Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Maria Shinoto


Am 17.08.16 um 11:00 schrieb Ken Mankoff:

Pandoc does work well, but I notice you didn't say tables. Does it

> that for you well? For me, they are unreadable, with each column a
> full
> page width, and the table therefore far too wide.

You could write the tables in Latex, Pandoc accepts that. But I think in 
this case you cannot work with .docx -- I am not sure. But you can also 
work on the default template and change the settings for tables. I have 
several templates (Latex, beamer) for several purposes, really a nice 

Anyway, in pandoc "x" is properly exported as a math symbol, but it

> doesn't look very good and has a box around it. The m^-3 is not exported
> properly. I see a "m", and then an empty math box, and then the
> superscript "-3".

If I do Org -> ODT, the "x" is not technically correct, but looks

> better. It is just italicized. The exponent is properly written next to
> them without an empty math box between the two.

Both problems can be solved in the template either. You can have a look 
at the Latex Pandoc produces, then change to what you need and enter 
this into the template.


If someone has a different suggestion for how to write this in Org

pandoc->DOCX, I'd be grateful, because references and figures are
handled better by pandoc than Org -> ODT.


Re: [O] Latex equation numbering on left instead of right

2016-08-16 Thread Nick Dokos
Lawrence Bottorff  writes:

> Okay, an Emacs StackExchange person said I'd have to alter the actual 
> HTML/CSS, that adding #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [oneside,reqno] would not help 
> the HTML output -- and it doesn't. I did find the HTML section
>     MathJax.Hub.Config({
>         displayAlign: "left",
>         displayIndent: "5em",
>         "HTML-CSS": { scale: 100,
>                         linebreaks: { automatic: "false" },
>                         webFont: "Neo-Euler"
>                        },
>         SVG: {scale: 100,
>               linebreaks: { automatic: "false" },
>               font: "Neo-Euler"},
>         NativeMML: {scale: 100},
>         TeX: { equationNumbers: {autoNumber: "AMS"},
>                MultLineWidth: "85%",
>                TagSide: "right",
>                TagIndent: ".8em"
>              }
> });
> where the TagSide "left" can be changed after output by hand to "right", and 
> that solves the problem. So how would I tell org-mode to make this change? Is 
> there any control over MathJax from Emacs variables or
> my org-mode file?
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 7:25 PM, Lawrence Bottorff  wrote:
> I've got this
> \begin{align}
> n &= 0 \\
> n &= m + 1
> \end{align}
> in an org-mode buffer. When I produce a Latex output, the numbering n = 0 
>     (1) etc. is properly placed on the right. But an HTML output places the 
> numbering on the left. What do I need to do to have
> both HTML and Latex output place the equation numbering off to the right? 
> One Latex tip was to include \documentclass[12pt,oneside,reqno]{amsart} where 
> t

Check the variable org-html-mathjax-options.


Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Ken Mankoff

On 2016-08-17 at 01:30, Martin Leduc  wrote:
> Hi Ken, I tried the Pandoc solution first and the result appears quite
> satisfying to me. In the docx document, I can see citations,
> bibliography, figures and even equations. I will keep note of your
> first suggestion if I face issues with pandoc.

Pandoc does work well, but I notice you didn't say tables. Does it do that for 
you well? For me, they are unreadable, with each column a full page width, and 
the table therefore far too wide.

I think I run into a another common problem though where my Org text has words 
like "\(x\) = 42 kg m\(^{-3}\)". I think this is correct LaTeX syntax?

Anyway, in pandoc "x" is properly exported as a math symbol, but it doesn't 
look very good and has a box around it. The m^-3 is not exported properly. I 
see a "m", and then an empty math box, and then the superscript "-3".

If I do Org -> ODT, the "x" is not technically correct, but looks better. It is 
just italicized. The exponent is properly written next to them without an empty 
math box between the two.

If someone has a different suggestion for how to write this in Org for 
pandoc->DOCX, I'd be grateful, because references and figures are handled 
better by pandoc than Org -> ODT.


Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Martin Leduc
Hi Ken, I tried the Pandoc solution first and the result appears quite 
satisfying to me. In the docx document, I can see citations, 
bibliography, figures and even equations. I will keep note of your first 
suggestion if I face issues with pandoc.


On 08/16/2016 07:41 AM, Ken Mankoff wrote:

Hi Martin,

The workflow I've been using for the past few months is this:

1) Export to ODT and then use LibreOffice to convert ODT to DOC with,

(use-package ox-odt
  :ensure nil
  :config (progn
(setq org-odt-preferred-output-format "doc")
(setq org-odt-convert-processes
"/Applications/ --headless --convert-to %f%x 

Note that LibreOffice *cannot* be open/running while exporting, or the 
conversion fails.

2) Clean up the DOC file using the following LibreOffice macro (you can give 
its own toolbar button for easy access). This removes some LaTeX-specific 
formatting (examples: \( and \), \begin{equation}, \ref, etc.) and replaces 
some (examples: ^{-2} to -2).

Sub ReplaceTeXStrings
  Dim mTeXStringsNO(99) As String
  Dim mTeXStringsCNVfrom(99) As String
  Dim mTexStringsCNVto(99) As String
  Dim n As Long
  Dim oDocument As Object
  Dim oReplace As Object

  mTeXStringsNO() = Array("\(", "\)", "\ref", "\mathrm", _
"\begin{equation}", "\end{equation}", "\left", "\right", _
"\singlespacing", "\doublespacing", "\,")

   mTeXStringsCNV() = Array("\sigma","σ", "\rho","ρ", "\sum", "∑", _
   "\phi","ɸ", "\partial","∂", "\Theta","Θ", "^{th}","th", "^{{th}}","th", _
   "^{-1}","-1", "^{-2}","-2", "^{2}","^2", "^{3}", "^3",  "^{-3}", "^-3")

  oDocument = ThisComponent
  oReplace = oDocument.createReplaceDescriptor
  For n = lbound(mTeXStringsNO()) To ubound(mTeXStringsNO())
oReplace.SearchString = mTexStringsNO(n)
oReplace.ReplaceString = ""
  Next n
  For n = lbound(mTeXStringsCNV()) To ubound(mTeXStringsCNV()) Step 2
oReplace.SearchString = mTexStringsCNV(n)
oReplace.ReplaceString = mTexStringsCNV(n+1)
  Next n
  End Sub

At this point, the DOC file is in decent shape, but equations are in raw LaTeX. 
The text does say things like see Figure {fig:foo} and Equation {eq:bar}. 
Figures are all numbered SEC.N, where SEC is the section number, and N restarts 
at 1 each section. References appear correctly as (Someone, 1942), or inline as 
Someone (1942), but there is no bibliography. It is easily readable, decently 
formatted, and much better than asking a co-author to read the raw LaTeX.

3) Export to PDF and compile the final product

4) Send both PDF and DOC to co-authors. Let them know they can read and mark up 
the DOC via Track Changes, but the PDF is the canonical version and should be 
used when looking at Equations, Figures, Bibliography, or anything else that 
appears suspect in the DOC file.

5) I manually integrate changes back into the Org file.

Alternative workflows I've used in the past include Org -> LaTeX and then using 
Pandoc LaTeX -> DOCX. This version includes a bibliography, but overall I found the 
DOC more poorly formatted than the above workflow. If you prefer a cut-and-paste method, 
I'd consider Org -> HTML and then cut-and-paste that, rather than cut-and-paste PDF 

I hope this helps,


On 2016-08-16 at 03:36, Martin Leduc  wrote:

Hi orgers,

People using org-mode or LaTeX to write scientific papers inevitably
face problems when time comes to share a manuscript with co-authors for
reviewing. Unless one decides to restrict the choice of his co-authors
based exclusively on their knowledge of LaTeX, collaborators generally
use Microsoft Word to write their documents.

One way to share LaTeX documents with non-LaTeX users is to simply
copy-paste the LaTeX file into a Word document. You can then share this
file with other people along with a pdf-compiled version of the
manuscript allowing them to see all references, bibliography, equations
and figures. This is the most convenient approach for the first author,
who can simply copy-paste back the text into a tex file after the rounds
of review and then compile the LaTeX manuscript again following some
minor debugging.

