Of cousre my first error was to try to do something productive on a
current ubuntu, but since they have again broken the canonical way to
configure protocol handlers, 90% of all howtos describing how to
configure org-protocol plain don't work on ubuntu 11.10. gconftool
does no longer work, setting things in about:config in firefox has no
effect, the current season's incantantion is to put

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=emacsclient %U

into ~/.local/share/applications/org-protocol.desktop and then run
update-desktop-database .local/share/applications/ , as mentioned before:

More serious is the problen that firefox 7.0.1 steadfastly refuses
to set location.href to the URIs required by org-protocol, it throws
rather scary looking exceptions if the result of
encodeURIComponent(location.href) in the URI does not appear after a
question mark. I sort of got it working  by changing the URI to 
and then added the same three characters in
     (regexp-quote (plist-get (cdr prolist) :protocol)) ":/+\\(\\?x=\\)?")))

- Florian.

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