Re: Org, Hyperbole, and eev

2022-10-10 Thread Jean Louis
* Robert Weiner  [2022-10-11 05:43]:
> I know this does not address everything you want but if you leverage
> Hyperbole’s capabilities, you’ll probably be able to get what you
> want with a lot less code.

What I want is to be able to interpolate links like: ⟦ (some-link) ⟧ on
the fly similarly Org links, in such way that whatever function
`some-link' returns it would be displayed on its place. Function may
return string or string as button or anything else. Then similarly to
org-toggle-link-display I wish to fontify such buttons in editable
buffer and be able to reverse it back. I guess for that to work text
properties shall be able to remember the button ⟦ (some-link) ⟧. But I
do not know much about it, I am learning.

I already use that system though not in editing mode. I have editing
more wher I can see ⟦ something ⟧ and I have presentation mode, where
source is interpolated on the fly and I can see interpolated values or
button links. 

System of interpolation spare me time.

> First, creating an explicit button displays only the button name as
> you like, fontified as you like, and with the button action hidden.
> So then you need to write a function that adds or removed the button
> action from the buffer when you want to see it, utilizing existing
> Hyperbole code from the actype or action class for manipulating
> actions.

> For your generalized syntax, I think you would be better off using
> the angle brackets of Hyperbole’s action buttons but you could
> instead use the defil macro to create your own link button type and
> delimiter format with just a few lines of code.  Just follow the
> example in the docstring for that macro.

I already use Hyperbole on links like ⟦ (rcd-db-tabulated-edit-entry "people" 
1) ⟧
or ⟦ (hyperscope-action 587) ⟧ (the last one brings me to mail mode
with prepared email headers writing email).

It is not hard:
(defil rcd-template-eval "⟦ " " ⟧" ".*" "{M-: \\& RET}")

I can use command to interpolate the source and present it. It works
well. Editing in the same time with interpolated links is what I
miss. That I have in Org mode, but links miss dynamic capacity.

> Org probably has similar capabilities with its link types though not
> as flexible with the syntax.

I would use Org buttons, but they do not have disappearing or dynamic

Text could have Hyperlinks, and be well referenced that way. In export
or interpolating mode, depending of the export type or major mode,
hyperlinks themselves may decide how to interpolate, if to disappear
from text, or if to convert themselves into Org links or into HTML
links, Markdown links, or Emacs links.


Take action in Free Software Foundation campaigns:

In support of Richard M. Stallman

Re: SQLite for contacts and relations to Org - Re: contact management in emacs

2022-10-10 Thread Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq
Hi Jean Louis,

First i want to thank you for this very detailled explanation, this is very 
valuable for someone that start in elisp like me.

Secondly, i found the idea of using sqlite for contacts very interesting, and i 
think a lot on this solution on my side the last weeks. With the new emacs 
interface to sql, it was easy i suppose to create a “both-way” syncing tool 
between org-contact (to easily maintain info, linking to notes, agenda, etc.) 
and a database that anyone could reuse, move, send also using mobile phone.

I use org-roam that use both of the two world, database and org, in the light 
of recent discussion, why we cannot do the same things for org-contact ? 
Linking / syncing properties with unique hash/id also stored in a database. If 
you have 15 contact, with 15 unique ID, and if you want to create an 
org-contact file/propertie into an org document, that’s probably easy to inject 
and maintain some sort of syncing (like org-roam do) between the info in 
database and the info into some properties block no ?

Best regards,

Jean Louis  writes:

> * Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq  
> [2022-09-09 ven. 19:12]:
>> Hi,
>> After some search today on the web, like Alan i try to compare all
>> possibility to manage my contact + mail using emacs, mu4e, and org.
> I will describe you how to manage contacts with Emacs in the reverse
> example reverse of what org-contacts tries to do for you.
> Org contacts try to keep people in Org file. Emacs 29 has a built-in
> SQLite database which allows every Emacs user to keep information in
> ordered, structured manner in the relational database.
> For people who do not use latest development Emacs version, there are
> SQLite Emacs packages that allow immediate usage of file based
> single-user access database, see 
> In Emacs 29, here is how I create the SQLite database, or open the existing 
> one:
> (setq my-db (sqlite-open “~/my-people”))
> This is database handle:
> my-db ⇒ # name=/home/data1/protected/my-org-properties>
> This is how to create a table of `people’ in the database. The
> structure of the table `people’ is thus pretty much individual,
> one can record any kind of entries and be sure if the the entry
> is there or not. It does not allow vague guessing with text files
> like in Org or Hyrolo in Hyperbole.
> This is example table, one can build upon it. This one contains emails only.
> (sqlite-execute my-db “CREATE TABLE people1 (people_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
>people_firstname TEXT,
>people_middlenames TEXT,
> ’>>>UNKNOWN<<<‘,
>people_email TEXT,
>people_description TEXT)”)
> This is how to get all queries from the table:
> (sqlite-select my-db “SELECT * FROM people”) ⇒ nil
> This is how to insert new entry programmatically:
> (sqlite-execute my-db “INSERT INTO people (people_firstname, people_name, 
> people_email)
>   VALUES (?, ?, ?)
>RETURNING people_id”
>   ’(“Robert” “Weiner” “”))
> Get information back from database, programmatically. Do with information 
> what you wish.
> (sqlite-select my-db “SELECT * FROM people”) ⇒ ((1 “Robert” nil “Weiner” 
> “” nil) (2 “Robert” nil “Weiner” “” nil))
> Delete everything in the database.
> (sqlite-execute my-db “DELETE FROM people”) ⇒ 0
> ;; Backup?
> Backup database by simple copy of the file “~/my-people”
> (sqlite-select my-db “SELECT * FROM people”) ⇒ nil
> Make nicer function to add new people:
> (defun my-people-add ()
>   (interactive)
>   (let* ((first-name (read-string “First name: ”))
>(middle-names (read-string “Middles names: ”))
>(name-or-last-name (let ((result))
> (while (not result)
>   (setq result (apply ’read-string ’(“Last name: 
> ”
> result))
>(email (read-string “Email: ”))
>(description (read-string “Description: ”)))
> (sqlite-execute my-db “INSERT INTO people (people_firstname, 
> people_middlenames, people_name, people_email, people_description)
>VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING people_id”
>   (list first-name middle-names name-or-last-name 
> description
> Run the function by using (my-people-add) or M-x my-people-add
> Verify that person was added:
> (sqlite-select my-db “SELECT * FROM people”) ⇒ ((1 “Joe” “” “Doe” nil nil))
> Entries are returned as list, get the first list entry:
> (caar (sqlite-select my-db “SELECT people_id FROM people WHERE people_id = 
> 1”)) ⇒ 1
> My database structure is ALWAYS as so that for TABLE I always
> have primar

Re: Some links in online manual do not work

2022-10-10 Thread Bastien
Hi Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

> Bastien, I have not tried full configuration, but after a quick check
> I believe that it is a reasonable suggestion. It prevents 301
> redirection from valid URLs like
> to

Indeed, thanks for the heads up.

