Re: [O] Clock setup stopped working after update

2017-03-03 Thread Markus Heller
Yes, it does.  Copy mistake error and my mistake.

This lead me to think that the issue is a headline where the * or copies
thereof have been deleted by accident.  So I cycled through my agenda files

;; Org-Agenda Files
(setq org-agenda-files (quote("h:/org/")))
;;  "h:/org/"
;;  "h:/org/"
;;  "h:/org/"
;;  "h:/org/")))

but the error occurs in every single one, and as best I could tell, there
are no lines that should be headlines.

If somebody who speaks elisp could help me with a way to shrink the code
from Bernt's set up, that would be great!

On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 2:01 PM, Nick Dokos  wrote:

> Markus Heller  writes:
> > This used to work though, before the update.  Here is an "ECM" consisting
> > of, a minimal agenda file, and a .emacs, which I have strip off
> > everything except org-mode related code including Bernt's clock set up.
> > It's not minimal by any means, but I don't have the skills to decide what
> > else can be removed without introducing missing functions.
> >
> > 
> > #+STARTUP: content
> > #+STARTUP: hidestars
> > #+STARTUP: indent
> >
> > Organization
> Does it work if you add a '*' and make this a headline?
> > :ID:   kth92m81qwe0
> > :END:
> > 
> >
> --
> Nick

[O] ob-shell: using a table variable with bash

2017-03-03 Thread George Kettleborough (EI)


I recently updated my org-mode from version 7 (I think) to the latest. 
The behaviour of using a table as a variable in a shell code source 
block has changed. I use to use it like this:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :var table=synteny-names :separator ,
  while read col1 col2; do
  # do stuff

Re: [O] Clock setup stopped working after update

2017-03-03 Thread Nick Dokos
Markus Heller  writes:

> This used to work though, before the update.  Here is an "ECM" consisting
> of, a minimal agenda file, and a .emacs, which I have strip off
> everything except org-mode related code including Bernt's clock set up.
> It's not minimal by any means, but I don't have the skills to decide what
> else can be removed without introducing missing functions.
> #+STARTUP: content
> #+STARTUP: hidestars
> #+STARTUP: indent
> Organization

Does it work if you add a '*' and make this a headline?

> :ID:   kth92m81qwe0
> :END:


Re: [O] [PATCH] ox-confluence.el: Handle checkboxes and inactive timestamps correctly

2017-03-03 Thread Marc Ihm
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> It looks good. Could you provide a commit message?

Yes, of course, albeit a bit lengthy:

Fix handling of square brackets from timestamps and checkboxes; avoid
invalid confluence markup for empty table headers.

Best regards

Re: [O] Clocktable creates superfluous columns

2017-03-03 Thread Achim Gratz
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> I'm a bit surprised that was the case. When fixing the clocktable,
> I also wondered what was the expected behaviour in that case, did some
> quick tests and came to the conclusion empty columns were fine.

I already said that I can see the utility of that in some cases, it's
just a user-visible change that I found not documented.

> Would you mind doing the bisecting part and providing an ECM?

I'll try to make some time for that.  OTOH, if it's just a matter of
implementing another customization option and code to pick up on that,
we may not even need to know when it changed.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

SD adaptations for Waldorf Q V3.00R3 and Q+ V3.54R2:

[O] IMAP Gmail and org-mode links

2017-03-03 Thread Bob Newell
Aloha kakou,

I'm cross-posting to both gnus and org lists, although I suspect the
readership overlaps greatly. I wanted to solve the problem of using
Gmail via IMAP with gnus and org-mode links, wherein if you make a link
from, say, INBOX, and then archive the mail, the link is no longer
valid. But in Gmail, everything is in All Mail--- but you don't want to
have to leave INBOX and go to All Mail just to make a link.

The first part is this. It's kludgy, but it works for me. It edits the
link just after creation to force it to point to All Mail if it's a
Gmail link. The regexp could possibly have to change in another
environment; I don't have a means to test that.

;; This function and defadvice attempts to solve the problem of Gmail
;; email being moved from folder to folder. We change org-mode email
;; links involving gmail to always point to the All Mail folder, where
;; everything resides except stuff that has been purged.

(defun changegroupinemaillink (&rest args)
  (if org-stored-links
(let* ( (oldlink (car (car org-stored-links)))
(newlink (replace-regexp-in-string
"gmail:.*#" "gmail:[Gmail]/All Mail#" oldlink)))
(setcar (car org-stored-links) newlink
(advice-add 'org-store-link :after #'changegroupinemaillink)

You should also use the gnus registry, with the nnregistry method added
as documented in the gnus manual. (You may have more methods than shown
below; modify to suit.

