Re: [O] babel python example not reproducible

2014-06-16 Thread Shiyuan
The two setting doesn't seem to have effect.
(setq python-shell-interpreter ipython)
(setq python-shell-interpreter-args --pylab)
When I did `C-c C-c` on the SRC block to execute the code, emacs created a
buffer with the interior python process. When I switched to the process, I
saw it is python 2.5.3, not ipython.

Also, it looks like the problem is with the shell interpreter. If I enter
command directly in the shell buffer, the shell buffer will echo command
itself and then the result.

 print Hello
print Hello

Is there any setting to control this shell behavior? Can I make the python
shell not echo the command? Thanks.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Doyley, Marvin

 Works for me, see example below
 #+BEGIN_SRC python :results output :session foo

 print hello
 print bye

 :  hello
 : 2
 : bye

 #+BEGIN_SRC python :results output :session foo

 print hello good bye
 print Printing value from previous session, x

 : hello good bye
 : Printing value from previous session 100

 The only difference is that I like to give my session a name and for
 what it is worth I am using ipython (don't think this will make a
 difference). You can do this including the
 following statement in your .emacs file

 (setq python-shell-interpreter ipython)
 (setq python-shell-interpreter-args --pylab)

 Hope this help.

Re: [O] how to use :options-alist in org-export-define-derived-backend ?

2014-06-16 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Bastien writes:

 Okay, but what is the benefit of not using a default title?

It removes a hack. But there are other reasons at (e.g., a default
title hardly makes sense anyway).


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Rüdiger Sonderfeld

On Saturday 14 June 2014 15:11:21 Chris Raschl wrote: 
 recently I wanted to add a weather forecast to my org-agenda. I found
 org-google-weather, but this package is obsolete since 2012, because the
 API is not available any more. So I wrote my own version which is backed
 by the API.

I've written the `weather-metno-el' package.  Which uses the weather data from (CC licensed).  It supports showing weather data in the org-agenda as 


Re: [O] proposal to have ignoreheading tags/properties

2014-06-16 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Eric Schulte writes:

 In my opinion the manual interleaving of noexport and export tags is
 overly cumbersome and is non-obvious.

It is as non-obvious as the task it achieves.

 The obscure nature of this solution is evidenced by multiple
 discussions and implementations of filter functions to handle
 situations which could be covered by this noexport/export pattern.

I don't know what you are referring to, since this noexport/export
pattern isn't implemented yet. Do you have an example of such
a discussion that dismissed said pattern?

 I think the attached patch should be applied to the core.  It includes
 the following.

 - a single new export function which removes the headlines and contents
   (the section element) of headlines tagged ignoreexport, then
   retains and promotes all sub-headlines contained therein.

 - a single new export tag named ignoreexport (ignore seems to be the
   crowd favorite, and adding export reduces possible conflicts with
   existing personal tags)

Thank you for the patch.

Again, my concern is that it introduces another tag for a task that
could be possible without it. export, noexport, ignoreexport: this
all gets confusing. Furthermore, this tag should, at the bare minimum,
be configurable so it also introduces another keyword on par with

Moreover, that task is highly specific; I'm not convinced we should have
a dedicated keyword for each of them. I'd rather have a simple solution
for selective export problems, even if, as a generic solution, it may
look clumsier.

 From the included tests, the effect of this patch is to convert a tree
 like the following,

 | * H1
 | Text1
 | ** H2  
 | Text2
 | *** H3
 | Text3
 |  H4
 | Text4
 | *** H5
 | Text5
 |  H6
 | Text6
 | * H7
 | Text7
 | * H8
 | Text8

Note that my suggestion is

  | * H1
  | Text1
  | ** H2  :noexport:
  | Text2
  | *** H3   :export:
  | Text3
  |  H4
  | Text4
  | *** H5   :export:
  | Text5
  |  H6:noexport:
  | Text6
  | * H7 :export:
  | Text7
  | * H8 :export:
  | Text8

In this case, it is more verbose. But the opposite would happen if you
needed to also ignore children within the ignoreexport headlines.
In order to get

  * H1
  ** H4


  * H1
  ** H2   :ignoreexport:
  *** H3  :noexport:
  *** H4


  * H1
  ** H2   :noexport:
  *** H3
  *** H4:export:

This time, the brevity of :ignoreexport: is not so clear. Also, it will
not prevent the need to nest tags at some points. IOW, it is only
efficient for one very specific use case. Outside of this case, the new
tag would just be an annoyance and you would fallback
to :noexport:/:export: nesting, if implemented. And if we cannot avoid
tags nesting, I'd take 2 nesteable tags over 3 any day.

Another point to consider is that :noexport:/:export has the advantage
to mark explicitly what will be included in the export process. As such,
I don't find less obvious than your proposal: in both cases, you have to
understand the rules applied behind the keywords anyway. And these rules
are well-known for export and noexport tags.

 I'm sympathetic to arguments about maintaining simplicity of the core,
 and even more so to arguments about maintaining structural validity of
 trees during export.  I believe that this revised patch fully maintains
 valid tree structures, and I'd suggest that the increase in complexity
 of a single keyword is justified by the demonstrated user demand for
 this functionality.

It mostly preserves tree structure, indeed. More comments about this

Just to be clear: I'm not against implementing the functionality. We can
implement it without increasing complexity, so the demand is hardly
a justification for this added complexity.

