RE: [Orgmode] File specific exporting of tags

2007-11-19 Thread Egli Christian (KIRO 41)
Hi Dan

 The documentation for org-export-with-tags mentions the file
 specific tags option.  But, it should probably be added to 12.6.5
 in the manual (I'm looking at manual version 5.13e).

Can you try to adapt the relevant text in org.texi (in the distribution
of org-mode) and produce a patch. This would certainly help a lot to get
your problem fixed.

If you need any help on producing a patch let me know.


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[Orgmode] \vee and \wedge reversed in HTML export?

2007-11-19 Thread R . P . Dillon
Been using org-mode since 22.1 came out and I use it to run my  
life...nice work!

I've been taking notes on predicate calculus in org-mode and just  
started using the embedded LaTeX feature.  I use symbols like \vee,  
\wedge, \rightarrow, \leftrightarrow, etc. in my notes.

When I export to HTML, all my conjunction/disjunction notes are  
reversed!  I.e. it seems all the ^ symbols are exported as v symbols  
and vice versa.

I am using Carbon Emacs with version 4.67c and figured it might be  
fixed in 5.13i, but it appears to export with the same error after I  
installed the update.

It appears the error is on lines 22323-22324 of org.el in version 5.13i:
(and) (vee.and;)
(or) (wedge.or;)
seems like it should be:
(and) (wedge.and;)
(or) (vee.or;)

When I make that change, everything appears to work as I expected.

I googled around but didn't find I crazy?


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Re: [Orgmode] Task time limit

2007-11-19 Thread Bastien
Sebastjan Trepca [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For example, check the feed reader would be set to 20 minutes. I
 would clock-in the task, go and check the reader and after 20 mins,
 alarm would go off, reminding me that I should start doing something

Nice idea, I gave it a shot.

I advised `org-clock-in' so that each time I am clocking in a new task,
a new appointment is triggered.  `my-org-appt-add' can also be called

;; Make sure you have a sensible value for `appt-message-warning-time'
(defun my-org-appt-add (optional n)
  Add an appointment for the Org entry at point in N minutes.
(org-back-to-heading t)
(looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
(let* ((msg (concat (match-string-no-properties 4) 
   (ct-time (decode-time))
   (appt-min (+ (cadr ct-time) (or n 20)))
   (appt-time ; define the time for the appointment
(progn (setf (cadr ct-time) appt-min) ct-time)))
  (appt-add (format-time-string  
 %H:%M (apply 'encode-time appt-time)) msg)
  (if (interactive-p) (message New appointment for %s msg)

(defadvice org-clock-in (after org-appt-add-after-clock-in activate)
  Add an appointment after clocking in a task.

Maybe another idea is to bind (progn (org-clock-in) (my-org-appt-add))
to a key in org-agenda-mode-map, since advising `org-clock-in' is a bit
too much IMO.  Or we could use some kind of filtering to decide whether
clockin in an entry should trigger a new appointment.

Anyway, that's just a quickstart, let me know if this is useful.


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Re: [Orgmode] File specific exporting of tags

2007-11-19 Thread Daniel J. Sinder
On 11/19/2007 12:19 AM, Egli Christian (KIRO 41) wrote:
 Can you try to adapt the relevant text in org.texi (in the distribution
 of org-mode) and produce a patch. This would certainly help a lot to get
 your problem fixed.

I do appreciate that providing a patch is a better solution than
providing information leading to the patch.  However, I provided the
relevant section and valid option values in the hope that someone
who knows better could derive a patch faster and more easily than I
can.  As it was, I took time to determine experimentally, what the
valid values were since, to me, reading Lisp is about as much fun as
reading a good legal contract.

 If you need any help on producing a patch let me know.

Yes, I'd greatly appreciate help.  Some example commands would at
least make it more likely that producing the patch myself wouldn't
stagnate due to my perception of the time it would take me to figure
out how to do it.


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[Orgmode] Agenda view with tags filter

2007-11-19 Thread Ivan Kanis

I have been using org modes for a while now and it's great.

I was wondering if it's possible to have an agenda view with a filter
on tags. Fox example I would like to have a daily agenda with only the
:home: tag item listed.

I looked at the manual and the source code but it doesn't seem
possible. Maybe I have missed something?

