Re: [O] Recording Time - org-clock-sum

2014-11-17 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Monday, 17 Nov 2014 at 19:31, Fredrik Unger wrote:
> Hi,
> I implemented a couple of functions that provide me with the
> needed timestamps for my timereport [1].

Thanks for this.  Looks interesting.  I don't need this right now but I
will find it quite useful in 2.5 years' time (we need to clock our work
for a year every 3 years -- long story).  I've made a note of it.

Small point: good practice would be to name your emacs lisp code file
with a ".el" suffix.

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3beta-558-g83d8a2

Re: [O] org-mode pretty entities has \perp but not \parallel

2014-11-17 Thread Brady Trainor


Rasmus  writes:

> Brady Trainor  writes:
>> Hi, I expected \parallel to work after success with \perp. That is,
>> I've executed in buffer M-x org-toggle-pretty-entities RET, and I
>> expected to see \parallel as unicode ∥, since \perp is overlayed
>> (correct term?) with ⟂.
> \parallel should be added IMO as it's supported by vanilla LaTeX.
> Would you be interested in providing a patch?  You would have to add it
> to org-entities.el, e.g. after the perp entity and then send the patch
> to this list.

I will start on this. 


>>  Though, the former is pretty hard to see, so maybe it was decided
>> against.
> Maybe you don't have a good font?  My Emacs picks it up from Biolinum.
> —Rasmus

[O] Issue with multiline string variable for JavaScript source code blocks

2014-11-17 Thread Peter Moresi

I'm found a bug in ob-js.el when passing multi-line strings into a
JavaScript source code blocks.

The attached org file describes the problem and fix that I'm using to work
around the issue.

Description: Binary data

[O] Include subtree pointed to by link on Ascii export

2014-11-17 Thread Subhan Michael Tindall
Is there a relatively straightforward way to configure or modify Ascii export 
to include the subtree pointed to at a link instead of the link itself?


#+OPTIONS: toc:nil H:2 num:nil

* <2014-11-14 Fri>
** Order turkey
   - [ ] schedule pickup
   - [ ] get pepper bacon at pickup
** [[*Countertops][Countertops]]
** WORK some additional stuff
* tasks

** WORK Countertops
*** DONE order countertops
- [X] order countertops
- [X] schedule install
*** DONE order sink

Currently exports like this:

<2014-11-14 Fri>

HOLD Countertops

Order turkey

  - [ ] schedule pickup

  - [ ] get pepper bacon at pickup

WORK some additional stuff




WORK Countertops

* DONE order countertops

  - [X] order countertops

  - [X] schedule install

* DONE order sink

What I'd like to see is this:

<2014-11-14 Fri>

WORK Countertops   Note difference here

* DONE order countertops

  - [X] order countertops
  - [X] schedule install

* DONE order sink

Order turkey

  - [ ] schedule pickup
  - [ ] get pepper bacon at pickup

WORK some additional stuff


WORK Countertops

* DONE order countertops

  - [X] order countertops
  - [X] schedule install

* DONE order sink

Of course there's some issues to resolve such as subtree promotion/demotion, 
etc. but I think most of them are straightforward at least as far as making 
this useful

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it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential 
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notified that you may not use, copy, disclose or distribute to anyone the 
message or any information contained in the message. If you have received this 
message in error, please immediately advise the sender by reply email and 
delete the message.  Thank you.

Re: [O] Executing org shell blocks on remote machine over ssh

2014-11-17 Thread Myles English

Hi Dave,

David Bjergaard writes:

> Hi All,
> I'm sorry if this has been covered before, I've been searching for a
> while and haven't found anything.
> I use org mode as a lab notebook.  I write org-src blocks to keep track
> of tasks I do at the command line, and then I copy paste them into the
> terminal.  I would really like to hit "C-c C-c" on the source block and
> have it executed on the remote machine.  I know that you can specify
> the remote machine according to [1], however the software I use requires
> a fairly complicated setup to get going.  
> Ideally what I would have is my org-src blocks and another window with
> the ssh terminal open.  Then hitting "C-c C-c" would execute the block
> over a shared ssh connection and I could see the results in the other
> window (quasi-interactively).  Is that possible?
> Thanks for your time!
> Dave
> Footnotes: 
> [1]  

I had a quick go at this but get tramp errors.  I think you need a
terminal multiplexer e.g. tmux or screen.

