Re: [O] [BUG] Tag selection is inconsistent when loaded from #+SETUPFILE in orgmode 8.0.x

2013-05-23 Thread Anupam Sengupta

Hi Bastien,

 Loading tags from a #+SETUPFILE is causing inconsistent behavior
 in the tag-selection for both in-buffer selection via C-c C-q
 (`org-set-tags-command`) and in-agenda selection via :

Bastien Thanks a lot for reporting this and for the test case, it
Bastien should be fixed now.

Bastien All: the fix involves checking for a #+setupfile directive
Bastien when processing Org buffers for building the agenda.  This
Bastien may lead to some slow down when your agenda is built from
Bastien many files.  Let me know if you notice some weirdness.

Thanks a lot for the fix.  The test files are now behaving properly
after the fix (I am on orgmode git development head at commit
36848fdec9eb8c9c17a2e98cd742af1f9f9b23db as on 23rd May).

*However*, while testing this fix, I think I have uncovered a few more bugs(?)
with the +SETUPFILE interaction with the in-buffer tag selection.

Specifically, if the +SETUPFILE contains /any/ of the following
directives (not exhaustive, just what my setup happened to have), then
the tag listing in the completion buffer is showing _duplicated lists_
of the tags read from the setup file:


I have expanded the test case to include this scenario:

The setup file
##+STARTUP: align

##+OPTIONS: timestamp:t
##+CHOOSE_TODO: NO(,-) YES(,0)

#+TAGS: { @work(w) @home(h) }

The test orgmode file
#+TAGS: call(l) email(e)

* The top entry 
  SCHEDULED: 2013-05-14 Tue

Note that in the setup file, I have commented out every option other
than +STARTUP and +TAGS.  In this case, the in-buffer tag selection
results in a tag selection display of:

Current:@work call

  [l] call[e] email
{ [w] @work   [h] @home   }
{ [w] @work   [h] @home   }   - Note the duplicated listing

If you comment the +STARTUP option in the file, then the tag
selection behaves as expected.  Alternatively, if you enable any of
the other options, then the issue reoccurs.


[O] [BUG] Tag selection is inconsistent when loaded from #+SETUPFILE in orgmode 8.0.x

2013-05-14 Thread Anupam Sengupta

Loading tags from a #+SETUPFILE is causing inconsistent behavior in the
tag-selection for both
   in-buffer selection via C-c C-q (`org-set-tags-command`) and
   in-agenda selection via :   (`org-agenda-set-tags`).

A test-case using orgmode 8.0.3 on Emacs 24.3 (with the bare minimum
init file setting to get orgmode loaded).

The Org files are:
#+TAGS: @Work(w) @Home(h)

* The top entry
  SCHEDULED: 2013-05-14 Tue
#+TAGS: email(e) call(c)

With the setup above, invoking C-c C-q on the first entry in the _buffer_
displays *only* the two tag entries from; i.e.:


  [e] email   [c] call

And invoking C-c C-q in the _agenda_ for this entry displays *only* the
two entries from the in-buffer tag settings:


  [w] @Work   [h] @Home 

In prior versions of orgmode (prior to 8.0.x), all four tags would be
displayed in the tag selection buffer.

I have attached the test files.


#+TAGS: @Work(w) @Home(h)

* The top entry
  SCHEDULED: 2013-05-14 Tue
#+TAGS: email(e) call(c)

Re: [O] Orgmode 8.0.2: Possible bug in `org-insert-heading` when invoked at end of a heading with a property

2013-05-14 Thread Anupam Sengupta

Finally found the cause of the issue I had reported a few weeks back:

Anupam Looks like M-RET (`org-insert-heading`), and it's equivalent
Anupam M-S-RET (`org-insert-todo-heading`) are behaving a little
Anupam erratically when invoked from the _end_ of a heading that
Anupam has a property drawer.


Anupam behavior when M-RET is invoked from the _end_ of the line
Anupam is:
Anupam *** A Heading with a Drawer
Anupam :END:
Anupam *** - The second item's outline
Anupam ^^^ Note that the second item's outline got indented,
Anupam and has leading spaces (indented?)