However, the latter approach may not be suitable in situations where the
document is intended to stay into a word format for whatever reason. It
could be for instance because you want to be kind with some co-authors
that wouldn't pay much interest into a scary document filled with
complicated codes.

So I would like to know what are the best known strategies to circumvent
the latter issue. To simplify, I accept that I will need to rewrite the
equations (and eq. numbers) in the Word document. What I really want,
however, is all the citations and the list of references being managed
automatically at the step of exporting from org to 

Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Martin Leduc
Hi Julian, thank you for the suggestion. I didn't know pandoc, and 
didn't expect to find something so near from what I was searching !

Converting the tex file to docx using pandoc, I can see the correct 
citations and bibliography, and even equations (in openoffice, haven't 
tested it with Microsoft word) and figures. I see minor issues such as 
the equation numbers that are not compiled (references stay as labels), 
but overall it is quite satisfying.

On the other hand, exporting from org to odt is more or less like 
copy-pasting latex source code (no references, no bibliography, but... 
figures !)

All the best,


On 08/16/2016 11:16 AM, Julian M. Burgos wrote:

Hi Martin,

The best solution I found so far is to export to latex, and then use
pandoc to convert the tex document into word.  You can point pandoc to
your .bib file, so the bibliography gets into the word document, doing
something like this:

pandoc --bibliography /home/julian/Documents/org_files/myrefs.bib -o 
mypaper.docx mypaper.tex

This works ok.  Figures sometimes do not get inserted into the Word document,
and there are other relatively minor issues.  I have not bother looking
very deeply to figure out if they can be solved, I just pass the word
document to my collaborators for editing (so they can use the track
changes options and so for), and I also send the pdf file (from latex)
so they can see exactly how the document would look, in terms of figures
and tables.

When you get your reviews back, you need to manually insert them into
your org document, which is a pain in the back.

An alternative way is to pass the org document to your coworker, so they
can edit them in word directly.  They should ignore all the markup
language, do not use the track changes option, and save the resulting
document as a text file.  Then you can incorporate the changes directly
into your org file using ediff.  But as you said, the markup language
may turn off people that are not very friendly to some code and strange

A third way would be to export to odt.  I think you can set the exporter
so it uses libre office to convert the resulting file into .doc or
.docx.  I have not tried this very well, so I am not sure how this works
with references, figures and tables.

Hopefully somebody on the list may have a better option,

All the best,


Martin Leduc writes:

Hi orgers,

People using org-mode or LaTeX to write scientific papers inevitably
face problems when time comes to share a manuscript with co-authors for
reviewing. Unless one decides to restrict the choice of his co-authors
based exclusively on their knowledge of LaTeX, collaborators generally
use Microsoft Word to write their documents.

One way to share LaTeX documents with non-LaTeX users is to simply
copy-paste the LaTeX file into a Word document. You can then share this
file with other people along with a pdf-compiled version of the
manuscript allowing them to see all references, bibliography, equations
and figures. This is the most convenient approach for the first author,
who can simply copy-paste back the text into a tex file after the rounds
of review and then compile the LaTeX manuscript again following some
minor debugging.

However, the latter approach may not be suitable in situations where the
document is intended to stay into a word format for whatever reason. It
could be for instance because you want to be kind with some co-authors
that wouldn't pay much interest into a scary document filled with
complicated codes.

So I would like to know what are the best known strategies to circumvent
the latter issue. To simplify, I accept that I will need to rewrite the
equations (and eq. numbers) in the Word document. What I really want,
however, is all the citations and the list of references being managed
automatically at the step of exporting from org to ODT or to Plain Text.

The only solution I see now is to export the org document to a plain pdf
(e.g. with no page numbers) and then to copy-paste the pdf into a Word
document. This strategy is cumbersome because a lot of work is generally
needed to format the word document (page wrapping, no line breaks
between paragraphs, words hyphenation, etc).

