...

 I have pushed a change to html back-end (in master branch) so that an
 unresolved option should still appear in the exported link. IOW,


 will become

   a href=./file.html#target.../a

 This is slightly different from link resolution in a single buffer,
 because, in the case above, a headline named * target will have
 priority over a target.


 Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Bug: HTML Export doesn't handle internal link with spaces [8.0.7 (8.0.7-6-g13cb28-elpa @ /home/jbalint/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20130812/)]

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Nicolas Goaziou writes:

 IMO, `org-insert-link' shouldn't hexify links in all situations (if at


We can first narrow the set of url-hexified links to those matching
`org-link-types-re' (http://, ftp://.)

 Anyway, I can't think of any satisfactory solution at the moment.

See patch.

Of course, there will still be some false positives, because
`org-link-types-re' comprises custom link types, but this is
a step in the right direction IMO.

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index f7a038e..20e6e33 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -9793,11 +9793,10 @@ according to FMT (default from `org-email-link-description-format').
 	 (not (equal link (org-link-escape link
 (setq description (org-extract-attributes link)))
   (setq link
-	(cond ((string-match (org-image-file-name-regexp) link) link)
-	  ((string-match org-link-types-re link)
+	(cond ((string-match org-link-types-re link)
 	   (concat (match-string 1 link)
 		   (org-link-escape (substring link (match-end 1)
-	  (t (org-link-escape link
+	  (t link)))
   (concat [[ link ]
 	  (if description (concat [ description ]) )


Re: [O] Problem with #+BEGIN_SRC shell, and export

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien

Eric Schulte writes:

 Perhaps one could add '(shell . 'sh) to org-src-lang-modes.  That
 would protect against this particular error.  Whatever solution is
 adopted should be easily discovered and sidestepped in case anyone
 actually did want to export code using shell-mode for highlighting.

In this particular case, I don't think adding 

  '(shell . 'sh)

to `org-src-lang-modes' will help, as shell-mode is a mode for
shell interactions, not just shell editing.  So the user probably
wanted sh-mode instead.

As for making it easier to discover I don't know, the docstring
seems complete enough to me.


Re: [O] Bug: HTML Export doesn't handle internal link with spaces [8.0.7 (8.0.7-6-g13cb28-elpa @ /home/jbalint/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20130812/)]

2014-01-03 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Bastien writes:

 See patch.

 Of course, there will still be some false positives, because
 `org-link-types-re' comprises custom link types, but this is
 a step in the right direction IMO.

Also, I think there will be a problem if an internal link contains
brackets. E.g, how to create an internal link to the following headline?

 * Some [headline]

Anyway, I agree this is a step in the right direction.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] org-sort-agenda-notime-is-late is mishandled in org-cmp-ts

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien

Michael Hoffman writes:

 On 12/01/2013 12:12 PM, Michael Crouch wrote:
 Bug report for 8.2.3c:

 When org-agenda-sorting-strategy is set to deadline-up (or similar
 values), the Global Todo list always places non-timestamped entries at
 the beginning, even when org-sort-agenda-notime-is-late is true.  This
 is inconsistent with the behavior when org-agenda-sorting-strategy is

 I believe the problem is that the org-cmp-ts function copied a line from
 the older org-cmp-time function:
 (def (if org-sort-agenda-notime-is-late 9901 -1))

 9901 is later than all times of day, but not later than all date/time

 I get this too on org 8.2.4. Replacing 9901 with most-positive-fixnum
 fixes the problem.

This is now fixed in maint.  Thanks for reporting this and for
providing the fix.


Re: [O] [RFC] About `org-export-with-\(fixed-width\|tables\)'

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Florian Beck writes:

 I don't think option 2 is really useful, but I don't mind either way.

 Actually, I would find it useful (because I sometimes export my notes as
 an ebook and tables get garbled on the way).



Re: [O] Problem with #+BEGIN_SRC shell, and export

2014-01-03 Thread Sharon Kimble
On Fri, 03 Jan 2014 15:53:34 +0100
Bastien wrote:

 Eric Schulte writes:
  Perhaps one could add '(shell . 'sh) to org-src-lang-modes.  That
  would protect against this particular error.  Whatever solution is
  adopted should be easily discovered and sidestepped in case anyone
  actually did want to export code using shell-mode for highlighting.
 In this particular case, I don't think adding 
   '(shell . 'sh)
 to `org-src-lang-modes' will help, as shell-mode is a mode for
 shell interactions, not just shell editing.  So the user probably
 wanted sh-mode instead.
 As for making it easier to discover I don't know, the docstring
 seems complete enough to me.
Also using '' is deprecated in current-day bash scripting, it
should just be 'foobar'. But one thing is always current, the shebang -
#!/bin/bash. That, or whatever scripting language is being used
bash/dash/zsh/whatever, it will always say '#!/bin/WHATEVER' applicable
to its scripting language. 

A taste of linux =
efever =
efever =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
Registered Linux user 561944

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] [PATCH] Re: \newpage in HTML export

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Nicolas Goaziou writes:

 So in short:  If page breaks are not in org directly many people will
 end up with inferior and/or less portable org files.

 For the record, after thinking about it, I'd rather stay away from
 invisible characters in Org syntax, would it be page breaks or
 non-breaking spaces.

FWIW I fully support not using invisible chars in Org syntax.


Re: [O] Authorship and copyright of derived exporters

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Robert Klein writes:

 Should I copy the authors of the backends I derived from into my
 file(s)?  I'd rather not leave them out, but, on the other hand, maybe
 they don't want to be associated with my sometimes paltry attempts at

A derived backend only works when the upstream one is available, so
I'd say no, there is no need to mention authors of the upstream one.
`org-export-define-derived-backend' is just a function generating
code from other pieces of code.


Re: [O] Should org-narrow-to-subtree be disabled by default?

2014-01-03 Thread Rasmus
Bastien writes:

 Rasmus writes:

 Bastien writes:

 one good way to decide could be to ask people here if they ever
 accidentally narrowed the view to a subtree -- I never did.

 No.  But I know the concept of narrowing, which may be unfamiliar to
 some.  I find narrowing super useful, especially when writing longer

 I checked narrow-to-defun, and it is not disabled by default, only
 narrow-to-region and narrow-to-page, which are both accessible in any

 As org-narrow-to-* functions are only accessible from org-mode buffers
 and not that easily called by accident (I haven't seen any report like
 this in years), I suggest we stick to the current setup.