> In addition I would consider
> location /manual/ {
> }
> around the rewrite directives to prevent unintentional false positives
> in e.g. worg.

Yes -- there is also location /guide/.

Not that if we use "/manual/" with the ending slash in the location
directive, I don't think the "/" is needed at the beginning of, say,
"HTML-Export.html" to disambiguate.

I completely reviewed the nginx configuration again and updated it
on Worg:



Re: [PATCH v2] Re: [BUG] Tables with square brackets do not compile in PDF (latex) export [9.5 (release_9.5-59-g52e6f1 @ /home/sjt015/repo/emacs/lisp/org/)]

2022-10-10 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Max Nikulin  writes:

> Ihor, I have tried your patch (v2). With a tiny test file it works as 
> expected. I have not managed to add some text immediately after \relax 
> to break this command.
> ...
> Reading with more attention, I do not think that second constant really 
> makes the code more clear. I had a hope that it is enough to introduce a 
> single constant, but it seems it is not the case. I did not expect that 
> newline should not be added e.g. planning export handler. Perhaps it is 
> better to commit v1.
> ...
> A minor naming inconsistency: "line-break" and "linebreak".

Thanks for testing!
I applied the version 1 of the patch onto main changing the
org-latex-linebreak-safe to org-latex-line-break-safe.


Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at .
Support Org development at ,
or support my work at 

Re: SQLite for contacts and relations to Org - Re: contact management in emacs

2022-10-10 Thread Robert Weiner
You want a CRM system which to me is a very different creature and much more 
complex than a contact manager, meant to lookup fairly static information about 
people.  HyRolo was built to allow freeform contact management and to 
specifically avoid the typical, limiting field-based techniques in common use.

It would be a small extensio  to allow you to apply operations to a set of 
filtered contacts you have found.

-- Bob

> On Oct 10, 2022, at 7:39 PM, Jean Louis  wrote:
> When anyway structured information such as people names, properties,
> their communication lines

Re: stability of toc links

2022-10-10 Thread Robert Weiner
I missed the beginning of this; what exactly are you looking for?  If you don’t 
want ids attached to the headlines that go into the toc, are you asking for 
code that automatically updates the toc on any change to individual headlines 
inthe document body?

It would probably be easier to just have a command like Texinfo has that 
regenerates its toc-like menus.

-- rsw

> On Oct 9, 2022, at 9:38 PM, Samuel Wales  wrote:
> [i should clarify the clarification as i do not want it to seem like
> saying i already covered that was the only point for no reason.  what
> i meant is to provide context for those who are stumbling upon this
> long thread.
> it seems an active topic and a lot of custom id solutins were
> presented and while custom id is a great feature, and provides a great
> solution for those who want it, and in many cases is a great solution,
> it is definitely not for /everybody/ in all cases, especially the
> particular case of a large document where /lots/ of headers might
> potentially be linked to by users, such as my original example in op,
> a /long/ blog post.  and thus lots of properties drawers and custom id
> identifiers would be created.  custom id is not a solution for me, for
> toc or any other links that i desire to be stable /automatically/,
> which is why i addressed them and id in my op and said "short of".
> for clarity, according to my sensibilities, which others obviously
> will differ on, custom id is more suitable for the document author to
> use manually, and reasonably sparingly, and with particularly
> meaningful and carefully chosen names.  a custom id name refers to an
> internal link that was chosen out of many, and refers to it with
> semantic value attached.
> in other words, to me, in most cases, custom id is not for code to
> generate.  in my own case, code would potentially create an enormous
> number of undesired properties drawers with custom ids and /also/ make
> it so that it is no longer as much of a semantically valuable feature
> that custom id were added manually sparingly and with meaningful names
> for  particularly potent internal links to draw the reader's or
> author's attention to or be straightforwardly searchable.  if that
> makes any sense there.  :)
> [as for drawers, as an aside: to my sensibilities, too many make the
> document author wonder if they contain anything significant, require
> opening them to make sure they are ok, and take up space in the emacs
> window which in my case is highly limited.  also, they possibly reduce
> efficiency as at least in the past drawers were highly inefficient in
> org.  these issues probably do not apply to everybody.]
> so that is why i said in the op "short of adding custom id or id to
> everything", and why i clarified that i mentioned what you brought up
> in the op.  sometimes i effectively assume that all my implications
> are understood when in fact i am supposed to spell them out but i am
> limited in computer use so i sometimes do not.  perhaps it helps
> clarify.]
>> On 10/9/22, Samuel Wales  wrote:
>>> On 12/8/20, Tom Gillespie  wrote:
>>> It sounds like you are looking for the CUSTOM_ID property.
>> just for clarity, i addressed this in my original post when i said
>> "short of adding custom id or id to everything".
> -- 
> The Kafka Pandemic
> A blog about science, health, human rights, and misopathy:

Re: [HELP] Fwd: Org format as a new standard source format for GNU manuals

2022-10-10 Thread Robert Weiner
I would just like to point out that anyone familiar with writing a 
Texinfo-format manual who wants to combine this with Org mode would likely just 
want to embed Org constructs, like Org tables in the manual; not to use Org as 
a formatter that exports individual source blocks to form a Texinfo manual 
(literate programming style).  This is because their focus while writing will 
be on the manual and its formatting, not on Org markup that exports to another 

I hope this is considered in your strategy.

-- rsw

> On Oct 8, 2022, at 6:38 PM, Richard Stallman  wrote:
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>> The latter. We currently need a new syntax element that will allow all
>> the things available in Texinfo markup syntax.
>> We have decided that we do need such new syntax. We are discussing how
>> the new syntax will look like. We will implement the syntax in future.
>> Once implemented, the new syntax will open the road to add Texinfo
>> markup structures into Org export backends.
> I'm glad you are working on this.
> -- 
> Dr Richard Stallman (
> Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (
> Founder, Free Software Foundation (
> Internet Hall-of-Famer (

Re: Add 'backend' header arg to clojure code blocks

2022-10-10 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Chris Clark  writes:

> Thank you for the great feedback! Here are some updated patches.
> Attached are two patches: one for org mode, and a corresponding one for
> worg.

