Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-07-04 Thread Michael Powe

On 7/4/2022 08:38, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Timothy  writes:

In this entire 40+ message thread, only two options have been listed (besides
the FSF’s special arrangement) which do not direct people to non-free JS:
   Which is volatile in value, regional regulation, and
   individual distaste.
   Which are a dying (and in some places dead) form of bank transfer
   instruction. It’s already been established that Ihor would face a US$200 
   when collecting a cheque, and over where I am the central bank announced 
   2019 that at a point in the near future the “it will be appropriate to 
wind up
   the cheque system”. Last year a neighbouring country stopped offering or
   receiving cheques altogether.

[ ... ]

So, to sum up the situation I’d suggest we pick from the following options:
⁃ Accept the situation isn’t great
⁃ Build/fund a new tool
⁃ Convince an existing tool to be more libera-friendly
⁃ Use the FSF as an intermediary

Asking maintainers not to accept donations (or making it prohibitively
difficult) is not a solution.

I support this statement.


Same. This discussion is a classic illustration of making the perfect an 
enemy of the good. In a foot race, the goal is to get across the finish 
line. Similarly, our goal is to get our money where it needs to go. It's 
good to keep that in mind.



"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-07-01 Thread Michael Powe

On 6/30/2022 23:53, Tim Cross wrote:

Richard Stallman  writes:

I agree that links to liberapay might someday work without the donor's
running nonfree software.  But that is not likely to occur this year,
and for it to occur in this decade is a long shot.

So please don't put links to liberapay into GNU package web pages.

Please explain how you can argue that position when the FSF has such a
link on their web page? Why is it OK for the FSF to do this to raise
funds, but not acceptable for projects to do the same?

Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? Why ask why?

(I suspect that RMS doesn't have final say over that decision.)



"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-06-28 Thread Michael Powe

On 6/27/2022 21:54, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Michael Powe  writes:

Anyone completely serious about a refusal to use nonfree tools for
making donations will send a check in the mail, literally.

Would providing something like
"Contact us via email if you prefer to make a donation using alternative
help if we add such statement to page?


I think it would be good to let people know that they could do so.

In re: the mailing address, this should be a post office box, or 
possibly, a business address, not a residential street address. Aside 
from the privacy concern of putting your personal address out there, I 
think it's better marketing to avoid telling users to send their money 
to someone's home. ;-)

Now, I've been using the business name "MAP Analytics" above my home 
address for years. The business exists only in my imagination, but it 
serves the purpose when an "organization" name is required.



"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-06-27 Thread Michael Powe

On 6/27/2022 19:42, Tim Cross wrote:

Tom Gillespie  writes:

GNU packages should not steer people towards running nonfree software.
As a consequence, they should not suggest people donate using payment services
that _require_ the donor to run a nonfree program.

A slight variant of Ihor's question.

While GNU packages should not steer people toward nonfree software,
I assume that there is nothing that prohibits GNU contributors from
accepting donations via non-free systems.

This thread suggests that it is no other option if devs also do not want
to steer people toward cryptocurrencies (which some consider to be as
ethically important as not steering people toward nonfree software).

My question is whether the website for a GNU package can include links
to the websites of individual developers with a note that you can provide
financial support to the project by supporting individuals. In the end the
user still winds up using nonfree JS, but is GNU living up to its principles
by virtue of the extra layer of indirection?

Given that does include paypal
as an option, with a disclaimer, is a disclaimer not a sufficient solution for
GNU packages as well?

Given that the FSF has a link to PayPal on their donations page , I
think we can do the same for the org project. All that is required is
that we do like the FSF does and put a bit of text beside it stating
"Not recommended - requires nonfree Javascript". We should also include
a postal address where people could send in donations to provide an
alternative for those who really don't want to use the non-free service
(which doens't have to be paypal of course - any of them would likely be
as good).

You don't chop down a tree by snipping off the branches at the top.

Anyone completely serious about a refusal to use nonfree tools for 
making donations will send a check in the mail, literally. I raised the 
point about FSF using PayPal months ago, when this thread started. The 
response was thunderous silence. I don't like PP as a company. Its 
profits finance the activities of some truly repugnant people. The JS 
connection widget is about the most innocuous bit of that company. I 
only use PP when a CC won't work - mostly, buying overseas, which 
purchases my bank blocks without exception. No business from which I 
purchase regularly uses any other payment service. That's the reality of 
the commercialization of the internet. It blows chunks, but here we are.

