Re: [orgmode] Better recurrence for SCHEDULED and DEADLINE

2024-08-19 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "IR" == Ihor Radchenko  writes:

IR> Note that we also have diary style timestamps with arbitrary
IR> logic of date selection.

The primary problem with those timestamps is that they cannot be marked
as DONE and disappear from agendas for the given date.  I think that
nth-dayofweek-in-month is the only case when I have to use them and it
would be nice to have “native” timestamps for that.

Re: Suggested Syntax for cancelled checkboxes: [-] as non-blocking dependency

2022-09-24 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "TC" == Tim Cross  writes:

TC> At any rate, at this point, I suspect this is something best
TC> handled in individual configurations rather than attempting to
TC> impose a specific interpretation on everyone. If someone needs
TC> help to write a simple command to 'toggle' checkbox
TC> cancellation, I'm sure asking here will get some assistance.

To have it well integrated, at least the following functionality is

- To change to and from the canceled state.

- To clear all the list items statuses.

- Making all the related functionality (blockers, agenda, …) to
  recognize when a task list with canceled items is finished.

- Making it well working with things like org-modern.

It’s fair to say the functionality is not suitable for implementation in
Org for some reason (too complicated, unclear how to do it properly,
almost nobody needs it, …) but let’s not pretend it’s something that can
be added to an individual configuration easily.  Not that the above
couldn’t be implemented privately but the effort would be significant
and the hack would be ugly (modifying org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c? uh) and
non-portable (different markups by different users).  My Org
configuration is already cluttered enough and I rather keep living
without this functionality than polluting it with additional hacks.

Re: Suggested Syntax for cancelled checkboxes: [-] as non-blocking dependency

2022-09-22 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "B" == Bastien   writes:

B> FWIW, I use this:

B> - [X] +This task will probably be canceled+

B> I don't think we should implement a new status for canceled
B> tasks.

Such a workaround doesn’t work well for lists that are to be re-used
next time or cleared when the whole task is repeating and is switched to
done.  Checkboxes can always be cleared easily using a single
rectangular command if there is no automatic mechanism but how to clear
the + marks?

A typical example would be my checklist for items to take with when
traveling.  Some of the items are already in my bag, some must be
inserted there and some are not needed this time.  Using +strike
through+ is cumbersome, defining a command for it doesn’t feel good, and
there is the problem of clearing the marks when re-using the list next
time.  Well, I do not store that particular list in a task node so I can
use [-] freely but it’s still inconsistent with the actual meaning
defined by Org.  Not that big deal but it would be nice to have an
official way to mark an item as not-applicable / canceled and not
blocking finishing the task.

Re: [BUG] LOGBOOK makes property search (in org-agenda) too slow(?)

2022-03-12 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "fmd" == fr ml@t-online de  writes:

fmd> I have just one headline and do a simple property search
fmd> (prop1="blah1") for the 'org-agenda', but this takes about 10
fmd> seconds!

Org versions from recent years don’t like large logbooks and don’t like
large files.  For agenda, org-super-agenda & org-ql provide solution,
they are generally much faster, don’t suffer from the logbook problem
and are also much powerful.

For other purposes, it can be more difficult.  For example, I had to
split my single org-drill file into multiple smaller files when editing
and using the file became unusable due to Org slowness in some new Org
version.  The increasing Org slowness is a limiting factor (and perhaps
the only limiting factor) of what can be done with Org.


Re: How do you manage complex project with Org-mode

2022-03-01 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "SG" == Sébastien Gendre  writes:

SG> But, as a student, I regularly have big and important projects
SG> to do for the school. The kind of project who need several days
SG> to be done, with deadlines too soon, and if you fail one them
SG> the consequences can be disastrous. And generally, I have to
SG> many of these project in the same time and not enough time to do
SG> all the work. So, I also need to follow the progress of each
SG> project to choose which is sufficiently advanced to be stop for
SG> the benefit of another less advanced project.

SG> And I don't know how to manage this kind of projects with
SG> Org-mode. How to do it, without failing a 6 days project because
SG> I spent to much time on something else and I have only 3 days
SG> left with 3 half-day important appointment I cannot cancel. I
SG> can't risk failing a single one of these project by trying. So,
SG> when I am in a period with a lot of these projects, I stop using
SG> Org-mode and concentrate on doing these project as fast as I
SG> can. And because I often have this kind of project, I spend most
SG> of the year without being able to use Org-mode.

Hi, I’d join the suggestion to keep things simple in the beginning.  My
task flow is different from yours but in order not to miss really
important things, I use the following:

- Deadlines, with longer in-advance warnings when needed (e.g. “-3w” in

- I use priority A for and only for stuff that is on risk of really bad
  consequences if not handled ASAP.  And I schedule such stuff to a
  future date if it doesn’t make sense to work on it now for any reason.