Applied onto main in Org and onto master in Worg.

I have added a changelog message to the Worg commit.

I also added you to the contributor list in

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at .
Support Org development at ,
or support my work at 

Re: [PATCH v2] Re: org-contacts: Dead link at

2022-10-10 Thread Ihor Radchenko
"Christopher M. Miles"  writes:

>> Could you please use the standard WORG file template described in
> Ok, I updated file now. Check out the new patch.

Applied onto master.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at .
Support Org development at ,
or support my work at 

Re: Org, Hyperbole, and eev

2022-10-10 Thread Robert Weiner
Hi Jean:

I know this does not address everything you want but if you leverage 
Hyperbole’s capabilities, you’ll probably be able to get what you want with a 
lot less code.

First, creating an explicit button displays only the button name as you like, 
fontified as you like, and with the button action hidden.  So then you need to 
write a function that adds or removed the button action from the buffer when 
you want to see it, utilizing existing Hyperbole code from the actype or action 
class for manipulating actions.

For your generalized syntax, I think you would be better off using the angle 
brackets of Hyperbole’s action buttons but you could instead use the defil 
macro to create your own link button type and delimiter format with just a few 
lines of code.  Just follow the example in the docstring for that macro.

Org probably has similar capabilities with its link types though not as 
flexible with the syntax.

-- rsw

> On Oct 8, 2022, at 1:00 AM, Jean Louis  wrote:
> * Eduardo Ochs  [2022-10-08 03:28]:
>>> On Thu, 29 Sept 2022 at 06:22, Jean Louis  wrote:
>>> I am definitely interested, make prototype please. Just can't answer 
>>> properly on travel.
>> Hi Jean Louis,
>> Sorry, I will have to put that on hold until my holidays... I wrote a
>> very primitive prototype, but I never had to write much code that
>> generates text with text properties, my friends are not interested in
>> playing with that together with me, and I don't know where to borrow
>> ideas from, so adding each new small feature by myself is a
>> struggle... and right now writing code "whose inner details don't
>> matter" is exactly the opposite of my notion of fun... =(
> Fine, solution will come up with time. 
> In the sense is similar to Org links, though just universal. With the
> RCD Template Interpolation System for Emacs:
> and this function, I can easily replace such snippets as below to their 
> values:
> ** Hello heading
> ⟦ (format "[[][Hello there %s]]" user-full-name) ⟧
> (defun rcd-org-interpolate ()
>  "Extrapolate Org buffer before dispatch."
>  (interactive)
> (let ((my-org (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max
> (with-temp-buffer
>   (insert (rcd-template-eval my-org))
>   (org-export-dispatch
> (keymap-set org-mode-map "C-c C-e" 'rcd-org-interpolate)
> to get Org hyperlinks. Or any other type of a link?
> (defun hyperscope-hyperlink (id &optional markup)
>  (let ((name (hyperscope-name id))
>(link (hyperscope-hyperdocument-url id))
>(markup (or markup (hyperscope-markup-type id
>;; (unless (or (eq (last-key-binding) 'newline)
>;;(= (last-key) 13))
>;;(rcd-button-insert name (lambda (_) (hyperscope id
>(cond ((or (eq major-mode 'markdown-mode)
>   (and (not rcd-current-table-id)
>(or (= markup 2)
>(= markup 3)
>(= markup 6
>   (format "[%s](%s \"%s\")" name link name))
>   ((eq major-mode 'adoc-mode) (format "%s[%s]" 
> (hyperscope-hyperdocument-url id) name))
>   ((eq major-mode 'org-mode) (format "[[%s][%s]]" link name)
> Same may be used to insert buttons:
> (defun rcd-button-insert (button-text action-function &optional how-many)
>  "Insert button BUTTON-TEXT with ACTION-FUNCTION.
> Optional number HOW-MANY adds superscript digits to BUTTON-TEXT."
>  (insert-text-button button-text
>  'action
>  action-function
>  'follow-link t)
>  (when how-many
>(insert (rcd-superscript-digits how-many
> (rcd-button-insert "Hello" (lambda (_) (message "I said Hello")))
> now if button can be inserted, it means ⟦ (could insert button as well) ⟧ 
> and make the link invisible part of text. Once toggled, invisible
> part could become visible and saved as such link.
> -- 
> Jean
> Take action in Free Software Foundation campaigns:
> In support of Richard M. Stallman

Re: [PATCH] Re: [BUG] org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock does not remove file lock [9.5.2 (release_9.5.2-17-gea6b74 @ /nix/store/iqqk7iqfwmfc6r78xg2knyq7hww2mhs4-emacs-git-20220225.0/share/emacs/29.0.

2022-10-10 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Liu Hui  writes:

>> >> C-u C-c C-x < followed by C-c C-x > does not remove the file restriction
>> >> lock.
>> >>
>> >> `org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock' checks for non-nil value of
>> >> `org-agenda-restriction' but `org-agenda-set-restriction-lock' explicitly
>> >> sets it to nil when TYPE is 'file.  Setting `org-agenda-restriction' to
>> >> a dummy value like 'dummy gets the job done.
>> >
>> > Confirmed.
>> >
>> > The fix is attached.
>> > Setting org-agenda-restriction to non-nil appears to be risky since
>> > org-agenda-set-restriction-lock explicitly sets it to nil. So, I use
>> > different approach.
>> Fixed.
>> Applied onto main via df0e96ba4.
> File restriction can be also temporarily set by pressing '<' in the
> agenda dispatcher, e.g. pressing 'C-c a < a' in an org-mode file.
> `org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock' still cannot remove the temporary
> file restriction with the fix.
> Setting `org-agenda-restrict' to a non-nil value is a straightforward
> way to fixing both cases. The variable is only tested in several
> places and I don't find any problem with the change. Therefore I
> suggest the attached patch, where the value of `org-agenda-restrict'
> is changed from nil to t during temporary and extended file
> restriction.

Thanks for the patch! The main issue with all this restriction business
is that `org-agenda-restrict' and other variables used to save
restriction are not documented at all. One has to check all the
instances of their usage to figure out how things work.