Kind regards,
Ivan Kanis

  Only the wise possess ideas; the greater part of mankind are
possessed by them.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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[Orgmode] „This should not happen“ (C-c C -e h)

2007-11-19 Thread Daniel Clemente
   with org-mode 5.13i, I can't export this file to HTML:

** „This should not happen.


|- TextItem
  |- NameItem
|- Relation
|- BinaryItem
|- Statement

   The „|- at the beginning make that C-c C-e h fails. I attach the
backtrace, at the bottom.


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error This should not happen)
  signal(error (This should not happen))
  error(This should not happen)
  (cond ((string-match ^[  ]*| */ *| x) (setq
org-table-colgroup-info ...) nil) ((string-match ^[]*| *[!_^/] *|
x) nil) ((or ... ...) (replace-match \\1| t nil x)) (t (error This
should not happen)))
  (lambda (x) (cond (... ... nil) (... nil) (... ...) (t ...)))(#(
|- NameItem 0 13 (fontified nil)))
  mapcar((lambda (x) (cond (... ... nil) (... nil) (... ...) (t ...)))
(#(  |- NameItem 0 13 (fontified nil)) #(|- Relation 0 15
(fontified nil)) #(|- BinaryItem 0 13 (fontified nil
  (delq nil (mapcar (lambda ... ...) lines))
  (if (memq nil (mapcar ... lines)) (progn (setq
org-table-clean-did-remove-column nil) (delq nil ...)) (setq
org-table-clean-did-remove-column t) (delq nil (mapcar ... lines)))
  org-table-clean-before-export((#(  |- NameItem 0 13 (fontified
nil)) #(|- Relation 0 15 (fontified nil)) #(|- BinaryItem 0 13
(fontified nil
  (setq lines (org-table-clean-before-export lines))
  (progn (setq lines (org-table-clean-before-export lines)))
  (if org-export-table-remove-special-lines (progn (setq lines ...)))
  (when org-export-table-remove-special-lines (setq lines
(org-table-clean-before-export lines)))
  org-format-org-table-html((#(|- TextItem 0 11 (fontified nil)) #(
 |- NameItem 0 13 (fontified nil)) #(|- Relation 0 15
(fontified nil)) #(|- BinaryItem 0 13 (fontified nil
  (if (string-match ^[ ]*| (car lines)) (org-format-org-table-html
lines) (let* (... ... ... ... ...) (if ... ... ...)))
  org-format-table-html((#(|- TextItem 0 11 (fontified nil)) #(  |-
NameItem 0 13 (fontified nil)) #(|- Relation 0 15 (fontified
nil)) #(|- BinaryItem 0 13 (fontified nil))) (#(|- TextItem 0 11
(fontified nil)) #(  |- NameItem 0 13 (fontified nil)) #(|-
Relation 0 15 (fontified nil)) #(|- BinaryItem 0 13 (fontified
nil)) #(|- Statement 0 12 (fontified nil
  (insert (org-format-table-html table-buffer table-orig-buffer))
  (progn (setq table-open nil table-buffer (nreverse table-buffer)
table-orig-buffer (nreverse table-orig-buffer)) (org-close-par-maybe)
(insert (org-format-table-html table-buffer table-orig-buffer)))
  (if (or (not lines) (not ...)) (progn (setq table-open nil
table-buffer ... table-orig-buffer ...) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert
  (when (or (not lines) (not ...)) (setq table-open nil table-buffer
(nreverse table-buffer) table-orig-buffer (nreverse
table-orig-buffer)) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert
(org-format-table-html table-buffer table-orig-buffer)))
  (cond ((string-match ^\\(\\*+\\)[]+\\(.*\\) line) (setq level
... txt ...) (if ... ...) (if ... ...) (when in-local-list ... ...)
(setq first-heading-pos ...) (org-html-level-start level txt umax ...
head-count) (when ... ... ...)) ((and org-export-with-tables ...) (if
... ...) (setq table-buffer ... table-orig-buffer ...) (when ... ...
... ...)) (t (when ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (if ... ...) (when
org-export-with-footnotes ...) (cond ... ...) (insert line \n)))
  (catch (quote nextline) (when (and inquote ...) (insert /pre\n)
(setq inquote nil)) (when inquote (insert ... \n) (throw ... nil))
(when (and org-export-with-fixed-width ...) (when ... ... ...) (insert
... \n) (when ... ... ...) (throw ... nil)) (when (get-text-property
0 ... line) (let ... ... ... ... ...) (throw ... nil)) (when
(string-match ^[   ]*-\\{5,\\}[]*$ line) (insert \nhr/\n)
(throw ... nil)) (while (string-match
?\\([^]*\\)?\\((INVISIBLE)\\)?[]*\n? line) (cond ... ...
...)) (setq line (org-html-handle-time-stamps line)) (setq line
(org-html-expand line)) (setq start 0) (while (string-match
org-bracket-link-analytic-regexp line start) (setq start ...) (setq
type ...) (setq path ...) (setq desc1 ... desc2 ... descp ... desc
...) (when ... ... ...) (cond ... ... ... ... ...) (setq line ...
start ...)) (if (and ... ...) (setq line ...)) (when
org-export-with-footnotes (while ... ...)) (cond (... ... ... ... ...
... ... ...) (... ... ... ...) (t ... ... ... ... ...)))
  (while (setq line (pop lines) origline line) (catch (quote nextline)
(when ... ... ...) (when inquote ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...)
(when ... ... ...) (when ... ... ...) (while ... ...) (setq line ...)
(setq line ...) (setq start 0) (while ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)
(if ... ...) (when org-export-with-footnotes ...) (cond ... ... ...)))
  (let ((case-fold-search nil) (org-odd-levels-only odd)) (mapc
(lambda ... ...) org-export-plist-vars) (setq umax (if arg ...
org-export-headline-levels)) (setq umax-toc (if ... ... umax)) (unless
body-only (insert ...) (insert ...) (when ... ...)) (if 

