[Orgmode] Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color

2010-07-09 Thread Michael Gilbert
Hi all —

Another in a long line of newbie questions

I'm running 6.33x on Aquamacs.

Whenever I rebuild my agenda, I get this message: Symbol's function definition 
is void: org-face-from-face-or-color. I know enough to get a backtrace, but 
not enough to read it. I've appended it below. Can anyone help point the way?

TIA, as usual.

— Michael


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-face-from-face-or-color)
  (org-face-from-face-or-color (quote priority) nil (cdr (assoc p 
  (cond ((org-face-from-face-or-color ... nil ...)) ((and ... ...)) ((equal p 
l) (quote italic)) ((equal p h) (quote bold)))
  (overlay-put ov (quote face) (cond (...) (...) (... ...) (... ...)))
  (while (re-search-forward \\[#\\(.\\)\\] nil t) (setq h (or ... 
org-highest-priority) l (or ... org-lowest-priority) p (string-to-char ...) b 
(match-beginning 0) e (if ... ... ...) ov (make-overlay b e)) (overlay-put ov 
(quote face) (cond ... ... ... ...)) (overlay-put ov (quote org-type) (quote 
  (let ((inhibit-read-only t) b e p ov h l) (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(re-search-forward \\[#\\(.\\)\\] nil t) (setq h ... l ... p ... b ... e ... 
ov ...) (overlay-put ov ... ...) (overlay-put ov ... ...)))
  (save-excursion (let (... b e p ov h l) (goto-char ...) (while ... ... ... 
  (progn (org-agenda-fontify-priorities))
  (if org-agenda-fontify-priorities (progn (org-agenda-fontify-priorities)))
  (when org-agenda-fontify-priorities (org-agenda-fontify-priorities))
  (save-excursion (let (...) (goto-char ...) (while ... ...) 
(org-agenda-align-tags) (unless org-agenda-with-colors ...)) (if (and ... 
org-agenda-overriding-columns-format) (org-set-local ... 
org-agenda-overriding-columns-format)) (if (and ... 
org-agenda-view-columns-initially) (org-agenda-columns)) (when 
org-agenda-fontify-priorities (org-agenda-fontify-priorities)) (when (and 
org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks org-blocker-hook) (org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks)) 
(org-agenda-mark-clocking-task) (when org-agenda-entry-text-mode 
(org-agenda-entry-text-hide) (org-agenda-entry-text-show)) (if (functionp ...) 
(org-habit-insert-consistency-graphs)) (run-hooks (quote 
org-finalize-agenda-hook)) (setq org-agenda-type (org-get-at-bol ...)) (when 
(get ... :preset-filter) (org-agenda-filter-apply org-agenda-filter)))
  (if org-agenda-multi nil (save-excursion (let ... ... ... ... ...) (if ... 
...) (if ... ...) (when org-agenda-fontify-priorities ...) (when ... ...) 
(org-agenda-mark-clocking-task) (when org-agenda-entry-text-mode ... ...) (if 
... ...) (run-hooks ...) (setq org-agenda-type ...) (when ... ...)))
  (unless org-agenda-multi (save-excursion (let ... ... ... ... ...) (if ... 
...) (if ... ...) (when org-agenda-fontify-priorities ...) (when ... ...) 
(org-agenda-mark-clocking-task) (when org-agenda-entry-text-mode ... ...) (if 
... ...) (run-hooks ...) (setq org-agenda-type ...) (when ... ...)))
  (let* ((org-agenda-start-on-weekday ...) (thefiles ...) (files thefiles) 
(today ...) (sd ...) (start ...) (day-numbers ...) (day-cnt 0) 
(inhibit-redisplay ...) s e rtn rtnall file date d start-pos end-pos todayp nd 
wd clocktable-start clocktable-end) (setq org-agenda-redo-command (list ... ... 
start-day ndays)) (setq ndays (or ndays org-agenda-ndays) nd ndays) (while ( 
ndays 1) (push ... day-numbers) (setq ndays ...)) (setq day-numbers (nreverse 
day-numbers)) (setq clocktable-start (car day-numbers) clocktable-end (1+ ...)) 
(org-prepare-agenda Day/Week) (org-set-local (quote org-starting-day) (car 
day-numbers)) (org-set-local (quote org-include-all-loc) include-all) 
(org-set-local (quote org-agenda-span) (org-agenda-ndays-to-span nd)) (when 
(and ... ...) (setq files thefiles rtnall nil) (while ... ...) (when rtnall ... 
... ... ...)) (unless org-agenda-compact-blocks (let* ... ... ...) 
(add-text-properties s ... ...) (org-agenda-mark-header-line s)) (while (setq d 
...) (setq date ... wd ... s ...) (if ... ... ...) (setq files thefiles rtnall 
nil) (while ... ...) (if org-agenda-include-diary ...) (if ... ...)) (when (and 
org-agenda-clockreport-mode clocktable-start) (let ... ... ... ... ... ... 
...)) (goto-char (point-min)) (or org-agenda-multi (org-fit-agenda-window)) 
(unless (and ... ...) (goto-char ...) (recenter -1) (if ... ...)) (goto-char 
(or start-pos 1)) (add-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) (quote ...)) 
(org-finalize-agenda) (setq buffer-read-only t) (message ))
  (let ((org-deadline-warning-days 0) 
(org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown t) (org-agenda-skip-function 
...)) (org-agenda-list current-prefix-arg))
  eval((let ((org-deadline-warning-days 0) 
(org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown t) (org-agenda-skip-function 
...)) (org-agenda-list current-prefix-arg)))
  org-let(((org-deadline-warning-days 0) 
(org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown t) 

Re: [Orgmode] Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color

2010-07-09 Thread David Maus
Michael Gilbert wrote:
Hi all —

Another in a long line of newbie questions

I'm running 6.33x on Aquamacs.

Whenever I rebuild my agenda, I get this message: Symbol's function
definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color. I know enough to
get a backtrace, but not enough to read it. I've appended it
below. Can anyone help point the way?

Looks like a mixup of Org mode version: The function
`org-face-from-face-or-color' was introduced February, 25th 2010
(commit 6fbdb8074e0c83b6a2160cf31665d2d0a99c3d77), in January 2010
6.34c was released.

6.33 doesn't have this function.  Could you check if there are other
Org versions besides the one shipped with Aquamacs are in your load

  -- David
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Re: [Orgmode] [BABEL] Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not

2010-07-09 Thread Rainer M Krug
On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Eric Schulte schulte.e...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Rainer,

Hi Eric

 I am aware of this problem, and although I don't know any a good
 solution, I do have a good workaround (example attached [1]).

That workaround looks really good - thanks. Much better then putting
:session at the beginning of each source block.

 The problem is that org-latex removes all of the #+ lines from the
 beginning of any Org-mode file which has headlines as part of the export
 process.  This means that by the time it's Babel's turn to run code
 blocks, the #+BABEL line has been removed, and the session is not set.
 If there are no headlines, then this problem does not arise.

OK - that explains.

 I sent in a patch last week, [2] but it's application would have broken
 other features of the latex export, I've yet to work out a good solution
 to this.

 There is a decent work-around.  Whenever there are no headlines, then
 the #+BABEL: line works fine on LaTeX export, when there are headlines,
 then header arguments can be placed as properties in the headlines to
 the same effect.

Would it be possible to issue a warning if a #+BABEL line is stripped by
LaTeX? If I think back, this stripping cost me quite some time to figure out
why things are working differently when exporting to LaTeX then html.

 Cheers -- Eric



 Rainer M Krug r.m.k...@gmail.com writes:

  I have the attached org file.
  It seems that when exporting to a pdf, the :session argument is ignored,
  I get a
  Org-Babel Error Output buffer with:
  Error: object 'x' not found
  Execution halted
  and an Org-Babel Error buffer with the same text, and the resulting pdf
  only show the code..
  HTML export, works as expected.
  If I put :session *R_test* behind #+begin_src (R2.org) it works.