I don't want to hear about ethical purity from people using products 
made by Apple, one of the most corrupt and corrupting companies on the 
planet; or, from those who shop at Amazon - ditto. I've never purchased 
a book from Amazon, but three times I've purchased products through its 
"marketplace," and I used to subscribe to its Prime video service. I 
don't buy products made in China (e.g., clothes, ceramics). But, it's 
impossible to write this message without using products made there. 
These kinds of casual lapses of ethical behavior are organic to our 
present network design.

If someone finds a payment processor that uses free software, and is 
available for users in the US, I certainly will sign up for it. That the 
FSF isn't using one suggests such services are thin on the ground, or 



"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Re: Org Agenda Error

2022-06-12 Thread Michael Powe


Thank you for the followup. Yes, I should have mentioned that the date 
is correctly updated following the error. Very odd, considering the text 
of the error message.



On 6/12/2022 13:46, Bhavin Gandhi wrote:

Hello Michael

On Sun, 12 Jun 2022 at 21:20, Michael Powe  wrote:

[MP] Error in post-command-hook (org-add-log-note): (error "Can’t expand minibuffer 
to full frame")
[MP] 10 repeater intervals were not enough to shift date past today.  Continue? 
(y or n) y

I have been seeing these with my repeating tasks recently, and took this
bug report as an opportunity to see if I can reproduce it with emacs -Q.

1. emacs -Q
2. Create with following content

* TODO Repeating entry
SCHEDULED: <2022-05-01 Mon ++2d>

3. C-c C-t on the entry, shows the above error. And shifts the scheduled
date correctly.

This happens on the Org mode version bundled with Emacs 28.1
i.e. release_9.5.2-25-gaf6f12.
And with latest main: release_9.5.4-544-gae168d

Bhavin Gandhi (bhavin192) |

"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Org Agenda Error

2022-06-12 Thread Michael Powe


Not sure if this qualifies as a bug.

This occurred when discarding an agenda item that was more than 60 days 
overdue. (The repeater is 6 days.) I imagine most people take better 
care of their agenda. ;-)

TODO state changed to DISCARDED
TODO state changed to TODO
[MP] Error in post-command-hook (org-add-log-note): (error "Can’t expand 
minibuffer to full frame")
[MP] 10 repeater intervals were not enough to shift date past today.  
Continue? (y or n) y

Entry repeats: SCHEDULED: <2022-06-16 Thu ++6d>

The two items I initialed travel together. I got this message several times.

* Org mode version 9.5.4 (release_9.5.4-535-ged6f8d.dirty @ 

* GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 2, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2022-06-09



"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-02-28 Thread Michael Powe

On 2/28/2022 00:41, Richard Stallman wrote:
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider  > ]]] [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, > 
]]] [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's > example. 
]]] > > The FSF accepts credit card payments without Javascript, thanks 
to a > special arrangement with a credit card processor. But it is not > 
easy to get a credit card processor to accept you as a client that > 
way. > Hmm, well, perhaps you're thinking of a different issue. I'm 
referring to PayPal.

The text on the page is: "PayPal (not recommended: requires nonfree 

My personal dislike of PP has nothing to do with the status of its page 
code, and everything to do with its corporate ethical code. I don't have 
money on account there.When buying overseas, I use PP as a routing agent 
to mask from my bank the destination of my CC charges.

Org will tread its own path on this. My feeling is that there's more at 
stake than Euros. But, I'm just a user.


"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-02-27 Thread Michael Powe

On 2/27/2022 07:58, Timothy wrote:

Hi Max,

I guess we shall remove references to non-free software (like the
Sublime Text editor - I will do this later on.)

Frankly speaking, I never considered mention of sublime text in such context as
endorsing it. Even though such linking might cause transition in both direction,
I thought it was targeting mostly current sublime users. I believed that:
- It makes first step toward using Org easier since such possibility becomes
  discoverable through search engines.
- It reduces friction in heterogeneous teams when an Emacs user proposes to use
   Org markup. Later demonstrating features of real Org Mode may become a
  convincing argument to try GNU Emacs.