Making :export: and :noexport: tags symmetrical is a good thing anyway:
why could we add :noexport: within :export: trees but not the other way?
And, as I demonstrated earlier, combination of both permits more
patterns than :ignoreexport:. Therefore, we should implement it in any
case. As a bonus, it provides a solution for the problem at hand.

If this solution happens to be inadequate, then we can discuss about
better solutions, this time with more options (a user-defined hook,
a macro, a command, even a new tag if we cannot escape it...).

Anyway, some comments follow about your code.

 +(defun org-export-ignore-headlines-retain-and-promoting-children (data info)
 +  Remove 

Re: [O] Link to Top Most Heading

2014-06-16 Thread Thorsten Jolitz
Esben Stien writes:

 I'm trying to figure out how I can get a link to the top most heading
 without actually moving point up there and doing C-c C-l.

 Is there some function to do that?

 If I try using the function outline-previous-heading, how can I know
 when I've reached the top as it seems to just bang its head in the roof
 of the file when it reaches the top. It also finds stuff above the
 topmost heading, like lines beginning with #. 

 Any pointers as to what I can try?

I don't know if `org-goto-first-headline' is implemented, but e.g. this
function shows how to do it, since it needs to find first headline too:

(defun org-first-headline-recenter ()
  Move cursor to the first headline and recenter the headline.
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (when (re-search-forward (concat ^\\( org-outline-regexp \\)) nil t)
(set-window-start (selected-window) (point-at-bol


Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Thorsten Jolitz
Chris Raschl writes:


I made a little table comparing Beaufort and m/s with data from
Deutscher Wetterdienst, text is in German therefore, but the numbers are
not fortunately, so the table might be usefull for others too (after
deleting the text columns). 

* Windwarnskala


| Beaufort | Label  | m/s   | Beschreibung  
|0 | Windstille | 0 | Rauch steigt senkrecht auf
|1 | leiser Zug | 1 | Windrichtung angezeigt durch den 
Zug des Rauches |
|2 | leichte Brise  | 2 bis 3   | Wind im Gesicht spürbar, Blätter 
und Windfahnen bewegen sich |
|3 | schwache Brise | 4 bis | Wind bewegt dünne Zweige und 
strecktWimpel   |
|  | schwacher Wind | 5 |   
|4 | mäßige Brise   | 6 bis | Wind bewegt Zweige und dünnere 
Äste,hebt Staub und loses Papier  |
|  | mäßiger Wind   | 7 |   
|5 | frische Brise  | 8 bis | kleine Laubbäume beginnen zu 
schwanken, Schaumkronen bilden sich auf See |
|  | frischer Wind  | 10|   
|6 | starker Wind   | 11 bis| starke Äste schwanken, 
Regenschirme sind nur schwer zu halten, Telegrafenleitungen   |
|  | pfeifen im Wind| 13|   
|7 | steifer Wind   | 14 bis 17 | fühlbare Hemmungen beim Gehen 
gegen den Wind, ganze Bäume bewegen sich   |
|8 | stürmischer Wind   | 18 bis 20 | Zweige brechen von Bäumen, 
erschwert erheblich das Gehen im Freien   |
|9 | Sturm  | 21 bis 24 | Äste brechen von Bäumen, kleinere 
Schäden an Häusern (Dachziegel oder Rauchhauben abgehoben) |
|   10 | schwerer Sturm | 25 bis 28 | Wind bricht Bäume, großere 
Schäden an Häusern|
|   11 | orkanartiger Sturm | 29 bis 32 | Wind entwurzelt Bäume, verbreitet 
Sturmschäden   |
|   12 | Orkan  | ab 33 | schwere Verwüstungen  



Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Ian Barton

On 15/06/14 12:54, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:

Not sure though if this data (except the moon phase) is as universally
and easily available as the data you display  Sunset and rise would
be interesting too of course.

You can get sunrise and sunset by doing something like in an Agenda file:

* Weather.

Lat N 51 57.931
Long W 03 33.191

#+CATEGORY: Day/Year
#+CATEGORY: Weather



Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Thorsten Jolitz
Ian Barton writes:

 On 15/06/14 12:54, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:

 Not sure though if this data (except the moon phase) is as universally
 and easily available as the data you display  Sunset and rise would
 be interesting too of course.

 You can get sunrise and sunset by doing something like in an Agenda file:

 * Weather.

 Lat N 51 57.931
 Long W 03 33.191

 #+CATEGORY: Day/Year
 #+CATEGORY: Weather


Thanks, had to use this to make it work:


 City:  6:32.. Sunrise (CEST), sunset 11:16pm (CEST)

But somehow lat/long are right, but time is 2h off ... I'm GMT+2 (CEST) here. 
Where is the time adjusted for diary entries?


Re: [O] Tangling with variables in R

2014-06-16 Thread Rainer M Krug
Andreas Leha writes:

 Hi Rainer,

Hi Andreas,

 Rainer M Krug writes:


 I just realized (again) that tangling with variables in R contains many

 1) it only works with non-tables, i.e. single values.

 When defining the following variables:

 |   | year  |
 | 1 | 1990  |
 | 2 | 2000  |
 #+PROPERTY: var+ PRESENT=2008

 I get the following code in the tangled .R file:

 | YEARS - 
 |   header=TRUE,
 |   row.names=1,
 |   sep=\t,
 | PRESENT - 2008

 Variable transfer from tables does not work, as it is based on a
 temporary file, which is not easy to distribute together with the
 tangled.R file and requires manual work as the path will be different.