In a terminal, connect using ssh (or mosh) then type 'tmux' to start a
new session or 'tmux attach' to attach to an existing one.

I would have thought that this should have worked, i.e. that the output
would have showed up in the terminal and in the buffer:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :prologue "tmux attach" :dir /
echo $PWD

Hope this is on the right track..


Re: [O] Recording Time - org-clock-sum

2014-11-17 Thread Fredrik Unger


I implemented a couple of functions that provide me with the
needed timestamps for my timereport [1].

<2014-11-14 Fri>[s 08:00 e 14:00   (11:00 12:00)]   [ 5:00 (5.00)]

Summarized from :

* Test
** first
CLOCK: [2014-11-14 Fri 08:00]--[2014-11-14 Fri 09:00] =>  1:00
CLOCK: [2014-11-14 Fri 12:00]--[2014-11-14 Fri 13:00] =>  1:00
** second
CLOCK: [2014-11-14 Fri 09:00]--[2014-11-14 Fri 11:00] =>  2:00
CLOCK: [2014-11-14 Fri 13:00]--[2014-11-14 Fri 14:00] =>  1:00

Started work at 8, ended at 14 lunch break 11-12. worked 5 h.
(h:m and decimal representation)

One can adapt the format with "timestr".

It is based on the org-clock-sum function. Tested only with simple
files with complete Time stamps (no dangling clocks etc).

timeuniq takes a list of timestamps and returns only timestamps that 
were unique in the initial list.

Suggestion for improvements are welcome, as I am an elisp/org-mode beginner.

Fredrik Unger

[1] attached range-report.emacs

On 11/05/2014 06:00 PM, Fredrik Unger wrote:


I have been using Emacs Orgmode for 3-4 years recording time.
It started out with Sacha Chua:s article "Clocking Time with Emacs Org"
[1] where the org-dblock-write:rangereport did what I needed.

As time went by I have made some adaptations to it and simplified it
but kept the core idea [2].
One addition is: that it is not based no increments of 24*60*60 but 1
day, which removed problems by Daylight savings time (in October).
Maybe more type safe functions exists like in Perl, [3] but I did not
find in org-mode. With my change I rely on that emacs date calculations
are in the same shape as [3]. It worked for this case and I stopped at

I am not a full out user of Orgmode and I do not keep project files.
I use one simple file per month to record my work, and it has been a
good choice for me. Maybe someday I can switch to some other structure
but as the CLOCK lines takes some space, I'd rather "forget" CLOCK
history on a monthly basis. Projects do not last more than 2-3 month
anyway and the catch-all internal project that is "never ending" would
become too crowded with CLOCK lines.
It is also easier to spot clocking mistakes if the file is limited to a

Projects can not be summarized across month, but for my reporting needs
that is not needed.

The data is clocked as follows [4] per month. More project,
items and clocked times are in a normal org file, but this
simplified case should do.

I want to expand the report to show start/end time + breaks.

Eg from :
Time report November 2014
<2014-11-05 Wed> -- 8:00 (8.00)

to :
Time report November 2014
<2014-11-05 Wed> -- 8:00 (8.00)  s 07:00 e 16:00 b 11:00-12:00,

Format is not set, but I need these time for my reporting.
In the normal case it is start-end and lunch.

I have tried to work with org-clock-sum to get the data from the CLOCK
entries. My elisp is rusty, and I missed that the regexp was */level
dependent. I managed to get a list of dates but just from the CLOCK
under the Item.
(((2014-11-05 12:00) (2014-11-05 14:00))
  ((2014-11-05 14:00) (2014-11-05 16:00)))

There were some strange duplicates as well so I guess I just did things

To get the wanted result I would need a regexp that scans all CLOCK:
and reports the two timestamps and generate a list of
((time1 time2) (time2 time3) (time4 time5) (time5 time6)) filtered
on the call with tstart tend like org-clock-sum.
For me the actual heading is not needed.

With this list I can then flaten it, and if needed sort it :
(time1 time2 time2 time3 time4 time5 time5 time6)
If I then remove duplicates all together I will get :
(time1 time3 time4 time6)
where min is start and max is end, and pairs in between are breaks.

s time1 e time6 b time3-time4,

I did not manage to create this list of all CLOCK values filtered on
tstart/tend (which in my case would be one day at the time just like
I call org-clock-sum for the total sum).