My 2c: I think being overly zealous with this is a bad idea. We need to meet
people where they are, not where we want them to be.


Second that emotion.

I iterate a previous message I wrote: FSF has a PayPal link on its 
donations page. I don't think org needs to compete for the "purity" 
prize. The amount of money is less important than letting people express 
their support for the software, by voting with their wallet.

I live in the US. My bank is local. I can't make purchases outside the 
US without pre-clearing them with the bank -- unless I use PayPal. The 
latter is my choice. Everyone has their threshold of inconvenience.  
Mine happens to be getting on the phone with the bank every time I want 
to press the "buy" (or "donate") button.

Re: VS Code. Many extensions are copyrighted by their creators (e.g., 
Oracle, Salesforce). I know nothing about the legalese of copyright 
notices. Still, I would not expect that these extensions are free in the 
GNU sense.



"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github (was: Communication problems and possible problems with the website)

2022-02-25 Thread Michael Powe


There's an old joke, that C allows you to blow your own foot off, and 
C++ allows you to blow off the whole leg. The FSF is like the C++ of the 
free software world. Whatever your feelings about PayPal - I avoid it 
like plague - it's ubiquitous in the web world of donations. In fact, 
you can find it on All, or nearly all, 
packages that I use in Emacs are hosted on GitHub. Oh my, what's this?! Say it isn't so!

Years ago, the Debian team started a huge dust-up by threatening to 
exclude GCC documentation from its distribution because its license 
wasn't "free enough." Let's not drive down that road.

We didn't make this world, but we live in it.



On 2/25/2022 10:14, Ihor Radchenko wrote: writes:

Am 25.02.2022 15:18 schrieb Ihor Radchenko:

Org has no official GitHub page. This is partially a requirement from
Free Software Foundation:

I totally and absolute support that FSF requirement.

In that case I would say org-mode does violate that requirement because
there is a GitHub and a PayPal link on the landing page. And on the Worg
page (which is "official" from the new users point of view) there is
also a GitHub link.
It does not matter that there is not code on GitHub and that this is
only for sponsoring/donations. You have the link and the logo so you
"promote" that stuff that the FSF do not want you to promote.

Fair point. Paypal requires non-free javascript. Github as well, AFAIK.

At the same time, according to GNU Coding standards:

A web page recommends a program in an implicit but particularly
strong way if it requires users to run that program in order to use
the page. Many pages contain Javascript code which they recommend in
this way. This Javascript code may be free or nonfree, but nonfree is
the usual case.

If the purpose for which you would refer to the page cannot be
carried out without running nonfree Javascript code, then you should
not refer to it. Thus, if the purpose of referring to the page is for
people to view a video, or subscribing to a mailing list, and the
viewing or subscribing fail to work if the user’s browser blocks the
nonfree Javascript code, then don’t refer to that page.

The extreme case is that of web sites which depend on nonfree
Javascript code even to see the contents of the pages. Any site
hosted on ‘’ has this problem, and so do some other sites.
Referring people to such pages to read their contents is, in effect,
urging them to run those nonfree programs—so please don’t refer to
those pages. (Such pages also break the Web, so they deserve
condemnation for two reasons.)

While is not developed in the same repository with the Org
mode itself, I have a gut feeling that we still have to follow GNU
coding standards on the website. However, WORG contains links to various
blogs, reddit, stackoverflow, and even youtube and it feels right. I
notice that I am confused. I would like to hear Bastien's opinion on the


"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

"Warning: Missing format argument"

2022-02-24 Thread Michael Powe


Received the following in a emacs-lisp src block. The warning was 
delivered after I reformatted a comment block with ESC-q. I was in the 
code edit buffer (C-c ').