 I consider this as a bug which should be fixed.

 Me too, see

OK - then I will include a fix to the tangling of tables issue in one of
my first patches.

 2) With regards to variables which are defined non-file wide, (i.e. in
 properties in a subtree and variables defined per code block and
 function call), these are set when they occur in the tangled code, but
 they are not unset *for the next code block* or *for R code in the next
 subtree* (I hope you know what I mean). They are therefore similar to
 the use of a session header argument instead of non-session evaluation
 of the code.

 This is a (conceptually) a more complex issue, and requires some initial
 thought on how this should be dealt with and how the tangled code should
 relate to the executed code.

 - Should the tangled .R file result in the same output as the execution in
 the org file, i.e. an accompanying .R file to a exported pdf, so that
 the .R file can be used to reproduce the graphs and analysis in the .pdf
 exported from the .org? or

 - Is tangling a completely thing to execution, and the resulting R code
 in the .R file is not expected to reproduce the results in the org file?

 - Finally, does tangling with variables makes sense?

 My opinions are 

 a) *All* variables should be transferred to the .R file. This can be
 already disabled via the :no-expand header argument. Unfortunately, this
 is combined with noweb expansion, and it might be useful to split these
 two, i.e. to be able to only disable variable expansion but to keep
 noweb (I don't use noweb so far, so it is not a problem to me as it is

 b) The variable assignments should be per code block / function call. So
 a tangled block should look as follow:

 |   | year  |
 | 1 | 1990  |
 | 2 | 2000  |
 #+PROPERTY: var+ PRESENT=2008

 #+begin_src R
 x - 4

 should result in something like the following:

 | ## # Set the variables
 | ## Here begins the real code
 | x - 4
 | cat(x^2)
 | ## # Unset all variables previously set

 but I prefer the following approach, as the result would be very
 similar, only that the variables are still present afterwards which
 would make debugging easier:

 | ## # Unset all variables previously set
 | ## # Set the variables
 | ## Here begins the real code
 | x - 4
 | cat(x^2)

 This is effectively already implemented by using R environments. See [1]
 and particularly [2] and [3] for how it is implemented. This does not
 yet address the concern about the transfer of tables, but I will look at

 These are good thoughts!


 For the general question on whether tangling should directly reflect
 weaving, there was a long (and fruitless) discussion or R-devel lately.
 See and maybe where
 Yihui states that it is very hard to tangle code that produces the
 same result as weaving.  This might actually be easier in org than in
 Sweave/knitr, but still the org setup will have a big impact, that would
 be hard to replicate in the tangled R code.

I agree completely - but it might be worth to try to go into this
direction rather then blocking it with choosing the wrong approach

 Setting aside the general question:
 In my opinion, it should definitely be possible to tangle with
 variables.  I think the approach of the environments to address (2) is a
 good one.

OK - I will put some thoughts into this and see how it could be done
easily and with limited rewuirements to supplementary files.

 Apologies for a long post, but I would like to know which direction of
 the tangling / 

Re: [O] proposal to have ignoreheading tags/properties

2014-06-16 Thread Mark Edgington
Nicolas Goaziou mail at writes:
 Moreover, that task is highly specific; I'm not convinced we should have
 a dedicated keyword for each of them. I'd rather have a simple solution
 for selective export problems, even if, as a generic solution, it may
 look clumsier.

Hi Nicolas,

I agree that the nested use of :export: and :noexport: symmetric is a good
feature to implement.  I think the main point of contention that I and
others may have is that even if the :ignoreexport: (or whatever you wish to
call it) tag is highly specific w.r.t. the variety of export/noexport
arrangements one can have, it is also highly useful.

While implementing a specific tag for this task may not be wise to implement
at this time, there should be *some* way that an org-mode user can avoid
being required to manually add export tags to every child of a noexport node
in order to achieve this summary node functionality.  In order to make it
possible to add a non-exported summary-node (i.e. a node which we might have
marked as :ignoreexport:) at any location in the tree without needing to add
N more tags for all of the children, one would need to somehow by default
have :export: tags implicit on all nodes, unless a :noexport: tag was on a
node which would override the behavior of the :export: tag.

Maybe there needs to be a way to decide whether a specific tag (i.e. on a
specific headline) will be applied recursively or not -- e.g. if the tag has
a * suffix appended to it, then it is applied to all descendants
recursively, but otherwise it applies only to the single headline it is on.
 Ultimately I see the problem of having to tag all of the children as
stemming from this default behavior of tags being recursive.  Having control
of their recursivitiy would alleviate the problem.



Re: [O] babel python example not reproducible

2014-06-16 Thread Nick Dokos
Shiyuan writes:

 The two setting doesn't seem to have effect.  
 (setq python-shell-interpreter ipython)
 (setq python-shell-interpreter-args --pylab)

 When I did `C-c C-c` on the SRC block to execute the code, emacs
 created a buffer with the interior python process. When I switched to
 the process, I saw it is python 2.5.3, not ipython.  

 Also, it looks like the problem is with the shell interpreter. If I
 enter command directly in the shell buffer, the shell buffer will echo
 command itself and then the result. 

 print Hello
 print Hello

 Is there any setting to control this shell behavior? Can I make the
 python shell not echo the command? Thanks.  

