Re: [O] Recursive org-agenda-files

2011-10-03 Thread netty hacky
Hi Neilen,

I think you want these in your .emacs (from, Can I add files recursively to
my list of agenda files?):
(load-library find-lisp)
(setq org-agenda-files (find-lisp-find-files ~/org \.org$))

Or you can add each project directory to org-agenda-files yourself,
however, this is not recursive, it only adds .org files under the
project directories, not their sub-directories (see docstring of
org-agenda-files: C-h v org-agenda-files):
(setq org-agenda-files '(~/org/projA ~/org/projB ~/org/projC))

In my setup, I also use the following to exclude directory exc from the list:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(setq org-agenda-files
  (remove-if '(lambda (x)
 (concat ^ (regexp-quote (expand-file-name


On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Neilen Marais wrote:

 I like to have a directory per project, with an .org file in each
 directory. Is there a way to set org-agenda-files such that it can
 recursively scan my whole projects dir for all org files?


[O] Re-marking agenda entries, with advice on org-agenda-bulk-action in .emacs

2011-10-02 Thread netty hacky

The issue of re-marking agenda entries has been raised before:

I am facing the same problem.  I always do more than one bulk actions on the
same set of agenda entries, so having to re-mark them manually has been a
pain.  The org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp command sort of helped, but I still
prefer the Dired behavior of retaining the mark after action is performed,
(typing one 'U' is much less keystroke than any manual re-marking).

Anyway, I put the following piece of code in .emacs to give me the Dired
like behavior.  It seems to work for me.  Since I'm new to Emacs Lisp and
this is the 2nd day I'm hacking Org-mode code, could anyone help spot
anything I did stupid here that may shoot me in the foot?  Much appreciated.

(eval-after-load 'org-agenda
  '(defadvice org-agenda-bulk-action (around bulk-re-mark
 (optional arg)
 Re-mark entries marked before action.
 (let ((entries (copy-sequence org-agenda-bulk-marked-entries)))
   (let (pos (cnt 0) (cntskip 0) (msg (current-message)))
 (dolist (e entries)
   (setq pos (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max)
'org-hd-marker e))
   (if (not pos)
   (setq cntskip (1+ cntskip))
 (goto-char pos)
 (call-interactively 'org-agenda-bulk-mark)
 (setq cnt (1+ cnt
 (message %s (%d entries re-marked, %d skipped) msg cnt

P.S. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all who helped make
Org-mode such a beautiful piece of software and a life-changing experience.

Re: [O] % (org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp) in agenda view problems

2011-10-02 Thread netty hacky
Sorry, didn't realized I wasn't sending email in plain text.

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 3:14 PM, netty hacky wrote:

 Hi Bastien,

 I found a third problem of org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp, it does not work well 
 on daily/weekly agenda view.  Basically it chokes on lines that is not a 
 regular headline, like date labels, dairy entries and grid lines.

 So to show I am not merely a leech on this list, I come up with my version 
 here, most of the ugly code are to deal with the way org-agenda-bulk-mark 
 works now (e.g., returning nil when successful):

 (defun org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp (regexp)
   Mark entries match REGEXP.
   (interactive sMark entries matching regexp: )
   (goto-char (point-min))
   (let ((entries-marked 0))
     (while (not (eobp))
   (unless (and
    (not (get-char-property (point) 'invisible))
    (not (org-get-at-bol 'org-agenda-diary-link))
    (org-get-at-bol 'org-hd-marker)
    (let (txt-property)
  (setq txt-property (get-char-property (point) 'txt))
  (string-match regexp txt-property))
    (not (call-interactively 'org-agenda-bulk-mark))
    (setq entries-marked (+ entries-marked 1)))
     (beginning-of-line 2)))
     (if (zerop entries-marked)
     (message No entry matching this regexp.)
   (message %d entries marked for bulk action entries-marked)


 On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 12:38 AM, netty hacky wrote:

 Hi Bastien,

 I'm having two problems with the % command (org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp) in 
 Org-mode agenda view.

 1.  If I use . as the search string, I get Wrong type argument: 
 number-or-marker-p, nil.  And my workaround is to change the line (let 
 (entries-marked) in org-agenda.el to (let ((entries-marked 0)).