I would be grateful for advice or pointers to a better way to find
all CLOCK values. Feel free to publish [2] on the wiki if you find
it valuable.
If/when I have a full working solution I might publish it on my site.

Thank you,

Fredrik Unger


;; Orgmode
(require 'org)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org\\'" . org-mode))
(setq org-agenda-files (file-expand-wildcards "~/org/*.org"))
(setq org-export-docbook-xslt-stylesheet 
(setq org-export-docbook-xslt-proc-command "xsltproc --output %o %s %i")
(setq org-export-docbook-xsl-fo-proc-command "fop %i %o")
(setq org-time-clocksum-format
  '(:hours "%d" :require-hours t :minutes ":%02d" :require-minutes t))
;; Org-mode daily reports

(defun tstr (timeval)
  "Format date to string"
  (format-time-string (car org-time-stamp-formats)

[O] Bug: Agenda filtering by DEADLINE, SCHEDULED broken [8.3beta (release_8.3beta-575-g1dfa77 @ /home/rwl/src/org-mode/lisp/)]

2014-11-17 Thread Richard Lawrence
Hi all,

I'm on master, and after updating recently (to a version after the
switch to the new property drawer syntax), some of my agenda views seem
to be broken.

Specifically, I cannot get any agenda views that compare a timestamp
with the SCHEDULED and DEADLINE properties to work.  My complete config
is below, but the relevant agenda commands are: 

("Rw" "School: next 7 days" tags-todo "reading-life&DEADLINE<=\"<+1w>\"")
("X." "Today's exercise" tags-todo "EXERCISE&SCHEDULED=\"\"")
("X+" "Tomorrow's exercise" tags-todo "EXERCISE&SCHEDULED=\"\"")

These all use relative timestamps, but it also seems to be broken if I
try to build an agenda using an absolute timestamp, e.g. via 

C-c a m SCHEDULED="<2014-11-17>"

I don't see any error when running these agenda commands, but the
commands are fairly slow, and the resulting agenda view is always empty.

(Also, I did run the org-repair-property-drawers function in
etc/ORG-NEWS on my agenda files, so all the property drawers in my
agenda files should conform to the new syntax.)

I just updated again to the most recent master and I'm still seeing this
behavior.  Any ideas?



Emacs  : GNU Emacs 23.4.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10)
 of 2012-09-08 on trouble, modified by Debian
Package: Org-mode version 8.3beta (release_8.3beta-575-g1dfa77 @ 

current state:
 org-ascii-format-inlinetask-function 'org-ascii-format-inlinetask-default
 org-todo-keyword-faces '(("WAITING" . "orange"))
 org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-default-hook 
 org-agenda-custom-commands '(("." "Just today" agenda*) ("W" . "Writing")
  ("Wt" "Todo list" tags-todo 
  ("R" . "Reading")
  ("Rw" "School: next 7 days" tags-todo
  ("Rd" "School: research only" tags-todo
  ("Rt" "School: teaching only" tags-todo 
  ("Rs" "School: all" tags-todo "+reading-life")
  ("Rl" "Life" tags-todo 
  ("E" . "Teaching") ("Er" "Reading" tags-todo 
  ("Ep" "Prep" tags-todo "+teaching+prep")
  ("Ea" "Appointments" tags "+teaching+appointment")
  ("Et" "Other +teaching TODOs" tags-todo
  ("A" . "Administrative") ("A#" "Phone calls" 
tags-todo "+PHONE")
  ("Am" "Emails" tags-todo "+mail-programming")
  ("F" . "Free/unstructured time")
  ("Fs" "School" tags-todo "+FREETIME-life-MAYBE")
  ("Fl" "Life/other" tags-todo 
  ("Fc" "Computing projects" tags-todo 
  ("Fw" "Weekend projects" tags-todo "+WEEKEND") 
("P" . "Campus")
  ("Pf" "Find" todo "FIND") ("Pp" "Print" todo 
  ("Po" "Other +CAMPUS TODOs" tags-todo "+CAMPUS")
  ("X" . "Exercise")
  ("X." "Today's exercise" tags-todo
  ("X+" "Tomorrow's exercise" tags-todo
  ("Xt" "All exercise entries" tags "EXERCISE")
  ("$" . "Money stuff")
  ("$b" "Things to buy soon" tags-todo "+BUY-MAYBE")
  ("$p" "Bills to pay soon" tags-todo "+money+bill")
  ("$w" "Wishlist/things to buy later" tags-todo 
  ("%" . "Maintenance")
  ("%M" "MAYBE items" tags 
  ("%W" "WAITING items" todo "WAITING")
  ("%r" "Full reading list" tags-todo "+reading")
  ("Z" "Export to iCalendar file" tags 
"+event|+appointment" nil
 org-agenda-files '("~/Documents/philosophy/dissertation/"
"~/org/" "~/org/" "~/org/")
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)