When a *shell* does that to me, I do (on Linux)

$ stty -echo

but I'm not sure where that would fit into your setup.


Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Alan Schmitt
On 2014-06-16 10:04, Rüdiger Sonderfeld writes:


 On Saturday 14 June 2014 15:11:21 Chris Raschl wrote: 
 recently I wanted to add a weather forecast to my org-agenda. I found
 org-google-weather, but this package is obsolete since 2012, because the
 API is not available any more. So I wrote my own version which is backed
 by the API.

 I've written the `weather-metno-el' package.  Which uses the weather data 
 from (CC licensed).  It supports showing weather data in the org-agenda as 

When it rains it pours (sorry ...)

I've tried both packages and they are very nice. Thanks a lot!


OpenPGP Key ID : 040D0A3B4ED2E5C7

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Capturing outgoing gnus e-mail

2014-06-16 Thread Eric Abrahamsen
Esben Stien writes:

 Eric Abrahamsen writes:


 Some way to create a TODO for an outgoing mail, saying 'this mail needs
 a response, check in N days to see if we’ve got one.'

 That's really cool and I've been looking for ages for something like that;)

Give it a shot! gnorb-gnus-outgoing-do-todo, and then schedule the
resulting capture heading.

Hope it works for you,

Re: [O] proposal to have ignoreheading tags/properties

2014-06-16 Thread Eric Schulte
Nicolas Goaziou writes:


 Eric Schulte writes:

 In my opinion the manual interleaving of noexport and export tags is
 overly cumbersome and is non-obvious.

 It is as non-obvious as the task it achieves.

 The obscure nature of this solution is evidenced by multiple
 discussions and implementations of filter functions to handle
 situations which could be covered by this noexport/export pattern.

 I don't know what you are referring to, since this noexport/export
 pattern isn't implemented yet. Do you have an example of such
 a discussion that dismissed said pattern?

 I think the attached patch should be applied to the core.  It includes
 the following.

 - a single new export function which removes the headlines and contents
   (the section element) of headlines tagged ignoreexport, then
   retains and promotes all sub-headlines contained therein.

 - a single new export tag named ignoreexport (ignore seems to be the
   crowd favorite, and adding export reduces possible conflicts with
   existing personal tags)

 Thank you for the patch.

 Again, my concern is that it introduces another tag for a task that
 could be possible without it. export, noexport, ignoreexport: this
 all gets confusing. Furthermore, this tag should, at the bare minimum,
 be configurable so it also introduces another keyword on par with

 Moreover, that task is highly specific; I'm not convinced we should have
 a dedicated keyword for each of them. I'd rather have a simple solution
 for selective export problems, even if, as a generic solution, it may
 look clumsier.

 From the included tests, the effect of this patch is to convert a tree
 like the following,

 | * H1
 | Text1
 | ** H2  
 | Text2
 | *** H3
 | Text3
 |  H4
 | Text4
 | *** H5
 | Text5
 |  H6
 | Text6
 | * H7
 | Text7
 | * H8
 | Text8

 Note that my suggestion is

   | * H1
   | Text1
   | ** H2  :noexport:
   | Text2
   | *** H3   :export:
   | Text3
   |  H4
   | Text4
   | *** H5   :export:
   | Text5
   |  H6:noexport:
   | Text6
   | * H7 :export:
   | Text7
   | * H8 :export:
   | Text8

 In this case, it is more verbose. But the opposite would happen if you
 needed to also ignore children within the ignoreexport headlines.
 In order to get

   * H1
   ** H4


   * H1
   ** H2   :ignoreexport:
   *** H3  :noexport:
   *** H4


   * H1
   ** H2   :noexport:
   *** H3
   *** H4:export:

 This time, the brevity of :ignoreexport: is not so clear. Also, it will
 not prevent the need to nest tags at some points. IOW, it is only
 efficient for one very specific use case. Outside of this case, the new
 tag would just be an annoyance and you would fallback
 to :noexport:/:export: nesting, if implemented. And if we cannot avoid
 tags nesting, I'd take 2 nesteable tags over 3 any day.

 Another point to consider is that :noexport:/:export has the advantage
 to mark explicitly what will be included in the export process. As such,
 I don't find less obvious than your proposal: in both cases, you have to
 understand the rules applied behind the keywords anyway. And these rules
 are well-known for export and noexport tags.

This is a specific tag for a specific but common use case.  I'll defer
to your judgment on the exporting code and instead share a filter
function which may be added to personal configurations (I've added this
to the FAQ as well [1]).

Having looked more closely at my use cases (documented in the attached
implementation), including the contents of ignored headlines is required
for most practical applications (which may make the parse tree invalid,
but which works well for every export backend I've used thus far).

Description: application/emacs-lisp

 I'm sympathetic to arguments about maintaining simplicity of the core,
 and even more so to arguments about maintaining structural validity of
 trees during export.  I believe that this revised patch fully maintains
 valid tree structures, and I'd suggest that the increase in complexity
 of a single keyword is justified by the demonstrated user demand for
 this functionality.

 It mostly preserves tree structure, indeed. More comments about this

 Just to be clear: I'm not against implementing the functionality. We can
 implement it without increasing complexity, so the demand is hardly
 a justification for this added complexity.