As for progress, I’d say that if you don’t know how far are you with
your short-term tasks and which of them require attention currently then
you might have a problem with your workflow.  Maybe you are too
overloaded or you don’t split your time among the tasks appropriately.
Org mode is a good tool to implement support for different workflows but
cannot help if a used workflow doesn’t work very well for you.  Again,
starting simple with Org mode and paying attention first to how you work
and how it could be improved generally might be a good idea (and a
life-long process for many of us).


Re: Build agenda asynchronously

2021-08-17 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "TC" == Tim Cross  writes:

TC> Personally, I took a different route. I keep the number of files
TC> which contribute to my agenda to a minimum and have an easy way
TC> to update/change that list. I can quickly switch agenda contexts
TC> depending on what I'm doing. 

It’s always advisable to restrict agenda sources to what’s actually
relevant.  But besides that, all my problems with agenda slowness were
resolved once I started to use org-super-agenda
(  It’s both more
powerful and much faster than the standard Org agenda.


Re: Habit error

2020-07-04 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "CB" == Colin Baxter  writes:

CB> Hello,
CB> With the latest pull of org-mode I now find habits are not displayed
CB> correctly in agenda. The graph bar is missing, with the error

CB> org-habit-insert-consistency-graphs: Wrong type argument:
CB> number-or-marker-p, nil

Hi, I've hit the same error.  It was introduced in commit
f471768a54d8921ff383516af6a605adc061af30 -- if all-done-dates is nil
(i.e. a new habit is introduced), it signals an error.

CB> - Begin debugger output --

CB> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p 
CB>   (org-habit-build-graph (737610 1 737613 4 nil ".+") (24292 37530
CB> 669050 863000) (24320 16922 669050 863000) (24329 31898 669050
CB> 863000))
CB>   (org-habit-insert-consistency-graphs)
CB>   (org-agenda-finalize)
CB>   (org-agenda-list nil)
CB>   (funcall-interactively org-agenda-list nil)
CB>   (call-interactively org-agenda-list)
CB>   (org-agenda nil)
CB>   (funcall-interactively org-agenda nil)
CB>   (call-interactively org-agenda nil nil)
CB>   (command-execute org-agenda)

CB> - End debugger output --

CB> The error does not occur with the 'built-in' Org mode version 9.3 for
CB> emacs-27.

CB> Best wishes,

CB> Colin.

CB> Colin Baxter

Re: [O] org-drill extremely slow with Org 9.2.5

2019-09-22 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "CH" == Christian Heinrich  
> writes:

CH> are all your headlines folded? 


CH> I found that running "M-x outline-show-all" before the first
CH> org- drill call resolves this issue for me with org 9.2 (but not
CH> with 9.3).

Indeed, cool, thank you for the tip.

CH> See also my analysis

The primary problem seems to be Org regressions.  IIRC, with Org 9.3,
it's enough to make a file with several thousand folded entries having
:ID: properties and the navigation becomes extremely slow.

CH> Are you aware of the new org-drill releases by Philipp Lord?

I wasn't, thank you for the pointer.  (However when I tried to install
it from MELPA, it installed a new Org with it, making it unusable.
Better to install it directly from the archive above.)


Re: [O] org-drill extremely slow with Org 9.2.5

2019-08-26 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "OK" == Oleh Krehel  writes:

OK> I noticed org-drill being slow three years ago when I tried to
OK> learn it.  So I wrote my own package:
OK>  It's quite fast: it takes
OK> 0.6s to sync my 3300 cards from the master Org file.  And
OK> day-to-day learning operations like building a schedule or
OK> fetching a card are instantaneous.  The master file is
OK> relatively small, since it stores no metadata: less than 1
OK> lines.  The metadata is stored per-card, each card is in its own
OK> file. The whole thing is backed by Git.  All your learning
OK> sessions are stored in commits as well.

OK> Check it out. It might have less features, but it's really fast
OK> and has served me well.

Hi Oleh, pamparam looks interesting, however the very first blocker of
adoption is that having to type the answers is slower than anything
else...  And not always feasible.

Nevertheless the concepts behind pamparam are interesting.  When I grep
all the :PROPERTIES: out of my org-drill file, Org can visit and
navigate the resulting file completely fine.  So the problem is how Org
deals with its properties.

I can see two options:

a) to fix Org property processing
b) to change org-drill to off-load metadata to a separate file

I'm afraid b) alone wouldn't help, since when I retain just :ID:
properties, then the file is unusably slow in Org.