Basically, the issue is that there is a bad interplay with the
`electric-indent-mode`, which is causing the additional indentation to
be added during the invocation of `org-insert-heading`.

Apologies for the noise, and hopefully this helps someone.  It might be
useful to add this minor mode in the list of conflicts in the manual


[O] Orgmode 8.0.2: Possible bug in `org-insert-heading` when invoked at end of a heading with a property

2013-04-29 Thread Anupam Sengupta
Hello fellow Orgmode users,

Have installed orgmode 8.0.2 last night, and loving it so far.  Facing
one issue (or change in behavior) though.  This is on Emacs 24.3.

Looks like M-RET (`org-insert-heading`), and it's equivalent M-S-RET
(`org-insert-todo-heading`) are behaving a little erratically when
invoked from the _end_ of a heading that has a property drawer.

An example will perhaps help:

With a heading _without_ any property drawer, such as:

*** A Heading
^   ^
Beginning   End

If I invoke M-S-RET at the beginning or end of the heading, then I get
the expected behavior, where I get a new item created as:

***  - This is created if invoked from the _beginning_ of the 

*** A Heading- The original heading

***  - And this is created if invoked from the _end_ of the 

However, if there is a _drawer_ on the heading, then the behavior when
M-RET is invoked from the _end_ of the line is:

*** A Heading with a Drawer
***  - The second item's outline

Note that the second item's outline got indented, and has
leading spaces (indented?)

This is inconsistent with the behavior in earlier versions of

Not sure if this is a bug (since there seems to be new functionality
such as C-u C-u M-RET to add a new item at end of the parent's subtree
in version 8.0).


[O] Any way to identify a DEADLINE or SCHEDULED item via org-agenda-prefix-format?

2011-04-28 Thread Anupam Sengupta

In my custom agenda block, I wanted to distinguish between SCHEDULED and
DEADLINE items using a small character flag.  The docstring for
`org-agenda-prefix-format' mentions %s as the one to use for the
scheduled/deadline string (as is used in the default agenda) - however,
this string does not seem to be working for me (orgmode 7.5).

As an example of a custom agenda block:

  ((org-agenda-overriding-header \nToday's Action 
   (org-agenda-prefix-format  [ ] %12:c%?-12t % s)))

Note the % s in the `org-agenda-prefix-format' setting.  All other
settings are showing up fine, but the schedule information is missing in
the display.

As an aside, %s is not exactly what I need, as I was looking for a way
to display a single character flag (S or D for scheduled or deadline),
but this is also fine.


[Orgmode] Re: Bug: org-install must precede customization [7.02trans]

2010-11-12 Thread Anupam Sengupta
 David Abrahams writes:

 Is it merely the autoload of org-capture-templates, or is this a
 general rule for everything in org-install?  I think I'm perfectly
 happy to work with the dependency in place as long as it's
 documented.  For most people it wouldn't be an issue since
 custom-* puts its custom-set-variables call at the end of the
 file.  I think you need to be using something like initsplit to
 see the problem.

The problem also comes up when a separate file is used for storing
the `custom-set-variables', i.e., something like:

(setq custom-file  ~/emacs-custom.el)
(load custom-file)

Because of the autoload, these statements now need to be at the very
end of the init.el file.  Not a big problem, but still something
that needs to be known (and was not required prior to 7.02).

Anupam Sengupta

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Bug?: 7.02/7.3 - Unable to set `org-capture-templates' in a

2010-11-06 Thread Anupam Sengupta
Hi All,

I have been facing this problem since version 7.02/7.3.  I am using GNU
Emacs 23.2.50 on OSX.

I use a _separate_ file for saving the settings using the Custom
interface.  This includes all org-mode settings and templates, and have
been working well till 7.01h.

*However*, after upgrading to 7.02, I found that the capture templates
are *not* getting set from the custom-file, which does contain the
correct template (info (Emacs) Saving Customizations).