Re: [O] #+CALL get the first row of output table lost when using latex export

2014-11-17 Thread Charles C. Berry

On Mon, 17 Nov 2014, wrote:

Thank you, Charles.  And =:colnames yes= does work here.  But the
results are the same when I evaluate t1 and t2 with

When I take another try, new problem seems to occur.

The test file is:
#+NAME: t1
#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports results
 return [['A'],None,[2],None,[3]]


#+NAME: t2
#+CALL: t1() :exports results


The results of `org-babel-execute-maybe' on t1 and t2 are identical:
 | A |
 | 2 |
 | 3 |

Not in my world (unless you add `:hlines').

| #+NAME: t1
| #+BEGIN_SRC python :exports results
|   return [['A'],None,[2],None,[3]]
| #+RESULTS: t1
| | A |
| |---|
| | 2 |
| |---|
| | 3 |
| #+NAME: t2
| #+CALL: t1() :exports results
| #+RESULTS: t2
| | A |
| | 2 |
| | 3 |

ob-python.el seems to be doing its own thing here.

What you see in the second instance is the usual Babel output for a table.

In my view this is a bug in ob-python.el.

See: (info "(org) hlines") for the proper idiom.



[O] Executing org shell blocks on remote machine over ssh

2014-11-17 Thread David Bjergaard
Hi All,

I'm sorry if this has been covered before, I've been searching for a
while and haven't found anything.

I use org mode as a lab notebook.  I write org-src blocks to keep track
of tasks I do at the command line, and then I copy paste them into the
terminal.  I would really like to hit "C-c C-c" on the source block and
have it executed on the remote machine.  I know that you can specify
the remote machine according to [1], however the software I use requires
a fairly complicated setup to get going.  

Ideally what I would have is my org-src blocks and another window with
the ssh terminal open.  Then hitting "C-c C-c" would execute the block
over a shared ssh connection and I could see the results in the other
window (quasi-interactively).  Is that possible?

Thanks for your time!



Re: [O] #+CALL get the first row of output table lost when using latex export

2014-11-17 Thread iemacs
Thank you, Charles.  And =:colnames yes= does work here.  But the
results are the same when I evaluate t1 and t2 with

When I take another try, new problem seems to occur.

The test file is:
#+NAME: t1
#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports results
  return [['A'],None,[2],None,[3]]


#+NAME: t2
#+CALL: t1() :exports results


The results of `org-babel-execute-maybe' on t1 and t2 are identical:
  | A |
  | 2 |
  | 3 |

The relevant part of the latex output is:
#+BEGIN_SRC latex


Both \hlines in Table T2 are missing.

Kind regards,

Tian Qiu

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Charles Berry  wrote:
>> writes:
>> Hi,
>> I encounter a problem when I use #+CALL to create a table with latex
>> export.  The problem is that the first row of the table is missing, if
>> the table is created with #+CALL.
> [deleted - setup info]
>> The minimal table example is
>> #+NAME: t1
>> #+BEGIN_SRC python :exports results
>>   return [['A'],None,[2]]
>> #+END_SRC
>> #+CAPTION: T1
>> #+RESULTS: t1
>> #+NAME: t2
>> #+CALL: t1() :exports results
>> #+CAPTION: T2
>> #+RESULTS: t2
> This is not a latex issue per se. If you evaluate t2 with
>   `org-babel-execute-maybe'
> the same thing will happen.
> org-babel-execute:python does its own formatting. #+CALL: OTOH passes
> the results to babel.
> The workaround is to use
>   #+CALL: t1() :colnames yes
> HTH,
> Chuck

Re: [O] org-contacts search case insensitive

2014-11-17 Thread Karl Voit
* Alexander Baier  wrote:
> On 2014-11-17 13:24 Karl Voit wrote:
>> * Alexander Baier  wrote:
>>> On 2014-11-17 12:37 Karl Voit wrote:
 * Martin Gross  wrote:
 And recently, I discovered helm-do-grep which I enjoy using very
 much :-)
>>> You might want to take a look at helm-org-headlines, if you only search
>>> for names.
>> "helm-org-keywords: Helm-org-keyword not supported in 24.3.1"
>> Will do after I switched to Emacs 24.x :-)
> I am no helm expert (far from it), but are you sure you called
> helm-org-headlines and not helm-org-keyword?