 [2]  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/27081


Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology,
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Natural Sciences Building
Office Suite 2039
Stellenbosch University
Main Campus, Merriman Avenue
South Africa

Cell:   +27 - (0)83 9479 042
Fax:+27 - (0)86 516 2782
Fax:+49 - (0)321 2125 2244
email:  rai...@krugs.de

Skype:  RMkrug
Google: r.m.k...@gmail.com
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] feature request - tangle-and-evaluate-tangled-file

2010-07-09 Thread Rainer M Krug
On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Eric Schulte schulte.e...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Rainer,

Hi Eric

 I just pushed up a new hook `org-babel-post-tangle-hook' which can be
 used to run activities in tangled code files immediately after tangling.
 I believe the following can be used implement the feature you described
 with this hook.

Sounds perfect - thanks a lot.

 (add-hook 'org-babel-post-tangle-hook
  (lambda () (ess-load-file (buffer-file-name

Unfortunately, this does not work. I put the code above into my
emacs.organd nothing happens - not even an error message. I tried to
use the C-h v to
customise the variable, but I don't manage it. In addition, The filename for
es-load-file shoud not be the buffer name, but the buffer name with the
extension replaced with R.

I am sorry about all these questions, but emacs-lisp I have never used
emacs-lisp (I should - and I will!)

Cheers and thanks for your patience,


 Best -- Eric

 Rainer M Krug r.m.k...@gmail.com writes:

  I am using org-babel for literate programming in R and I am using the
  following approach to test the code:
  1) tangle
  2) refresh buffer containing the tangled code (I use auto-revert-mode or
  global-auto-revert-mode for that)
  3) load the tangled file into an existing R session via ESS R for
  This involves switching between buffers in always the same sequence.
  Therefore my suggestion:
  would it be possible to have a tangle-and-evaluate-tangled-file
  which is doing this automatically?
  C-c - 0 and org-babel-execute-buffer do not work in this case, as
  are split over several code blocks in R.


Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology,
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Natural Sciences Building
Office Suite 2039
Stellenbosch University
Main Campus, Merriman Avenue
South Africa

Cell:   +27 - (0)83 9479 042
Fax:+27 - (0)86 516 2782
Fax:+49 - (0)321 2125 2244
email:  rai...@krugs.de

Skype:  RMkrug
Google: r.m.k...@gmail.com
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] [BABEL] Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not

2010-07-09 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jul 9, 2010, at 9:21 AM, Rainer M Krug wrote:

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Eric Schulte  
schulte.e...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Rainer,

Hi Eric

I am aware of this problem, and although I don't know any a good
solution, I do have a good workaround (example attached [1]).

That workaround looks really good - thanks. Much better then  
putting :session at the beginning of each source block.

The problem is that org-latex removes all of the #+ lines from the
beginning of any Org-mode file which has headlines as part of the  

process.  This means that by the time it's Babel's turn to run code
blocks, the #+BABEL line has been removed, and the session is not set.
If there are no headlines, then this problem does not arise.

OK - that explains.

I sent in a patch last week, [2] but it's application would have  
other features of the latex export, I've yet to work out a good  

to this.

There is a decent work-around.  Whenever there are no headlines, then
the #+BABEL: line works fine on LaTeX export, when there are  

then header arguments can be placed as properties in the headlines to
the same effect.

Would it be possible to issue a warning if a #+BABEL line is  
stripped by LaTeX? If I think back, this stripping cost me quite  
some time to figure out why things are working differently when  
exporting to LaTeX then html.

No, we really need to fix this.

Can someone please try if the following patch does fix this issue?

diff --git a/lisp/org-latex.el b/lisp/org-latex.el
index 70298fd..3cfa36c 100644
--- a/lisp/org-latex.el
+++ b/lisp/org-latex.el
@@ -1221,9 +1221,16 @@ If END is non-nil, it is the end of the region.
:timestamps (plist-get opt-plist :timestamps)
:footnotes (plist-get opt-plist :footnotes)))
-(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
-  (add-text-properties pt (max pt (1- end))
-   '(:org-license-to-kill t
+(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+  (limit (max pt (1- end
+  (add-text-properties pt limit
+   '(:org-license-to-kill t))
+  (save-excursion
+(goto-char pt)
+(while (re-search-forward ^[ \t]*#+.*\n? limit t)
+  (remove-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
+   '(:org-license-to-kill t))

 (defvar org-export-latex-header-defs nil
   The header definitions that might be used in the LaTeX body.)


- Carsten

Cheers -- Eric



Rainer M Krug r.m.k...@gmail.com writes:


 I have the attached org file.

 It seems that when exporting to a pdf, the :session argument is  
ignored, as

 I get a
 Org-Babel Error Output buffer with:
 Error: object 'x' not found
 Execution halted

 and an Org-Babel Error buffer with the same text, and the  
resulting pdf does

 only show the code..

 HTML export, works as expected.

 If I put :session *R_test* behind #+begin_src (R2.org) it works.




[2]  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/27081


Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation  
Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Natural Sciences Building
Office Suite 2039
Stellenbosch University
Main Campus, Merriman Avenue
South Africa

Cell:   +27 - (0)83 9479 042
Fax:+27 - (0)86 516 2782
Fax:+49 - (0)321 2125 2244
email:  rai...@krugs.de

Skype:  RMkrug
Google: r.m.k...@gmail.com

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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- Carsten

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[Orgmode] links customization in org-mode

2010-07-09 Thread תומר לוין
Is there an option the set the color of the link to be in the same color of the hirarchy it is related , and not the defaut link color ?
In other words not to assign default color the a link,but keep it as like other items in the same hirarchy?

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Re: [Orgmode] Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda

2010-07-09 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Fri, 09 Jul 2010 09:57:48 +0900, Torsten Wagner torsten.wag...@gmail.com 
 Just by reading and without the possibility to test it. Why you multiply the 
 hour with 36 instead of 3600 to get seconds?

Because the value returned by the %z format for the date command is in
hundred hours form so that, for instance, GMT+1 gives +0100...
Furthermore, note that I remove the leading 0 or else the bash
arithmetic evaluation treats the number as octal.

The comment is a little terse!  Sorry about that.
Eric S Fraga
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Re: [Orgmode] [google] updated awk script for google to org conversion

2010-07-09 Thread Eric S Fraga
I've updated the awk script for converting Google calendar iCal export to org:

- the time zone calculation is now down completely within the awk
  script, not requiring any external calculations.

- fixed handling of continuation lines as Google seems to have
  changed, since last night, the format of the export iCal entries.

Again, comments, questions and criticisms all more than welcome!

Please note that the shell command required to use this is now much simpler:

  awk -f thisawkscript  icsfile  orgfile

as there is no longer any need to define the SECONDS variable.