Fine with me.

 Also, I tend to think Emacs is on the paranoid side here, I don't
 think newbies can hit C-x n n accidentally...

 Perhaps an easier way to narrow by accident is through
 org-speed-commands-default, i.e. speedkey s.

 Yes, but newbies don't use speed commands without knowing what they
 do, do they?

Probably not since org-use-speed-commands is nil by default.

A page of history is worth a volume of logic

Re: [O] Authorship and copyright of derived exporters

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien writes:

 I'm actually in similar position, I've created an exporter to dokuwiki and
 creole formats,

Interesting -- can you share a pointer to these contributions?



Re: [O] org-publish parameters mismatch → cannot publish to HTML

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Hi Daniel,

Daniel Clemente writes:

 True. And I was following an outdated page which used

Can you fix this page?  You're in a better position to do so,
as you know what have been confusing.



Re: [O] Make ,* show up as * in babel blocks

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Hi Oleh,

Oleh writes:

 When a line of babel source code starts with leading star
 (also some other characters, see `org-unescape-code-in-string')
 org-mode auto-escapes it with a comma.
 I assume that there's no easy way not to add the comma.
 But I think it should be possible to fontify it as if it's not there.

 This comma is auto-removed for purposes of evaluation
 or when switching to native mode to edit a source block.

 The issue is that it's not removed when viewing the org-file.

 Small example to illustrate: J souce */ 2 2 displays as

 #+begin_src J
 ,*/ 2 2

 I've found a work around:

 (defvar keyword-comma-star
   '((^\\(,\\*\\) (1 (prog1 ()
 (compose-region (match-beginning 1)
 (match-end 1)
 (font-lock-add-keywords 'org-mode keyword-comma-star)

I think it's a good candidate for 
but the default should be to display the comma so that users
know it's here.

2 cents,


Re: [O] Should org-narrow-to-subtree be disabled by default?

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Rasmus writes:

 Bastien writes:

 one good way to decide could be to ask people here if they ever
 accidentally narrowed the view to a subtree -- I never did.

 No.  But I know the concept of narrowing, which may be unfamiliar to
 some.  I find narrowing super useful, especially when writing longer

I checked narrow-to-defun, and it is not disabled by default, only
narrow-to-region and narrow-to-page, which are both accessible in any

As org-narrow-to-* functions are only accessible from org-mode buffers
and not that easily called by accident (I haven't seen any report like
this in years), I suggest we stick to the current setup.

 Also, I tend to think Emacs is on the paranoid side here, I don't
 think newbies can hit C-x n n accidentally...

 Perhaps an easier way to narrow by accident is through
 org-speed-commands-default, i.e. speedkey s.

Yes, but newbies don't use speed commands without knowing what they
do, do they?


Re: [O] Skipping multiple timestamps

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Hi Mandar,

Mandar Mitra writes:

 I'm using 8.4.2. I have the following in my TODO:

 *** [#1] Grading
 DEADLINE: 2013-12-30 Mon
 2013-12-27 Fri--2013-12-29 Sun

Actually, the 2013-12-27 Fri--2013-12-29 Sun is not considered as
a timestamp, but as a block.

When building the agenda, there are those two functions
`org-agenda-get-timestamps' and `org-agenda-get-blocks' and only
additional timestamps collected by the first one are ignored
whenever `org-agenda-skip-additional-timestamps-same-entry' is t.

Surely not entirely satisfactory, but this is how it works.


Re: [O] How to Supress Block Eval on iCalendar Export

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Hi Daniel,

Daniel E. Doherty writes:

 Is there a way to supress running code block in the case of 'icalendar

See `org-export-babel-evaluate'.

 I guess out of curiosity, is it a good idea to be executing them by
 default for this exporter?

Well, maybe for some people :)


[O] bug#16270: Incorrect custom types

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Glenn Morris writes:

 emacs -Q -l ob-lob
 M-x customize-variable RET org-babel-lob-files RET

 - State: STANDARD. (mismatch)

 The specification for a list custom object is as follows:

 `(list ELEMENT-TYPES...)'
  The value must be a list with exactly as many elements as the
  ELEMENT-TYPES given; and each element must fit the corresponding

 You cannot just write 'list.
 Perhaps you wanted '(repeat file).

Indeed, fixed in Org's repo.

 From the doc, it also sounds like this should have a :set function.
 BTW, the first line of org-babel-lob-ingest's doc is not a complete




Re: [O] Folding buglet?

2014-01-03 Thread Ivan Andrus
On Jan 3, 2014, at 3:29 AM, Bastien wrote:

 Hi Thomas, (Thomas S. Dye) writes:
 Aloha all,
 * Folding issue
 - One
 - Two
 With this Org mode buffer, which ends immediately after Two with no
 new line, the o of Two shows up when the headline is folded:
 * Folding issue...o
 Obviously, not a big deal, but not expected behavior.
 Yes.  I've not searched deep into Org, but I suspect this is
 related to outline rather than Org.
 Btw, I didn't notice this before because I use
 (setq require-final-newline t)
 which you might find useful.

FWIW, I use that setting, but I see the issue when I am narrowed to a subtree, 
since narrowing to a subtree doesn't include a final newline.  Though as Thomas 
says, it's not a big deal.

 BTW, 2013 was a good year for Org mode in my book.  Many thanks for all
 the improvements to this already-awesome software.  The Org mode
 community is a source of real pleasure.  Happy New Year!
 Indeed -- thanks to everyone involved!



Re: [O] Proposal: adjust CLOCK directly in agenda

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
Hi Rainer,

Rainer Stengele writes:

 I would very much like to stay in the agenda and simply S-up or
 S-down being on a clock entry.

The problem is that clock logs are not displayed in the agenda.
When they are, this is through `E', and the clock log do not carry
the necessary text properties that enable timestamp changes.

 That operation would update the clocks in the org buffer.
 Any chance to get this as on a enhancement wish list?
 if not could you please direct me to a way how I could possibly
 begin to program such a feature.

You can start by looking at org-agenda-clock-in and the way it wraps
org-clock-in within org-with-remote-undo -- but beware that a new
command org-agenda-clock-timestamps-up needs to be very robust since
it will modify hidden text.