;; Referer (parent) lookup.
(setq gnus-refer-article-method

Perhaps this is redundant, but as I've got it working and doing what I
need, I'm reluctant to mess it up :)

Bob Newell
Honolulu, Hawai`i
* Via Gnus/BBDB/Org/Emacs/Linux *

Re: [O] Bug report: export to HTML does not escape * in example

2017-03-03 Thread Charles C. Berry

On Wed, 1 Mar 2017, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


D M German  writes:

So the original issue (* not being escaped) will nonetheless appear when
the threshold is passed:

Fixed. Thank you.

Hmmm. Now I get

:FAILED  test-ob/org-babel-insert-result

for make test2, which appears to be from trying to match

",\\* Not an headline" "


: * Not an headline

in test-ob/org-babel-insert-result



Re: [O] Clock setup stopped working after update

2017-03-03 Thread Markus Heller
This used to work though, before the update.  Here is an "ECM" consisting
of, a minimal agenda file, and a .emacs, which I have strip off
everything except org-mode related code including Bernt's clock set up.
It's not minimal by any means, but I don't have the skills to decide what
else can be removed without introducing missing functions.

#+STARTUP: content
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+STARTUP: indent

:ID:   kth92m81qwe0

;; set up ELPA
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "";) t)
;;(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "";)


;; Org Mode

;; save all org buffers at 1 minute before the hour
(run-at-time "00:59" 3600 'org-save-all-org-buffers)

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(org\\|org_archive\\|txt\\)$" .

;; enable org-struct mode in gnus messages
(setq message-mode-hook
(quote (orgstruct++-mode
(lambda nil (setq fill-column 72) (flyspell-mode 1))

;; Standard Key Bindings
(global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
(global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key "\C-cb" 'org-iswitchb)

;; Org-Agenda Files
(setq org-agenda-files (quote("h:/org/")))

;; Custom Key Bindings
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'bh/org-todo)
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'bh/widen)
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'org-cycle-agenda-files)
(global-set-key (kbd " c") 'calendar)
(global-set-key (kbd " I") 'bh/punch-in)
(global-set-key (kbd " O") 'bh/punch-out)
(global-set-key (kbd " m") 'bh/clock-in-email-task)
(global-set-key (kbd " o") 'bh/clock-in-organization-task)
(global-set-key (kbd " r") 'bh/clock-in-journal-review-task)
(global-set-key (kbd " q") 'boxquote-region)
(global-set-key (kbd " s") 'bh/switch-to-scratch)
(global-set-key (kbd " SPC") 'bh/clock-in-last-task)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-") 'previous-buffer)
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'hist-org-clock-in-select)
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'org-clock-goto)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-") 'org-clock-in)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c c") 'org-capture)

;; Functions for Custom Key Bindings
(defun bh/switch-to-scratch ()
  (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*"))

(defun bh/org-todo (arg)
  (interactive "p")
  (if (equal arg 4)
(org-show-todo-tree nil))
(org-show-todo-tree nil)))

(global-set-key (kbd "") 'bh/widen)

(defun bh/widen ()
  (if (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)
(when org-agenda-sticky

(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook
  '(lambda () (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "W" (lambda ()
(interactive) (setq bh/hide-scheduled-and-waiting-next-tasks t)

(defun bh/restrict-to-file-or-follow (arg)
  "Set agenda restriction to 'file or with argument invoke follow mode.
I don't use follow mode very often but I restrict to file all the time
so change the default 'F' binding in the agenda to allow both"
  (interactive "p")
  (if (equal arg 4)
(bh/set-agenda-restriction-lock 4)

(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook
  '(lambda () (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "F"

(defun bh/narrow-to-org-subtree ()

(defun bh/narrow-to-subtree ()
  (if (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)
(org-with-point-at (org-get-at-bol 'org-hd-marker)
(when org-agenda-sticky

(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook
  '(lambda () (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "N"

(defun bh/narrow-up-one-org-level ()
(outline-up-heading 1 'invisible-ok)

(defun bh/get-pom-from-agenda-restriction-or-point ()
  (or (and (marker-position org-agenda-restrict-begin)
  (org-get-at-bol 'org-hd-marker)
  (and (equal major-mode 'org-mode) (point))

(defun bh/narrow-up-one-level ()
  (if (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)
(org-with-point-at (bh/get-pom-from-agenda-restriction-or-point)

(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook
  '(lambda () (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "U"

(defun bh/narrow-to-org-project ()

(defun bh

Re: [O] latex export creates "auto" directory

2017-03-03 Thread Colin Baxter
Hello Takeshi,

On Sat, Mar 04 2017, Takeshi Teshima wrote:

> I have a question regarding latex export.
> When I export an org-mode to a latex file, a directory named "auto" is
> created in the same folder as the tex file.
> However, I couldn't find what line in the source code of org-mode
> creates this directory.
> Does anyone know what causes this, or what variables can be used to
> control where the directory is created?

