[O] About headlines, checkboxes and heritage

2012-01-05 Thread Ab Cd

Please consider the following file :

* TODO working
** TODO 1st part of the work
   CLOCK: [2012-01-05 jeu. 17:18]

** TODO second part of the work [0/3]
   - [ ] Task 1
 - [ ] Subtask 1
 - [ ] Subtask 2
 - [ ] Subtask 3
   - [ ] Task 2
   - [ ] Task 3

It I switch the second TODO (ie: C-c C-t on the line "1st part of the work"), 
it clocks out the headline.

** TODO 1st part of the work
   CLOCK: [2012-01-05 jeu. 17:18]
** DONE 1st part of the work
   CLOCK: [2012-01-05 jeu. 17:18]--[2012-01-05 jeu. 18:25] =>  1:07

And that's fine.

Now, if I try to toggle the "Subtask"s with cc, it toggles Task 1 accordingly 
(to "[-] Task 1" and then later to "[X] Task 1"). And then switching all tasks 
switche the headline checkbox counter (to [1/3], [2/3] and then [3/3]).

Again it's fine.

But why shoudln't a TODO headline containing only checkbox that are all 
completed ([3/3] in this case) be switched to done?

Also, why can't I toggle "Task 1" ? Let's assume I was away from my computer 
when completing some or all of the subtasks. I would really like to check Task 
1 and have all the Subtasks checked automatically.

The same thing applies if I switch the 2 headlines "{1st,second} part of the 
work" to DONE. Shouldn't that switch the "working" headline to DONE too? 

One last thing. I also think I would be nice that, if I switch "second part of 
the work" to DONE, the counter would be set to [3/3] and all the tasks and 
subtasks be checked as done.

What do you think?


[O] (no subject)

2012-01-05 Thread Ab Cd

Please consider the following file :

* TODO working
** TODO 1st part of the work
   CLOCK: [2012-01-05 jeu. 17:18]

** TODO second part of the work [0/3]
   - [ ] Task 1
 - [ ] Subtask 1
 - [ ] Subtask 2
 - [ ] Subtask 3
   - [ ] Task 2
   - [ ] Task 3


It I switch the second TODO (ie: C-c C-t on the line "1st part of the work"), 
it clocks out the headline.

** TODO 1st part of the work
   CLOCK: [2012-01-05 jeu. 17:18]
** DONE 1st part of the work
   CLOCK: [2012-01-05 jeu. 17:18]--[2012-01-05 jeu. 18:25] =>  1:07

And that's fine.

Now, if I try to toggle the "Subtask"s with cc, it toggles Task 1 accordingly 
(to "[-] Task 1" and then later to "[X] Task 1"). And then switching all tasks 
switche the headline checkbox counter (to [1/3], [2/3] and then [3/3]).

Again it's fine.

But why shoudln't a TODO headline containing only checkbox that are all 
completed ([3/3] in this case) be switched to done?

Also, why can't I toggle "Task 1" ? Let's assume I was away from my computer 
when completing some or all of the subtasks. I would really like to check Task 
1 and have all the Subtasks checked automatically.

The same thing applies if I switch the 2 headlines "{1st,second} part of the 
work" to DONE. Shouldn't that switch the "working" headline to DONE too? 

One last thing. I also think I would be nice that, if I switch "second part of 
the work" to DONE, the counter would be set to [3/3] and all the tasks and 
subtasks be checked as done.

What do you think?


[O] Unable to clock out after "undo"

2012-01-05 Thread Ab Cd

I experienced a weird behavior with org-mode while using clocking commands.

Here are the steps to reproduce it:

* Open a new file. 

* Start a new heading (here "This is a test"). Then clock in and out (C-c C-x 
C-i C-c C-x C-o)

Now, as expected, we have the following:

* This is a test
  CLOCK: [2012-01-05 jeu. 17:30]--[2012-01-05 jeu. 17:30] =>  0:00

Now let's undo, with C-_

Again, as expected, we heve the following:

* This is a test
  CLOCK: [2012-01-05 jeu. 17:30]

So we're back to the state where a task has been started but not completed, 

Let's try to clock out again (C-c C-x C-o). Now I have 'No active clock'.

It seems that it does the same thing if I close emacs and open it again. I was 
asked if I wanted to clock out before closing, tho.

Is that a bug ? Or did I miss something?

Thanks for your help.

Have a nice day.