[O] Change latex export to use cref

2013-06-25 Thread Derek Thomas
Is there a variable that can be set so that latex export uses \cref instead
of \ref?  Thanks,


[O] Inserting new images

2012-01-03 Thread Derek Thomas
I'm looking for a good way to insert sketches into org files.  I'm
preparing notes that consist of text and diagrams.  As I'm outlining,
I was thinking that it would be great if I could bind a key command to
insert a link to an svg file and then launch inkscape or something
similar to edit the file.  If anyone has done anything similar or has
any ideas, I would be interested to hear them.  By the way, I looked
at inkmacs and had some issues with dbus-proxy, so I'm completely open
to quick and dirty solutions.  Thanks!


[O] Face color for LaTeX preview

2011-09-23 Thread Derek Thomas
Since my last pull from git master, the preview images of my LaTeX
fragments have been black.  I've tried customizing
org-format-latex-options, but while the :scale property works,
changing the :foreground property has no effect.  I would like to have
it use my default foreground color.  Any help would be appreciated,


Re: [O] ODT image export

2011-09-21 Thread Derek Thomas

Thanks that looks like it's exactly what I need.  I have been
partially successful in getting the exporter running, but it stalls
out after creating the odt file and opening it in openoffice.  Any
tips for getting ppt or odp export up and running.  One thing I have
noticed is if I have openoffice opent when I initialize an export, I
get an error:

does not exist.

Any suggestions?  Thanks for your help, the ODT exporter is awesome!


Re: [O] ODT image export

2011-09-21 Thread Derek Thomas
 It is important that

 M-: (executable-find soffice)

 should report some valid path.

This returns a valid result.  Also, executing the printed soffice
command at the command line works.  Internally, emacs prints a failed
message after the command in the *Messages* buffer.

It seems that the exporter strips the images from the ppt/odp export.
They are there when I export the odt from orgmode, but don't appear in
the presentation.


[O] ODT image export

2011-09-20 Thread Derek Thomas
I got the odt export working and I'm very excited about the
possibility of using it, but when I export a file with an image link,
the image isn't embedded.  Instead there's a link to the file.  Do I
need to take any special steps to embed images in export?

A few other questions, is there any functionality for export to ODP,
that would be great.  If it is possible to export to ODP, would it be
possible to include the latex code for any embedded images in the
comments of the slides?  Finally, in odt export, is it possible to
export tikz diagrams as images and embed those in the file?



Re: [O] slides precess in html5presentation

2011-09-20 Thread Derek Thomas
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Matt Price mopto...@gmail.com wrote:
 and it for the most part works really great, except that the slides
 'precess' ovr time - -that is, the slides slowly slide ot the left,
 until eventually (after about 20 slides) the left side of a slide will
 become invisible.  Has anyone else encountered this, and if so, have
 you found a solution?

I find that this happens when I use firefox (5.0).  It doesn't happen
when I use chrome.


Re: [O] Convert list to paragraph

2011-08-27 Thread Derek Thomas
 Nick Dokos nicholas.do...@hp.com writes:

 (defun org-list-to-paragraph ()
   Convert the list at point into a paragraph.
   (insert (org-list-to-generic (org-list-parse-list t) '(:ustart  :splice 
 t :isep   :nobr t 

 (defun org-lists-to-paragraphs ()
   (goto-char (point-min))
   (condition-case nil
       (while (org-list-search-forward + )
     (error nil)))

 (add-hook 'org-export-preprocess-hook (function org-lists-to-paragraphs))

This looks like it will do what I want.  Is there any way to restrict
this export option to certain org files?  Thanks,


[O] Convert list to paragraph

2011-08-26 Thread Derek Thomas
I find it convenient to outline LaTeX documents using org-mode.  I
often find myself with every sentence in a paragraph as an item in an
org list.  This makes it convenient to manipulate the paragraph.  Is
it possible to export a certain list bullet style (+,-, etc.) as a
paragraph instead of as a list?  Here's an example of what I would
like to achieve:

+ Here is my first sentence.
+ Another sentence.
+ One more sentence.

would export to:

Here is my first sentence.  Another sentence.  One more sentence.



