Re: Is it possible to #+include: src blocks and tangle them too?

2021-04-13 Thread Kevin M. Stout
On 2021-04-12 23:38, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:

> However, you may try calling `org-export-expand-include-keyword' from
> `org-babel-pre-tangle-hook'. Untested.

I've done this in the past and can verify that it works well.  That said, it by
definition creates cross-talk between org files, with all the potential for name
collisions and the like that that implies.  One could avoid such problems by
adding some kind of prefix to the block names in the included file (maybe
"common/" or "xyzzy-").  (Some kind of automatic prefixing on inclusion might be

--Kevin M. Stout

Re: How do you name your code blocks?

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin M. Stout
On 2021-02-15 14:18, Rodrigo Morales wrote:
> 1. Do you use long names?

Usually.  Suppose you were doing a bit of genetic programming.  You might have a
function that computes the next generation from the current one.  You could
write the following snippet that looks suspiciously like pseudocode:

  #+HEADER::noweb-ref genetic/functions
  #+BEGIN_SRC python
  def next_generation(curr):
  return new

You would then have a block dedicated to each major part of the evolutionary

> 2. If not, how do you name your code blocks to avoid name conflicts?

I have been over the tangling and noweb expansion code quite a bit lately.  The
chief benefit of using #+NAME on a code block is ability to call it.  For
example, you might have

  #+NAME: generate keymap
  #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :var t=keymap

whose sole purpose is to take a table from elsewhere in an Org file and generate
the code that sets up a keymap.  To use it, you might say

  #+BEGIN_SRC elisp

For every other purpose, :noweb-ref works better.  In newer versions of org,
it's the sole means of accumulating code under a common name in the WEB/Noweb
tradition.  In older versions, duplicate #+NAMEs did result in accumulation, but
the behavior was undefined.

A word on syntax: I find 

  #+BEGIN_SRC language :noweb-ref "block name"

less readable than

  #+HEADER::noweb-ref block name
  #+BEGIN_SRC language

especially when there are further block-specific header args.  Either is more
cumbersome to type than the #+NAME syntax, but that can be dealt with using
something like

  (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
   '("ss" "#+HEADER::noweb-ref ?\n#+BEGIN_SRC\n\n#+END_SRC"))

Then, to set up a safely-named block, 

Re: 2 Surprises and 2 Questions Regarding Org Tangle

2021-02-12 Thread Kevin M. Stout
On 2021-02-11 18:44, Diego Zamboni wrote:

> #2 is known (maybe documented? Not sure) behavior: using :noweb-ref
> accumulates multiple blocks with the same name, whereas #+NAME uses only
> the first one. I think #+NAME's are supposed to be unique within a document.

It seems that more recent versions of org-babel-expand-noweb-references (not
org-babel-tangle, as I said in an earlier message) no longer accumulate blocks
with common #+NAMEs. (Now, though, #+NAME has priority over :noweb-ref, which is
the opposite of how things were done before.) Looking through some older
discussions on the topic, I do see the downsides of accepting duplicate #+NAMEs,
which are rooted in the assumption of uniqueness made elsewhere. Even so, I
still hold that

#+NAME: this is a cool way to do something
#+BEGIN_SRC language
is a much nicer syntax than

#+BEGIN_SRC language :noweb-ref "this is a cool way to do something"

especially as a project grows.

Perhaps we could have a variation on #+NAME that doesn't need to be unique?
Maybe something like #+NOREF, to evoke :noweb-ref? Or #+NONAME?

Kevin M. Stout

Re: 2 Surprises and 2 Questions Regarding Org Tangle

2021-02-12 Thread Kevin M. Stout
On 2021-02-11 18:44, Diego Zamboni wrote:

> #2 is known (maybe documented? Not sure) behavior: using :noweb-ref
> accumulates multiple blocks with the same name, whereas #+NAME uses only
> the first one.

Deep in org-babel-tangle,   

  (org-babel-map-src-blocks nil 

  (let ((i (let ((org-babel-current-src-block-location (point)))

   (org-babel-get-src-block-info 'light 

(when (equal (or (cdr (assq :noweb-ref (nth 2 i)))  

   (nth 4 i))   



So, while :noweb-ref gets priority over #+NAME, we can still accumulate blocks
having the same #+NAME (provided there's no overriding :noweb-ref).

> I think #+NAME's are supposed to be unique within a document.

Even though I'm a huge fan of this behavior, which lines up well with the
traditional WEB and Noweb behavior, the Org manual's discussion of code blocks
does say, "For duplicate names, Org mode's behavior is undefined." [Section
14.1] So,

Dear Org Maintainers,

Please do not change org-babel-tangle's accumulation behavior for duplicate
#+NAME's. It's handy, and users of other literate programming tools will find it
familiar. Also, #+NAME is a nicer per-block syntax than :noweb-ref.

Kevin M. Stout