Hehe. My fault.

Typed in helm-org- TAB, found helm-org-keyword more interesting to
try out and ended up with that message and forgot that you suggested
me a different command :-)

Thanks for the tipp, helm-org-headlines works pretty well and is a
win for my daily Org!

Re: [O] org-contacts search case insensitive

2014-11-17 Thread Alexander Baier
On 2014-11-17 13:24 Karl Voit wrote:
> * Alexander Baier  wrote:
>> On 2014-11-17 12:37 Karl Voit wrote:
>>> * Martin Gross  wrote:
>>> And recently, I discovered helm-do-grep which I enjoy using very
>>> much :-)
>> You might want to take a look at helm-org-headlines, if you only search
>> for names.
> "helm-org-keywords: Helm-org-keyword not supported in 24.3.1"
> Will do after I switched to Emacs 24.x :-)

I am no helm expert (far from it), but are you sure you called
helm-org-headlines and not helm-org-keyword?

Alexander Baier

Re: [O] org-contacts search case insensitive

2014-11-17 Thread Karl Voit
* Alexander Baier  wrote:
> On 2014-11-17 12:37 Karl Voit wrote:
>> * Martin Gross  wrote:
>> And recently, I discovered helm-do-grep which I enjoy using very
>> much :-)
> You might want to take a look at helm-org-headlines, if you only search
> for names.

"helm-org-keywords: Helm-org-keyword not supported in 24.3.1"

Will do after I switched to Emacs 24.x :-)

Re: [O] org-contacts search case insensitive

2014-11-17 Thread Alexander Baier
On 2014-11-17 12:37 Karl Voit wrote:
> * Martin Gross  wrote:
> And recently, I discovered helm-do-grep which I enjoy using very
> much :-)

You might want to take a look at helm-org-headlines, if you only search
for names.

Alexander Baier

Re: [O] org-contacts search case insensitive

2014-11-17 Thread Karl Voit
* Martin Gross  wrote:
> Dear helpers,
> I really like the idea of having an address book based on org-mode,
> but I don=E2=80=98t understand why org-contacts searches case sensitive,
> because at least to me this makes it more difficult to find what I am
> looking for (I=E2=80=98am searching an entry about a conference.  But how d=
> id
> I write "conference"?).

I have no clue what org-contacts provides in this direction anyway
because I end up using org-sparse-tree + regexp to look for entries.
And recently, I discovered helm-do-grep which I enjoy using very
much :-)

[O] Mixed install warning after upgrading to 8.2.10

2014-11-17 Thread Arunabha Ghosh
Hi, I'm getting a mixed install warning after upgrading to 8.2.10.

Previously I used the .tgz for 8.2.7c and did a (add-to-list 'load-path
'path to 8.2.7c/lisp' which
worked fine.

For 8.2.10, I checked out the git repo, and switched to the 8.2.10 tag and
updated the load-path to point to the new directory. I then byte recompiled
the dir to generate the .elc files.

However, now org-version complains about a mixed installation and several
things are broken (repeated schedules with ++ dates specifications don't
work correctly among others with complains of a missing function in the
messages buffer.)

Any help is appreciated.


Re: [O] org-contacts search case insensitive

2014-11-17 Thread Alexander Baier
On 2014-11-17 11:04 Martin Gross wrote:
> Dear helpers,
> I really like the idea of having an address book based on org-mode,
> but I don‘t understand why org-contacts searches case sensitive,
> because at least to me this makes it more difficult to find what I am
> looking for (I‘am searching an entry about a conference. But how did
> I write "conference"?).


> I‘am usung Emacs 24.3.1 Orgmode 7.9.2.

I am on Org-mode version 8.3beta and my org-contacts search is case
insensitive. I have no customization related to case sensitivity in my

Alexander Baier

Re: [O] org-mode pretty entities has \perp but not \parallel

2014-11-17 Thread Rasmus
Brady Trainor  writes:

> Hi, I expected \parallel to work after success with \perp. That is,
> I've executed in buffer M-x org-toggle-pretty-entities RET, and I
> expected to see \parallel as unicode ∥, since \perp is overlayed
> (correct term?) with ⟂.