[O] org-drill extremely slow with Org 9.2.5

2019-08-25 Thread Milan Zamazal
Hi, after upgrading from Org 9.1 to 9.2, org-drill has become extremely
slow.  org-drill has never been fast, but now it stops being usable.
Everything takes much more time than before -- running `M-x org-drill',
both for the first time and again, responding to drill queries, moving
over my Org file.

My org-drill Org file has over 4,000 entries and almost 50,000 lines.
With Org 9.1, it used to be usable after running `M-x org-drill' for the
first time in the given Emacs session; after the initial Org processing,
I could move over the entries relatively smoothly.  But this no longer
helps and org-drill itself is much slower too.

Is Org 9.2 no longer capable to handle (relatively) large files with a
lot of Org properties?  Are there any tricks to speed it up?

Thanks for any advice,

Re: [O] ANN: org-ql agenda block support

2019-08-25 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "AP" == Adam Porter  writes:

AP> FYI, I just pushed a new feature to org-ql: custom agenda
AP> blocks.  This allows the use of org-ql queries in custom agenda
AP> commands.


AP> Please let me know if you have any feedback.

Hi Adam,

thank you for the feature.  I looked at org-ql and org-super-agenda (for
the first time) and they look interesting.  So interesting that I've
decided to convert my agendas to it, with some improvements.  It took a
lot of effort and was sometimes tricky (although probably not more than
standard Org agendas) but the result is nice and worth it.

I've sent some feedback to the GitHub issue tracker.  On the positive
note, org-ql + org-super-agenda is superfast, agenda definitions are
much easier to read, they are also relatively easy to write (once one
finds out how) and I like the added flexibility.  Overall, I like it,
it's nice and useful, indeed something like org-agenda-ng.  Thank you
for your work!


Re: [O] org-drill vocabulary and question about properties

2019-07-31 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "GB" == Gerhard Butscher  writes:
GB> As far as I know the inner workings of org-drill are placed in
GB> the : PROPERTIES: section of the item. When I use
GB> :DRILL_CARD_TYPE: twosided then the item gets questioned some
GB> time in german and some time in spanish. But the PROPERTIES are
GB> still only once there. If I want to track the learning in both
GB> directions separately, I need to make two items for one word,
GB> once german-spanish and once spanish-german. Am I right?

AFAIK yes.

Re: [O] Customizing todo state for habits

2016-07-18 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "CL" == Clarissa Littler  writes:

CL> the default behavior of habits seems to be to, when completed,
CL> to revert the state to the first todo keyword in your listing
CL> but I want to have different todo states for different habits
CL> depending on the /kind/ of task it is.

Rules for repeated tasks apply, as described in Org manual, section
Repeated tasks, footnote 1.


Re: [O] Problems with org-drill

2016-05-04 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "MW" == Marco Wahl  writes:

MW> Sven Bretfeld  writes:
>> I don't know how many of you guys use org-drill as vocabulary
>> learning software. I have started some weeks ago to learn
>> Norwegian. The concept and flexibility of the extension (contrib)
>> are great. But there is a problem (bug?).
>> During drill-sessions empty cards continue to show up. About
>> 30-40% of the questions show an empty screen. These empty screens
>> are fully counted as cards in the mini-buffer counter. I use to
>> skip those "cards" with "s" but I have the feeling that this
>> skips real questions which just are not displayed properly. This
>> would mean I'm creating knowledge-gaps in each session.
>> Editing these cards with "e" doesn't seems to work. It only stops
>> the drill-session with the point in the line where I
>> started. There seems to be no rule involved in those "empty
>> screens" showing up. (But I have the feeling they often occur
>> after I give a card score (0-5) differing from the score of the
>> last question.) Neither can I see that there are malformed
>> entries which could explain the phenomenon.
>> Does anyone else have this problem and know how to fix it?

MW> Yes and you can remove the line

MW> (set-window-start nil window-start)

MW> from defun org-toggle-latex-fragment in org.el for a fix.  I use
MW> this fix for a while and have not seen any (unwanted) side
MW> effects yet.

MW> The real issue may be somewhere else though.

Anything new about this problem?  I also experience the bug, it's still
present and I have to remove the given line on any Org update. :-(

Re: [O] problems with auto-capitalise

2016-04-29 Thread Milan Zamazal
Do you use desktop.el?  I experienced similar problems with it.  I don't
remember the details but I've got the following in my Emacs
configuration that probably serves as my workaround of the problem:

  (add-to-list 'desktop-minor-mode-handlers
   '(auto-capitalize . (lambda (desktop-buffer-locals) 
(auto-capitalize-mode 1


Re: [O] Org-drill doesn't work...