Re: [O] Folding buglet?

2014-01-03 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Aloha Bastien,

Bastien writes:

 Btw, I didn't notice this before because I use

  (setq require-final-newline t)

 which you might find useful.

Yes, indeed.  Thanks!

All the best,

T.S. Dye  Colleagues, Archaeologists
735 Bishop St, Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: 808-529-0866, Fax: 808-529-0884

Re: [O] Let's discuss citation and Org syntax

2014-01-03 Thread Joseph Vidal-Rosset

Is there somewhere a documentation with a simple helpful example to follow
from step to step in order to use ox-bibtex or bibeltex ? I got only a
message error : bibtex2html failed and I do not understand why.

Reading this page, for example,
I understand that I must add #+LINK ..

But nothing works...

Thanks in advance for your help


2014/1/2 Joseph Vidal-Rosset

 Great ! Many thanks Eric.  I see also that I have to forget gmail in order
 to definitely adopt gnus ! :)

 I will be back on the list to say thank you again , to all of you.

 Best wishes,


 2014/1/2 Eric Schulte

 Take a look at ox-bibtex.el in contrib [1], which adds support for
 bibtex citations.  The commentary at the top of that file explains the
 usage, but in brief, ox-bibtex adds cite: links which will export to
 HTML, ASCII and LaTeX (using bibtex2html [2] for HTML export, and pandoc
 [3] for ASCII export).

 For example, I've used ox-bibtex to write this Org file [4], which
 exports to this HTML [5], as well as LaTeX.


 Joseph Vidal-Rosset writes:

  Hi Rasmus, hi the list,
  Reading this thread I've understood that the question of html export of
  biblatex citations is still an open problem for org-mode developers,
  Thanks to the online manual and the help of the list, I have succeeded
  write a template of koma-article class which is correctly exported both
  latex and in html. But I meet the problem of exporting  into html
  and references.
  At the moment, what is the best i.e. the more convenient solution?
  My best wishes for this new year,
  2013/5/21 Rasmus
  Now that 8.0 has shipped let's talk bibliography support.  This
  follows directly upon the discussion around March[1].
  The essence of the thread was that some people agreed that it would be
  nice to have support for citation commands build into Org (I'll
  summarize in the next post).  But let me first restate my own take on
  the issue.  IMO a nice format would be:
  I think we should allow for a more general approach than one just for
  citation and this is a good thing (IMO).
  The in-buffer display of (*) could be governed by
  org-buffer-format-KEYWORD (similar to
  gnus-user-format-function-LETTER) or just identity if no function is
  defined.  Export could be handled by org-BACKEND-KEYWORD or
  org-export-KEYWORD.  With officially recognized KEYWORDs something
  like citation could be a 'first-class citizen'.  PROPERTIES could be a
  string like:
optional-keyless-entry :prop1 one :prop2 two ...
  Perhaps, treatment of keyword, could even be handled by an
  in-buffer Org Babel function in the spirit of e.g. reproducible
  research (see below).
  This would be different from Org links in that (*) is more like a
  functions that allows for (i) pretty and informative display in
  buffer/export and (ii) easy user extension.
  I think there are many compelling use-cases for such a framework.
  1. Citation: Take the keyword citetext which should be an 'official'
 KEYWORD.  So for instance we could have
   [citetext BIBTEX-KEY :prenote note, w/comma :postnote blah].
 In buffers, via org-in-buffer-format-citetext, it would be
 displayed as
   BIBTEX-KEY (note, w/comma, YEAR, blah)
 or something similar (depending to what extend bibtex.el would be
 leveraged; e.g. BIBTEX-KEY might show the author/editor key and
 YEAR would also depend on parsing a bibtex file) (obviouesly,
 there's some reference to a bibtex file somewhere).  In LaTeX it
 would be exported as
 In html it might utilize some tool that understand bibtex (there's
 a link to such a tool in the next post).  In ASCII it could almost
 use what would be displayed in the buffer.
  2. MY-FUN: MY-FUN is some function that does something with some
 properties, perhaps just a string (simple cases: [sc text] is used
 for small caps, or mayhaps [my-treat-dna-string DNA-STRING]).  I
 might use it in a single file that I want to send to people or I
 might just use it in my notes.  Currently it's implemented via
 org-emphasis-alist or as a link.  Changing emphases is a hacks, and
 they are hard to export with the now more robust Org syntax and
 further permit little control over how they are displayed
 in-buffer.  Links are more flexible but lacks display control and
 becomes somewhat painful with many arguments[2].  Also, MY-FUN
 doesn't take a 'description'.  With (*) I could simply write
 Perhaps, I could even define org-BACKEND-MY-FUN in a babel block
 if it's only relevant to the current file.
  There's been some work and some discussion on 

Re: [O] mixed orgmode installation

2014-01-03 Thread John Hendy
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 2:06 AM, Justin Gordon wrote:
 Achim Gratz Stromeko at writes:

 John Hendy writes:
  Then again, is Worg saying that if `M-x org-version` outputs the
  correct answer... we're all set and there's nothing to worry about?

 The output of org-version is determined essentially by checking for two
 files from the installation and comparing where they would be loaded
 from.  This catches the most common problems, but certainly not all.  In
 particular, it won't see when the load-path has been changed after some
 parts of Org have already been loaded from someplace else (but
 org-reload will give a warning for this case).


 If I byte compile a file, I get this message:
 In org-jekyll-publish-to-html:
 ox-jekyll.el:280:4:Warning: org-publish-org-to called with 5 arguments, but
 accepts only 4

 This is because my installation is pointing to the emacs default version 
 than my version  from git. If I do C-h f and look up this function, I get 
 to the emacs default version.

I had this issue on Windows the other day and had a draft composed
asking for help before I realized it was my own issue. I got all kinds
of errors like that when I was trying to byte compile via the Compile
without make tools section on Worg [1]. Turned out I had my load-path
pointed to the wrong location after I wiped the old git repo and just
cloned a new one in what I thought was a better/saner location,
forgetting to update .emacs after doing so.