Could you please add docstrings and possibly code comments for
`org-agenda-restrict', `org-agenda-restrict-begin',
`org-agenda-restrict-end', `org-agenda-last-dispatch-buffer', and
possibly other elated variables?

This will make things easier for future maintenance.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at .
Support Org development at ,
or support my work at 

Re: Org and Hyperbole

2022-10-10 Thread David Masterson
Jean Louis  writes:

> * David Masterson  [2022-10-10 19:55]:
>> Jean Louis  writes:
>> > * Robert Weiner  [2022-10-09 00:06]:
>> >> There are many reasons for this including limits in many
>> >> organizations of the file types that may be transferred through
>> >> common protocols and the difficulty of maintaining relational
>> >> database or structured file type schemas across time.
>> >
>> > I can't see how relational database is more difficult to maintain then
>> > for example Emacs itself. Emacs is master of difficulties for computer
>> > user. For example I have not touched configuration files for
>> > PostgreSQL since years, if not decades. I start wondering why.
>> The issue here is distribution.  Databases tend to be centralized and
>> heavy weight.
> What does it mean centralized in this context? Majority of Relational
> databases that I know have built-in collaboration features so that
> people may access them from any part of the world; many have
> replication features. I am not sure if "centralization" even fit into
> the context.

Hmm.  Perhaps replication is after my time with RDBs in the 80s-90s.  Be
that as it may, the process is more difficult than what is used by Org
now. Thinking about this more, I'm seeing possibilities with Org Mobile
as is.  I have to look at this more.

> Regarding sizes:
> $ du -skh .emacs.d/elpa/org-20201216/
> 11M   .emacs.d/elpa/org-20201216/
> Database like   : sqlite3
> Installed Size  : 7.55 MiB
> Reference:
> Relational database - Wikipedia:
> You have misconception of what is lightweight or what is not or what
> is difficult, I guess it comes simply from not trying it out. 
> There is no "standard" way of taking notes, especially not in Org,
> neither in Emacs environment, or generally for people.

Taking notes?  Perhaps not.  Capturing tasks/notes is org-capture.

> [...]

Very interesting!

David Masterson

Re: SQLite for contacts and relations to Org - Re: contact management in emacs

2022-10-10 Thread Jean Louis
* Robert Weiner  [2022-10-11 01:31]:
> 1. Although I understand you do a great many things with your
> database-backed Hyperscope system and I work with RDBMSes every day, I
> don't really see great value in what you have shown in the context of
> contact management when compared to the already existing HyRolo or
> org-contacts.  We can easily add, delete, import and export contacts, we
> just follow very simple conventions in creating our contacts.  We can
> easily email contact files and have people apply text processing tools to
> them, so it would help if you just showed examples of something that Emacs
> really lacks before suggesting wrapping everything into a database system,
> as I know you are a very smart guy.

For org-contacts, I have nothing to say, as that is as limited as it
can be. 

When anyway structured information such as people names, properties,
their communication lines, addresses are in the separate database like
SQLite, that fact liberates information from single software like
HyRolo, and allows users to access, process information freely with
any programming languages and plethora of variety of tools for
inspection, analysis, exports, and sharing of such information.

For HyRolo, that is text. One cannot build upon it.

I am constantly sending SMS from Emacs and importing SMS from mobile
phones to contacts. When I send SMS I want to see which SMS was sent
and received by which contact at what time, by which phone number. It
is something not imaginable with text files. Similar is with
information sent to people, how am I supposed to know what information
I have sent, what not. There is no automated tracking in text files
like HyRolo. It is one example among way too many.

Adding properties to people, objects, it is much easier by using
selection that one can click onto, or use arrows, or just C-p for
previous one. Rather that, then writing with hand each time, error
prone, some skills of people in order to find people by skills.

Skill like "C programmer" I would need to add too many times and then
use find by regexp. 

All good and find, but not scalable. Of course that I have use text
files long ago to store contacts, but that was 28 years ago. I have
now 240106 entries of people and their groups.

Unspoken of marketing campaign, imagine when I paid $73 and got in 23
hours 1200+ leads for recruitment in specific sector. How would I
enter them in HyRolo? Automate some web server program to add them in
similar fashion like Org heading. It could work. But then how could I
send to those people in ordered fashion series of 3-10 training emails
that automates the process of recruitment and selection? Would HyRolo
help me track who received what at what time? There is no foundation
for such features in text files.

> 2. Years ago as part of my stab at an Emacs-based IDE, InfoDock (find it on
> Sourceforge),

Is it this one?

I cannot see how to start anything with it. Do you have screenshots?

> I also wrote an in-memory, file-based but fully relational database.
> The main point of which was to demonstrate direct manipulation
> querying of relational tables via simple mouse clicks/key presses on
> screen.  For simple queries, I found this very powerful and dirt
> simple for people to do.  If that were of interest, someone could
> take the existing code under infodock/id-lisp/rdb and interface it
> to SQLite pretty easily I would expect and then you would have an
> interesting Emacs interface without having to master SQL for basic
> table analysis.

Is it this one?


Re: Org and Hyperbole

2022-10-10 Thread Jean Louis
* David Masterson  [2022-10-10 19:51]:
> I'm simply looking for an enhancement and standard for tying a media
> file (say, a iPhone photo) to a task/note such that the media file will
> follow the task/note back to the main Org file as well as follow it back
> out to the capture system.
> I suppose this could be an enhancement to links in Org...?

Every picture has its meta data. Exact location in Org file could be
specified directly inside of the image. Then you need a program which
will read the meta data and send you to Org file from the image. Maybe
there are some universal programs for that on your device.


Take action in Free Software Foundation campaigns:

In support of Richard M. Stallman

Re: Org and Hyperbole

2022-10-10 Thread Jean Louis
* David Masterson  [2022-10-10 19:55]:
> Jean Louis  writes:
> > * Robert Weiner  [2022-10-09 00:06]:
> >> There are many reasons for this including limits in many
> >> organizations of the file types that may be transferred through
> >> common protocols and the difficulty of maintaining relational
> >> database or structured file type schemas across time.
> >
> > I can't see how relational database is more difficult to maintain then
> > for example Emacs itself. Emacs is master of difficulties for computer
> > user. For example I have not touched configuration files for
> > PostgreSQL since years, if not decades. I start wondering why.
> The issue here is distribution.  Databases tend to be centralized and
> heavy weight.

What does it mean centralized in this context? Majority of Relational
databases that I know have built-in collaboration features so that
people may access them from any part of the world; many have
replication features. I am not sure if "centralization" even fit into
the context.