Is there any cleaner solutions to this issue ? Or more general ideas on
how we could facilitate the sharing of documents containing a bibtex
bibliography between org and non-org users ?



Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Maria Shinoto


in the recent year and a half I have been writing in Pandoc Markdown, 
exchanging documents and research papers with others as .docx documents 
that I converted directly in Pandoc, or, if a biblatex bibliography was 
involved, via Latex document.

The route back to Pandoc was copy and paste, which was not as time 
consuming as one might suppose. I had to go over the changes anyway.

I am an archaeologist, so there are no problems with equations ;)

A lot of idea exchange is via email, and composing ideas in Pandoc 
Markdown before sending the mail was a well organised way of developing 

Now I hope to get org-mode running the same way, either using direct 
export to word or Pandoc.


Am 16.08.16 um 20:41 schrieb Ken Mankoff:

Hi Martin,

The workflow I've been using for the past few months is this:

1) Export to ODT and then use LibreOffice to convert ODT to DOC with,

(use-package ox-odt
  :ensure nil
  :config (progn
(setq org-odt-preferred-output-format "doc")
(setq org-odt-convert-processes
"/Applications/ --headless --convert-to %f%x 

Note that LibreOffice *cannot* be open/running while exporting, or the 
conversion fails.

2) Clean up the DOC file using the following LibreOffice macro (you can give 
its own toolbar button for easy access). This removes some LaTeX-specific 
formatting (examples: \( and \), \begin{equation}, \ref, etc.) and replaces 
some (examples: ^{-2} to -2).

Sub ReplaceTeXStrings
  Dim mTeXStringsNO(99) As String
  Dim mTeXStringsCNVfrom(99) As String
  Dim mTexStringsCNVto(99) As String
  Dim n As Long
  Dim oDocument As Object
  Dim oReplace As Object

  mTeXStringsNO() = Array("\(", "\)", "\ref", "\mathrm", _
"\begin{equation}", "\end{equation}", "\left", "\right", _
"\singlespacing", "\doublespacing", "\,")

   mTeXStringsCNV() = Array("\sigma","σ", "\rho","ρ", "\sum", "∑", _
   "\phi","ɸ", "\partial","∂", "\Theta","Θ", "^{th}","th", "^{{th}}","th", _
   "^{-1}","-1", "^{-2}","-2", "^{2}","^2", "^{3}", "^3",  "^{-3}", "^-3")

  oDocument = ThisComponent
  oReplace = oDocument.createReplaceDescriptor
  For n = lbound(mTeXStringsNO()) To ubound(mTeXStringsNO())
oReplace.SearchString = mTexStringsNO(n)
oReplace.ReplaceString = ""
  Next n
  For n = lbound(mTeXStringsCNV()) To ubound(mTeXStringsCNV()) Step 2
oReplace.SearchString = mTexStringsCNV(n)
oReplace.ReplaceString = mTexStringsCNV(n+1)
  Next n
  End Sub

At this point, the DOC file is in decent shape, but equations are in raw LaTeX. 
The text does say things like see Figure {fig:foo} and Equation {eq:bar}. 
Figures are all numbered SEC.N, where SEC is the section number, and N restarts 
at 1 each section. References appear correctly as (Someone, 1942), or inline as 
Someone (1942), but there is no bibliography. It is easily readable, decently 
formatted, and much better than asking a co-author to read the raw LaTeX.

3) Export to PDF and compile the final product

4) Send both PDF and DOC to co-authors. Let them know they can read and mark up 
the DOC via Track Changes, but the PDF is the canonical version and should be 
used when looking at Equations, Figures, Bibliography, or anything else that 
appears suspect in the DOC file.

5) I manually integrate changes back into the Org file.