Enjoy! :)

# awk script for converting an iCal formatted file to a sequence of org-mode 
# this may not work in general but seems to work for day and timed events from 
# calendar, which is really all I need right now...
# usage:
#   awk -f THISFILE  icalinputfile.ics  orgmodeentries.org
# Note: change org meta information generated below for author and
# email entries!
# Known bugs:
# - not so much a bug as a possible assumption: date entries with no time
#   specified are assumed to be independent of the time zone.
# Eric S Fraga
# 20100629 - initial version
# 20100708 - added end times to timed events
#  - adjust times according to time zone information
#  - fixed incorrect transfer for entries with : embedded within the 
#  - added support for multi-line summary entries (which become 
# 20100709 - incorporated time zone identification
#  - fixed processing of continuation lines as Google seems to
#have changed, in the last day, the number of spaces at
#the start of the line for each continuation...
#  - remove backslashes used to protect commas in iCal text entries
# Last change: 2010.07.09 10:42:54

# a function to take the iCal formatted date+time, convert it into an
# internal form (seconds since time 0), and adjust according to the
# local time zone (specified by +-seconds calculated in the BEGIN
# section)

function datetimestamp(input)
# convert the iCal Date+Time entry to a format that mktime can understand
datespec = 
 \\1 \\2 \\3 \\4 \\5 \\6, g, input);
# print date spec :  datespec; convert this date+time into
# seconds from the beginning of time and include adjustment for
# time zone, as determined in the BEGIN section below.  For time
# zone adjustment, I have not tested edge effects, specifically
# what happens when UTC time is a different day to local time and
# especially when an event with a duration crosses midnight in UTC
# time.  It should work but...
timestamp = mktime(datespec) + seconds;
# print adjusted:  timestamp
# print Time stamp  :  strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M, timestamp);
return timestamp;

# use a colon to separate the type of data line from the actual contents
FS = :;

# determine the number of seconds to use for adjusting for time
# zone difference from UTC.  This is used in the function
# datetimestamp above.  The time zone information returned by
# strftime() is in hours * 100 so we multiply by 36 to get
# seconds.  This does not work for time zones that are not an
# integral multiple of hours (e.g. Newfoundland)
seconds = gensub(([+-])0, \\1, , strftime(%z)) * 36;

date = ;
entry = 
first = 1;  # true until an event has been found
headline = 
icalentry =   # the full entry for inspection
id = 
indescription = 0;
time2given = 0;

print #+TITLE: Main Google calendar entries
print #+AUTHOR:Eric S Fraga
print #+EMAIL: e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk
print #+DESCRIPTION: converted using the ical2org awk script
print #+CATEGORY: google

# continuation lines (at least from Google) start with two spaces
# if the continuation is after a description or a summary, append the entry
# to the respective variable

/^[ ]+/ { 
if (indescription) {
entry = entry gensub(\r, , g, gensub(^[ ]+, , , $0));
} else if (insummary) {
summary = summary gensub(\r, , g, gensub(^[ ]+, , , $0))
icalentry = icalentry \n $0

# start of an event.  if this is the first, output the preamble from the 
iCal file
if (first) {
print * COMMENT original iCal preamble
print gensub(\r, , g, icalentry)
icalentry = 
first = false;
# any line that starts at the left with a non-space character is a new data 

/^[A-Z]/ {
# we ignore DTSTAMP lines as they change every time you download
# the iCal format file which leads to a change in the converted
# org file as I output the original input.  This change, which is
# really content free, makes

Re: [Orgmode] Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color

2010-07-09 Thread Michael Gilbert
On Jul 9,2010, at 12:18 AM, David Maus wrote:

 I'm running 6.33x on Aquamacs.
 Whenever I rebuild my agenda, I get this message: Symbol's function
 definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color. I know enough to
 get a backtrace, but not enough to read it. I've appended it
 below. Can anyone help point the way?
 Looks like a mixup of Org mode version: The function
 `org-face-from-face-or-color' was introduced February, 25th 2010
 (commit 6fbdb8074e0c83b6a2160cf31665d2d0a99c3d77), in January 2010
 6.34c was released.
 6.33 doesn't have this function.  Could you check if there are other
 Org versions besides the one shipped with Aquamacs are in your load

Thank you, David. That was the insight I needed. I normally pull from the most 
recent build, but somehow an (require 'org) had slipped into the top of my 
startup file. 


— M

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[Orgmode] trouble with Imenu integration

2010-07-09 Thread Michael Gilbert
And another

Following the instructions from manual, I have this near the end of my startup 
file (I hope that is copied correctly):

(add-hook ’org-mode-hook 
   (lambda () (imenu-add-to-menubar Imenu)))

But I get this error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable ’org-mode-hook)
  (add-hook ’org-mode-hook (lambda nil (imenu-add-to-menubar Imenu)))
  eval((add-hook ’org-mode-hook (lambda nil (imenu-add-to-menubar 
  call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)

What am I missing?

— Michael

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[Orgmode] [BABEL] syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?

2010-07-09 Thread Rainer M Krug

when I export to html, I get nice syntax highlighting in my source code (R),
but when I export to pdf (via LaTeX), the source code is in normal verbatim,
as it is in a verbatim environment.

Is there any way to put it into a lstlisting environment, and probably even
put the language from the source block in? In this way, one could get syntax
highlighting in the pdf?

An example:

#+begin_src R  :exports code
  x - log(1:10)

is at the moment in the LaTeX output:

x - log(1:10)

Suggested output would be:\begin{lstlisting}[language=R]
x - log(1:10)




Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology,
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Natural Sciences Building
Office Suite 2039
Stellenbosch University
Main Campus, Merriman Avenue
South Africa

Cell:   +27 - (0)83 9479 042
Fax:+27 - (0)86 516 2782
Fax:+49 - (0)321 2125 2244
email:  rai...@krugs.de

Skype:  RMkrug
Google: r.m.k...@gmail.com
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Re: [Orgmode] patch for org mode

2010-07-09 Thread Stephen Eglen
hi Carsten,
sorry for delay.

  +...@comment SJE: org-feed is not autoloaded - should that be mentioned?
 The main entry points in org-feed are autoloaded - what do you mean

sorry, no worries, I hadn't tried running the code, so the
org-feed-alist was not visible as a variable.

By the way, Mark Scala recently posted the following excellent snippet:

(setq org-feed-alist
 ~/txt/org/feeds.org Slashdot Entries)))

That would make for a better example than the one currently in the
documentation, as everyone should be able to run it.

Best, stephen

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Verbatim export

2010-07-09 Thread Bernt Hansen
Vincent Belaïche vincent@hotmail.fr writes:


 - this -

 : - this one too
 : - and that one -

 Thank you for your quick reply, this is not exactly what I was looking
 for. What you propose will encapsulate all the text into a
 pre class=example  /pre block. This means that the font and
 background color are changed. I would not like this to happen, just the
 characters to lose their special meaning.

 Probably my initial email was confusing because I used the term
 verbatim which in LaTeX changes the font. What I am looking for is to
 make some text to be interpreted litterally, without having all the
 surrounding formatters to be overloaded.

 The dash is not a very good example because most of the time the
 solution is just not to place any dash at the beginning of a line.
 However I had the following issue: I wanted to quote some text (so using
 #+begin/end_quote), and this text was beginning with a dash, then I
 didn't know how to escape the dash.

 The issue which I meet more often is when there are some `[0]' which I
 don't want to be interpreted as footnotes, so I was proposing some
 general solution like

 \verbatim{EOF}In reference [0] EOF.

 Another solution would be to have a \relax{} macro, then the following
 would also work

 In reference [\relax{}0]

 \relax would also make it for like for dashes:

 \relax{}- this dash is not a bullet mark

 Well, there are several ways to solve the issue. I am not sure which is

The only other thing that works today that I'm aware of is you surround
your text with equal signs as in =[0]= but this also probably doesn't do
exactly what you want for both LaTeX and HTML export.  This uses \texttt
in LaTeX and code.../code in HTML.

In HTML you're free to defined CSS for the code block but you won't
end up with a verbatim block in LaTeX.  I proposed the two previous
examples because preceeding the text with ': ' creates
a \begin{verbatim} block in LaTeX.

If you document is targeted only for LaTeX export then you can use LaTeX
macros directly in the source.


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Re: [Orgmode] CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial

2010-07-09 Thread Sebastian Rose
Hi Adam!

Adam ah...@ihug.co.nz writes:
 The Worg tutorial Publishing Org-mode files to HTML ran for me first
 time, so it seems excellent and well written.

 However I am trying to use a vanilla CSS, say ssheet1.css, located in
 ~/org/css as per the tutorial.

 With only the following line at the end of my org file,

 #+STYLE: link rel=stylesheet type=text/css  href=../ssheet1.css /

 or even

 # STYLE: link rel=stylesheet type=text/css  href=../ssheet1.css /

To the END of your Org file ???