Warning (comp): org-refile.el:566:17: Warning: Missing format argument
Warning (comp): org-refile.el:574:19: Warning: Missing format argument

Org mode version 9.5.2 (release_9.5.2-390-g282a01.dirty @ 

GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 2, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2022-02-10



"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

[BUG] org-element--cache: parser error [9.5.2 (release_9.5.2-378-g98588e.dirty @ c:/Users/micha/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/org-new/org-mode/lisp/)]

2022-02-11 Thread Michael Powe
; :follow org-gnus-open :store org-gnus-store-link)
       ("docview" :follow org-docview-open :export 
org-docview-export :store org-docview-store-link)
       ("bibtex" :follow org-bibtex-open :store 
       ("bbdb" :follow org-bbdb-open :export org-bbdb-export 
:complete org-bbdb-complete-link :store

       ("w3m" :store org-w3m-store-link) ("doi" :follow 
org-link-doi-open :export org-link-doi-export)
       ("treemacs" :store treemacs-store-org-link) ("file+sys") 

       ("shell" :follow org-link--open-shell)
       ("news" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302Q\"\207" ["news" 
browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"])

       ("mailto" :follow
        #[514 "\301\300\302Q\"\207" ["mailto" browse-url ":"] 6 
"\n\n(fn URL ARG)"])
       ("https" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302Q\"\207" ["https" 
browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"])
       ("http" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302Q\"\207" ["http" 
browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"])
       ("ftp" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302Q\"\207" ["ftp" 
browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"])
       ("help" :follow org-link--open-help :store 
       ("file" :complete org-link-complete-file) ("elisp" 
:follow org-link--open-elisp))

 org-fancy-priorities-list '((65 . "High") (66 . "Medium") (67 . "Low"))
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
 org-src-lang-modes '(("redis" . redis) ("php" . php) ("arduino" . 
arduino) ("C" . c) ("C++" . c++)
      ("asymptote" . asy) ("bash" . sh) ("beamer" . latex) 
("calc" . fundamental) ("cpp" . c++)
      ("ditaa" . artist) ("dot" . fundamental) ("elisp" . 
emacs-lisp) ("ocaml" . tuareg)

      ("screen" . shell-script) ("shell" . sh) ("sqlite" . sql))
 org-superstar-item-bullet-alist '((42 . 8226) (43 . 10148) (45 . 167))

"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Re: Shell SRC blocks under Windows

2022-02-04 Thread Michael Powe

On 2/4/2022 15:15, H. Dieter Wilhelm wrote:


I installed the software distribution MSYS2  And
I'd like to call its various shells in org src blocks.  First I tried to
set explicit-shell-file-name but then my LaTeX exports don't work any

Is is it possible to extend org-mode's src blocks with
org-babel-shell-names to use either MSYS2 or MinGW shells (instead of
cmd.exe)?  Unfortunately ob-shell.el doesn't guide me further and I
can't find examples or the respective lisp files on how to define the
execution functions.

GNU Emacs 28.0.91 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.30,
cairo version 1.15.10) of 2022-01-14

Org mode version 9.4.6 (9.4.6-13-g4be129-elpaplus @

I'm not aware that I did anything special to get these results, except 
add `(shell . t)` to `org-babel-load-languages`. I mean, it is entirely 
possible that I did, in some other context. I think it's just a matter 
of having bash in your path.

#+begin_src sh :results verbatim

  $SHELL --version


: GNU bash, version 5.1.8(1)-release (x86_64-pc-msys)
: Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
: License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 

: This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.
: There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.



"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Re: [BUG] org-element--cache: Cache corruption [9.5, (release_9.5-255-g54da1d @, c:/Users/micha/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/org-new/org-mode/lisp/)]

2021-11-23 Thread Michael Powe


I pulled the latest this evening. I expect we'll be fine. I wish all 
packages were as well-behaved as org.



On 11/22/2021 06:42, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Michael Powe  writes:

Error message:

"Warning (emacs): org-element--cache: Cache corruption detected in Resetting.
   The error was: (error "rx ‘**’ range error")
   Please report this to Org mode mailing list""


Thanks! After 17d4b31a8, you should hopefully not see this error. I am
not 100% sure though. Please, followup on this thread if you keep seeing
the same rx range error after update to latest main.