Re: [O] Insert #+BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA before \begin{document}?

2014-06-16 Thread Sebastien Vauban

Hello Nicolas,

 Sebastien Vauban writes:

 But the whole point is that is DOES NOT even WORK for a couple of
 things, such as modifying base colors of a theme:

 #+BEAMER_HEADER: \setbeamercolor{frametitle}{bg=blue}

 won't work because of the misplacement of the BEAMER_HEADER placeholder
 regarding to the (color) theme: the above line will be placed before the
 choice of the theme... TOO EARLY.

 On the contrary, adding it in the above title command (already in the
 LaTeX document, that is) is TOO LATE.

Thanks for answering to this.

 I do not see how to solve this without either adding a new keyword or
 extending `org-latex-classes' to support another location (e.g.
 [BEAMER-THEME]). Actually, both may be needed.

IIUC the code of ox-beamer:

--8---cut here---start-8---
 ;; 1. Time-stamp.
 (and (plist-get info :time-stamp-file)
  (format-time-string %% Created %Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M\n))
 ;; 2. Document class and packages.
 (concat (org-element-normalize-string
  (plist-get info :latex-header))
  (plist-get info :latex-header-extra))
 (plist-get info :beamer-header-extra)
 ;; 3. Insert themes.
--8---cut here---end---8---

all 3 following keywords:


are going to the exact same place, right?

Then, why not saying that, for example, both #+LATEX_HEADER
and #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA go to the current place, and
drop #+BEAMER_HEADER at the end of the preamble?

Maybe I see: because you want to associate such a place to an official
location such as [BEAMER-THEME], so that it can be enabled or

 About the keyword, my only concern is that #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA has
 already a specific meaning, which is different from the one we're going
 to implement.

Can you restate once what the difference is between #+LATEX_HEADER
and #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA?  It never has been clear to me, yet...

 So, #+BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA might be confusing. OTOH
 I cannot think of anything much better.


Maybe something more semantic, then, such

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] babel python example not reproducible

2014-06-16 Thread Doyley, Marvin

Hi Shiyuan,

I think the problem is that Emacs or babel is using python located in
/usr/bin or /usr/local/sbin  rather than default python or ipython. The way I 
around this is rename python in these locations to python_old and then did
a soft link to ipython (i.e., ln -s /anaconda/bin/ipython python). 

I am sure there is a smarter way of telling babel to use ipython, but
this was my work around.

Hope this help

[O] capture template for interval

2014-06-16 Thread David Belohrad

Dear All,

with a help of this mailinglist I have setup my capture template for
appointments as follows:

(setq org-capture-templates
(a Appointment (compulsory) entry (file+datetree (concat 
   * %? :appt:\n%a\n%^T\n\nEntered on %U)

This makes appointment in the file, it puts there a link to
the actually visited file (notmuch buffer mostly) and then asks for a

Now this appears in my agenda, but only as as a simple date. Now I'd
like to get it done in a way that I enter one date time, and another one
is 'offered' to me in 2 hours in the future from the date I have given
as first.

So basically if I do not put the second date, it will by default create
an interval long 2 hours. 

any possibility how to do this?

many thanks

Re: [O] Insert #+BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA before \begin{document}?

2014-06-16 Thread Nick Dokos
Sebastien Vauban

 About the keyword, my only concern is that #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA has
 already a specific meaning, which is different from the one we're going
 to implement.

 Can you restate once what the difference is between #+LATEX_HEADER
 and #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA?  It never has been clear to me, yet...

The manual says:

|(2) Unlike `LATEX_HEADER', contents from `LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA'
| keywords will not be loaded when previewing LaTeX snippets (*note
| Previewing LaTeX fragments::).

AFAIK, that's the only difference.


[O] inclusion of #+RESULTS in a source block

2014-06-16 Thread Federico Beffa
  Suppose you want to use a program such as Sympy or Maxima to find
  the analytic solution of a complicated equation. After this you want
  to make use of that solution for numerical evaluation of various

  Is it safe to use the analytic results (without using a session) in the
  following way, or is there a better way?

  #+NAME: analytic-sol
  #+BEGIN_SRC python :session none :results raw
from sympy import symbols, sqrt, python, solve
x, a = symbols(x, a)
y = solve( x**2 + 2*a*x + 1, x)
return python(y)

  #+NAME: numeric-sol
  #+BEGIN_SRC python :session none
from sympy import Symbol, sqrt, lambdify
import numpy as np

#+RESULTS: analytic-sol
a = Symbol('a')
e = [-a - sqrt(a**2 - 1), -a + sqrt(a**2 - 1)]

f = lambdify(a, e[1], numpy)
t = np.r_[1:4]
return f(t)

  | -1 | -0.26794919 | -0.17157288 |


Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Doyley, Marvin
I love this app, but there is only one snag. Changing the temperature units
from Celsius to Fahrenheit doesn't work. I get the same results regards
of the units  in specified in the org-weather-unit variable


Marvin Doyley
Associate Professor
343 Hopeman Engineering Building
University of Rochester
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rochester NY 14627

Re: [O] babel python example not reproducible

2014-06-16 Thread Eric Schulte (Doyley, Marvin) writes:

 Hi Shiyuan,

 I think the problem is that Emacs or babel is using python located in
 /usr/bin or /usr/local/sbin  rather than default python or ipython. The way I 
 around this is rename python in these locations to python_old and then did
 a soft link to ipython (i.e., ln -s /anaconda/bin/ipython python). 