Those comments should live on the _TOP_ of your Org file. See

The first choice is the export options template on top of the

 doing a view source of the HTML published page, shows that it includes
 the java stuff of org-export-html-style-export, shown below. I feel my
 defined CSS is being somehow compromised.

_JavaScript_ has nothing to do with CSS.

 I am hoping to tweek a CSS from the ground up, or choose a most
 suitable one from elsewhere. The only other thing, is that I fear my
 trial CGI Bash script is being clobbered by the Java, as its not working
 (its permission is OK). Maybe it needs to be enclosed within a
 unique style/type entry.

 #+STYLE:  !-- #exec cgi=/cgi-bin/count.sh --

Details missing, but again: the JavaScript has hardly something to do
with it.

The tutorial mentions this line:

   #+INFOJS_OPT: view:nil toc:t ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0 

Remove the line, and you'll get rid of the JavaScript.

To get rid of the default styles, customite the variable


 Below, I hope not at the risk of a friendship, I include the settings

 And these were noted after a successfuul org-publish operation.

 My question is, how should I unambiguously use a specific CSS, within
 the context of the Publishing Org-mode files to HTML tutorial. And
 whether including the CGI script is as simple as that above.

 Sorry for my confusion, I cannot see how or where to remove the Java
 stuff.  If its as simple as 13.3.1 of the Org Mode manual, or by modifying the
 *scratch* evaluations of the tutorial, then I do apologize.

 Thanks,  best,  Adam.



 style type=\text/css\
   html { font-family: Times, serif; font-size: 12pt; }
   .title  { text-align: center; }
   .todo   { color: red; }
   .done   { color: green; }
   .tag{ background-color:lightblue; font-weight:normal }
   .target { }
   .timestamp { color: grey }
   .timestamp-kwd { color: CadetBlue }
   p.verse { margin-left: 3% }
   pre {
   border: 1pt solid #AEBDCC;
   background-color: #F3F5F7;
   padding: 5pt;
   font-family: courier, monospace;
 font-size: 90%;
   table { border-collapse: collapse; }
   td, th { vertical-align: top; }
   dt { font-weight: bold; }
   div.figure { padding: 0.5em; }
   div.figure p { text-align: center; }
   .linenr { font-size:smaller }
   .code-highlighted {background-color:#00;}
   .org-info-js_info-navigation { border-style:none; }
   #org-info-js_console-label { font-size:10px; font-weight:bold;
white-space:nowrap; }
   .org-info-js_search-highlight {background-color:#00; color:#00;
  font-weight:bold; }



 ((org-notes :base-directory C:\\Adamstuff\\webp\\org\\ :base-extension
 org :publishing-directory C:\\Adamstuff\\webp\\public_html\\ :recursive
 t :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html :headline-levels ...)
 (org-static :base-directory C:\\Adamstuff\\webp\\org\\ :base-extension
 css\\|js\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif\\|pdf\\|mp3\\|ogg\\|swf :publishing-directory
 C:\\Adamstuff\\webp\\public_html\\ :recursive t :publishing-function
 org-publish-attachment) (org :components (org-notes org-static)))



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Re: [Orgmode] Re: New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?

2010-07-09 Thread Sebastian Rose
Greg Newman g...@20seven.org writes:
 In my mind, I'd like to see a few different style sheets too in different
 flavors (html, html5, etc) for different browser specs or covering all

We would need different flavours of HTML export then.


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Re: [Orgmode] CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial

2010-07-09 Thread Robert Klein

Hi Adam,

On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 09:48:11 +0200, Adam ah...@ihug.co.nz wrote:

#+STYLE: link rel=stylesheet type=text/css  href=../ssheet1.css /

or even

# STYLE: link rel=stylesheet type=text/css  href=../ssheet1.css /

doing a view source of the HTML published page, shows that it includes
the java stuff of org-export-html-style-export, shown below. I feel my
defined CSS is being somehow compromised.

I also use a style of my own (and parts of the org-mode standard
style copied into my style sheet). To avoid the inclusion of the
org-mode style and javascript I put two additional settings into
the project lists /notes/ component:

   :style-include-default nil ; don't include org-modes style sheet
   :style-include-scripts nil ; don't include org-modes javascript

Additionally I put my style right behind those lines, but I don't
think it matters if it is there or in the org file:
   :style link rel=\stylesheet\ href=\example.css\  

For example, I put those tho lines into your quoted configuration:


((org-notes :base-directory C:\\Adamstuff\\webp\\org\\

   :style-include-default nil ; don't include org-modes style sheet
   :style-include-scripts nil ; don't include org-modes javascript

org :publishing-directory C:\\Adamstuff\\webp\\public_html\\  

t :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html :headline-levels ...)
(org-static :base-directory C:\\Adamstuff\\webp\\org\\  

C:\\Adamstuff\\webp\\public_html\\ :recursive t :publishing-function
org-publish-attachment) (org :components (org-notes org-static)))

Best regards

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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] feature request - tangle-and-evaluate-tangled-file

2010-07-09 Thread Eric Schulte
Hi Rainer,

Rainer M Krug r.m.k...@gmail.com writes:

 On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Eric Schulte schulte.e...@gmail.com wrote:

 (add-hook 'org-babel-post-tangle-hook
  (lambda () (ess-load-file (buffer-file-name

 Unfortunately, this does not work. I put the code above into my
 emacs.organd nothing happens - not even an error message. I tried to
 use the C-h v to customise the variable, but I don't manage it.

If the variable isn't registered with C-h v, then it sounds like maybe
you need to update Org-mode, and/or re-run make clean  make.

 In addition, The filename for es-load-file shoud not be the buffer
 name, but the buffer name with the extension replaced with R.

`buffer-file-name', returns the name of the file that the buffer is
visiting, so wouldn't this already be the case if the filename ends with

This minimal example with the hook defined as above works for me.  After
tangling I can jump to the *R* buffer where both x and y are defined.

--8---cut here---start-8---
** tangle R and load
   :tangle:   to-load.r

#+begin_src R :comments yes
  x - 8

#+begin_src R
  y - 9
--8---cut here---end---8---

 I am sorry about all these questions, but emacs-lisp I have never used
 emacs-lisp (I should - and I will!)

No problem at all, but be careful about learning too much lisp as you
may begin to grow dissatisfied with R :)

Best -- Eric

 Cheers and thanks for your patience,


 Best -- Eric

 Rainer M Krug r.m.k...@gmail.com writes:

  I am using org-babel for literate programming in R and I am using the
  following approach to test the code:
  1) tangle
  2) refresh buffer containing the tangled code (I use auto-revert-mode or
  global-auto-revert-mode for that)
  3) load the tangled file into an existing R session via ESS R for
  This involves switching between buffers in always the same sequence.
  Therefore my suggestion:
  would it be possible to have a tangle-and-evaluate-tangled-file
  which is doing this automatically?
  C-c - 0 and org-babel-execute-buffer do not work in this case, as
  are split over several code blocks in R.

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Re: [Orgmode] [BABEL] syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?

2010-07-09 Thread Eric Schulte
Yes, set org-export-latex-listings to true.  Cheers -- Eric

| org-export-latex-listings is a variable defined in `org-latex.el'.
| Its value is nil
| Documentation:
| Non-nil means export source code using the listings package.
| This package will fontify source code, possibly even with color.
| If you want to use this, you also need to make LaTeX use the
| listings package, and if you want to have color, the color
| package.  Just add these to `org-export-latex-packages-alist',
| for example using customize, or with something like
|   (require 'org-latex)
|   (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-packages-alist '( listings))
|   (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-packages-alist '( color))
| You can customize this variable.

Rainer M Krug r.m.k...@gmail.com writes:


 when I export to html, I get nice syntax highlighting in my source code (R),
 but when I export to pdf (via LaTeX), the source code is in normal verbatim,
 as it is in a verbatim environment.