It might help if you could respond with the following information
(with my example answers provided):

1) how did you download Org and where is the directory located?
- I did `git clone`
- The dir is at /home/jwhendy/.emacs.d/org.git

2) Please post a minimal emacs config you're trying to use

#+begin_src emacs-min

(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.emacs.d/org.git/lisp)
(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.emacs.d/org.git/contrib/lisp)
(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.emacs.d/ess-13.05/lisp)
(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp)


3) What happens when you start emacs with `emacs -Q` from
terminal/cmd, then run `M-x load-file` and enter the path to your
minimal config from above, and then:
- `M-x org-version`:
Org-mode version 8.2.4 (8.2.4-fake @

- `M-x org-reload`:
Successfully reloaded Org
Org-mode version 8.2.4 (8.2.4-fake @

There might be other pertinent questions, but those are what's coming
to mind for me right now. Perhaps your emacs version?

 However, if I do org-version, I get the proper new version.

 However, if I do list-load-path-shadows, I can verify that org-publish is not
 shadowed, and that's probably due to the fact that the new file is called

I agree it sounds like you have something mixed going on.

One other possibility... see this thread from when the new exporter
was first being pushed out with Org 8.0:

There are two ways to load backends, which are both listed clearly in
the documentation. During my own setup, however, what I did *not* find
anywhere in the documentation is how their treatment affects things
available in the environment. For example, since adding the backend to
the variable org-export-backends doesn't load it until you actually
use it... the help for the variables (or at least auto-completing)
also isn't available. I ran into this using method 1 originally, then
wanting to customize a variable related to, say, ox-odt or other, and
Org not finding anything when I did `M-x help RET v RET org-odt-TAB`.

Not sure that's what's going on at all, but it might be worth showing
us how you are bringing backends in to Org as well. Someone else would
know better, but I'm wondering if by chance it could be possible not
to have loaded ox-publish (since you haven't published yet), for Org
not to find it, and then to resort to searching in the Emacs-bundled
Org instead? Far-fetched, but came to mind.


Best regards,

 How do I fix this???

 I've tried

Re: [O] Authorship and copyright of derived exporters

2014-01-03 Thread vilibald writes:

 I'm actually in similar position, I've created an exporter to dokuwiki
 creole formats,

 Interesting -- can you share a pointer to these contributions?



I've shared it on github, please see ...
My first intention was to support more formats than just creole and
dokuwiki but as in the company I work for the mediawiki is no longer in
use I didn't really got to it, but I'm happy to add support for it as


Re: [O] Let's discuss citation and Org syntax

2014-01-03 Thread John Hendy
On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Joseph Vidal-Rosset wrote:

 Is there somewhere a documentation with a simple helpful example to follow
 from step to step in order to use ox-bibtex or bibeltex ? I got only a
 message error : bibtex2html failed and I do not understand why.

 Reading this page, for example,
 I understand that I must add #+LINK ..

 But nothing works...

I think you need to post a minimal example with everything required.
For those of us who have never used bibtex (me), it's not clear what
you're trying to do and we (at least I) can't help. For example,
googling orgmode bibtex produces links which don't seem to do the
same thing, from my skimming:

For example, only one of those (that I noted), mentions anything about
#+LINK, so I'm thinking that what you are trying to do must be a
subset of everything embodied by Orgmode and bibtex since some
fairly complete other posts get by without mentioning using #+LINK.

Can you post:
- Minimal .org file
- Reproducible .emacs with what you currently have setup to get things working
- The matching minimal bibliography file
- Perhaps the output you want (in LaTeX or whatever output language)

Apologies if the above is self-explanatory and I'm playing the
un-needed role of mailing list police. I've noticed a lot of questions
recently without sufficient detail. Always posting with clear goals,
files so others can reproduce, and example output you want saves
others having to fill in the blanks.

You'll also get a lot more help since those generous with their time
can easily copy and paste some code into their own local Emacs setups
and see if it works. That helps differentiate setup issues from syntax
issues from usage issues, etc.


P.S. Also post what you actually *have* tried. This saves others
having to re-try what you tried, since no one knows that but nothing
works means concretely. There's a blog post link with a bunch of
stuff in it, followed by but nothing works. What, exactly, from that
blog post did you try (as in, paste the code from the various
categories above -- org file, .emacs, bib file -- for each thing

 Thanks in advance for your help


 2014/1/2 Joseph Vidal-Rosset

 Great ! Many thanks Eric.  I see also that I have to forget gmail in order
 to definitely adopt gnus ! :)

 I will be back on the list to say thank you again , to all of you.

 Best wishes,


 2014/1/2 Eric Schulte

 Take a look at ox-bibtex.el in contrib [1], which adds support for
 bibtex citations.  The commentary at the top of that file explains the
 usage, but in brief, ox-bibtex adds cite: links which will export to
 HTML, ASCII and LaTeX (using bibtex2html [2] for HTML export, and pandoc
 [3] for ASCII export).

 For example, I've used ox-bibtex to write this Org file [4], which
 exports to this HTML [5], as well as LaTeX.


 Joseph Vidal-Rosset writes:

  Hi Rasmus, hi the list,
  Reading this thread I've understood that the question of html export of
  biblatex citations is still an open problem for org-mode developers,
  Thanks to the online manual and the help of the list, I have succeeded
  write a template of koma-article class which is correctly exported both
  latex and in html. But I meet the problem of exporting  into html
  and references.
  At the moment, what is the best i.e. the more convenient solution?
  My best wishes for this new year,
  2013/5/21 Rasmus
  Now that 8.0 has shipped let's talk bibliography support.  This
  follows directly upon the discussion around March[1].
  The essence of the thread was that some people agreed that it would be
  nice to have support for citation commands build into Org (I'll
  summarize in the next post).  But let me first restate my own take on
  the issue.  IMO a nice format would be:
  I think we should allow for a more general approach than one just for
  citation and this is a good thing (IMO).
  The in-buffer display of (*) could be governed by
  org-buffer-format-KEYWORD (similar to
  gnus-user-format-function-LETTER) or just identity if no function is
  defined.  Export could be handled by org-BACKEND-KEYWORD or
  org-export-KEYWORD.  With officially recognized KEYWORDs something
  like citation could be a 'first-class citizen'.  PROPERTIES could be a
  string like:

Re: [O] [PATCH] Re: \newpage in HTML export

2014-01-03 Thread Andreas Leha
Bastien writes:

 Nicolas Goaziou writes:

 So in short:  If page breaks are not in org directly many people will
 end up with inferior and/or less portable org files.