Alternative workflows I've used in the past include Org -> LaTeX and then using 
Pandoc LaTeX -> DOCX. This version includes a bibliography, but overall I found the 
DOC more poorly formatted than the above workflow. If you prefer a cut-and-paste method, 
I'd consider Org -> HTML and then cut-and-paste that, rather than cut-and-paste PDF 

I hope this helps,


On 2016-08-16 at 03:36, Martin Leduc  wrote:

Hi orgers,

People using org-mode or LaTeX to write scientific papers inevitably
face problems when time comes to share a manuscript with co-authors for
reviewing. Unless one decides to restrict the choice of his co-authors
based exclusively on their knowledge of LaTeX, collaborators generally
use Microsoft Word to write their documents.

One way to share LaTeX documents with non-LaTeX users is to simply
copy-paste the LaTeX file into a Word document. You can then share this
file with other people along with a pdf-compiled version of the
manuscript allowing them to see all references, bibliography, equations
and figures. This is the most convenient approach for the first author,
who can simply copy-paste back the text into a tex file after the rounds
of review and then compile the LaTeX manuscript again following some
minor debugging.

However, the latter approach may not be suitable in situations where the
document is intended to stay into a word format for whatever reason. It
could be for instance because 

Re: [O] Avoid protecting { brackets on export?

2016-08-16 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Vitalie Spinu  writes:

> I need a long underscore line which I can do in latex with
>   \uline{\phantom{Company Name Here}}
> The problem is that org exports this as
>  \uline\{\phantom{Company Name Here}\}
> The outer escape of { bracket seems arbitrary to me. How can I avoid
> this?

You cannot write arbitrary complex (for some value of "complex") LaTeX
in an Org document. In this case, use @@latex:...@@.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Ken Mankoff

On 2016-08-16 at 11:48, Eric Abrahamsen  wrote:
> Ken Mankoff  writes:
>> Note that LibreOffice *cannot* be open/running while exporting, or
>> the conversion fails.
> So *that's* what's going on! I could never figure out why it failed
> sometimes -- there was no pattern that I could see. Is it possible for
> the export process to know that this is why it failed, and provide a
> more specific error message?

I don't see a way to get the reason for the failure, but you could preempt the 
failure with a check. Advise the org ODT export function, and have it check for 
an active LibreOffice process, and then warn.


Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Martin Leduc

On 08/15/2016 11:36 PM, Martin Leduc wrote:

Hi orgers,

People using org-mode or LaTeX to write scientific papers inevitably
face problems when time comes to share a manuscript with co-authors for
reviewing. Unless one decides to restrict the choice of his co-authors
based exclusively on their knowledge of LaTeX, collaborators generally
use Microsoft Word to write their documents.

One way to share LaTeX documents with non-LaTeX users is to simply
copy-paste the LaTeX file into a Word document. You can then share this
file with other people along with a pdf-compiled version of the
manuscript allowing them to see all references, bibliography, equations
and figures. This is the most convenient approach for the first author,
who can simply copy-paste back the text into a tex file after the rounds
of review and then compile the LaTeX manuscript again following some
minor debugging.

However, the latter approach may not be suitable in situations where the
document is intended to stay into a word format for whatever reason. It
could be for instance because you want to be kind with some co-authors
that wouldn't pay much interest into a scary document filled with
complicated codes.

So I would like to know what are the best known strategies to circumvent
the latter issue. To simplify, I accept that I will need to rewrite the
equations (and eq. numbers) in the Word document. What I really want,
however, is all the citations and the list of references being managed
automatically at the step of exporting from org to ODT or to Plain Text.

The only solution I see now is to export the org document to a plain pdf
(e.g. with no page numbers) and then to copy-paste the pdf into a Word
document. This strategy is cumbersome because a lot of work is generally
needed to format the word document (page wrapping, no line breaks
between paragraphs, words hyphenation, etc).

Is there any cleaner solutions to this issue ? Or more general ideas on
how we could facilitate the sharing of documents containing a bibtex
bibliography between org and non-org users ?



Sorry for double posting... please take this one.

Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Eric Abrahamsen
Ken Mankoff  writes:

> Hi Martin,
> The workflow I've been using for the past few months is this:
> 1) Export to ODT and then use LibreOffice to convert ODT to DOC with,
> (use-package ox-odt
>   :ensure nil
>   :config (progn
>   (setq org-odt-preferred-output-format "doc")
>   (setq org-odt-convert-processes
> '(("LibreOffice" 
> "/Applications/ --headless --convert-to 
> %f%x %i")
> Note that LibreOffice *cannot* be open/running while exporting, or the 
> conversion fails.