 I am sure there is a smarter way of telling babel to use ipython, but
 this was my work around.

See the `org-babel-python-command' variable.

 Hope this help

Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D (see

Re: [O] customizable C, C++, D, Java, Groovy compilers

2014-06-16 Thread Eric Schulte
Applied, Thanks!

Thierry Banel writes:

 Hi all

 Here is a patch to make compilers customizable
   (by typing M-x customize-group org-babel).
 It applies to C, C++, D, Java, Groovy.
 This is consistent with customizations for R, Python, Ditaa and others

 Have fun

 From 933f50c3fbebefec14b5df8ebff0cebaf3e45922 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
 From: Thierry Banel
 Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 14:53:34 +0200
 Subject: [PATCH]  Make C, C++, D, Java, Groovy compilers customizable

   * ob-C.el (org-babel-C-compiler):
   (org-babel-D-compiler): changed defvar to defcustom
   * ob-java.el (org-babel-java-command):
   (org-babel-java-compiler): changed defvar to defcustom
   * ob-groovy.el (org-babel-groovy-command):
   changed defvar to defcustom
  lisp/ob-C.el  |   36 ++--
  lisp/ob-groovy.el |   10 --
  lisp/ob-java.el   |   22 +-
  3 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

 diff --git a/lisp/ob-C.el b/lisp/ob-C.el
 index 505b290..2e146d4 100644
 --- a/lisp/ob-C.el
 +++ b/lisp/ob-C.el
 @@ -46,16 +46,32 @@
  (defvar org-babel-default-header-args:C '())
 -(defvar org-babel-C-compiler gcc
 -  Command used to compile a C source code file into an
 -(defvar org-babel-C++-compiler g++
 -  Command used to compile a C++ source code file into an
 -(defvar org-babel-D-compiler rdmd
 -  Command used to compile and execute a D source code file.)
 +(defcustom org-babel-C-compiler gcc
 +  Command used to compile a C source code file into an executable.
 +May be either a command in the path, like gcc
 +or an absolute path name, like /usr/local/bin/gcc
 +parameter may be used, like gcc -v
 +  :group 'org-babel
 +  :version 24.3
 +  :type 'string)
 +(defcustom org-babel-C++-compiler g++
 +  Command used to compile a C++ source code file into an executable.
 +May be either a command in the path, like g++
 +or an absolute path name, like /usr/local/bin/g++
 +parameter may be used, like g++ -v
 +  :group 'org-babel
 +  :version 24.3
 +  :type 'string)
 +(defcustom org-babel-D-compiler rdmd
 +  Command used to compile and execute a D source code file.
 +May be either a command in the path, like rdmd
 +or an absolute path name, like /usr/local/bin/rdmd
 +parameter may be used, like rdmd --chatty
 +  :group 'org-babel
 +  :version 24.3
 +  :type 'string)
  (defvar org-babel-c-variant nil
Internal variable used to hold which type of C (e.g. C or C++ or D)
 diff --git a/lisp/ob-groovy.el b/lisp/ob-groovy.el
 index 9bb17e6..0068df9 100644
 --- a/lisp/ob-groovy.el
 +++ b/lisp/ob-groovy.el
 @@ -36,8 +36,14 @@
  (defvar org-babel-tangle-lang-exts) ;; Autoloaded
  (add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '(groovy . groovy))
  (defvar org-babel-default-header-args:groovy '())
 -(defvar org-babel-groovy-command groovy
 -  Name of the command to use for executing Groovy code.)
 +(defcustom org-babel-groovy-command groovy
 +  Name of the command to use for executing Groovy code.
 +May be either a command in the path, like groovy
 +or an absolute path name, like /usr/local/bin/groovy
 +parameters may be used, like groovy -v
 +  :group 'org-babel
 +  :version 24.3
 +  :type 'string)
  (defun org-babel-execute:groovy (body params)
Execute a block of Groovy code with org-babel.  This function is
 diff --git a/lisp/ob-java.el b/lisp/ob-java.el
 index 22f8785..8c64171 100644
 --- a/lisp/ob-java.el
 +++ b/lisp/ob-java.el
 @@ -32,11 +32,23 @@
  (defvar org-babel-tangle-lang-exts)
  (add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '(java . java))
 -(defvar org-babel-java-command java
 -  Name of the java command.)
 -(defvar org-babel-java-compiler javac
 -  Name of the java compiler.)
 +(defcustom org-babel-java-command java
 +  Name of the java command.
 +May be either a command in the path, like java
 +or an absolute path name, like /usr/local/bin/java
 +parameters may be used, like java -verbose
 +  :group 'org-babel
 +  :version 24.3
 +  :type 'string)
 +(defcustom org-babel-java-compiler javac
 +  Name of the java compiler.
 +May be either a command in the path, like javac
 +or an absolute path name, like /usr/local/bin/javac
 +parameters may be used, like javac -verbose
 +  :group 'org-babel
 +  :version 24.3
 +  :type 'string)
  (defun org-babel-execute:java (body params)
(let* ((classname (or (cdr (assoc :classname params))

Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D (see

Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Ian Barton

On 16/06/14 11:45, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:

Ian Barton writes:

On 15/06/14 12:54, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:

Not sure though if this data (except the moon phase) is as universally
and easily available as the data you display  Sunset and rise would
be interesting too of course.