\parallel should be added IMO as it's supported by vanilla LaTeX.

Would you be interested in providing a patch?  You would have to add it
to org-entities.el, e.g. after the perp entity and then send the patch
to this list.

>  Though, the former is pretty hard to see, so maybe it was decided
> against.

Maybe you don't have a good font?  My Emacs picks it up from Biolinum.


Sådan en god dansk lagereddike kan man slet ikke bruge mere

Re: [O] What happened to ODT export?

2014-11-17 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Christopher Culver wrote:
> Brady Trainor  writes:
>> I find the following: 
>> , [ C-h v org-export-backends RET ]
>> | org-export-backends is a variable defined in `org.el'.
>> | Its value is (ascii html icalendar latex md odt)
>> | Original value was 
>> | (ascii html icalendar latex)
>> `
>> In my init file, I have...
> Thanks, that did the trick. Strange that I had to manually enable ODT
> export, when I am sure that this was automatically present when I first
> learned org-mode a couple of years back.

IIRC, you're correct: it was enabled by default before Org 8. But it
isn't anymore, with the new "export dispatcher".

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

[O] org-contacts search case insensitive

2014-11-17 Thread Martin Gross
Dear helpers,

I really like the idea of having an address book based on org-mode,
but I don‘t understand why org-contacts searches case sensitive,
because at least to me this makes it more difficult to find what I am
looking for (I‘am searching an entry about a conference.  But how did
I write "conference"?).

There is an old thread, where this point is shortly discussed, at

but I already (setq case-fold-search t) and it has no effect.  Is
really the solution related to this function?  What else could I

I‘am usung Emacs 24.3.1 Orgmode 7.9.2.

Thank you very much in advance!


Re: [O] Coursera class on reproducible research

2014-11-17 Thread Sebastien Vauban
John Hendy wrote:
> Thought this might interest the list:
> -
> I've taken other Johns Hopkins classes on Data Analysis from Rober
> Peng and Jeff Leek and found them to be pretty good. They'll be using
> R, and I'm going to guess they'll be teaching this withing the context
> of RStudio, though I could be wrong. I obviously use Org, however I
> plan on at least skimming the lectures for principles/best-practices,
> as I think they may help in my own efforts to use Org for reproducible
> research.

Indeed, they use RStudio and the excellent Slidify for HTML5 slide

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] project-explorer package forcing new frame... better solution than mine?

2014-11-17 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Brady Trainor wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying the project-explorer package. It uses a persistent
> window for a browsing tree.
> This causes a new frame when using any of org-export-dispatch,
> org-agenda-view menu, ibuffer-other-window, and org-insert-link. (My
> C-c C-e, C-c C-a, C-x C-b, C-c C-l.)
> I've made a solution for the export-dispatch (since I use
> project-explorer and org-export quite a bit for my Jekyll site). The
> solution is as follows:
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (add-hook 'project-explorer-mode-hook
>   (lambda ()
> (make-variable-frame-local 'org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui)
> (modify-frame-parameters nil '((org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui 
> . t)
> The author of project-explorer asserts that this may be a problem with
> Org-mode or Emacs.
> Since this also appears with ibuffer-other-window, is this necessarily
> worth mentioning to the Emacs newsgroup?
> Any ideas on a simpler solution than mine? 

I don't use such an explorer, but did you look at speedbar (or sr-speedbar)?

There is as well a very nice one in the CEDET collection, but I dunno if
it can be used in isolation.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] Selection of TODO entry keyword with S-right arrow

2014-11-17 Thread Sebastien Vauban


Sebastien Vauban wrote:
> Up to recently, with the following customization:
>   (setq org-todo-keywords
> '((sequence "NEW(n!)" "TODO(t!)" "STRT(s!)" "WAIT(w!)" "SDAY(y!)"
> "|" "DONE(d!)" "CANX(x!)")
>   (sequence "QTE(q!)" "QTD(Q!)"
> "|" "APP(A!)" "REJ(R!)") 
>   (sequence "OPENPO(O!)"
> "|" "CLSDPO(C!)")))
> To select the TODO state "NEW" or "TODO" for an entry which had no TODO
> keyword, I just had to `S-right' once or twice:
> 1. NEW
> 2. TODO
> Now, `S-right' does cycle in a new order:
> 3. QTE
> 4. QTD
> 5. APP
> 6. REJ
> 7. NEW
> 8. TODO
> See