 2. If I use .* as the search string, I get Wrong type argument: stringp, 
 nil.  After some edebugging, I found the reason is that in 
 org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp, re-search-forward moved the point to the end of 
 the line (since .* matches the whole line), causing (get-text-property 
 (point) 'txt) to return nil, in turn caused string-match to throw the 
 error.  I think this may happen to other regexps, as long as the strings 
 matched include the last character in the line.  I'm new to Emacs Lisp so 
 I'm not sure how to fix this one.

 Wondering why it seems only me having these two problems.

 I am using MacPorts' Emacs and Org-mode:
 Emacs  : GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0)
 Package: Org-mode version 7.7


Re: [O] Re-marking agenda entries, with advice on org-agenda-bulk-action in .emacs

2011-10-02 Thread netty hacky
My bad, didn't realized I wasn't sending email in plain txt.

On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 2:13 AM, netty hacky wrote:

 The issue of re-marking agenda entries has been raised before:

 I am facing the same problem.  I always do more than one bulk actions on the
 same set of agenda entries, so having to re-mark them manually has been a
 pain.  The org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp command sort of helped, but I still
 prefer the Dired behavior of retaining the mark after action is performed,
 (typing one 'U' is much less keystroke than any manual re-marking).

 Anyway, I put the following piece of code in .emacs to give me the Dired
 like behavior.  It seems to work for me.  Since I'm new to Emacs Lisp and
 this is the 2nd day I'm hacking Org-mode code, could anyone help spot
 anything I did stupid here that may shoot me in the foot?  Much appreciated.

 (eval-after-load 'org-agenda
   '(defadvice org-agenda-bulk-action (around bulk-re-mark
  (optional arg)
  Re-mark entries marked before action.
  (let ((entries (copy-sequence org-agenda-bulk-marked-entries)))
    (let (pos (cnt 0) (cntskip 0) (msg (current-message)))
  (dolist (e entries)
    (setq pos (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max)
 'org-hd-marker e))
    (if (not pos)
    (setq cntskip (1+ cntskip))
  (goto-char pos)
  (call-interactively 'org-agenda-bulk-mark)
  (setq cnt (1+ cnt
  (message %s (%d entries re-marked, %d skipped) msg cnt

 P.S. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all who helped make
 Org-mode such a beautiful piece of software and a life-changing experience.

Re: [O] % (org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp) in agenda view problems

2011-10-01 Thread netty hacky
Hi Bastien,

I found a third problem of org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp, it does not work
well on daily/weekly agenda view.  Basically it chokes on lines that is not
a regular headline, like date labels, dairy entries and grid lines.

So to show I am not merely a leech on this list, I come up with my version
here, most of the ugly code are to deal with the way org-agenda-bulk-mark
works now (e.g., returning nil when successful):

(defun org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp

  Mark entries match

  (interactive sMark entries matching regexp:



  (let ((entries-marked

(while (not


   (not (get-char-property (point)

   (not (org-get-at-bol



 (setq txt-property (get-char-property (point)

 (string-match regexp

   (not (call-interactively

   (setq entries-marked (+ entries-marked


(if (zerop

(message No entry matching this

  (message %d entries marked for bulk action entries-marked)


On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 12:38 AM, netty hacky wrote:

 Hi Bastien,

 I'm having two problems with the % command (org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp) in
 Org-mode agenda view.

 1.  If I use . as the search string, I get Wrong type argument:
 number-or-marker-p, nil.  And my workaround is to change the line (let
 (entries-marked) in org-agenda.el to (let ((entries-marked 0)).

 2. If I use .* as the search string, I get Wrong type argument: stringp,
 nil.  After some edebugging, I found the reason is that in
 org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp, re-search-forward moved the point to the end of
 the line (since .* matches the whole line), causing (get-text-property
 (point) 'txt) to return nil, in turn caused string-match to throw the
 error.  I think this may happen to other regexps, as long as the strings
 matched include the last character in the line.  I'm new to Emacs Lisp so
 I'm not sure how to fix this one.

 Wondering why it seems only me having these two problems.

 I am using MacPorts' Emacs and Org-mode:
 Emacs  : GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0)
 Package: Org-mode version 7.7