You can get sunrise and sunset by doing something like in an Agenda file:

* Weather.

Lat N 51 57.931
Long W 03 33.191

#+CATEGORY: Day/Year
#+CATEGORY: Weather


Thanks, had to use this to make it work:


  City:  6:32.. Sunrise (CEST), sunset 11:16pm (CEST)

But somehow lat/long are right, but time is 2h off ... I'm GMT+2 (CEST) here.
Where is the time adjusted for diary entries?

The Emacs manual has the information:

Also information on Lunar phases:


Re: [O] Errors after upgrading emacs to 24.3.1 and org to 7.9.4

2014-06-16 Thread Francisco Fernández
Chris Henderson henders254 at writes:

 On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 AM, Eric S Fraga e.fraga at 
  Chris Henderson henders254 at writes:
  I have upgraded emacs from version 24 to 24.3.1 via homebrew on os x
  mountain lion and every time I start emacs I get error:
  error: Invalid face, modeline
  modeline changed to mode-line a while back although probably sometime
  between 24 and 24.3.1 (I track emacs-snapshot).  It could be that you
  have a custom face set that depends on modeline?
 Thanks, I have changed modeline to mode-line and it's now working fine.


I'm new on this. And I have the same problem

Where do you exactly change modeline to mode-line

Re: [O] Linked tasks

2014-06-16 Thread Fletcher Charest
Hi Eric,

Thank you, I will have a closer look at org-depend, although it seems to me
that it's more 'depend' in the sense of 'this task has to be done for this
other task to be doable'. But I only had a glimpse on the code.



On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Eric Abrahamsen

 Fletcher Charest writes:

  Dear all,
  I was wondering if there was a way to link the status of two tasks in
  an agenda file (or even across multiple agenda files). Sometimes, a
  single task (in my case, updating my CV) might be a useful step in
  two different projects. If the tasks is marked DONE in one project
  (in one subtree), I would like the other one to be marked DONE as
  well. Is it possible or even implemented?

 There's an org-depend package in the contrib directory that's supposed
 to do this, but I haven't looked at it before... Vanilla Org only does
 dependencies within the same subtree.


Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Nick Dokos (Doyley, Marvin) writes:

 I love this app, but there is only one snag. Changing the temperature units
 from Celsius to Fahrenheit doesn't work. I get the same results regards
 of the units  in specified in the org-weather-unit variable

[I don't have an org-weather-unit variable, so I presume you mean

Yes, one needs to change the API URL as well to get different units:

| (defvar org-weather-api-url;)

AFAICT, they provide metric, imperial and internal (don't know
what the last one means).

org-weather.el itself does not do any units conversions.


Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Doyley, Marvin

I will change the api

Re: [O] babel python example not reproducible

2014-06-16 Thread Doyley, Marvin
Hi Eric,

Thanks for showing me the smart way of doing this.


Re: [O] inclusion of #+RESULTS in a source block

2014-06-16 Thread Charles Berry
Federico Beffa beffa at writes:


   Suppose you want to use a program such as Sympy or Maxima to find
   the analytic solution of a complicated equation. After this you
   want to make use of that solution for numerical evaluation of
   various cases.  


You want something like

#+BEGIN_SRC python :noweb yes

To use in more than one src-block  use the `:cache yes' header for 



Re: [O] Errors after upgrading emacs to 24.3.1 and org to 7.9.4

2014-06-16 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Monday, 16 Jun 2014 at 15:43, Francisco Fernández wrote:


 I'm new on this. And I have the same problem

 Where do you exactly change modeline to mode-line

Wherever you have a reference to modeline in your initialisation
files.  If you cannot find that reference, try starting emacs with
--debug-init which should tell you where it fails.

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.6-1155-g9c57eec

[O] Checkboxes with org-list-allow-alphabetical

2014-06-16 Thread jeff Kowalczyk
Using Org-mode version 8.2.6 (release_8.2.6-1) git master 25fc4d:

Alphabetic ordered lists do not seem to work with checkboxes:

: (setq org-list-allow-alphabetical t)

Type a checkbox, but org doesn't seem to parse it:

: * heading
: 1. [ ] numeric heading
:a. [ ] alphabetic subheading (typed but not checkbox faced or C-c usable)

Use keychord to create next item with checkbox, but also not parsed:

: * heading
: 1. [ ] numeric heading
:a. alphabetic subheading(point here, press M-S-RET)
:b. [ ] (creates this, not checkbox faced or C-c usable)

Is this expected behavior? Do I need to enable additional options?


Re: [O] babel C, C++, D enhancement

2014-06-16 Thread Achim Gratz
Thierry Banel writes:
 So Babel C++ may cause problem for large integers.
 I am not sure how we can fix this in any case.

You'd need to know INT_MAX and give an error for larger values or use an
integral type that is large enough to handle Emacs' integer (which would
most likely be necessary for any Emacs that uses wide integer).

 In the meantime, we can force large values to be declared as doubles by
 adding dot zero
 like this:

 #+BEGIN_SRC C++ :var large=9876543210 .0
 printf (%g, large);

That will lose precision, so it may not be the right thing either.