Re: [Orgmode] „This should not happ en“ (C-c C-e h)

2007-11-19 Thread Bastien
Daniel Clemente [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 |- TextItem
   |- NameItem
 |- Relation
 |- BinaryItem
 |- Statement

The „|- at the beginning make that C-c C-e h fails. I attach the
 backtrace, at the bottom.

Org thinks this is a table.  Maybe table lines should be recognized as
beginning *and* ending with a | 

As a temporary workaround, you can use a fixed-width section like this:

:|- TextItem
:  |- NameItem
:|- Relation
:|- BinaryItem
:|- Statement


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[Orgmode] Re: Agenda view with tags filter

2007-11-19 Thread Ivan Kanis
Hi Bastien,

Bastien [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I was wondering if it's possible to have an agenda view with a filter
 on tags. Fox example I would like to have a daily agenda with only the
 :home: tag item listed.

 I suspect you're using an old version of Org.  What version of Org are
 you using?  

Org-mode version 5.13h

 | M-x org-agenda m 

 lets you match a TAGS query.  

Yes I am aware of this command, it lists all item matching tags. I
would like an agenda view with items that matches a specific tag. For
example a day view with only :office: items.

  I shall never make a new friend in my life, though perhaps a few
after I die.
-- Oscar Wilde

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Agenda view with tags filter

2007-11-19 Thread Bastien
Ivan Kanis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 | M-x org-agenda m 

 lets you match a TAGS query.  

 Yes I am aware of this command, it lists all item matching tags. I
 would like an agenda view with items that matches a specific tag. For
 example a day view with only :office: items.

Ah, okay.  Maybe this will help:

 '(h agenda 
 '(org-agenda-skip-entry 'notregexp :home:))
(org-agenda-overriding-header Agenda with :home: tag:

BTW, agenda view might be a bit confusing.  Maybe we should use
agenda view for (agenda) only and custom view for other types 
of views.  


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Re: [Orgmode] „This should not happen“ (C-c C-e h)

2007-11-19 Thread Daniel Clemente
  |- TextItem
|- NameItem
  |- Relation
  |- BinaryItem
  |- Statement

 Org thinks this is a table.  Maybe table lines should be recognized as
 beginning *and* ending with a |

   That would be better.
   By the way: on a line which starts with |- you don't normally write
any text if you're doing a table; you just write |---++--+|
etc. So in this case no line of the example can be interpreted as

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