"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

[BUG] org-element--cache: Cache corruption [9.5, (release_9.5-255-g54da1d @, c:/Users/micha/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/org-new/org-mode/lisp/)]

2021-11-21 Thread Michael Powe
["mailto" browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"])
       ("https" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302%4Q%2\"\207" 
["https" browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"])
       ("http" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302%4Q%2\"\207" ["http" 
browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"])
       ("ftp" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302%4Q%2\"\207" ["ftp" 
browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"])
       ("help" :follow org-link--open-help :store 
       ("file" :complete org-link-complete-file) ("elisp" 
:follow org-link--open-elisp))

 org-fancy-priorities-list '((65 . "High") (66 . "Medium") (67 . "Low"))
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
 org-src-lang-modes '(("redis" . redis) ("php" . php) ("arduino" . 
arduino) ("C" . c) ("C++" . c++) ("asymptote" . asy)
      ("bash" . sh) ("beamer" . latex) ("calc" . fundamental) 
("cpp" . c++) ("ditaa" . artist)
      ("dot" . fundamental) ("elisp" . emacs-lisp) ("ocaml" . 
tuareg) ("screen" . shell-script)

      ("shell" . sh) ("sqlite" . sql))
 org-superstar-item-bullet-alist '((42 . 8226) (43 . 10148) (45 . 167))

"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA

Re: Fwd: [BUG] org-save-all-org-buffers reapplies startup visibility [9.5 (release_9.5 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.0.50/lisp/org/)]

2021-10-05 Thread Michael Powe

forgot to hit 'reply all.'

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Re: [BUG] org-save-all-org-buffers reapplies startup
visibility [9.5 (release_9.5 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.0.50/lisp/org/)]
Date:   Tue, 5 Oct 2021 15:47:42 -0400
From:   Michael Powe 
To: Bhavin Gandhi 


I hesitate to reply, but here's a report from Windows 10.

works as expected
C:\Emacs\emacs-28\bin\runemacs.exe -Q -L
C:\Users\micha\AppData\Roaming\.emacs.d\elpa\org-9.5\ 'G:\My
GNU Emacs 28.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2021-08-11
Org mode version 9.5 (9.5-g0a86ad @

Now for the bad news.

does not save files at all!
C:\Emacs\emacs29\bin\runemacs.exe -Q 'G:\My Drive\org\'
GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2021-10-02
Org mode version 9.5 (release_9.5 @

Upon invoking the save, contents of the file shift to the left, then
shift back; and that's it.



Bhavin Gandhi wrote on 10/5/2021 13:53:
> Hello Marcel,
> On Tue, 5 Oct 2021 at 19:14, Marcel van der Boom  wrote:
>> […]
>> - emacs -Q
>> - make sure the outline is unfolded
>> - make a change so is 'dirty'
>> - M-x org-save-all-org-buffers
>> Observed behaviour:
>> The outline in will collapse and only show 'Header one'
>> Expected behaviour:
>> Outline state does not change on calling `org-save-all-buffers`
> I tried to follow the above steps with Emacs 27.1, and Org mode latest
> main branch as well as the release_9.5 tag. The only different step I
> took was this:
> emacs -Q -L ~/src/org-mode/lisp/ ~/
> When I modify the and call org-save-all-org-buffers, all the
> headings remain unfolded. I tried to switch to a different buffer and
> called the function, but still it remained in overview state. Maybe
> someone with the latest Emacs build from master can try to reproduce?

Sent from Postbox <>

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Error with org-update-dblock

2021-01-15 Thread Michael Powe

After logging some clock time, I used the normal key combination, C-u C-c
C-x C-u to update my timesheet tables, and received this error message.

org-update-dblock: Symbol’s function definition is void:

This message is returned also from manually calling the function.

Org mode version 9.3 (release_9.3 @ /usr/share/emacs/27.1/lisp/org/)
GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-suse-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.22, cairo
version 1.16.0)

Well, after recovering from my horror at losing my timesheets for a day's
work, I was able to track down the problem: the function is case sensitive.
At some point, (apparently) I fat-fingered a key combo & upcased the mode
line for two tables. After returning them to l-case, all worked as it

I dunno - should the function be case insensitive?

I love this tool. Now that my pulse has returned to normal. Once, it even
saved me from unpleasant interviews in my manager's office.



"Do not neglect to do good, and to share what you have." - Hebrews 13:16a
Michael Powe
Naugatuck CT USA
503.502.9582 mobile
203.490.6447 skype