 For the record, after thinking about it, I'd rather stay away from
 invisible characters in Org syntax, would it be page breaks or
 non-breaking spaces.

 FWIW I fully support not using invisible chars in Org syntax.

This follows up on just a side aspect in this thread that is (partly)
separate from its subject.

Just to wrap the thread up in my words:

1. Cross-backend (or more cross-backend) support of \newpage built into
   Org directly was disapproved in favor of a less portable filter based
   solution [fn:1].

2. Introducing invisible chars (as syntax for a possible implementation
   of such cross backend \newpage) in Org syntax was generally




Re: [O] [PATCH] Re: \newpage in HTML export

2014-01-03 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Aloha Andreas,

Andreas Leha writes:

 Bastien writes:

 Nicolas Goaziou writes:

 So in short:  If page breaks are not in org directly many people will
 end up with inferior and/or less portable org files.

 For the record, after thinking about it, I'd rather stay away from
 invisible characters in Org syntax, would it be page breaks or
 non-breaking spaces.

 FWIW I fully support not using invisible chars in Org syntax.

 This follows up on just a side aspect in this thread that is (partly)
 separate from its subject.

 Just to wrap the thread up in my words:

 1. Cross-backend (or more cross-backend) support of \newpage built into
Org directly was disapproved in favor of a less portable filter based
solution [fn:1].

Could you expand on what you mean by less portable? I'm interested in
portability from a reproducible research perspective and want to avoid
habits that don't port well to other researchers' systems.

Happy New Year!

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [O] [PATCH] Re: \newpage in HTML export

2014-01-03 Thread Andreas Leha
Hi Tom, (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

 Aloha Andreas,

 Andreas Leha writes:

 Bastien writes:

 Nicolas Goaziou writes:

 So in short:  If page breaks are not in org directly many people will
 end up with inferior and/or less portable org files.

 For the record, after thinking about it, I'd rather stay away from
 invisible characters in Org syntax, would it be page breaks or
 non-breaking spaces.

 FWIW I fully support not using invisible chars in Org syntax.

 This follows up on just a side aspect in this thread that is (partly)
 separate from its subject.

 Just to wrap the thread up in my words:

 1. Cross-backend (or more cross-backend) support of \newpage built into
Org directly was disapproved in favor of a less portable filter based
solution [fn:1].

 Could you expand on what you mean by less portable? I'm interested in
 portability from a reproducible research perspective and want to avoid
 habits that don't port well to other researchers' systems.

I did not want to include these words in the first place.  The words 'less
portable' are too strong here.

You won't be affected, since you ship your emacs / Org configuration
with the document, IIUC.  (Which is the only possible way to achieve
something like reproducibility with Org...)
In that case you can simply include such a filter in that configuration.

The non-portable part comes from the need to share that filter.
Anybody without that filter will not be able to export your document in
the intended way.

Just to clarify:
It is a very small thing and I am very much happy with using a filter based
approach here.

 Happy New Year!
Same to you!


Re: [O] Let's discuss citation and Org syntax

2014-01-03 Thread Joseph Vidal-Rosset
Hi John, hi everyone,

Here are the headers of my org-file:

#+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim
#+LaTeX_CLASS: koma-article
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,twoside,twocolumn]
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [captions=tableheading]
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[AUTO]{inputenc}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{fitch}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{bussproofs}
#+LaTeX_CLASS: koma-article
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[backend=biber,style=verbose]{biblatex}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \bibliography{jvr-biblatex-references.bib}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{bussproofs}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{fitch}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{hyperref}
#+OPTIONS: tex:imagemagick
#+TITLE: a title
#+AUTHOR: Joseph Vidal-Rosset

I have a couple of questions:

1) Does biblatex works with ox-bibtex.el   ? I suppose that it does not but
I can switch to bibtex.

2) I do not know the headers that I have exactly to add in this file.

Best wishes,


2014/1/3 John Hendy

 On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Joseph Vidal-Rosset wrote:
  Is there somewhere a documentation with a simple helpful example to
  from step to step in order to use ox-bibtex or bibeltex ? I got only a
  message error : bibtex2html failed and I do not understand why.
  Reading this page, for example,
  I understand that I must add #+LINK ..
  But nothing works...

 I think you need to post a minimal example with everything required.
 For those of us who have never used bibtex (me), it's not clear what
 you're trying to do and we (at least I) can't help. For example,
 googling orgmode bibtex produces links which don't seem to do the
 same thing, from my skimming:

 For example, only one of those (that I noted), mentions anything about
 #+LINK, so I'm thinking that what you are trying to do must be a
 subset of everything embodied by Orgmode and bibtex since some
 fairly complete other posts get by without mentioning using #+LINK.

 Can you post:
 - Minimal .org file
 - Reproducible .emacs with what you currently have setup to get things
 - The matching minimal bibliography file
 - Perhaps the output you want (in LaTeX or whatever output language)

 Apologies if the above is self-explanatory and I'm playing the
 un-needed role of mailing list police. I've noticed a lot of questions
 recently without sufficient detail. Always posting with clear goals,
 files so others can reproduce, and example output you want saves
 others having to fill in the blanks.

 You'll also get a lot more help since those generous with their time
 can easily copy and paste some code into their own local Emacs setups
 and see if it works. That helps differentiate setup issues from syntax
 issues from usage issues, etc.


 P.S. Also post what you actually *have* tried. This saves others
 having to re-try what you tried, since no one knows that but nothing
 works means concretely. There's a blog post link with a bunch of
 stuff in it, followed by but nothing works. What, exactly, from that
 blog post did you try (as in, paste the code from the various
 categories above -- org file, .emacs, bib file -- for each thing

  Thanks in advance for your help
  2014/1/2 Joseph Vidal-Rosset
  Great ! Many thanks Eric.  I see also that I have to forget gmail in
  to definitely adopt gnus ! :)
  I will be back on the list to say thank you again , to all of you.
  Best wishes,
  2014/1/2 Eric Schulte
  Take a look at ox-bibtex.el in contrib [1], which adds support for
  bibtex citations.  The commentary at the top of that file explains the
  usage, but in brief, ox-bibtex adds cite: links which will export to
  HTML, ASCII and LaTeX (using bibtex2html [2] for HTML export, and
  [3] for ASCII export).
  For example, I've used ox-bibtex to write this Org file [4], which
  exports to this HTML [5], as well as LaTeX.
  Joseph Vidal-Rosset writes:
   Hi Rasmus, hi the list,
   Reading this thread I've understood that the question of html export
   biblatex citations is still an open problem for org-mode developers,
   Thanks to the online manual and the help of the list, I have
   write a template of koma-article class which is correctly exported
   latex and in html. But I meet the problem of exporting  into html
   and references.
   At the moment, what is the best i.e. 