It allows AUCTeX to be aware of style files and multi-files. The default
is "auto/" in the working directory. However you set the directory
yourself. I have the settings:

(setq TeX-auto-local "/path/to/auto/dir") ;; Sets /auto/ directory.
(setq TeX-auto-save t) ;; Also sets lisp files to save in /auto/.

If you want to switch it off then try (setq TeX-auto-save nil). I have
never used that myself, so I don't know how successful it might be.

Best wishes


Re: [O] latex export creates "auto" directory

2017-03-03 Thread George Kettleborough (EI)

On 03/03/17 15:55, Takeshi Teshima wrote:

I have a question regarding latex export.

When I export an org-mode to a latex file, a directory named "auto" is
created in the same folder as the tex file.

However, I couldn't find what line in the source code of org-mode
creates this directory.

Does anyone know what causes this, or what variables can be used to
control where the directory is created?

This is actually created by AucTeX. I guess if you open the latex source  
file in emacs then it gets created automatically if you have AucTeX  

It is documented here:

Re: [O] latex export creates "auto" directory

2017-03-03 Thread Takeshi Teshima

Dear Colin,

Thank you for that detailed information!

I'll try them.

Best regards,


On 2017/03/04 1:37, Colin Baxter wrote:

Hello Takeshi,

On Sat, Mar 04 2017, Takeshi Teshima wrote:

I have a question regarding latex export.

When I export an org-mode to a latex file, a directory named "auto" is
created in the same folder as the tex file.

However, I couldn't find what line in the source code of org-mode
creates this directory.

Does anyone know what causes this, or what variables can be used to
control where the directory is created?

It allows AUCTeX to be aware of style files and multi-files. The default
is "auto/" in the working directory. However you set the directory
yourself. I have the settings:

(setq TeX-auto-local "/path/to/auto/dir") ;; Sets /auto/ directory.
(setq TeX-auto-save t) ;; Also sets lisp files to save in /auto/.

If you want to switch it off then try (setq TeX-auto-save nil). I have
never used that myself, so I don't know how successful it might be.

Best wishes


Re: [O] latex export creates "auto" directory

2017-03-03 Thread Takeshi Teshima

Hi Tom,
Thank you for the immediate and useful answer!
You've saved me a lot of time. Thank you!
Best regards,

On 2017/03/04 1:06, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha Takeshi Teshima,

Takeshi Teshima writes:

I have a question regarding latex export.

When I export an org-mode to a latex file, a directory named "auto" is
created in the same folder as the tex file.

However, I couldn't find what line in the source code of org-mode
creates this directory.

Does anyone know what causes this, or what variables can be used to
control where the directory is created?

The "auto" directory contains files used by AucTeX, independently of Org
mode.  I don't know how to tell AucTeX where to put the directory.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [O] Is it possible to "properly" indent inside latex fragments?

2017-03-03 Thread Alain . Cochard
Nicolas Goaziou writes on Fri  3 Mar 2017 12:26:

 > This is a new feature, so it is in development branch only, i.e.,
 > Org 9.1, yet to be released.

OK, thanks for the clarification.
EOST (École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) 
IPG (Institut de Physique du Globe) |
5 rue René Descartes   [bureau 106] | Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 50 44 
F-67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France| Fax:   +33 (0)3 68 85 01 25 

Re: [O] org gnus, link to gmane article

2017-03-03 Thread Nick Dokos
Eric S Fraga  writes:

> On Friday,  3 Mar 2017 at 03:04, Nick Dokos wrote:
>> I should amend that a bit: I am using gmane's nntp feed to read this
>> list, so that part of it is working. What is not working for me is
>> most of the website (and search in particular).
> See for the current status of gmane.
> TL;DR: NNTP only at the moment.

The worrisome part is that there has been no update since last September.
I posted a comment asking Mark for regular updates, but there has been no


Re: [O] latex export creates "auto" directory

2017-03-03 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Aloha Takeshi Teshima,

Takeshi Teshima writes:

> I have a question regarding latex export.
> When I export an org-mode to a latex file, a directory named "auto" is
> created in the same folder as the tex file.
> However, I couldn't find what line in the source code of org-mode
> creates this directory.
> Does anyone know what causes this, or what variables can be used to
> control where the directory is created?

The "auto" directory contains files used by AucTeX, independently of Org
mode.  I don't know how to tell AucTeX where to put the directory.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

[O] latex export creates "auto" directory

2017-03-03 Thread Takeshi Teshima

I have a question regarding latex export.

When I export an org-mode to a latex file, a directory named "auto" is  
created in the same folder as the tex file.

However, I couldn't find what line in the source code of org-mode  
creates this directory.