So *that's* what's going on! I could never figure out why it failed
sometimes -- there was no pattern that I could see. Is it possible for
the export process to know that this is why it failed, and provide a
more specific error message?

[O] Avoid protecting { brackets on export?

2016-08-16 Thread Vitalie Spinu


I need a long underscore line which I can do in latex with

  \uline{\phantom{Company Name Here}}

The problem is that org exports this as

 \uline\{\phantom{Company Name Here}\}

The outer escape of { bracket seems arbitrary to me. How can I avoid this?



Re: [O] Cross-referencing

2016-08-16 Thread John Kitchin
Does this do what you want?

[[*Is it confidential?][confidential]]

Sharon Kimble writes:

> How can I have a cross-reference for a specific word please? I want to
> reference 'confidentiality' to a section headed "Is it confidential?"
> Thanks
> Sharon.

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

[O] Cross-referencing

2016-08-16 Thread Sharon Kimble

How can I have a cross-reference for a specific word please? I want to
reference 'confidentiality' to a section headed "Is it confidential?"

A taste of linux =
TGmeds =
Debian 8.4, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 25.1.1

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Ken Mankoff
Hi Martin,

The workflow I've been using for the past few months is this:

1) Export to ODT and then use LibreOffice to convert ODT to DOC with,

(use-package ox-odt
  :ensure nil
  :config (progn
(setq org-odt-preferred-output-format "doc")
(setq org-odt-convert-processes
"/Applications/ --headless --convert-to 
%f%x %i")

Note that LibreOffice *cannot* be open/running while exporting, or the 
conversion fails.

2) Clean up the DOC file using the following LibreOffice macro (you can give 
its own toolbar button for easy access). This removes some LaTeX-specific 
formatting (examples: \( and \), \begin{equation}, \ref, etc.) and replaces 
some (examples: ^{-2} to -2).

Sub ReplaceTeXStrings
  Dim mTeXStringsNO(99) As String
  Dim mTeXStringsCNVfrom(99) As String
  Dim mTexStringsCNVto(99) As String
  Dim n As Long
  Dim oDocument As Object
  Dim oReplace As Object

  mTeXStringsNO() = Array("\(", "\)", "\ref", "\mathrm", _
"\begin{equation}", "\end{equation}", "\left", "\right", _
"\singlespacing", "\doublespacing", "\,")

   mTeXStringsCNV() = Array("\sigma","σ", "\rho","ρ", "\sum", "∑", _
   "\phi","ɸ", "\partial","∂", "\Theta","Θ", "^{th}","th", "^{{th}}","th", _
   "^{-1}","-1", "^{-2}","-2", "^{2}","^2", "^{3}", "^3",  "^{-3}", "^-3")

  oDocument = ThisComponent
  oReplace = oDocument.createReplaceDescriptor
  For n = lbound(mTeXStringsNO()) To ubound(mTeXStringsNO())
oReplace.SearchString = mTexStringsNO(n)
oReplace.ReplaceString = ""
  Next n
  For n = lbound(mTeXStringsCNV()) To ubound(mTeXStringsCNV()) Step 2
oReplace.SearchString = mTexStringsCNV(n)
oReplace.ReplaceString = mTexStringsCNV(n+1)
  Next n
  End Sub

At this point, the DOC file is in decent shape, but equations are in raw LaTeX. 
The text does say things like see Figure {fig:foo} and Equation {eq:bar}. 
Figures are all numbered SEC.N, where SEC is the section number, and N restarts 
at 1 each section. References appear correctly as (Someone, 1942), or inline as 
Someone (1942), but there is no bibliography. It is easily readable, decently 
formatted, and much better than asking a co-author to read the raw LaTeX. 

3) Export to PDF and compile the final product

4) Send both PDF and DOC to co-authors. Let them know they can read and mark up 
the DOC via Track Changes, but the PDF is the canonical version and should be 
used when looking at Equations, Figures, Bibliography, or anything else that 
appears suspect in the DOC file.