> Here, we're simply looking for a standard way to capture an image
> (or more) with a task/note and tranport it back to your main Org
> file (a la Org Mobile or ...).  Org is lightweight in this area
> which is good and bad.

Regarding sizes:

$ du -skh .emacs.d/elpa/org-20201216/
11M .emacs.d/elpa/org-20201216/

Database like   : sqlite3
Installed Size  : 7.55 MiB


Relational database - Wikipedia:

You have misconception of what is lightweight or what is not or what
is difficult, I guess it comes simply from not trying it out. 

There is no "standard" way of taking notes, especially not in Org,
neither in Emacs environment, or generally for people.

Creating tables is pretty, new Emacs development has got SQLite built in:

(defun my-create-table-notes ()
  (rcd-sqlite "CREATE TABLE notes (
  notes_datecreated TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime()),
  notes_datemodified TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime()),
  notes_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '>>>EDIT<<<',
  notes_text TEXT)"

Making a function to add a note is easy:

(defun rcd-db-table-sqlite-notes-insert-new-row ()
  "Add new note."
  (let* ((name (read-string "Note name: "))
 (prompt (format "Description about `%s': " name))
 (note (string-edit "" "" 'ignore))
 (sql (format "INSERT INTO notes (notes_name, notes_text)
VALUES (%s, %s) RETURNING notes_id"
  (rcd-sqlite-escape-string name)
  (rcd-sqlite-escape-string note)))
 (id (rcd-sqlite-first sql rcd-people-sqlite-db)))

(defalias 'notes-add 'rcd-db-table-sqlite-notes-insert-new-row)

Viewing, listing, getting it back, making agendas, all that works
with so much less coding, works, less errors, and more speed.

Exporting to Org is easy:

(insert "\n\n"
(rcd-sqlite-first "SELECT group_concat('** ' || notes_name || '\n\n' || 
   FROM notes 
   ORDER BY notes_datecreated" rcd-people-sqlite-db))

** Something

My note #1

** My other heading

My note #2

** Something I knew before

My note #3


As Org users already wish and want to have structured properties,
tags, headings, links, tables, then it is right way to think that
with Emacs 29 and SQLite built-in, many things will become

Let us say keeping list of information such as accounting,
expenses, invoices, tasks, notes, etc. for any type of
information database has no ambiguity about structured
information, errors are minimized, programming efforts minimized. 

Pitfall would be that we would not have much discussion like now,
as with less bugs, there is less talk.

Imagine Org heading like this:

* My heading
  :DB-ENTRY: :my-remote-host:my-database:my-org-table:id:1234

Then imagine a pre-processor before saving the file or a hook for
saving Org file. Each time that file is saved, the heading entry could
be updated on remote host, database, table with ID 1234.  It could be
distributed, assigned, sent, easier shared, because data is
better estructured,

Or it could be updated in a local database.

Or it could be used to keep any kind information related to Org
heading. That is glue between the text file and well structured and
non ambiguous database.

If Org has mechanism to parse links in a file, a save hook could parse
them and store in database table for backlinks. 

Sometimes URL change, imagine Org link like: dbid:1234 that remains
immutable and which fetches the underlying dynamically updated URL.

If some Org headings are stored in the database, they may be updated
in Org file 

Re: SQLite for contacts and relations to Org - Re: contact management in emacs

2022-10-10 Thread Robert Weiner
Hi Jean:

A few thoughts.

1. Although I understand you do a great many things with your
database-backed Hyperscope system and I work with RDBMSes every day, I
don't really see great value in what you have shown in the context of
contact management when compared to the already existing HyRolo or
org-contacts.  We can easily add, delete, import and export contacts, we
just follow very simple conventions in creating our contacts.  We can
easily email contact files and have people apply text processing tools to
them, so it would help if you just showed examples of something that Emacs
really lacks before suggesting wrapping everything into a database system,
as I know you are a very smart guy.

2. Years ago as part of my stab at an Emacs-based IDE, InfoDock (find it on
Sourceforge), I also wrote an in-memory, file-based but fully relational
database.  The main point of which was to demonstrate direct manipulation
querying of relational tables via simple mouse clicks/key presses on
screen.  For simple queries, I found this very powerful and dirt simple for
people to do.  If that were of interest, someone could take the existing
code under infodock/id-lisp/rdb and interface it to SQLite pretty easily I
would expect and then you would have an interesting Emacs interface without
having to master SQL for basic table analysis.

-- rsw

On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 6:12 AM Jean Louis  wrote:

> * Quiliro Ordóñez  [2022-10-09 22:10]:
> > I agree.  But the end-user did not construct this program.  It was you.
> > I coould learn how to install it.  Then, I should teach the end-user to
> > use it.  But the program was not made or installed by the end-user.  I
> > might be able to teach the end-user to modify it.  But I doubt it.
> I will make a package so that you just install it and can start
> managing people.
> > What I mean is that end-users must have an easy entry point.  Of course
> > that ease must not hide innner workings because that would disempower
> > the end-user.  How do you propose it could be implemented? (if you agree
> > it should be done this way, of course)
> Inner workings are pretty much hidden unless user is programmer. Emacs
> is difficult, then there is underlying Emacs Lisp, then C language,
> then operating system, and stuff.
> Maybe you mean somthing else with inner workings?
> > > I have actually shown to you how it works, so you have to imagine that
> > > all that may be part of the package. Especially with SQLite databases
> > > there is nothing to configure.
> >
> > Not much to do.  Just installing SQLite and then the program you
> > propose.
> I did not try any SQLite package, just used the built-in functions in
> Emacs development version. Which packag did you install?
> --
> Jean
> Take action in Free Software Foundation campaigns:
> In support of Richard M. Stallman

Re: test-org-table/sort-lines: Failing test on macOS

2022-10-10 Thread Rudolf Adamkovič
Max Nikulin  writes:

> This one is not consistent with what I see on Linux with glibc.

Yeah, I noticed. :)

> Perhaps you do not have en_US locale generated
> locale -a | grep en_US
> en_US.utf8

$ locale -a | grep en_US

> Sanity test passed for sort. You may try the same set of pairs with 
> `string-collate-lessp'.