Re: [O] Org-babel results preamble

2011-08-25 Thread Derek Thomas
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Eric S Fraga e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk wrote:
 I am slowly going through all the org emails that I have received in the
 three weeks I was off.  This was one of them and appears to not have
 been answered?

 In any case, possibly naming the src block may achieve what you want
 because then the results are placed in the same place every time
 regardless of where the results block is...  not tested, especially in
 the context of plotting mind you.

Thanks for the response, naming the src block has been working great so far.


[O] Org-babel results preamble

2011-07-30 Thread Derek Thomas
I have found that using org-plot to plot the results output of an
org-babel code block is very useful in prototyping my code.  One minor
annoyance is the need to remove and replace the #+PLOT: header at the
beginning of the results output.  Is it possible to specify a
preamble in the source block?  I am looking to produce something
like this:

#+begin_src sh :results wrap
#+PLOT: ind:1 deps:(2)
| 0.000E+000 | 1.0 |
| 9.99776482582E-003 |   0.99000223517 |
| 1.99955296516E-002 |   0.98000447035 |
| 2.99932944775E-002 |   0.97000670552 |
| 3.99910593033E-002 |0.9600089407 |
| 4.99888241291E-002 |   0.95001117587 |


[O] Maxima session support

2011-07-06 Thread Derek Thomas
I've been poking around in the ob-maxima.el and maxima.el files and I
believe that maxima.el provides the commands necessary to simulate
session support in org-babel.  Unfortunately my elisp skills are
rudimentary and I don't know how to write a function that when called
by C-c C-c in the source block will pass each line of the source block
to the function maxima-send-region and insert the output into the
results portion of the org file using maxima-insert-last-output (both
of these functions are provided by maxima.el).  If anyone can point me
in the right direction for a similar function that I can modify, or
can provide a commented example of how this would be done, that would
be great.  Thanks,


[O] Daisy chain file/heading links

2011-05-10 Thread Derek Thomas
Hi, is there a way to daisy chain the searches in links?  I'm linking
several files that are organized in a heading, subheading, paragraph
format (paragraphs are numbered) and I'd like to specify a link like
this [[file:example.org::*Heading::*Subheading::P. 1][test link]].
The problem is that the subheadings and paragraph numbers are not
unique.  I also don't really want to set CUSTOM_ID properties for
every paragraph.  Thanks.


[O] Maxima persistence between code blocks

2011-04-27 Thread Derek Thomas
I'm interested in using org-mode with babel to organize my maxima
code.  Am I correct in my reading of ob-maxima.el that the babel
module for maxima doesn't support persistent variables between code
blocks?  If so, this seems like a severe limitation.  I did some
searching and found this guide
(http://www.math.utexas.edu/pipermail/maxima/2010/021027.html) for
setting up a local maxima server.  I'm trying to implement an org
interface to this process, but my elisp skills are extremely
rudimentary.  If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations for
code that does something similar, that would be great.  Thanks,


Re: [Orgmode] Uncover bullet points with BEAMER_env: ignoreheading

2011-02-26 Thread Derek Thomas
It seems that with the options you suggested, the [+-] argument is
passed to the \columns environment instead of the \itemize environment
within the column.  Beamer doesn't accept this argument for the
columns environment.  Is there a way to pass the argument to \itemize?


On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 4:17 PM, Eric S Fraga e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk wrote:
 Derek Thomas derekctho...@gmail.com writes:

 I've been using BEAMER_env: ignoreheading to generate columns of
 bulleted lists as follows
 #+begin_src org
 * hidden heading 1                                  :BMCOL:B_ignoreheading:
   :BEAMER_col: 0.5
   :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
   :BEAMER_envargs: [+-]
 ** Item 1
 ** Item 2
 * hidden heading 2                                  :BMCOL:B_ignoreheading:
   :BEAMER_col: 0.5
   :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
   :BEAMER_envargs: [+-]
 ** Item 3
 ** Item 4
 #+begin_src org

 But the [+-] is not included in the LaTeX export so the bullets
 are not revealed sequentially.  Is there a way to include this flag in
 the export?  Thanks,

 To answer your explicit question, you need to specify either c or C
 for a column envargs setting, as in c[+-] or C[+-], the
 difference being that with lower case c, the argument applies to the
 column and with upper case C, it applies to the columns environment.
 You need one of these to get the export to work.