 Is there any way to put it into a lstlisting environment, and probably even
 put the language from the source block in? In this way, one could get syntax
 highlighting in the pdf?

 An example:

 #+begin_src R  :exports code
   x - log(1:10)

 is at the moment in the LaTeX output:

 x - log(1:10)

 Suggested output would be:\begin{lstlisting}[language=R]
 x - log(1:10)



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Re: [Orgmode] Re: New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?

2010-07-09 Thread Jonathan Arkell
On Jul 9, 2010, at 7:38 AM, Sebastian Rose wrote:

 Greg Newman g...@20seven.org writes:
 In my mind, I'd like to see a few different style sheets too in different
 flavors (html, html5, etc) for different browser specs or covering all

 We would need different flavours of HTML export then.


Not if everything was done correctly, check http://www.csszengarden.com/ for an 

In fact, if you are careful about how you write your CSS and Markup, you could 
probably target chrome with all the css bells and whistles and Lynx in the same 

I think Greg is referring more to CSS 3, rather then HTML 5.  But I could be 


Jonathan Arkell
Tech Lead
Inspired By Drum  Bass, Scheme, Kawaii

p. 403.206.4377

402 -- 11th Ave SE
Calgary, AB, Canada T2G 0Y4


The information contained in this message is confidential. It is intended to be 
read only by the individual or entity named above or their designee. If the 
reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified 
that any distribution of this message, in any form, is strictly prohibited. If 
you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender 
and delete or destroy any copy of this message.

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[Orgmode] org-crypt remember password

2010-07-09 Thread Chris Willard
Hello All,

Is there an option to tell org-crypt to remember the password as I have many 
encrypted headings in certain files which I have to enter the password for? If 
I could just enter it once it would save lots of time.



---(  They're doctors?!  Uh, they've had a basic   )
---( medical training, yes.  )
Chris -(  ) Willard
 Htag.pl 0.0.24

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[Orgmode] Re: org-crypt remember password

2010-07-09 Thread Richard Riley

Chris Willard cw-orgm...@meliser.co.uk writes:

 Hello All,

 Is there an option to tell org-crypt to remember the password as I have many 
 encrypted headings in certain files which I have to enter the password for? 
 If I could just enter it once it would save lots of time.



You probably need to look into using gpg-agent.

My org crypt set up is merely

| (require 'org-crypt)
| (org-crypt-use-before-save-magic)
| (setq org-crypt-key r...@richardriley.net)



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Re: [Orgmode] Re: New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?

2010-07-09 Thread Greg Newman
You are correct about the CSS Johnathan.
I am referring to both.  HTML5's markup is so much simpler and cleaner, it
would be nice to utilize that as much as possible
and with the use of Modernizr it degrades HTML5 very nicely for older

— Greg

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Jonathan Arkell jonath...@criticalmass.com

 On Jul 9, 2010, at 7:38 AM, Sebastian Rose wrote:
  Greg Newman g...@20seven.org writes:
  In my mind, I'd like to see a few different style sheets too in
  flavors (html, html5, etc) for different browser specs or covering all
  We would need different flavours of HTML export then.

 Not if everything was done correctly, check http://www.csszengarden.com/for 
 an example.

 In fact, if you are careful about how you write your CSS and Markup, you
 could probably target chrome with all the css bells and whistles and Lynx in
 the same stylesheet!

 I think Greg is referring more to CSS 3, rather then HTML 5.  But I could
 be wrong!


 Jonathan Arkell
 Tech Lead
 Inspired By Drum  Bass, Scheme, Kawaii

 p. 403.206.4377

 402 -- 11th Ave SE
 Calgary, AB, Canada T2G 0Y4


 The information contained in this message is confidential. It is intended
 to be read only by the individual or entity named above or their designee.
 If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby
 notified that any distribution of this message, in any form, is strictly
 prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately
 notify the sender and delete or destroy any copy of this message.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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RE: [Orgmode] Re: Verbatim export

2010-07-09 Thread Vincent Belaïche

Thanks for the feedback.



 To: vincent@hotmail.fr
 Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: Verbatim export
 From: be...@norang.ca
 Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 09:13:09 -0400
 CC: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
 Vincent Belaïche vincent@hotmail.fr writes:
  - this -
  : - this one too
  : - and that one -
  Thank you for your quick reply, this is not exactly what I was looking
  for. What you propose will encapsulate all the text into a
  pre class=example  /pre block. This means that the font and
  background color are changed. I would not like this to happen, just the
  characters to lose their special meaning.
  Probably my initial email was confusing because I used the term
  verbatim which in LaTeX changes the font. What I am looking for is to
  make some text to be interpreted litterally, without having all the
  surrounding formatters to be overloaded.
  The dash is not a very good example because most of the time the
  solution is just not to place any dash at the beginning of a line.
  However I had the following issue: I wanted to quote some text (so using
  #+begin/end_quote), and this text was beginning with a dash, then I
  didn't know how to escape the dash.
  The issue which I meet more often is when there are some `[0]' which I
  don't want to be interpreted as footnotes, so I was proposing some
  general solution like
  \verbatim{EOF}In reference [0] EOF.
  Another solution would be to have a \relax{} macro, then the following
  would also work
  In reference [\relax{}0]
  \relax would also make it for like for dashes:
  \relax{}- this dash is not a bullet mark
  Well, there are several ways to solve the issue. I am not sure which is
 The only other thing that works today that I'm aware of is you surround
 your text with equal signs as in =[0]= but this also probably doesn't do
 exactly what you want for both LaTeX and HTML export.  This uses \texttt
 in LaTeX and code.../code in HTML.
 In HTML you're free to defined CSS for the code block but you won't
 end up with a verbatim block in LaTeX.  I proposed the two previous
 examples because preceeding the text with ': ' creates
 a \begin{verbatim} block in LaTeX.
 If you document is targeted only for LaTeX export then you can use LaTeX
 macros directly in the source.
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[Orgmode] preserving location of point

2010-07-09 Thread Eric Abrahamsen
I'm using org mode of about a week ago, and have noticed that when I
leave point inside a table in org mode, switch to another buffer, and
switch back again, point is placed at the the end of the table. I'm
switching back and forth quite a bit and it's a pain finding my place in
the table again -- I wonder if this is something that could be fixed,
either through a user option or in the source code?


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Re: [Orgmode] CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial

2010-07-09 Thread Adam
Thanks for reply, guidance and suggestions.
I agree my cgi has nothing to do with INFOJS_OPT, nor vice versa. 

Regarding CSS, I have gone back to the default position, of including 
these inside org-notes of org-publish-project-alist, and not referring 
to an external CSS, 

  :style-include-default   t
  :style-include-scripts  nil
(after Robert's comments). 

So I am hoping to use the default style output, and then adjust the style
in the org file header using  #+STYLE:   ...  

In the org file, I have used  org-insert-export-options-template   and have 
deleted the line #+INFO-JS_OPT: ...

I publish as per the tutorial, then open the HTML result in MS Internet 
Explorer, which reports in a yellow warning band across the top words to the 
effect of   To help protect your security, IE has restricted ... Click here 
for options. 

If I then edit that HTML file, and remove the 2nd of the two style ... 
/style blocks, then reloading the HTML form does not cause the yellow 
warning to be issued. The form also appears to retain its default style, of 
red color for the TODO etc. 

This 2nd style block appears immediately before the body content 
of the document.  At the very end of the Head, just before /head.
It begins with, 
script type=text/javascript
  function CodeHighlightOn(elim, id)   etc

Looking at  org-exp.el  around line 554,  it almost seems as if javascript 
is part of the default style. 

I'm sorry to be making such heavy weather of this. I'm after a vanilla 
HTML form, which doesn't trigger warnings, which I can tweek some 
few style aspects of, heading size, heading color, text size, fonts, 
I hope by using #+STYLE:   ... 