+[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]+

SD adaptation for Waldorf Blofeld V1.15B11:

Re: [O] babel C, C++, D enhancement

2014-06-16 Thread Thierry Banel
Hi Achim.

You are right, INT_MAX is the C++ constant to compare to.
It is defined in limits.h

I'm not sure I want to locate limits.h (where is it ? are there several
versions ?),
and parse it, all from within Emacs-lisp...
And this will have to be done for all languages (Python, Perl, Java, and
so on),
not just C++.

Or we could assume that INT_MAX is always 2147483647.
(Which of course is not true).

Not so easy...


Le 16/06/2014 20:28, Achim Gratz a écrit :
 Thierry Banel writes:
 So Babel C++ may cause problem for large integers.
 I am not sure how we can fix this in any case.
 You'd need to know INT_MAX and give an error for larger values or use an
 integral type that is large enough to handle Emacs' integer (which would
 most likely be necessary for any Emacs that uses wide integer).

 In the meantime, we can force large values to be declared as doubles by
 adding dot zero
 like this:

 #+BEGIN_SRC C++ :var large=9876543210 .0
 printf (%g, large);
 That will lose precision, so it may not be the right thing either.


Re: [O] babel C, C++, D enhancement

2014-06-16 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Aloha Thierry,

How about a user-customizable variable with a default value of

All the best,

Thierry Banel writes:

 Hi Achim.

 You are right, INT_MAX is the C++ constant to compare to.
 It is defined in limits.h

 I'm not sure I want to locate limits.h (where is it ? are there several
 versions ?),
 and parse it, all from within Emacs-lisp...
 And this will have to be done for all languages (Python, Perl, Java, and
 so on),
 not just C++.

 Or we could assume that INT_MAX is always 2147483647.
 (Which of course is not true).

 Not so easy...


 Le 16/06/2014 20:28, Achim Gratz a écrit :
 Thierry Banel writes:
 So Babel C++ may cause problem for large integers.
 I am not sure how we can fix this in any case.
 You'd need to know INT_MAX and give an error for larger values or use an
 integral type that is large enough to handle Emacs' integer (which would
 most likely be necessary for any Emacs that uses wide integer).

 In the meantime, we can force large values to be declared as doubles by
 adding dot zero
 like this:

 #+BEGIN_SRC C++ :var large=9876543210 .0
 printf (%g, large);
 That will lose precision, so it may not be the right thing either.


Thomas S. Dye

[O] Switching to DONE does not clock-out

2014-06-16 Thread noreply

Just a quick question.

When updating the task state from TODO to DONE, is it supposed to
clock-out *and* update the time spent since latest clock-in ?

If I am asking this, it is because earlier today, it did not work
exactly like I would I have expected: it clocked-out the task *but* it
did not update the time count.

Is it normal ?

Thank you

Re: [O] Switching to DONE does not clock-out

2014-06-16 Thread Bastien
Hi, writes:

 When updating the task state from TODO to DONE, is it supposed to

With the default value for `org-clock-out-when-done', yes.

 *and* update the time spent since latest clock-in ?

Not sure what it means: clocking out when switching from TODO to DONE
will clock out the task.

 If I am asking this, it is because earlier today, it did not work
 exactly like I would I have expected: it clocked-out the task *but* it
 did not update the time count.

What do you mean by update the time count?
Can you show the CLOCK: lines and what you expected instead.



Re: [O] babel C, C++, D enhancement

2014-06-16 Thread Nick Dokos (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

 Aloha Thierry,

 How about a user-customizable variable with a default value of

 All the best,

 Thierry Banel writes:

 Hi Achim.

 You are right, INT_MAX is the C++ constant to compare to.
 It is defined in limits.h

 I'm not sure I want to locate limits.h (where is it ? are there several
 versions ?),
 and parse it, all from within Emacs-lisp...
 And this will have to be done for all languages (Python, Perl, Java, and
 so on),
 not just C++.

 Or we could assume that INT_MAX is always 2147483647.
 (Which of course is not true).

 Not so easy...

You don't need to parse limits.h: for POSIX systems, one can use
`getconf INT_MAX' from the shell. `getconf -a' will list all the


Re: [O] Switching to DONE does not clock-out

2014-06-16 Thread noreply
Bastien writes:

 If I am asking this, it is because earlier today, it did not work
 exactly like I would I have expected: it clocked-out the task *but* it
 did not update the time count.

 What do you mean by update the time count?
 Can you show the CLOCK: lines and what you expected instead.

** DONE test of clock
SCHEDULED: 2014-06-17 Tue
- State DONE   from STARTED[2014-06-17 Tue 06:58]
- State STARTEDfrom TODO   [2014-06-17 Tue 06:56]
CLOCK: [2014-06-17 Tue 06:56]
:ID:   AE6B33B5-F7DD-4A14-B5DC-B623023B4F3F
:CREATED:  [2014-06-17 Tue 06:55]

I would have expected something like:

** DONE test of clock
SCHEDULED: 2014-06-17 Tue
- State DONE   from STARTED[2014-06-17 Tue 06:58]
- State STARTEDfrom TODO   [2014-06-17 Tue 06:56]
CLOCK: [2014-06-17 Tue 06:56] -- [2014-06-17 Tue 06:58] = 0:02
:ID:   AE6B33B5-F7DD-4A14-B5DC-B623023B4F3F
:CREATED:  [2014-06-17 Tue 06:55]