[O] Advice on cleaning (DRYing) up my publishing list

2014-01-03 Thread Justin Gordon
Lisp gurus, here is my feeble attempt at DRYing out my

I'm setting up an octopress publishing system for several blogs, so my list
might grow and I'd like to avoid duplication

* Please advise on how I may make this cleaner and clearer. Original is at
* And is there a better way than using the publishing settings for things
like with-toc?
* Does recursive still work for 8.2?
* Would this be better done with some sort of macros?

Thanks so much in advance!

(setq my-common-octopress-settings
  '(:base-extension org
:with-toc nil
:with-sub-superscript nil
:recursive t
:publishing-function org-jekyll-publish-to-html
:headline-levels 4
:body-only t))

(setq my-static-directories '(about meta tips))
(setq my-base-directory ~/a/railsonmaui-octopress/source)

(defun my-create-octopress-static (prj base-directory)
 (let* (
(base-dir (concat base-directory / prj))
(prj-list (append (list :base-directory base-dir
   (cons prj prj-list)))

(setq my-var (mapcar '(lambda (prj)
(my-create-octopress-static prj my-base-directory))

(setq org-publish-project-alist
;; blog articles
(cons blog-org  (append '(:base-directory
 :base-extension org
(cons blog-extra '(:base-directory
 :recursive t
 :author nil
   (mapcar '(lambda (prj)
(my-create-octopress-static prj my-base-directory))

;; all together
(cons blog '(:components (blog-org blog-extra about meta

(setq org-publish-project-alist
(blog-org .  (:base-directory ~/a/octopress/source/org_posts/
:base-extension org
:table-of-contents nil
:sub-superscript nil
:recursive t
:headline-levels 4
:html-extension markdown
:octopress-extension markdown
:body-only t))
(blog-extra . (:base-directory ~/a/octopress/source/org_posts/
 :recursive t
 :author nil
(about .  (:base-directory ~/a/octopress/source/about/
:base-extension org
:sub-superscript nil
:table-of-contents nil
:recursive t
:headline-levels 4
:html-extension markdown
:octopress-extension markdown
:body-only t))
(meta .  (:base-directory ~/a/octopress/source/meta/
:base-extension org
:sub-superscript nil
:table-of-contents nil

[O] Advice on cleaning (DRYing) up my publishing list (revised)

2014-01-03 Thread Justin Gordon
(prior version had error in unwrapping lists)

Lisp gurus, here is my feeble attempt at DRYing out my

I'm setting up an octopress publishing system for several blogs, so my list
might grow and I'd like to avoid duplication

* Please advise on how I may make this cleaner and clearer. Original is at
* And is there a better way than using the publishing settings for things
like with-toc?
* Does recursive still work for 8.2?
* Would this be better done with some sort of macros?

Thanks so much in advance!

(setq my-common-octopress-settings
  '(:base-extension org
:with-toc nil
:with-sub-superscript nil
:recursive t
:publishing-function org-jekyll-publish-to-html
:headline-levels 4
:body-only t))

(setq my-static-directories '(about meta tips))
(setq my-base-directory ~/a/railsonmaui-octopress/source)

(defun my-create-octopress-static (prj base-directory)
 (let* (
(base-dir (concat base-directory / prj))
(prj-list (append (list :base-directory base-dir
   (cons prj prj-list)))

(setq my-var (mapcar '(lambda (prj)
(my-create-octopress-static prj my-base-directory))

(setq org-publish-project-alist
  (append (list
;; blog articles
(cons blog-org  (append '(:base-directory
 :base-extension org
(cons blog-extra '(:base-directory
 :recursive t
 :author nil
;; all together
(cons blog '(:components (blog-org blog-extra about meta
(mapcar '(lambda (prj)
(my-create-octopress-static prj my-base-directory))

(setq org-publish-project-alist
(blog-org .  (:base-directory ~/a/octopress/source/org_posts/
:base-extension org
:table-of-contents nil
:sub-superscript nil
:recursive t
:headline-levels 4
:html-extension markdown
:octopress-extension markdown
:body-only t))
(blog-extra . (:base-directory ~/a/octopress/source/org_posts/
 :recursive t
 :author nil
(about .  (:base-directory ~/a/octopress/source/about/
:base-extension org
:sub-superscript nil
:table-of-contents nil
:recursive t
:headline-levels 4
:html-extension markdown
:octopress-extension markdown
:body-only t))
(meta .  (:base-directory ~/a/octopress/source/meta/
:base-extension org
:sub-superscript nil

Re: [O] mixed orgmode installation

2014-01-03 Thread Justin Gordon
My problem was because I had a line

(require 'org-publish)

It would be super if there was a way to clearly flag this as an error after
an upgrade. Maybe renamed files should have old skeleton files that produce
an error indicating the new file name?

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 10:43 PM, Sharon Kimble boudic...@talktalk.netwrote:

 On Thu, 2 Jan 2014 08:06:46 + (UTC)
 Justin Gordon wrote:

  Achim Gratz Stromeko at writes:
   John Hendy writes:
Then again, is Worg saying that if `M-x org-version` outputs the
correct answer... we're all set and there's nothing to worry
   The output of org-version is determined essentially by checking for
   two files from the installation and comparing where they would be
   loaded from.  This catches the most common problems, but certainly
   not all.  In particular, it won't see when the load-path has been
   changed after some parts of Org have already been loaded from
   someplace else (but org-reload will give a warning for this case).
  If I byte compile a file, I get this message:
  In org-jekyll-publish-to-html:
  ox-jekyll.el:280:4:Warning: org-publish-org-to called with 5
  arguments, but accepts only 4
  This is because my installation is pointing to the emacs default
  version rather than my version  from git. If I do C-h f and look up
  this function, I get pointed to the emacs default version.
  However, if I do org-version, I get the proper new version.
  However, if I do list-load-path-shadows, I can verify that
  org-publish is not shadowed, and that's probably due to the fact that
  the new file is called ox-publish.
  How do I fix this???
  I've tried

 You’ve tried what? You seem to have cut off in mid-sentence.