The basic problem is that the `org-capture-templates' variable is set as
`nil' on load, and `describe-variable' returns a 'nil' as well.

On accessing the variable using `customize-variable', the custom
interface displays an empty value, and the message:

Value Changed outside of Customize.

I have tested this behavior using org-7.02, using a bare-bone test setup
which just loads the org-mode, and an empty file.  

The init.el is given below:

|  ;;; Define some variables for use later
|  (defvar my-emacs-dir  ~/.emacs.d/)
|  (defvar my-lisp-dir   (concat my-emacs-dir elisp/))
|  (defvar my-customizations-dir (concat my-emacs-dir customizations/))
|  (setq custom-file (concat my-customizations-dir emacs-custom.el))
|  (load custom-file)
|  (message Setting orgmode stuff)
|  (setq load-path
|  (cons (expand-file-name (concat my-lisp-dir org-7.02/lisp)) 
|  (setq load-path
|  (cons (expand-file-name (concat my-lisp-dir 
org-7.02/contrib/lisp)) load-path))
|  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(\\.org$ . org-mode))
|  (require 'org-install)
|  (setq org-default-notes-file ~/
|  (define-key global-map \C-ca  'org-agenda)
|  (define-key global-map \C-cc  'org-capture)

The corresponding emacs-custom.el (comments elided) is:

|  (custom-set-variables
|   '(org-capture-templates (quote ((n Next Action entry
|   (file+headline ~/org/ INBOX) * TODO %^{Heading})

As noted above, even though the `org-capture-templates' has been set
correctly in the emacs-custom.el, this setting is *not loaded* and the
variable remains `nil'.

If the variable is set in the init.el file *itself*, then it *does* get
loaded correctly.  E.g., in the init.el content, if the lines are
changed to:

|  (require 'org-install)
|  (setq org-default-notes-file ~/
|(setq org-capture-templates 
|  (quote ((n Next Action entry (file+headline
|  ~/org/ INBOX) * TODO %^{Heading}

Then `org-capture' is able to correctly access the templates.

I have currently reverted back to 7.01h, as I have quite a few
customized templates, and don't want to stop using the customization
mechanism to setup / modify the somewhat complex templates.

Any help is very much appreciated.  Prior to this, I did not quite
realize how addicted I have become to the remember/capture method!

Anupam Sengupta

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Bug?: 7.02/7.3 - Unable to set `org-capture-templates'in a

2010-11-06 Thread Anupam Sengupta
Anupam Sengupta anupamsg at writes:

 I use a _separate_ file for saving the settings using the Custom
 interface.  This includes all org-mode settings and templates, and have
 been working well till 7.01h.
 *However*, after upgrading to 7.02, I found that the capture templates
 are *not* getting set from the custom-file, which does contain the
 correct template (info (Emacs) Saving Customizations).
 The basic problem is that the `org-capture-templates' variable is set as
 `nil' on load, and `describe-variable' returns a 'nil' as well.


Found a solution to the problem.  This has to do with order of setting the
custom-file and loading it (needs to be done *after* the org-install). 

I.e., the order in init.el needs to be:


 (require 'org-install)
 (setq org-default-notes-file ~/

 (define-key global-map \C-ca  'org-agenda)
 (define-key global-map \C-cc  'org-capture)

 ;; Needs to be done after org-mode is loaded
 (setq custom-file (concat my-customizations-dir emacs-custom.el))
 (load custom-file)

This allows the `org-capture-templates' saved in the separate emacs-custom.el 
file to be correctly loaded.  Note that this behavior is from 7.02/7.3, and 
probably has to do with the custom-autoload definition of this variable in

Hope this explanation helps.

Anupam Sengupta

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Problem with 7.02 - org-capture-templates not set from init file

2010-11-02 Thread Anupam Sengupta

 Jeffrey DeLeo writes:

 OK, I found the problem. In my emacs init file, further down I
 had: (require 'gnus-load) ;; for dev gnus (require 'message)
 (require 'bbdb) (require 'org-install) (require 'org-icalendar)
 (require 'org-mobile) ...