61a241f0dc07aef5a3a5c2bd037a197236bde2e6 is the first bad commit
commit 61a241f0dc07aef5a3a5c2bd037a197236bde2e6
Author: Nicolas Goaziou 
Date:   Tue Oct 14 10:53:29 2014 +0200

Rewrite setup keywords initialization

* lisp/org-table.el (org-table-set-constants): Remove function.
* lisp/org.el (org-set-regexps-and-options): Rewrite function.  Merge
  it with `org-set-regexps-and-options-for-tags'.
(org-set-regexps-and-options-for-tags): Remove function
(org--setup-collect-keywords, org--setup-process-tags): New functions.
(org-mode): Remove `org-set-regexps-and-options-for-tags' call.
(org-agenda-prepare-buffers): Use optimized setup for tags in all
cases.  Improve docstring.
(org-make-options-regexp): Make returned regexp more efficient.

:04 04 afaa4ae741d1427954081fcbc29ee4a0363e6636 
4a2d2634d397a45d3c9528fb1919a6e1a1315430 M  lisp

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] cannot get an agenda showing logged todos, scheduled todos and clockcheck items at the same time

2014-11-17 Thread Brady Trainor


Rainer Stengele  writes:

> (agenda "todays agenda"
> (
>  (org-agenda-span 'day)
>  (org-agenda-log-mode 'clockcheck)
>  (org-agenda-start-with-log-mode t)
>  (org-agenda-overriding-header "Today's Agenda")))

I am not using this, so I won't be able to test it but... I did google 
clockcheck and check some of your variables. 

If I execute M-x apropos RET org agenda log mode RET, it appears this is a 
command not a variable, at least in my org-mode version 8.2.10.

A few lines down (in the apropos findings) I see `org-agenda-log-mode-items', 
which I think it should be a list, so for example

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(org-agenda-log-mode-items '(closed clock state))

Consider your thread from 
July. There, Sebastien Vauban suggested the variable assignment

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(org-agenda-log-mode 'clockcheck)

Perhaps this is what you meant above. Or Mike McLean suggests, 

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(org-agenda-show-log 'clockcheck)

Then, at the end of the thread, Carsten Dominick advises against using these, 
and suggest instead to use these in the global section of your custom command. 

(org-agenda-start-with-log-mode 'clockcheck)
(org-agenda-start-with-clockreport-mode t)

In summary, maybe you should have this:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
  '(("Z" "todays agenda"
 ((agenda ""))
 ((org-agenda-span 'day)
  (org-agenda-start-with-log-mode 'clockcheck)
  (org-agenda-start-with-clockreport-mode t)
  (org-agenda-log-mode-items '(closed clock state))
  (org-agenda-overriding-header "Today's Agenda")

Further, I shifted some of the terms around. Note the `agenda' block usually 
takes the empty string, but it seems you gave it the name of the command. 



> Thank you.
> Regards, Rainer

[O] cannot get an agenda showing logged todos, scheduled todos and clockcheck items at the same time

2014-11-17 Thread Rainer Stengele
Dear all,

I cannot get an agenda showing logged todos, all scheduled items and clockcheck 
view for gaps or overlappings clocking.
I start with log mode "on" and my agenda shows all scheduled todos.
As soon as I hit "v c" to see the clockchecks result the scheduled todos 

Is there any way for an agenda to always see all logged todos, all scheduled 
todos and always get the clockcheck view in order to see gaps or overlaps?

My agenda is configured like:

  (agenda "todays agenda"
   (org-agenda-span 'day)
   (org-agenda-log-mode 'clockcheck)
   (org-agenda-start-with-log-mode t)
   (org-agenda-overriding-header "Today's Agenda")))

I never could get a configuration which also shows the clockcheck items.
I therefore start as configured and as as said soon as I press "v c" my 
scheduled items disappear.

Any idea?

Thank you.
Regards, Rainer

Re: [O] Top-level headers in org-sparse-tree

2014-11-17 Thread Adam
Carsten Dominik> writes:

> Hi Iris,
> Org considers the version of the file with only top-levels shown as  
> the most folded version and does not provide commands that will hide  
> these.

I would also like to see org-sparse-tree filter top-level headlines by tags.
It seems strange that this behavior would not be consistent... is this a

Perhaps this can be changed by hooking in some elisp, following