 Having said this, I have no idea how to get beam to do automatic
 column overlays, as you seem to want.  I have always had to use 1-
 etc.  So I would have envargs for the first column set to c1- (note,
 no square brackets) and c2- for the second.

 : Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
 : using Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.532.g7b21.dirty)

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[Orgmode] Uncover bullet points with BEAMER_env: ignoreheading

2011-02-24 Thread Derek Thomas
I've been using BEAMER_env: ignoreheading to generate columns of
bulleted lists as follows
#+begin_src org
* hidden heading 1:BMCOL:B_ignoreheading:
  :BEAMER_col: 0.5
  :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
  :BEAMER_envargs: [+-]
** Item 1
** Item 2
* hidden heading 2:BMCOL:B_ignoreheading:
  :BEAMER_col: 0.5
  :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
  :BEAMER_envargs: [+-]
** Item 3
** Item 4
#+begin_src org

But the [+-] is not included in the LaTeX export so the bullets
are not revealed sequentially.  Is there a way to include this flag in
the export?  Thanks,

Derek Thomas

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Re: Re: [Orgmode] Beamer export questions/suggestions

2011-02-23 Thread Derek Thomas
Eric and Chris,

Thanks for your responses.


I'm currently using latex directly in org, but this method doesn't
play nicely with export to a regular tex file.  Would it be possible
to use something similar to this?

#+begin_src org
** A plain slide
*** [path/to/fig]
  Figure placement options

The ability to specify placement in beamer would allow figures to be
placed correctly in beamer slides and also display inline for general
org export.  Thanks for your help,

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:24 PM,  chris.m.mal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Eric,

 Thanks for that useful bit of info!

 On Feb 23, 2011 11:47am, Eric S Fraga e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk wrote:
 Chris Malone chris.m.mal...@gmail.com writes:

  Hi Derek,


  Re your first question:


  One simple, albeit somewhat hackish way of achieving this would be to

  utilize =org-mode='s #+begin_beamer ... #+end_beamer syntax with

  frame option =plain=   For example:

 You don't need to do this.  You can pass options to frames using the

 BEAMER_envargs property:

 #+begin_src org

 ** A plain slide


   :BEAMER_envargs: [plain]


   - a list

   - with few entries

   - but more than I thought


 I use this all the time for options such as shrink and allowframebreaks.


 : Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs

 : using Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.528.gd457)

 Emacs-orgmode mailing list
 Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:24 PM,  chris.m.mal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Eric,

 Thanks for that useful bit of info!

 On Feb 23, 2011 11:47am, Eric S Fraga e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk wrote:
 Chris Malone chris.m.mal...@gmail.com writes:

  Hi Derek,


  Re your first question:


  One simple, albeit somewhat hackish way of achieving this would be to

  utilize =org-mode='s #+begin_beamer ... #+end_beamer syntax with

  frame option =plain=   For example:

 You don't need to do this.  You can pass options to frames using the

 BEAMER_envargs property:

 #+begin_src org

 ** A plain slide


   :BEAMER_envargs: [plain]


   - a list

   - with few entries

   - but more than I thought


 I use this all the time for options such as shrink and allowframebreaks.


 : Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs

 : using Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.528.gd457)

 Emacs-orgmode mailing list
 Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

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[Orgmode] Beamer export questions/suggestions

2011-02-18 Thread Derek Thomas
Before I get to my questions, I would like to commend all those
involved in the development of org-mode.  I'm a new user and I've been
amazed by the features, utility, and the support/documentation

My first question relates to frames in beamer export.  Is it possible
to set a tag or otherwise indicate that a frame should appear without
a title, or as an empty frame (no header or footer)?  My second
question may be more of a suggestion if the feature is not available.
I currently use the testpos package in latex to position my figures in
beamer.  Is there a native org method to specify figure location in
org-beamer?  If not, it could be a nice feature for those preparing
presentations in org especially if it had the option to specify
quadrant location and relative size in a simple manner.  Thanks again,


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