 Removing these requires results in working org and not stomping on

I am somewhat confused here.  Why would removal of the `require'
statements fix the problem?  Should we not *have* (require 'org-install)
in order to have the latest org-mode be activated and loaded?

Actually, I am having the same problem here after upgrading to 7.02.  
Hitting C-cc does run `org-capture' correctly, but the value of
`org-capture-templates' (which was set using the customize interface,
and has been saved to a separate emacs-custom.el file) does not have the
set value.

Using C-h v on `org-capture-templates', I get:

| org-capture-templates is a variable defined in `org-capture.el'.
| Its value is nil
| Documentation:
| Templates for the creation of new entries.

Specifically, the value of this variable remains as `nil', and
attempting to view the value via `customize-variable' returns a state of
CHANGED outside Customize.  However, the actual value is empty.

| Org Capture Templates:
| State: CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
| Templates for the creation of new entries.

I am running GNU Emacs 23.2.50 and org-version does confirm org-7.02.

BTW, whats with the org-7.3 on

Anupam Sengupta

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Mark your Calendars: Carsten will be on the FLOSS Weekly

2010-08-22 Thread Anupam Sengupta

Hello fellow Org-mode users,

Carsten is going to be the guest on the FLOSS weekly podcast on 22nd
September.  Link to the show:

Carsten, Looking forward to the show!

Best Regards,

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: MobileOrg 1.0 for iPhone/iPod Touch now available

2009-11-08 Thread Anupam Sengupta
 Marcelo == Marcelo de Moraes Serpa writes:

Marcelo A symbian OS port would be nice too :) 

Completely second that ... would be a great addition to my Nokia E71
... downloading on my iPod Touch right now.


 Hi all,
 MobileOrg 1.0 is now available in the iTunes AppStore:  Documentation (including a screencast
 demonstrating the app) is available on the website at


 Thanks, Richard

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Re: [Orgmode] Org-mode version 6.30c; org-remember does not honor `org-odd-levels-only' setting

2009-09-03 Thread Anupam Sengupta
Thanks Carsten!
I thought on the same lines after posting (about the global vs. per file
setting) - but the hook you suggested is much nicer!

Thanks again,
My Profile:

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Carsten Dominik

 Hi Anupam,

 Remember has no way of knowing what kind of setting for
 org-odd-levels-only will be used in the target file.  Therefore
 you need to take care of setting this value correctly, for example

 (add-hook 'org-remember-mode-hook (lambda () (setq org-odd-levels-only t)))

 or by setting that variable globally.

 - Carsten

 On Sep 2, 2009, at 7:48 PM, Anupam Sengupta wrote:

  Hi Carsten,

 *Problem*: `org-odd-levels-only' is not honored in a remember buffer for
 creating child entries.

 I have been using the clean outline view using the `org-odd-levels-only'
 setting (actually via the per file #+STARTUP: odd setting) to simulate
 the indented view of the outline (info (org)Clean View)

 This works perfectly in the main buffer for the org files - where
 creating a child entry using M-S-Right (`org-demote-subtree') indents
 the entry by an odd number of stars so that the indentation is preserved
 and the outline hierarchy is correct.

 However, in a org-remember buffer, trying to use the same function to
 create a child entry after the main headline does not honor this
 setting, and uses the default behavior of incrementing the stars' count
 by 1.

 I.e, instead of this happening in the remember buffer:

 * TODO Parent Entry
 *** TODO The child entry /after M-S-Right/

 what actually ends up happening is:

 * TODO Parent Entry
 ** TODO The child entry /after M-S-Right/
  + Notice the missing third star which should have been created

 This causes problems in the actual org-buffer later on after the remember
 note is filed - as org-mode seems to get confused on the outline levels.

 I have added the org-mode settings using the `org-submit-bug-report'
 with some trimming of private settings that probably are not relevant
 (e.g. the `org-agenda-custom-commands').