2012-01-06 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "JK" == Joost Kremers  writes:

JK> but org-drill isn't picking up the new entries. i've added a
JK> bunch of new entries to the file and they've all been given an
JK> :ID: property, but they are not being drilled. i'm sure i'm
JK> doing something wrong here, but i can't figure out what...

It may happen if there is some problem with the contents of the entries
("unrecognized" items are silently skipped).  I was hit by a similar
problem but once I realized what's wrong, org-drill started to work
perfectly for me.

If you've successfully learned some entries previously, make sure the
new entries are of the same format.  If you're not successful, post some
of the ignored entries here.

Re: [O] Org-drill doesn't work...

2011-12-28 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "JK" == Joost Kremers  writes:

JK> however, trying to run org-drill the next day, i got the
JK> following message:


JK> 0 items reviewed. Session duration 0:00:00.
JK> Recall of reviewed items:
JK>  Excellent (5):   0%   |   Near miss (2):0%
JK>  Good (4):0%   |   Failure (1):  0%
JK>  Hard (3):0%   |   Abject failure (0):   0%

JK> You successfully recalled 0% of reviewed items (quality > 2)
JK> 0/1 items still await review (0 failed, 0 overdue, 0 new, 0 young, 0 
JK> Tomorrow, 0 more items will become due for review.
JK> Session finished. Press a key to continue...


JK> i wasn't prompted for any new items and the message "tomorrow, 0
JK> more items will become due for review" worries me.

JK> also, running org-drill-again gives me the same message.

This is all right.  You've just learned all the items and there is
nothing to learn/repeat now.  Nor tomorrow, there is minimum amount of 4
days by default before you are prompted for the same item again (I
believe you can customize the interval with
org-drill-sm5-initial-interval).  In the meantime you can add and train
new entries. :-)

Re: [O] [PATCH] Create visibility overlays properly

2011-11-12 Thread Milan Zamazal
Any chance to get this patch applied?  Or is there anything wrong with

* org.el (org-set-outline-overlay-data): Use outline-flag-region to make a
region invisible.  This ensures all necessary actions, especially adding
isearch-open-invisible property, are applied.
 lisp/org.el |3 +--
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index a75f96e..c4196e8 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -6599,8 +6599,7 @@ DATA should have been made by `org-outline-overlay-data'."
(mapc (lambda (c)
-   (setq o (make-overlay (car c) (cdr c)))
-   (overlay-put o 'invisible 'outline))
+   (outline-flag-region (car c) (cdr c) t))
 ;;; Folding of blocks


[O] [PATCH] Create visibility overlays properly

2011-10-31 Thread Milan Zamazal
* org.el (org-set-outline-overlay-data): Use outline-flag-region to make a
region invisible.  This ensures all necessary actions, especially adding
isearch-open-invisible property, are applied.
 lisp/org.el |3 +--
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index a75f96e..c4196e8 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -6599,8 +6599,7 @@ DATA should have been made by `org-outline-overlay-data'."
(mapc (lambda (c)
-   (setq o (make-overlay (car c) (cdr c)))
-   (overlay-put o 'invisible 'outline))
+   (outline-flag-region (car c) (cdr c) t))
 ;;; Folding of blocks

[O] org-save-outline-visibility and isearch

2011-10-27 Thread Milan Zamazal
After using org-save-outline-visibility the invisible parts of the
buffer become invisible to isearch.  I have to do something like calling
org-global-cycle to restore the buffer to its original state and allow
searching in its invisible parts again.

The problem seems to be in the functions org-outline-overlay-data and
org-set-outline-overlay-data.  They save and restore just `invisible'
overlays.  They should do the same with `isearch-open-invisible'
overlays.  Or perhaps org-set-outline-overlay-data could simply use

What do you think?

Re: [O] Largest org file you have + performance

2011-08-04 Thread Milan Zamazal
My largest org file is an org-drill file of almost 1 MB size, containing
about 32000 lines (most of them are entry properties) and 2000 org-drill
entries.  It's well useable but tag and property editing is better to be
done by hand instead of using org commands and I have to use some
folding trick to prevent org-drill performance problems.

[O] Re: [PATCH] European date format

2011-03-04 Thread Milan Zamazal
> "ND" == Nick Dokos  writes:

ND> The problem with the required final trailing dot (if you want to
ND> leave out the year) is that it is not obvious - at least to me:
ND> the equivalent ISO would be "-03-04" and the equivalent American
ND> would be "3/4/" which look horrible - however, I don't know what
ND> the general practice is in Europe.

The dots are not separators, they mark ordinal numbers.  And at least
here in Czech Republic the correct typeset form is e.g. "4. 3. 2011"
although the compact form "4.3.2011" is often used.