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[Orgmode] why would org-mode-hook be a void variable? (was: trouble with Imenu integration)

2010-07-09 Thread Michael Gilbert
I guess my main question is why org-mode-hook would be a void variable. Did I 
not capture something from the instructions in the manual? Is there something 
that needs to be set before hand? I'm just not sure where to look.

— Michael

On Jul 9,2010, at 3:33 AM, Michael Gilbert wrote:

 Following the instructions from manual, I have this near the end of my 
 startup file (I hope that is copied correctly):
   (add-hook ’org-mode-hook 
  (lambda () (imenu-add-to-menubar Imenu)))
 But I get this error:
   Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable ’org-mode-hook)
 (add-hook ’org-mode-hook (lambda nil (imenu-add-to-menubar Imenu)))
 eval((add-hook ’org-mode-hook (lambda nil (imenu-add-to-menubar 
 call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)

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Re: [Orgmode] CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial

2010-07-09 Thread Sebastian Rose
Adam ah...@ihug.co.nz writes:
 Thanks for reply, guidance and suggestions.
 I agree my cgi has nothing to do with INFOJS_OPT, nor vice versa. 

 Regarding CSS, I have gone back to the default position, of including 
 these inside org-notes of org-publish-project-alist, and not referring 
 to an external CSS, 

   :style-include-default   t
   :style-include-scripts  nil
 (after Robert's comments). 

 So I am hoping to use the default style output, and then adjust the style
 in the org file header using  #+STYLE:   ...  

 In the org file, I have used  org-insert-export-options-template   and have 
 deleted the line #+INFO-JS_OPT: ...

 I publish as per the tutorial, then open the HTML result in MS Internet 
 Explorer, which reports in a yellow warning band across the top words to the 
 effect of   To help protect your security, IE has restricted ... Click here 
 for options. 

 If I then edit that HTML file, and remove the 2nd of the two style ... 
 /style blocks, then reloading the HTML form does not cause the yellow 
 warning to be issued. The form also appears to retain its default style, of 
 red color for the TODO etc. 

 This 2nd style block appears immediately before the body content 
 of the document.  At the very end of the Head, just before /head.
 It begins with, 
 script type=text/javascript
   function CodeHighlightOn(elim, id)   etc

 Looking at  org-exp.el  around line 554,  it almost seems as if javascript 
 is part of the default style. 

 I'm sorry to be making such heavy weather of this. I'm after a vanilla 
 HTML form, which doesn't trigger warnings, which I can tweek some 
 few style aspects of, heading size, heading color, text size, fonts, 
 I hope by using #+STYLE:   ... 

Hahaaa, yes, now I recall this issue when I tried IE the last time (some
month ago, luckily).  IE says JavaScript in the head section is
DANGEROUS.  God knows why it complains only if you a) visit a file located
on your own harddrive, and b) the script is not loaded from somewhere
else (which seems to be secure in the eyes of MS).

The error is gone, as soon as the page is loaded from the web, instead
from disk.  Orgmode.org's pages do not throw that warning.

I Don't know if there is a chance to persuade IE to drop this senseless

I guess no one at MS can tell you a good reason for that ;)
(Imagine, MS focusses on SECURITY in TV spots here, even :-D )

Don't worry.  Just use a serious and reasonable web browser for local
stuff (which might be closer to real security, btw).

Best wishes


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: preserving location of point

2010-07-09 Thread Bernt Hansen
Eric Abrahamsen e...@ericabrahamsen.net writes:

 I'm using org mode of about a week ago, and have noticed that when I
 leave point inside a table in org mode, switch to another buffer, and
 switch back again, point is placed at the the end of the table. I'm
 switching back and forth quite a bit and it's a pain finding my place in
 the table again -- I wonder if this is something that could be fixed,
 either through a user option or in the source code?

Hi Eric,

I'm using

GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.12.11) of 2008-11-09 on 
raven, modified by Debian
Org-mode version 6.36trans (release_6.36.587.gb482)

and I'm not seeing the behaviour you describe.  If I put the point in a
table field, then C-x C-b *scratch* RET and then move the point in the
scratch buffer and switch back to the original org-mode buffer point is
still in the table exactly where I left it.


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[Orgmode] Re: why would org-mode-hook be a void variable?

2010-07-09 Thread Bernt Hansen
Michael Gilbert m...@gilbert.org writes:

 I guess my main question is why org-mode-hook would be a void
 variable. Did I not capture something from the instructions in the
 manual? Is there something that needs to be set before hand? I'm just
 not sure where to look.

Did you initialize org-mode with

(require 'org-install)



 — Michael

 On Jul 9,2010, at 3:33 AM, Michael Gilbert wrote:

 Following the instructions from manual, I have this near the end of my 
 startup file (I hope that is copied correctly):
  (add-hook ’org-mode-hook 
 (lambda () (imenu-add-to-menubar Imenu)))
 But I get this error:
  Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable ’org-mode-hook)
(add-hook ’org-mode-hook (lambda nil (imenu-add-to-menubar Imenu)))
eval((add-hook ’org-mode-hook (lambda nil (imenu-add-to-menubar 
call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)

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Re: [Orgmode] CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial

2010-07-09 Thread Sebastian Rose
Adam ah...@ihug.co.nz writes:
 Thanks for reply, guidance and suggestions.
 I agree my cgi has nothing to do with INFOJS_OPT, nor vice versa. 

 Regarding CSS, I have gone back to the default position, of including 
 these inside org-notes of org-publish-project-alist, and not referring 
 to an external CSS, 

   :style-include-default   t
   :style-include-scripts  nil
 (after Robert's comments). 

 So I am hoping to use the default style output, and then adjust the style
 in the org file header using  #+STYLE:   ...  

 In the org file, I have used  org-insert-export-options-template   and have 
 deleted the line #+INFO-JS_OPT: ...

 I publish as per the tutorial, then open the HTML result in MS Internet 
 Explorer, which reports in a yellow warning band across the top words to the 
 effect of   To help protect your security, IE has restricted ... Click here 
 for options. 

 If I then edit that HTML file, and remove the 2nd of the two style ... 
 /style blocks, then reloading the HTML form does not cause the yellow 
 warning to be issued. The form also appears to retain its default style, of 
 red color for the TODO etc. 

 This 2nd style block appears immediately before the body content 
 of the document.  At the very end of the Head, just before /head.
 It begins with, 
 script type=text/javascript
   function CodeHighlightOn(elim, id)   etc

 Looking at  org-exp.el  around line 554,  it almost seems as if javascript 
 is part of the default style. 


  This would indeed be a bug in the HTML exporter.  It should regard
  your setting of `:style-include-scripts'.

  Here it works as expected.

  (setq org-publish-project-alist
 :style-include-scripts nil

Bets wishes


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Re: [Orgmode] org-show-following-heading shows even when nil

2010-07-09 Thread Samuel Wales
Hi Carsten,

Thank you for the patch.  This patch works for what it does,
but does not handle the situations that I normally encounter
the bug in.

To expand its scope, I made the the same change to the other
of org-agenda-goto and org-agenda-switch-to and have used
the combined patch (yours and mine) for quite a while now.
I just have git rebase it every pull.

It works for headlines but does not work for body text.

Body text does not stay canonical.  That is, you cannot
achieve the state using motion and TAB in the buffer.

Here is a test case.  Search for applebanana and RET on it.



* example: my major headline test
SCHEDULED: 2010-07-06 Tue

some body text.

go up to the headline and fold the whole thing with tab,
then search for apple.banana without the dot.  you should
notice that this entire body text is folded.

does another variable control this?
*** my minor headline test applebanana
SCHEDULED: 2010-07-06 Tue
* something underneath
* again
*** another
* under
* under
*** more

On 2010-05-14, Carsten Dominik carsten.domi...@gmail.com wrote:

 On May 7, 2010, at 7:32 AM, Samuel Wales wrote:

 When I go to a location from the agenda, the next headline
 is revealed if it was hidden, even if it is a child.