(string-collate-lessp "a" "b" "C" t) ; t
(string-collate-lessp "b" "a" "C" t) ; nil
(string-collate-lessp "A" "B" "C" t) ; t
(string-collate-lessp "B" "A" "C" t) ; nil
(string-collate-lessp "a" "b" "C" t) ; t
(string-collate-lessp "b" "a" "C" t) ; nil
(string-collate-lessp "A" "B" "C" t) ; t
(string-collate-lessp "B" "A" "C" t) ; nil

(string-collate-lessp "a" "b" "C" nil) ; t
(string-collate-lessp "b" "a" "C" nil) ; nil
(string-collate-lessp "A" "B" "C" nil) ; t
(string-collate-lessp "B" "A" "C" nil) ; nil
(string-collate-lessp "a" "b" "C" nil) ; t
(string-collate-lessp "b" "a" "C" nil) ; nil
(string-collate-lessp "A" "B" "C" nil) ; t
(string-collate-lessp "B" "A" "C" nil) ; nil

> I am curious if "POSIX" locale works similar to "C" and "C.UTF-8" in 
> your case (string-collate-lessp "a" "B" "POSIX" nil).

(string-collate-lessp "a" "B" "POSIX" nil) ; nil

"'Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, 'if it was so, it might be; and
if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't.  That's logic.'"
-- Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass, 1871/1872

Rudolf Adamkovič  [he/him]
Studenohorská 25
84103 Bratislava

Re: The Org mode in the Org Git does not export

2022-10-10 Thread Rudolf Adamkovič
Ihor Radchenko  writes:

> Thanks!
> Now applied onto main.

Thank you for all your help!

>From 7+ minutes back to 14-second exports.

Onward and upward!


"I love deadlines.  I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by."
-- Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt, 2002

Rudolf Adamkovič  [he/him]
Studenohorská 25
84103 Bratislava

Re: idea for capture anywhere in x

2022-10-10 Thread Jean Louis
> Jean, make a pause and think ones more. It does not mean extra click
> and implies nothing different from you recipe.

Instead of thinking, I am doing it. 

Did you try to invoke Emacs without having Emacs in front of you? Once
you try, come back and tell me how would you capture anything from X
selection into Emacs without having Emacs window in front of you.

I do not know how. My thinking stops right there. 

I have four workspaces, Emacs is not on each of them. 

How do I invoke Emacs without having it in front of me with just 1 key

One solution is the one which I have presented, to configure desktop
environment short cut.

Here is updated bash file, as what if server does not run? Then Emacs
has to be invoked. You see, solution is there without loading many

Problem is that Emacs will still try to load
"(rcd-handle-x-selection)" as file, so the frame remains. Solution is
to (kill-emacs) after capturing, as it was invoked because there was
no server running, it capture the note in Org file and it can exit.

xsel -o > $TEMP
# Because emacsclient has to create new frame if none exists
emacsclient -c  -a "emacs -q -l /home/admin/.emacs.d/capture.el" -e 

(defun rcd-handle-x-selection ()
  "Sample function to read X selection from file and switch to buffer."
  (let* ((my-org-files '("~/" "~/"))
 (my-org-file (completing-read "Choose Org file: " my-org-files)))
(find-file my-org-file)
(goto-char (point-max))
(save-some-buffers t)))

(define-skeleton rcd-my-note
"Fill template by using variables"
  "** " (skeleton-read "Heading: ") "\n\n"
  (skeleton-read "Describe this capture: ")
  (setq my-x
(when (file-exists-p "/tmp/xselection.txt")
(insert-file-contents "/tmp/xselection.txt")


In fact that solution does not even need to have Emacs as server
running, emacs client may default to Emacs, without server.

1. If Emacs is in front of you, you are not in other window, so no
   bothering, and you can capture selection straight. That is what you
   are describing. I am describing contexts below.

2. If you are in other window, your key bindings will work on that
   other window, and not on Emacs, so you first need to find Emacs and
   that means using mouse or keys before you can invoke Emacs key
   binding to capture anything.

3. What if there are no Emacs frames visible? Your desktop environment
   shortcut will bring Emacs in front of you, provided you are running
   emacs server.

4. What if you are not running Emacs server? You do not need to, it
   will simply capture by invoking new Emacs instance, without loading
   your init files and what else.

Desktop shortcut or key binding is not Emacs keybinding. 

> Years ago I was taught to the following approach: when you came to a
> solution, look at it and try to figure out if it is possible to achieve the
> same in a shorter and more clear way.

Thanks, must be that you have better solution 👁️

> If `yank' command can get selection contents then you can do the same in
> your function and avoid problems with intermediate files.

Of course, however, for yank to work condition is that you have Emacs
in front of you. And if you wish to capture selection from other
windows, condition is that you need to use mouse to at least move
focus from other X program to Emacs and then invoke yank.

When you do not have Emacs in front of you, when you do not have
Emacs server running, that is when you can use desktop environment

> In Org it can be achieved with a simple capture template (even org-protocol
> is not necessary), but you prefer your own solution having enough
> limitations.

Capturing notes shall not IMHO be limited to Org mode as that limits
users to specific lightweight markup language (Org).

> If Emacs had generic enough functions to create captures then Org would
> reuse it as it extends outline mode. Maybe such tools should be added to
> Emacs, but they should be designed at first.

The example given with skeleton function will work for any type of

Though I find skeleton way too complicated for final users just as
org-capture templates. To tell that templates are simple is not
objective. Good that I don't use it.

And is THIS below for end users?

It requires thoroughly reading manual until end user can understand
that. That is not a just a simple template, it is configuration set.

Hide Org Capture Templates:
INS DEL Choice: Value Menu Template entry:
Keys   : p
Description: Protocol
Capture Type   : Value Menu Org entry
Target location: Value Menu File & Headline:
Filename   : Value Menu Literal: ~/Documents/
  Headline: Inbox

Re: idea for capture anywhere in x

2022-10-10 Thread Max Nikulin

On 10/10/2022 00:08, Jean Louis wrote:

* Max Nikulin [2022-10-09 19:41]:

On 09/10/2022 21:47, Jean Louis wrote:

File: ~/bin/

xsel -o > $TEMP

(perhaps unsafe) intermediate file is redundant. Emacs can
access text/plain target of PRIMARY_SELECTION and CLIPBOARD directly

Directly of courseworks, but that would mean that you have to make
several clicks, not just one click. It also implies you must have
Emacs in front of you, and not sitting around as server in background
or anywhere.

Jean, make a pause and think ones more. It does not mean extra click and 
implies nothing different from you recipe.