Does anyone know what causes this, or what variables can be used to  
control where the directory is created?

Re: [O] Is it possible to "properly" indent inside latex fragments?

2017-03-03 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Hello, writes:

> Nicolas Goaziou writes on Wed  1 Feb 2017 21:34:
>  > For the record, i implemented `org-edit-latex-environment'. 
>  > 
>  > Basically, it means you can edit the LaTeX code in a new buffer, using
>  > latex-mode, with C-c ' [...]
> Nicolas Goaziou writes on Fri  3 Feb 2017 22:04:
>  > writes:
>  > 
>  > > I guess it will be available in the version following 9.0.4?
>  > 
>  > Indeed.
>  > 
>  > > will the indentation survive an 'M-x indent-region' or 'M-x
>  > > org-indent-region'?
>  > 
>  > It should, now. [...]
> I have upgraded to: Org mode version 9.0.5 (9.0.5-elpa @
> /home/cochard/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20170210/).
> But C-c ' in a LaTeX fragment results in "No special environment to
> edit here", while 'M-x org-edit-latex-environment' is "[No match]".

This is a new feature, so it is in development branch only, i.e., Org
9.1, yet to be released.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] [ANN] New Org duration library

2017-03-03 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

David Mann  writes:

> I am having a similar problem with my agenda since updating Org to
> 9.0.5.  Since seems to be after the fix above.  I get a message 'Invalid
> duration format: "50%".

Could you paste the full backtrace? Do you have an idea about where that
"50%" comes from?


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] org gnus, link to gmane article

2017-03-03 Thread Uwe Brauer

   > Nick Dokos  writes:

   > I should amend that a bit: I am using gmane's nntp feed to read
   > this list, so that part of it is working. What is not working for
   > me is most of the website (and search in particular).

That is my experience as well. And now I think I remember that the
service was severely attacked and Lars thought about shutting it down
all together, so he apparently only reactivated some of its services.

Re: [O] the evil org-store-link-functions variable

2017-03-03 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Thursday,  2 Mar 2017 at 18:39, Uwe Brauer wrote:


> Yep I upgraded to 9.0.5 and this problem seems to be gone.

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_9.0.4-242-g2c27b8

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] org gnus, link to gmane article

2017-03-03 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Friday,  3 Mar 2017 at 03:04, Nick Dokos wrote:
> I should amend that a bit: I am using gmane's nntp feed to read this
> list, so that part of it is working. What is not working for me is
> most of the website (and search in particular).

See for the current status of gmane.

TL;DR: NNTP only at the moment.

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_9.0.4-242-g2c27b8

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] jumping from Agenda/Timeline to .org source file

2017-03-03 Thread Alan Schmitt

On 2017-03-01 13:28, writes:

> When I jump from the Agenda-Timeline view to the source .org file,
> either with TAB, SPACE or by using the follow mode, Emacs will
> position me exactly *below* the source line in the org file (where the
> scheduled date is). On macOS or Linux this does not happen, the cursor
> is on the task description. I've tried to work with different line
> endings on Windows to no avail. Also, my org file and my Emacs config
> are minimal and identical between macOS and Windows.

I'm on macOS, and when I jump using  I get to the headline.
However, when I jump using  I end up on the SCHEDULED or DEADLINE

I would also like to always end up on the headline.



OpenPGP Key ID : 040D0A3B4ED2E5C7
Monthly Athmospheric CO₂, Mauna Loa Obs. 2017-01: 406.13, 2016-01: 402.52

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Is it possible to "properly" indent inside latex fragments?

2017-03-03 Thread Alain . Cochard

Nicolas Goaziou writes on Wed  1 Feb 2017 21:34:

 > For the record, i implemented `org-edit-latex-environment'. 
 > Basically, it means you can edit the LaTeX code in a new buffer, using
 > latex-mode, with C-c ' [...]

Nicolas Goaziou writes on Fri  3 Feb 2017 22:04:

 > writes:
 > > I guess it will be available in the version following 9.0.4?
 > Indeed.
 > > will the indentation survive an 'M-x indent-region' or 'M-x
 > > org-indent-region'?
 > It should, now. [...]

I have upgraded to: Org mode version 9.0.5 (9.0.5-elpa @

But C-c ' in a LaTeX fragment results in "No special environment to
edit here", while 'M-x org-edit-latex-environment' is "[No match]".

Nevertheless, there is something: unlike for previous versions, an
already indented LaTeX fragment does remain indented after 'M-x
indent-region' or 'M-x org-indent-region'.

What am I doing wrong?


EOST (École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) 
IPG (Institut de Physique du Globe) |
5 rue René Descartes   [bureau 106] | Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 50 44 
F-67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France| Fax:   +33 (0)3 68 85 01 25