 Setting org-show-following-heading to nil or leaving it at
 its default value does not prevent this.  Should it?  The
 documentation seems to suggest that it should.  What I want
 is for hidden children to remain hidden.

 Rationale: I like the buffer to be in a form that can be
 obtained by navigation and cycling.  For lack of a better
 term, I call that canonical visibility.

 Hi Samuel,

 for some reason I do not remember, I enforce showing the next headline
 in this special case.  Please try the following patch and run with if
 for a while, to see if it causes any problems.

 - Carsten

   Modified lisp/org-agenda.el
 diff --git a/lisp/org-agenda.el b/lisp/org-agenda.el
 index 19ea87c..d7bad10 100644
 --- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
 +++ b/lisp/org-agenda.el
 @@ -6124,10 +6124,7 @@ and by additional input from the age of a
 schedules or deadline entry.
   (goto-char pos)
   (when (org-mode-p)
 -  (org-show-context 'agenda)
 -  (save-excursion
 - (and (outline-next-heading)
 -  (org-flag-heading nil ; show the next heading
 +  (org-show-context 'agenda))
   (recenter (/ (window-height) 2))
   (run-hooks 'org-agenda-after-show-hook)
   (and highlight (org-highlight (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)



 Q: How many CDC scientists does it take to change a lightbulb?
 A: You only think it's dark. [CDC has denied a deadly disease for
 25 years]
 Retrovirus: http://www.wpinstitute.org/xmrv/index.html

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 - Carsten

Q: How many CDC scientists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: You only think it's dark. [CDC has denied a deadly disease for 25 years]
Retrovirus: http://www.wpinstitute.org/xmrv/index.html -- PLEASE DONATE

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[Orgmode] Re: Diary synchronising with Google calendar

2010-07-09 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Fri, 9 Jul 2010 21:35:53 +0200, Jordi Inglada jordi.ingl...@cesbio.cnes.fr 
 Hi Eric,
 Sorry for bothering you again.

No problem!  I've bothered plenty of people in the past...

 First of all, the google2org workflow works perfect with your last
 script. Thanks!

Excellent.  You're very welcome.

 However, I do not understand how to proceed in the other direction
 (org2google). I got your advice function, but I don't know what to do
 with it ...

Well, you have to execute both elisp statements, the one that defines
the advice and the one that activates this advice.  If you want this
done every time, copy the code into your .emacs (or equivalent),
placing it after the code which loads org.

Once activate, the code in the advice will be automatically executed
every time you insert an entry in the diary (more below).

Note, however, that this advice assumes the following:

1. that you have installed the google command line scripts and that
   the google command is found at /usr/bin/google.  If it is
   somewhere else, please change the relevant line in the code.

2. that you have already authenticated yourself to Google, doing for
   instance a manual add of an entry to the calendar directly from the
   shell, i.e. executing something like

   google add --cal org This is a test entry for 2pm

Of course, the latter also assumes that you have created a calendar
named org in Google's calendar.

 Could you describe how things work when you add an entry to your
 diary.org file? Which is the fucntion executed for this? How comes
 that the advice is activated?

I have defined diary.org as the target for any agenda diary entries:

(setq org-agenda-diary-file ~/git/notes/diary.org)

and it is one of my agenda files.  Therefore, when I view the agenda
(default: C-c a a), and then ask to insert a diary entry (i d),
this will invoke the function which I have advised and the google
script will be called.

Hope this helps.
Eric S Fraga
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Re: [Orgmode] org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?

2010-07-09 Thread Eric Schulte
Great, happy everything is working -- Eric

Nicholas Putnam nput...@gmail.com writes:

 I got it working.
 I think that before emacs wasn't finding org-mode/contrib/lisp, but not
 generating any error (that I could see).

 Thanks again.

 On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Eric Schulte schulte.e...@gmail.com wrote:


 Fontification is not specifically an Org-babel feature, but is provided
 by Org-mode at large, the relevant portion of the manual is available
 online, and may be worth a quick read

 I suppose it may be possible that you are using an old version of
 htmlize, I'd recommend looking for a message like the following

  htmlize.el 1.34 or later is needed for source code formatting

 in your *Messages* buffer after an html export.

 Aside from that, and the htmlize variables (which should all be set to
 their default values)
 - org-export-htmlize-output-type
 - org-export-htmlized-org-css-url
 - org-export-htmlize-css-font-prefix
 I don't know where the problem could lie.

 Sorry I can't be of more help -- Eric

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Re: [Orgmode] why would org-mode-hook be a void variable? (was: trouble with Imenu integration)

2010-07-09 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Fri, 9 Jul 2010 12:23:47 -0700, Michael Gilbert m...@gilbert.org wrote:
 I guess my main question is why org-mode-hook would be a void variable. Did I 
 not capture something from the instructions in the manual? Is there something 
 that needs to be set before hand? I'm just not sure where to look.
 — Michael
 On Jul 9,2010, at 3:33 AM, Michael Gilbert wrote:
  Following the instructions from manual, I have this near the end of my 
  startup file (I hope that is copied correctly):
  (add-hook ’org-mode-hook 
 (lambda () (imenu-add-to-menubar Imenu)))
  But I get this error:
  Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable ’org-mode-hook)
(add-hook ’org-mode-hook (lambda nil (imenu-add-to-menubar Imenu)))
eval((add-hook ’org-mode-hook (lambda nil (imenu-add-to-menubar 
call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)
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Should you not quote the lambda expression?  As in

  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook '(lambda () ...))

Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
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Re: [Orgmode] remember template is slow

2010-07-09 Thread Daniel J. Sinder
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Buck Brody buckbr...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm finding that my remember templates are slow to load.  I've got a lag of
 about three to four seconds.  I know that doesn't sound like much, but it's
 kind of puts a kink in the workflow.  I use GNU emacs on Windows.  I also
 have cygwin installed, and I have noticed that the problem doesn't occur
 when using cygwin.  Any ideas?

For what it's worth, I've also had this problem for a while now.  However, I
*do* use emacs w/ cygwin:
Windows XP (w/ Cygwin)
GNU Emacs 23.2.1
Org-mode version 6.36trans (release_6.36.453.g0cd4)

I suspect (for no particular reason other than disdain for Windows) that it
is related to poor file system (NTFS) access speeds.  For example, maybe org
is trying to open several files to look for TODO keywords and/or tags?

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[Orgmode] Re: remember template is slow

2010-07-09 Thread Richard Riley
Daniel J. Sinder dan...@sindercity.com writes:

 On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Buck Brody buckbr...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm finding that my remember templates are slow to load.  I've got
 a lag of about three to four seconds.  I know that doesn't sound
 like much, but it's kind of puts a kink

What does remember templates are slow to load mean in this context?
You mean when you want to enter any new remember item or only the first
one? Any delay is normally once only when org is initialised.

Another thing to look at which crucified my erc (irc client for emacs)
performance was flyspell - I had to remove it from my erc setup.

 in the workflow.  I use GNU emacs on Windows.  I also have cygwin 
 installed, and I have noticed that the problem doesn't occur when using 
 cygwin.  Any ideas?

 For what it's worth, I've also had this problem for a while now.  However, I 
 *do* use emacs w/ cygwin:
 Windows XP (w/ Cygwin)
 GNU Emacs 23.2.1
 Org-mode version 6.36trans (release_6.36.453.g0cd4)

 I suspect (for no particular reason other than disdain for Windows) that it 
 is related to poor file system (NTFS) access speeds.  For example, maybe org 
 is trying to open
 several files to look for TODO keywords and/or tags?