Years ago I was taught to the following approach: when you came to a 
solution, look at it and try to figure out if it is possible to achieve 
the same in a shorter and more clear way.

If `yank' command can get selection contents then you can do the same in 
your function and avoid problems with intermediate files.

In Org it can be achieved with a simple capture template (even 
org-protocol is not necessary), but you prefer your own solution having 
enough limitations.

If Emacs had generic enough functions to create captures then Org would 
reuse it as it extends outline mode. Maybe such tools should be added to 
Emacs, but they should be designed at first.

The idea of org-protocol is to pass more data.

It is structured data, something like '(:url "";
:title "Something" :body "More here") and it may be anything in

But no, I don't find it appealing in itself apart from using those
ready made browser extensions.

A browser extension is a straightforward way to add page URL to the 
quoted text.

In fact when we speak of capturing any selection from X, I would not
like relying on Emacs, it would be better using SQLite or PostgreSQL
for that.

Plain text files stored in a version control system allows to review 
changes done at specific time interval. Databases require a non-trivial 
layer to allow reverting of particular changes. So a database is not 
better, it is *different* use case.

Re: Org and Hyperbole

2022-10-10 Thread David Masterson
Robert Weiner  writes:

> Task management is a whole area separate from note taking.  This was 
> something I was interested in many years ago but have not been able to 
> publish a system to implement my ideas
> therein.  Since people generally seem to be happy with Org's todo and agenda 
> features, we expect to just interact with those from Hyperbole.
> But for notes, yes, one needs to capture them quickly and then get back to 
> your former context.  Later on you can process them more fully.
> Although I see the great utility in having capabilities on mobile devices, I 
> find most apps way underpowered for constant use.  As Emacs becomes more 
> usable on mobile devices, we can
> add more mobile-friendly features to Hyperbole.

Because of mobile devices, tasks/notes are not just text.
David Masterson

Re: Org and Hyperbole

2022-10-10 Thread David Masterson
Jean Louis  writes:

> * Robert Weiner  [2022-10-09 00:06]:
>> There are many reasons for this including limits in many
>> organizations of the file types that may be transferred through
>> common protocols and the difficulty of maintaining relational
>> database or structured file type schemas across time.
> I can't see how relational database is more difficult to maintain then
> for example Emacs itself. Emacs is master of difficulties for computer
> user. For example I have not touched configuration files for
> PostgreSQL since years, if not decades. I start wondering why.

The issue here is distribution.  Databases tend to be centralized and
heavy weight.  Here, we're simply looking for a standard way to capture
an image (or more) with a task/note and tranport it back to your main
Org file (a la Org Mobile or ...).  Org is lightweight in this area
which is good and bad.

David Masterson

Re: Org and Hyperbole

2022-10-10 Thread David Masterson
Jean Louis  writes:

> * David Masterson  [2022-10-04 21:12]:
>> Robert Weiner  writes:
>> > We welcome brief summaries of features you need for effective note
>> > taking in Emacs.  We are not looking to do much with images or on
>> > mobile devices, just focused on people who spend a lot of time in
>> > Emacs and want an easy-to-use notes system that does not require any
>> > external packages like SQLite.
>> One major use-case for Org is capturing a task quickly.  This can be
>> done with Org or Mobile-Org (BeOrg, Orgzly).  One feature not easily
>> available is attaching images to the task to better explain the task.
> Do you mean capturing task? Or capturing note?

Both actually.

> How does capturing task look like?

I'm simply looking for an enhancement and standard for tying a media
file (say, a iPhone photo) to a task/note such that the media file will
follow the task/note back to the main Org file as well as follow it back
out to the capture system.

I suppose this could be an enhancement to links in Org...?

David Masterson

Re: [PATCH v2] Re: [BUG] Tables with square brackets do not compile in PDF (latex) export [9.5 (release_9.5-59-g52e6f1 @ /home/sjt015/repo/emacs/lisp/org/)]

2022-10-10 Thread Max Nikulin
Ihor, I have tried your patch (v2). With a tiny test file it works as 
expected. I have not managed to add some text immediately after \relax 
to break this command.

On 08/10/2022 12:17, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Max Nikulin writes:

+(defconst org-latex-linebreak-safe "\\relax"

Is there a reason why you did not add \n at the end? It could help to
avoid a lot of `concat' calls.

Mostly because there are a couple of places where we need the version
without newline. I though that `concat' is better than
`replace-regexp-in-string' or introducing two constants with/without

I guess, we can introduce the two constants. It might be slightly more
optimal. See the updated version of the patch.

Reading with more attention, I do not think that second constant really 
makes the code more clear. I had a hope that it is enough to introduce a 
single constant, but it seems it is not the case. I did not expect that 
newline should not be added e.g. planning export handler. Perhaps it is 
better to commit v1.

-   (equal "\\begin{tabular}{l}\n\\(x\\)\n\\end{tabular}"
+   (equal "\\begin{tabular}{l}\n\\(x\\)\\relax\n\\end{tabular}"

May be left as is since the line next to \\ does not start from square

Nope. It can't. These are ERT tests for the ox-latex output.

My bad. I am sorry.

@@ -2659,7 +2675,7 @@  Line Break
 (defun org-latex-line-break (_line-break _contents _info)
   "Transcode a LINE-BREAK object from Org to LaTeX.
 CONTENTS is nil.  INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
-  "\n")
+  org-latex-linebreak-safe-newline)

A minor naming inconsistency: "line-break" and "linebreak".

Information about all LaTeX packages in an Org document

2022-10-10 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
Hi all,

For my personal use I have created an Org document with the
bibliographic information of all the LaTeX packages currently in CTAN. I
have imported the data using org-bibtex-import-from-file. And I have
applied some further edits. The original data source is at:

I think that in Org format this will be useful for me to access the
fields (properties) or manipulate them in various ways. In case someone
finds it useful too, it can be downloaded from here:

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Re: The Org mode in the Org Git does not export

2022-10-10 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Rudolf Adamkovič  writes:

>> (I'd like this patches to be tested on real export first as it is
>> touching on very basic export routines).
> For what is worth, I have tried the patch.  With the patch, Org exports
> my elaborate notebook as fast as without it (+/- 1 second) and the tests
> pass on macOS and Emacs 29.  Just FYI.

