Hi all,

First I would just like to thank all the people responsible for org-mode.
 It is an amazing product that has become an indispensable part of my

I encountered a problem with LaTeX export that seems to affect org-versions
7.9.3f and 7.9.4.
Specifically, exporting figure captions and labels using #+CAPTION and
#+LABEL no longer seems to work.

####### start of code snippet

#+TITLE:     My Important Paper

#+AUTHOR:    Dr. Nyan

#+DATE:      \today

#+LATEX_CLASS: article

* Section 1

See Figure\nbsp{}\ref{fig:myfig} below

#+CAPTION: This is a figure
#+LABEL: fig:myfig

####### end of code snippet

When I look in the LaTeX output after exporting, I see:

See Figure~{}\ref{fig:myfig} below


There is no figure caption and the label fig:myfig is unresolved.

Thanks for looking into this!

-Dale Barr

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