 I had the same problem on debian testing which I resolved by removing
 the debian version and going solely with the one from ELPA, in your
 case from git. I'm pretty sure that the git version will be more
 up-to-date than your distro version! :)

 A taste of linux =
 efever =
 efever =
 my git repo =
 Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
 Registered Linux user 561944

Justin Gordon | 808-877-6461 | m: 808-281-7272 | twitter: @railsonmaui
 | | Sugar Ranch

Re: [O] are heading properties always strings?

2014-01-03 Thread John Kitchin
excellent, that is exactly where I would have expected it, in the
documentation for org-entry-put.

it would also make sense to say in org-entry-get that you get a string. if
you store a number in a property, it is not obvious you can't just get it
and do math on it.



John Kitchin
Associate Professor
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 5:31 AM, Bastien wrote:

 Achim Gratz writes:

  Bastien writes:
  3. It also wasn't obvious that you have to give org-entry-put a
  string. If you try to set it to an integer, you get strange control
  characters like ^A or ^C.
  Can you tell which place in the documentation you expect to find this
  information?  In functions' docstrings or in the manual?
  Besides documenting the requirement, I guess it makes sense to check for
  stringiness before using the argument.

 Indeed, done here:


Re: [O] Let's discuss citation and Org syntax

2014-01-03 Thread Joseph Vidal-Rosset
2014/1/3 John Hendy

 it's not clear what
 you're trying to do

I have forgotten to say that I'm trying to get via org-mode export,
references in latex as well as in html. In latex there is no problem (via
bibtex or biblatex either), but for html export , bibtex2html fails and I
suppose that I have to add some line in the preamble of my file.

Best wishes,


Re: [O] Advice on cleaning (DRYing) up my publishing list

2014-01-03 Thread Nick Dokos
Justin Gordon writes:

 Lisp gurus, here is my feeble attempt at DRYing out my 

 I'm setting up an octopress publishing system for several blogs, so my list 
 might grow and I'd like to avoid duplication

 * Please advise on how I may make this cleaner and clearer. Original is at 
 * And is there a better way than using the publishing settings for things 
 like with-toc?
 * Does recursive still work for 8.2?
 * Would this be better done with some sort of macros?

Yes, instead of constructing list structure on the fly as you do below
(cons, append, list, etc.), check out ``Backquote'':

   (info (elisp) Backquote)


Re: [O] Let's discuss citation and Org syntax

2014-01-03 Thread John Hendy
On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 2:27 PM, Joseph Vidal-Rosset wrote:
 Hi John, hi everyone,

 Here are the headers of my org-file:

 #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim
 #+LaTeX_CLASS: koma-article
 #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,twoside,twocolumn]
 #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [captions=tableheading]
 #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[AUTO]{inputenc}
 #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{fitch}
 #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{bussproofs}
 #+LaTeX_CLASS: koma-article
 #+LANGUAGE:  en
 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[backend=biber,style=verbose]{biblatex}
 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \bibliography{jvr-biblatex-references.bib}
 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{bussproofs}
 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{fitch}
 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{hyperref}
 #+OPTIONS: tex:imagemagick
 #+TITLE: a title
 #+AUTHOR: Joseph Vidal-Rosset

 I have a couple of questions:

 1) Does biblatex works with ox-bibtex.el   ? I suppose that it does not but
 I can switch to bibtex.

 2) I do not know the headers that I have exactly to add in this file.

Not to be redundant, but I still think what I posted below will be
quite helpful before we get ahead of ourselves:


Can you post:
- Minimal .org file
- Reproducible .emacs with what you currently have setup to get things working
- The matching minimal bibliography file
- Perhaps the output you want (in LaTeX or whatever output language)


- Minimal .org as in only the headers you need to make this work, no
fancy options or custom classes. Just bare-bones what needs to be
there to verify bibtex functionality.
- Some text in the .org file that tries to call a bib entry.
- A minimal .bib file with a single matching entry you try to call
from the org file
- The output file you hope Org is able to tangle together from you
from the .org and .bib files.


 Best wishes,


 2014/1/3 John Hendy

 On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Joseph Vidal-Rosset wrote:
  Is there somewhere a documentation with a simple helpful example to
  from step to step in order to use ox-bibtex or bibeltex ? I got only a
  message error : bibtex2html failed and I do not understand why.
  Reading this page, for example,
  I understand that I must add #+LINK ..
  But nothing works...

 I think you need to post a minimal example with everything required.
 For those of us who have never used bibtex (me), it's not clear what
 you're trying to do and we (at least I) can't help. For example,
 googling orgmode bibtex produces links which don't seem to do the
 same thing, from my skimming:

 For example, only one of those (that I noted), mentions anything about
 #+LINK, so I'm thinking that what you are trying to do must be a
 subset of everything embodied by Orgmode and bibtex since some
 fairly complete other posts get by without mentioning using #+LINK.

 Can you post:
 - Minimal .org file
 - Reproducible .emacs with what you currently have setup to get things
 - The matching minimal bibliography file
 - Perhaps the output you want (in LaTeX or whatever output language)

 Apologies if the above is self-explanatory and I'm playing the
 un-needed role of mailing list police. I've noticed a lot of questions
 recently without sufficient detail. Always posting with clear goals,
 files so others can reproduce, and example output you want saves
 others having to fill in the blanks.

 You'll also get a lot more help since those generous with their time
 can easily copy and paste some code into their own local Emacs setups
 and see if it works. That helps differentiate setup issues from syntax
 issues from usage issues, etc.