Now applied onto main.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at .
Support Org development at ,
or support my work at 

Re: SQLite for contacts and relations to Org - Re: contact management in emacs

2022-10-10 Thread Jean Louis
* Quiliro Ordóñez  [2022-10-09 22:10]:
> I agree.  But the end-user did not construct this program.  It was you. 
> I coould learn how to install it.  Then, I should teach the end-user to
> use it.  But the program was not made or installed by the end-user.  I
> might be able to teach the end-user to modify it.  But I doubt it.

I will make a package so that you just install it and can start
managing people. 

> What I mean is that end-users must have an easy entry point.  Of course
> that ease must not hide innner workings because that would disempower
> the end-user.  How do you propose it could be implemented? (if you agree
> it should be done this way, of course) 

Inner workings are pretty much hidden unless user is programmer. Emacs
is difficult, then there is underlying Emacs Lisp, then C language,
then operating system, and stuff.

Maybe you mean somthing else with inner workings?

> > I have actually shown to you how it works, so you have to imagine that
> > all that may be part of the package. Especially with SQLite databases
> > there is nothing to configure.
> Not much to do.  Just installing SQLite and then the program you
> propose.

I did not try any SQLite package, just used the built-in functions in
Emacs development version. Which packag did you install?


Take action in Free Software Foundation campaigns:

In support of Richard M. Stallman

Re: [PATCH 2-v4] New: auto display inline images under subtree when `org-cycle'.

2022-10-10 Thread Christopher M. Miles

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

> "Christopher M. Miles"  writes:
>>> I think that the best we can do in this situation is mocking
>>> `create-image' in batch mode to return non-nil using `cl-letf'.
>> I checked the `create-image' in image.el source code, don't know how to
>> mocking this. I have no experience and idea about this. I also searched
>> org testing. Have not found similar situations.
>> If you have idea how to write this test, I suggest pass this word to
>> you. What do you think?
> I imagine something like
> ;; Mock `create-image' to work noninteractively.
> (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'create-image)
>  (lambda (&rest _)
>`(image :type "dummy" :data "dummy"
>   )

After wrapped your cl-letf redefining function binding. Still failed on test.

Here is the new test code:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(ert-deftest test-org-fold/org-fold-display-inline-images ()
  "Test inline images displaying when cycling."
  ;; Mock `create-image' to work noninteractively.
  (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'create-image)
 (lambda (&rest _) `(image :type "dummy" :data "dummy"
(let* ((org-cycle-inline-images-display t)
   (images-dir (expand-file-name "examples/images/" org-test-dir))
   (org-logo-image (expand-file-name "Org mode logo mono-color.png" 
  ;; `org-cycle' -(state)-> `'children' display child inline images.
   (format "* Heading 1
" org-logo-image)
   ;; (org-cycle)
   ;; (org-cycle-internal-local)
   ;; (org-cycle-display-inline-images 'children)
   (run-hook-with-args 'org-cycle-hook 'children)
   (should org-inline-image-overlays)
   (should (overlays-at (point)))
   (should-not (overlays-at (point
  ;; `org-cycle' -(state)-> `'subtree' display subtrees inline images.
   (format "* Heading 1
** Subheading 1
** Subheading 2
[[file:%s]]" org-logo-image org-logo-image org-logo-image)
   ;; (org-cycle)
   ;; (org-cycle)
   ;; (org-cycle-internal-global)
   (run-hook-with-args 'org-cycle-hook 'subtree)
   ;; (should org-inline-image-overlays)
   (should (overlays-at (point)))
   (should-not (overlays-at (point
  ;; `org-cycle' -(state)-> `'folded' remove inline image overlays.
   (format "* Heading 1
** Subheading 1
** Subheading 2
[[file:%s]]" org-logo-image org-logo-image org-logo-image)
   (org-fold-subtree t)
   (run-hook-with-args 'org-cycle-hook 'folded)
   (should (null org-inline-image-overlays))
   (should (null (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max
   (should-not org-inline-image-overlays)
   (should-not (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))

And failed after command:

#+begin_src shell
make BTEST_RE="test-org-fold/org-fold-display-inline-images" test-dirty 

Here is the output:

~/Code/Emacs/org-mode:main*:1 λ make 
BTEST_RE="test-org-fold/org-fold-display-inline-images" test-dirty  
install -m 755 -d /var/folders/ym/f3v5_yk1279g5ls70x3hzblhgn/T//tmp-orgtest
TMPDIR=/var/folders/ym/f3v5_yk1279g5ls70x3hzblhgn/T//tmp-orgtest emacs  -Q 
-batch --eval '(setq vc-handled-backends nil org-startup-folded nil 
org-element-cache-persistent nil)'  --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path (concat 
default-directory "lisp"))' --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path (concat 
default-directory "testing"))'  -l org-batch-test-init --eval '(setq 
org-batch-test t org-babel-load-languages (quote ( (awk . t)  (C . t)  (fortran 
. t)  (maxima . t)  (lilypond . t)  (octave . t)  (perl . t)  (python . t)  
(emacs-lisp . t)  (shell . t)  (org . t))) org-test-select-re 
"test-org-fold/org-fold-display-inline-images" )' -l org-loaddefs.el -l cl -l 
testing/org-test.el -l ert -l org -l ox -l ol  --eval 
'(org-test-run-batch-tests org-test-select-re)'
Package cl is deprecated
Source file `/Users/stardiviner/Code/Emacs/org-mode/lisp/org.el' newer than 
byte-compiled file; using older file
Source file `/Users/stardiviner/Code/Emacs/org-mode/lisp/org-compat.el' newer 
than byte-compiled file; using older file
Source file `/Users/stardiviner/Code/Emacs/org-mode/lisp/org-macs.el' newer 
than byte-compiled file; using older file
Source file `/Users/stardiviner/Code/Emacs/org-mode/lisp/org-keys.el' newer 
than byte-compiled file; using older file
Source file `/Users/stardiviner/Code/Emacs/org-mode/lisp/oc.el' newer than 
byte-compiled file; using older file
Source file `/Users/stardiviner/Code/Emacs/org-mode/lisp/ol.el' newer than

Re: [BUG] org-beamer :BEAMER_ACT: ignored on columns

2022-10-10 Thread Fraga, Eric
On Saturday,  8 Oct 2022 at 14:10, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> This patch certainly adds code duplication and might also miss some
> scenarios considered in the environments from
> org-beamer-environments-default.

I'm not sure what code duplication you are referring to unless it's the
two lines that now address actions and are similar to those for options.
The comments you referenced are from the original code.

: Eric S Fraga, with org release_9.5.5-851-ge9781f in Emacs 29.0.50