What makes you think ntfs would be a bottle neck? Bringing religious
wars into help discussions is rarely productive and better kept to the
advocacy groups ;) People use org on pretty much all mainstream OSen.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: remember template is slow

2010-07-09 Thread Daniel J. Sinder
On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Richard Riley rile...@gmail.com wrote:

 Daniel J. Sinder dan...@sindercity.com writes:

  On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Buck Brody buckbr...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm finding that my remember templates are slow to load.  I've got
  a lag of about three to four seconds.  I know that doesn't sound
  like much, but it's kind of puts a kink

 What does remember templates are slow to load mean in this context?
 You mean when you want to enter any new remember item or only the first
 one? Any delay is normally once only when org is initialised.

 Another thing to look at which crucified my erc (irc client for emacs)
 performance was flyspell - I had to remove it from my erc setup.

  in the workflow.  I use GNU emacs on Windows.  I also have cygwin
 installed, and I have noticed that the problem doesn't occur when using
 cygwin.  Any ideas?
  For what it's worth, I've also had this problem for a while now.
 However, I *do* use emacs w/ cygwin:
  Windows XP (w/ Cygwin)
  GNU Emacs 23.2.1
  Org-mode version 6.36trans (release_6.36.453.g0cd4)
  I suspect (for no particular reason other than disdain for Windows) that
 it is related to poor file system (NTFS) access speeds.  For example, maybe
 org is trying to open
  several files to look for TODO keywords and/or tags?

 What makes you think ntfs would be a bottle neck? Bringing religious
 wars into help discussions is rarely productive and better kept to the
 advocacy groups ;) People use org on pretty much all mainstream OSen.


Actually, I should have been more explicit -- I use emacs and org
*exclusively* on Windows (via cygwin).  In fact, for years now, I
exclusively use Windows as far as operating systems go.  However, not being
an OS expert, but just a user, I am frequently frustrated by file access
speeds.  I have heard (just water-cooler talk) that as the registry gets
bloated over time, NTFS file access slows, having something to do with
frequent checks of the registry prior to file access.  Originally, I didn't
feel I understood the issue well enough to claim this as a legitimate reason
in this forum.  But, seeing your (over)reaction, perhaps I should have
explained myself better.

Did I bring a religious war into the discussion?  No, I most certainly did
not.  I didn't mention any other OS's, nor make comparisons between OS's.
Rather, I suggested a possible cause (slow NTFS file access) for the problem
that others and myself are seeing with org on Windows.  I followed that with
a question about whether org is trying to open several files when calling
remember, to see if that would lead to a proper diagnosis of the problem.

How did you contribute to the conversation?  I didn't bring up OS
comparisons -- you did!  Now I know org is used on all OSen.  Thanks!  If
you have nothing to contribute to this topic, and can't help solve my
problem, then I suggest you reserve your accusations for an appropriate

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[Orgmode] Re: preserving location of point

2010-07-09 Thread Noorul Islam K M
Bernt Hansen be...@norang.ca writes:

 Eric Abrahamsen e...@ericabrahamsen.net writes:

 I'm using org mode of about a week ago, and have noticed that when I
 leave point inside a table in org mode, switch to another buffer, and
 switch back again, point is placed at the the end of the table. I'm
 switching back and forth quite a bit and it's a pain finding my place in
 the table again -- I wonder if this is something that could be fixed,
 either through a user option or in the source code?

 Hi Eric,

 I'm using

 GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.12.11) of 2008-11-09 on 
 raven, modified by Debian
 Org-mode version 6.36trans (release_6.36.587.gb482)

 and I'm not seeing the behaviour you describe.  If I put the point in a
 table field, then C-x C-b *scratch* RET and then move the point in the
 scratch buffer and switch back to the original org-mode buffer point is
 still in the table exactly where I left it.

An this is what I am using 

GNU Emacs 23.2.2 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) of 2010-06-08 on sajida
Org-mode version 6.36trans (release_6.36.452.g452b0)

I am also not facing Eric's problem.

- Noorul

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Re: [Orgmode] [BUG] #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export

2010-07-09 Thread Eric Schulte
Thomas S. Dye t...@tsdye.com writes:

 On Jul 8, 2010, at 9:09 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:

 Sebastian Rose sebastian_r...@gmx.de writes:


 It can be considered an error, since the docs say:

  ...This is done with the ‘src’ block, where you also need to
 specify the name of the major mode that should be used to fontify
 the example...

 I would vote that this be considered an error as a source block
 doesn't make sense w/o a source language.  If others agree with this
 interpretation, I would be happy to submit a patch which actively
 raises an errors when this cases is encountered.

 Cheers -- Eric

 This seems like the right approach to me.


As promised here's a patch which raises errors when source blocks don't
have a specified language.  I would prefer if the error could indicate
which block caused the problem, but I don't know how to accomplish this.

Best -- Eric

diff --git a/lisp/org-exp.el b/lisp/org-exp.el
index 80f6e11..a680339 100644
--- a/lisp/org-exp.el
+++ b/lisp/org-exp.el
@@ -2107,19 +2107,21 @@ in the list) and remove property and value from the list in LISTVAR.
 	lang code trans opts indent caption)
 (goto-char (point-min))
 (while (re-search-forward
-	\\(^\\([ \t]*\\)#\\+BEGIN_SRC:?[ \t]+\\([^ \t\n]+\\)\\(.*\\)\n\\([^\000]+?\n\\)[ \t]*#\\+END_SRC.*\n?\\)\\|\\(^\\([ \t]*\\)#\\+BEGIN_EXAMPLE:?\\(?:[ \t]+\\(.*\\)\\)?\n\\([^\000]+?\n\\)[ \t]*#\\+END_EXAMPLE.*\n?\\)
+	\\(^\\([ \t]*\\)#\\+BEGIN_SRC:?\\([ \t]+\\([^ \t\n]+\\)\\)?\\(.*\\)\n\\([^\000]+?\n\\)[ \t]*#\\+END_SRC.*\n?\\)\\|\\(^\\([ \t]*\\)#\\+BEGIN_EXAMPLE:?\\(?:[ \t]+\\(.*\\)\\)?\n\\([^\000]+?\n\\)[ \t]*#\\+END_EXAMPLE.*\n?\\)
 	nil t)
   (if (match-end 1)
-	  ;; src segments
-	  (setq lang (match-string 3)
-		opts (match-string 4)
-		code (match-string 5)
-		indent (length (match-string 2))
-caption (get-text-property 0 'org-caption (match-string 0)))
+	  (if (not (match-string 4))
+	  (error source block missing language specification)
+	;; src segments
+	(setq lang (match-string 4)
+		  opts (match-string 5)
+		  code (match-string 6)
+		  indent (length (match-string 2))
+		  caption (get-text-property 0 'org-caption (match-string 0
 	(setq lang nil
-	  opts (match-string 8)
-	  code (match-string 9)
-	  indent (length (match-string 7))
+	  opts (match-string 9)
+	  code (match-string 10)
+	  indent (length (match-string 8))
   caption (get-text-property 0 'org-caption (match-string 0
   (setq trans (org-export-format-source-code-or-example
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[Orgmode] Bib system based on org-mode

2010-07-09 Thread Qiang Guo

Hi, Community

org-mode is a great tool to record and recognize
things. Has anybody ever thought of using it as a
bibliographical system as Endnote, and etc ?

Right now, I am trying to organize my reference records in
org-mode. This is handy because org-mode has some nice
features such as :PROPERTY:, tags, ... For example, an entry
could be like this
* Spectrum Sensing based on 
  :author: XXX and XXX
  :journal: Trans on Wireless Comm
  :month: june
  ** Notes
 Some notes can be put here. 


Of course, the record can be imported from any structured
bib file such as bibtex files, endnote files by implementing
some lisp code.

Are there some other ways of using org-mode to organize
paper records I don't know about ? Or are there any people
interested in writing a extension or something to org-mode ?
I am a elisp newbie, but I can of course join in such a
project if there are such one.



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