 P.S. Also post what you actually *have* tried. This saves others
 having to re-try what you tried, since no one knows that but nothing
 works means concretely. There's a blog post link with a bunch of
 stuff in it, followed by but nothing works. What, exactly, from that
 blog post did you try (as in, paste the code from the various
 categories above -- org file, .emacs, bib file -- for each thing

  Thanks in advance for your help
  2014/1/2 Joseph Vidal-Rosset
  Great ! Many thanks Eric.  I see also that I have to forget gmail in
  to definitely adopt gnus ! :)
  I will be back on the list to say thank you again , to all of you.
  Best wishes,
  2014/1/2 Eric Schulte
  Take a look at ox-bibtex.el in contrib [1], which adds support for
  bibtex citations.  The 

[O] html to org-mode

2014-01-03 Thread John Kitchin
Hi everyone,

I was playing around with org-rss today, and it is pretty cool. I would
like to customize the way the subheading bodies look though, primarily to
unescape some html  things like lt;,  to get rid of all the html tags,
convert a .. to org-mode links, to download img ... so they can be
displayed, etc...

for example a body of an rss entry looks like:

 titlePhilip Herron: Cython Book/title guid link descriptionpHey all i
thought i should really share that i actually wrote a book on Cython. The
book has detailed examples and even shows you how you can extend native
C/C++ applications in python by doing it for Tmux. a href=; pa href=;img
class=aligncenter size-full wp-image-148 alt=photo src=; width=640
height=480 //aThe code can be found: a href=;
pubDateTue, 10 Dec 2013 14:45:08 +/pubDate

I would like this simplified to something like:
Philip Herron: Cython Book
Hey all i thought i should really share that i actually wrote a book on
Cython. The book has detailed examples and even shows you how you can
extend native C/C++ applications in python by doing it for Tmux.


The code can be found:

basically, get the html code as close to org as reasonable. i found a way
to get an html parse tree (libxml-parse-html-region start end), but I can't
figure out how to convert that to the text I want.

Has anyone done anything like this?


John Kitchin
Associate Professor
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Re: [O] html to org-mode

2014-01-03 Thread Feng Shu
John Kitchin writes:

 Hi everyone,

 I was playing around with org-rss today, and it is pretty cool. I
 would like to customize the way the subheading bodies look though,
 primarily to unescape some html things like lt;, to get rid of all
 the html tags, convert a .. to org-mode links, to download img ...
 so they can be displayed, etc... 

 for example a body of an rss entry looks like: 

 titlePhilip Herron: Cython Book/title
 link descriptionpHey
 all i thought i should really share that i actually wrote a book on
 Cython. The book has detailed examples and even shows you how you can
 extend native C/C++ applications in python by doing it for Tmux. a
 href=; pa
 class=aligncenter size-full wp-image-148 alt=photo
 width=640 height=480 //aThe code can be found: a
 pubDateTue, 10 Dec 2013 14:45:08 +/pubDate

 I would like this simplified to something like:
 Philip Herron: Cython Book
 Hey all i thought i should really share that i actually wrote a book
 on Cython. The book has detailed examples and even shows you how you
 can extend native C/C++ applications in python by doing it for Tmux.


 The code can be found:

 basically, get the html code as close to org as reasonable. i found a
 way to get an html parse tree (libxml-parse-html-region start end),
 but I can't figure out how to convert that to the text I want. 

 Has anyone done anything like this?


Maybe eww can help you...

 John Kitchin
 Associate Professor
 Doherty Hall A207F
 Department of Chemical Engineering
 Carnegie Mellon University
 Pittsburgh, PA 15213


[O] org-grep news

2014-01-03 Thread François Pinard
Hi, Org people.

First of all, let me wish a Much Nice Year to everybody here! :-)

This is about my little org-grep tool, available at:

Right out of the README: This tool allows for grepping files in a set
of Org directories, formatting the results as a separate Org buffer.
This buffer is assorted with a few specific navigation commands so it
works a bit like M-x rgrep.

When I announced it, a while ago, someone reported to me that it was not
finding anything at all for him.  As it worked well for me, and the
reporter did not pursue the exploration of the problem with me, I almost
forgot it.  Yesterday, I stumbled on a tiny bug visible to those using
org-grep all bare, with no configuration.  This is now corrected.
People hit by this problem could happily retry the latest version.

Yesterday, to cover one of my own needs, I added the capability to
simultaneously search for other files, would they be Org or not.  This
is implemented by offering hooks able to receive user-defined Emacs Lisp
functions.  These functions return shell code.  So, this capability
requires some Emacs Lisp fluency to be activated, yet maybe not that
much.  The README file contains a small and simple example.

While a few problems remain in the tool, it is already very usable in my
opinion, and surely useful to me daily.  By mere friendship, I feel like
recommending it a bit to my Org fellow friends!


P.S.  Who is not as pushy as he appears to be.  Forgive him! :-)

Re: [O] Force blank line above level 1 heading

2014-01-03 Thread François Pinard
Bastien writes:

 Sebastian Fischmeister writes:

 Yes, but this inserts a blank line before every entry. I would like to
 have a blank line only before level 1 headings.

 Ah, then clearly this option is not enough.  Sorry, I'm short of
 ideas here.

Just for the record, I have the same need for some of my Org files.
However, I find it easy enough to add the blank line myself.


Re: [O] html to org-mode

2014-01-03 Thread York Zhao
Hi John Kitchin,

What is org-rss, I couldn't find it. Can you give a link?


On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 11:56 PM, Feng Shu wrote:

 John Kitchin writes:

  Hi everyone,
  I was playing around with org-rss today, and it is pretty cool. I
  would like to customize the way the subheading bodies look though,
  primarily to unescape some html things like lt;, to get rid of all
  the html tags, convert a .. to org-mode links, to download img ...
  so they can be displayed, etc...
  for example a body of an rss entry looks like:
  titlePhilip Herron: Cython Book/title
  link descriptionpHey
  all i thought i should really share that i actually wrote a book on
  Cython. The book has detailed examples and even shows you how you can
  extend native C/C++ applications in python by doing it for Tmux. a
  href=; pa
  class=aligncenter size-full wp-image-148 alt=photo
  width=640 height=480 //aThe code can be found: a
  pubDateTue, 10 Dec 2013 14:45:08 +/pubDate
  I would like this simplified to something like:
  Philip Herron: Cython Book
  Hey all i thought i should really share that i actually wrote a book
  on Cython. The book has detailed examples and even shows you how you
  can extend native C/C++ applications in python by doing it for Tmux.
  The code can be found:
  basically, get the html code as close to org as reasonable. i found a
  way to get an html parse tree (libxml-parse-html-region start end),
  but I can't figure out how to convert that to the text I want.
  Has anyone done anything like this?

 Maybe eww can help you...

  John Kitchin
  Associate Professor
  Doherty Hall A207F
  Department of Chemical Engineering
  Carnegie Mellon University
  Pittsburgh, PA 15213