 -  Anupam Sengupta

 Org-mode variable and customization dump follows  

 Emacs  : GNU Emacs (i386-apple-darwin9.7.0, NS
 Package: Org-mode version 6.30c

 current state:
 org-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists t
 org-log-done t
 org-remember-default-headline INBOX
 org-remember-interactive-interface 'outline-path-completion
 org-todo-keyword-faces '((MEETING . hi-blue) (WAITING . hi-pink)
 (DELEGATED . hi-pink) (STARTED . hi-green))
 org-special-ctrl-a/e t
 org-agenda-files '(~/org/work.gpg ~/org/personal.gpg)
 org-blocker-hook '(org-block-todo-from-checkboxes
 org-tag-faces '((ISSUE . org-warning) (Slipped . org-warning)
 (HEADING . shadow) (INFO . shadow) (ATTACH . org-clock-overlay)
(Project . shadow))
 org-publish-timestamp-directory ~/org/.org-timestamps/
 org-agenda-tags-column -90
 org-hide-leading-stars t
 org-checklist-export-function 'org-export-as-ascii
 org-agenda-skip-timestamp-if-done t
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-checklist org-clock-out-if-current)
 org-track-ordered-property-with-tag t
 org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file ~/org/OrgMode.ics
 org-agenda-default-appointment-duration 60
 org-todo-state-tags-triggers '((PROJECT (Project . t)) (TODO
 (Project)) (MEETING (Project)))
 org-special-ctrl-k t
 org-remember-mode-hook '(delete-other-windows)
 org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit t
 org-deadline-warning-days 3
 org-protocol-protocol-alist '((org-mac-remember :protocol mac-remember
 :function org-mac-protocol-remember :kill-client t))
 org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t
 org-export-preprocess-hook '(org-eval-replace-snippts
 org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance '(HEADING Project)
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe)
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer)
 org-finalize-agenda-hook '(my-org-agenda-to-appt)
 org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-toc-info-mode t
 org-clock-persist t
 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-icalendar-include-sexps nil
 org-registry-file ~/.emacs.d/data/org-registry.el
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers
 org-publish-project-alist '((org-notes :base-directory ~/org/
 :base-extension gpg :publishing-directory ~/public_html :recursive
 nil :publishing-function
 org-publish-org-to-html :headline-levels 4 :auto-preamble t)
 org-fontify-done-headline t
 org-mode-hook '((lambda nil (setq org

[Orgmode] Re: The most important project for org developers?

2009-03-19 Thread Anupam Sengupta
 Ian == Ian Barton writes:

 I currently export my schedule to google calendar with org's
 icalendar export. But I have to manually upload the ics file, so


Ian If you have access to a server that supports WebDav you can
Ian create a Google Calendar that reads your org ics file directly.

Ian I publish my todo items to a web server, where I can browse
Ian them on my phone. It's also possible to copy the html fine to
Ian my phone's memory, where I could browse it without Internet
Ian access. The only downside is that it's read only, but that's
Ian not a problem for me.

I also export the agenda as an ics file and then pre-process using Ruby
to make some changes on the ics file (mainly to remove some of the TODO
entries that I normally do not need on my Blackberry). There is a good
Ruby module for handling the iCalendar format

I then use a automator workflow to load the processed ics file into iCal
(I am using OS X) and sync normally to iCal using the synchronization
program that came with the Blackberry (PocketMac Sync Manager).

As a bonus, I get to sync the iCal entries automatically with Google
calendar as well.

I.e, the flow is:

++ ics  +-+ ics   +--+
| Org+-- Ruby+--- Automator|
++  +-+   +---+--+
  | load
+-+ sync  +---v--+
| PDA /Google ---+iCal  |
+-+   +--+

This works pretty well - though the problem is that it is a one-way
street: from org files to the BB - and round trip changes are not yet

Also, this is a OS X oriented solution, but the automation can probably
be done on other platforms as well using equivalent scripting.



Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Feature Request: Simultaneous change using S-Up / S-down on time ranges?

2009-03-12 Thread Anupam Sengupta

I routinely use time ranges (and occasionally time-stamp ranges) in my
org files to document the scheduled block of time for a meeting or
activity.  As an example, I will mark meetings as:

* A Meeting
  2009-03-12 Thu 10:00-11:00

As often happens with meetings, rescheduling needs to be done and I use
S-up or S-down on the time-stamp to make the modifications.  While
this works fine, it usually leads to a duplication when the *time* part
of the time-stamp needs to be changed.

For the same example above, if the time-block has now changed to
11:00-12:00, then I need to do S-up on both the 10:00 and the
11:00 string.  I.e,

* A Meeting
  2009-03-12 Thu 11:00-11:00
   + After the first S-up

* A Meeting
  2009-03-12 Thu 11:00-12:00
 + After the second S-up

Can we have a feature (with a toggle option perhaps) which would *move*
the block (i.e., both time entries) by the same amount when either one
is moved in the same direction. I.e., the proposal is to have:

* A Meeting
  2009-03-12 Thu 11:00-12:00
   ^ ^
   | |
   | +-- Automatically shifted forward by 1 hour
   + After the S-up


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[Orgmode] Re: Restarting a CLOCK entry?

2008-05-14 Thread Anupam Sengupta


 I sometimes CLOCK in a little later than the actual start (say 5-10
 minutes after the fact) and then manually edit the start time on the
 entry.  However, there does not seem to be a way to make Orgmode reset
 the clock and start from the edited entry.

Carsten Hi Anupam,

Carsten why does that bother you?  yes, the clock time in the mode line
Carsten will be too short, but the time recorded in the buffer will be
Carsten correct when you stop the clock.

Hi Carsten,

The botheration is really a nag in the sense that the mode-line does not depict
the correct elapsed time - I do use the mode line status (with other custom
details) - and it will be nice to have the status line reflect the changes.

Not a real deal-breaker - more of a nice to have function :-)

Best Regards,

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Feature request: Selective encryption

2007-08-31 Thread Anupam Sengupta
 Austin == Austin Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Austin If you're interested in using GPG to accomplish these goals, I 
Austin recommend the EasyPG (EPG) package created by Daiki Ueno.  At this
Austin point I believe it's mostly used for Gnus, but it's intended to be a
Austin general-purpose GPG interface for Emacs.

Austin http://www.easypg.org

I use epg to encrypt the org-mode files. EPG expects the files to have a suffix
of .gpg, which conflicts with the .org suffix - however, I circumvent this with
a file local mode setting as the first line in my org files:

# -*- mode: org; epa-file-encrypt-to: (my private key email ID here); 
coding: utf-8-unix; -*-

This allows the file's major mode to be Org-mode.

In addition, the archive files are also encrypted, and hence an over-ride is
needed for the file name (otherwise the defaults will conflict):

I have ...

#+ARCHIVE: ~/org/filename.org_archive.gpg::

In my active Org files - which works fine for the archival process, and ensures
that the archives are also encrypted.

The other epg settings you need are:

 (require 'epa-setup) ;; In your .emacs file

and of course the correct SSH settings and the key setup externally.

This configuration works great on both OS X and Windows XP (Home and work for

For Windows, I had to override the epa-gpg-program name to point to the cygwin 

 (setq epg-gpg-program /cygwin/bin/gpg.exe) ;; For Windows.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list

[Orgmode] iCalendar export does not honor the ' org-agenda-default-appointment-duration' setting (v5.04)

2007-08-01 Thread Anupam Sengupta

I have set the default appointment duration for the events with only a start
date/time to be 60 mins. This works perfectly well in the Agenda view;
however, the iCalendar exported events still use 2 hours as the duration for
the event.

The function which is causing this seems to be 'org-ical-ts-to-string' whose
doc. String clearly mentions that 2 hours are added.  Can this duration be
based on the 'org-agenda-default-appointment-duration' if that variable is


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