5) I manually integrate changes back into the Org file.

Alternative workflows I've used in the past include Org -> LaTeX and then using 
Pandoc LaTeX -> DOCX. This version includes a bibliography, but overall I found 
the DOC more poorly formatted than the above workflow. If you prefer a 
cut-and-paste method, I'd consider Org -> HTML and then cut-and-paste that, 
rather than cut-and-paste PDF contents.

I hope this helps,


On 2016-08-16 at 03:36, Martin Leduc  wrote:
> Hi orgers,
> People using org-mode or LaTeX to write scientific papers inevitably 
> face problems when time comes to share a manuscript with co-authors for 
> reviewing. Unless one decides to restrict the choice of his co-authors 
> based exclusively on their knowledge of LaTeX, collaborators generally 
> use Microsoft Word to write their documents.
> One way to share LaTeX documents with non-LaTeX users is to simply 
> copy-paste the LaTeX file into a Word document. You can then share this 
> file with other people along with a pdf-compiled version of the 
> manuscript allowing them to see all references, bibliography, equations 
> and figures. This is the most convenient approach for the first author, 
> who can simply copy-paste back the text into a tex file after the rounds 
> of review and then compile the LaTeX manuscript again following some 
> minor debugging.
> However, the latter approach may not be suitable in situations where the 
> document is intended to stay into a word format for whatever reason. It 
> could be for instance because you want to be kind with some co-authors 
> that wouldn't pay much interest into a scary document filled with 
> complicated codes.
> So I would like to know what are the best known strategies to circumvent 
> the latter issue. To simplify, I accept that I will need to rewrite the 
> equations (and eq. numbers) in the Word document. What I really want, 
> however, is all the citations and the list of references being managed 
> automatically at the step of exporting from org to ODT or to Plain Text.
> The only solution I see now is to export the org document to a plain pdf 
> (e.g. with no page numbers) and then to copy-paste the pdf into a Word 
> document. This strategy is cumbersome because a lot of work is 

Re: [O] orgmode & pdf-tools

2016-08-16 Thread AW
Am Montag, 25. Juli 2016, 13:47:25 CEST schrieb Nicolas Goaziou:
> Hello,
> Pablo S. Casas  writes:
> >After edebugging org-open-file I found a possible solution. The
> > 
> > documentation string for org-file-apps should be modified for the sexp
> > case to use the link variable instead of file.
> > 
> > #+BEGIN_SRC elisp
> > (add-to-list 'org-file-apps '("\\.pdf\\'" . (org-pdfview-open link)))
> > (add-to-list 'org-file-apps '("\\.pdf::\\(\\d+\\)\\'" . (org-pdfview-open
> > link))) #+END_SRC
> I'm not sure about what the initial problem is, but there is no more
> "sexp" case in `org-file-apps' in development version. You can use
> a function instead.
> Regards,

@ Pablo, thank you, that solved it! Great!

@ all:
My initial setup was:

(eval-after-load 'org '(require 'org-pdfview))
 (delete '("\\.pdf\\'" . default) org-file-apps)
 (add-to-list 'org-file-apps '("\\.pdf\\'" . org-pdfview-open))
(add-to-list 'org-file-apps '("\\.pdf::\\([[:digit:]]+\\)\\'" . org-pdfview-

Now and working:

 (eval-after-load 'org '(require 'org-pdfview))
 (delete '("\\.pdf\\'" . default) org-file-apps)

(add-to-list 'org-file-apps '("\\.pdf\\'" . (org-pdfview-open link)))
(add-to-list 'org-file-apps '("\\.pdf::\\(\\d+\\)\\'" . (org-pdfview-open 

So the way to include org-pdfview-open did not work with openSuse and Emacs 

If somebody _please_ could swap the "sexp" in org-file-apps with whatever 
function, as Nicolas mentioned? It really is helpful to open a lengthy PDF at 
the right page...

And sorry for answering so late, I missed the email.

