[Orgmode] Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el

2010-06-16 Thread Paul Chany

I have setup custom-variable 'browse-url-browser-function' to
'w3m-browse-url' but it works only with links 'http://etc./index.html

When in an org file have a link 'file:///path/index.html' I want to open
it with w3m-browse-url too but don't know how to setup this?

I tried setup the customn-variable
'(org-file-apps (quote ((auto-mode . emacs) (\\.x?html?\\'
. w3m-browse-url) (\\.pdf\\' . default

but this doesn't work. I don't know how to write the Lisp form to this
to work?

How can I setup org-file-apps to open a html file with w3m-el?

Any advices will be appreciated!

Paul Chany
You can freely correct my English.

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[Orgmode] How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?

2010-06-07 Thread Paul Chany

I have installed GNU Emacs 23.1.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu) of 2009-11-02 on
raven, modified by Debian.

In my .org files I have external links and want to open these pages in
Emacs W3m browser.
How can I setup variables to get this to work?

I have so far the following setup in my .emacs file:
 '(browse-url-browser-function (quote browse-url-w3))
 '(browse-url-new-window-flag t)

When I want to open such a link with C-c C-o I get message:
Cannot open load file: w3

Any advices will be appreciated!

Paul Chany
You can freely correct my English.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Can't open source.c file following the link to it

2010-01-06 Thread Paul Chany

in an org file within org-mode I create a link to a source.c file, but
can't to open it from org-mode. Why?
How can I setup org-mode to achieve this feature?

Any advices will be appreciated!

Regards, Paul Chany
You can freely correct me in my English.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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