Re: [O] org-mobile-pull not syncing back changes

2014-04-30 Thread Steve Dowe
On 29 April 2014 13:36, Bastien  wrote:

> If you haven't already, perhaps you can fill an issue here:

Hi Bastien,

Thanks for the suggestion.

I've been digging around and found it was actually some code in my .emacs
file causing this not to work (although it used to previously).

The code was to automatically push/pull orgmode updates. I have since
commented out the section that seemed to conflict, although I'm not sure
why at the moment.

As you'll see, I haz copy and paste... :-)  I'm no elisp guru, although now
that I have a little problem, it's good motivation to learn.

;; automatic org-mobile-push -

;; add hooks for org-mobile-push/pull
;; from:

(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'org-mobile-pull)

;; but don't necessarily re-enable this, unless desired (last setting was:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'org-mobile-push)

;;; --- this section stopped org-mobile-pull picking up changes
;;; --- also stopped from being emptied after items copied
from it
;; in case I'm "idle" :)
;(defvar my-org-mobile-sync-timer nil)
;(defvar my-org-mobile-sync-secs (* 60 20))

;(defun my-org-mobile-sync-pull-and-push ()
;  (org-mobile-pull)
;  (org-mobile-push)
;  (when (fboundp 'sauron-add-event)
;(sauron-add-event 'my 3 "Called org-mobile-pull and org-mobile-push")))

;(defun my-org-mobile-sync-start ()
;  "Start automated `org-mobile-push'"
;  (interactive)
;  (setq my-org-mobile-sync-timer
;(run-with-idle-timer my-org-mobile-sync-secs t
; 'my-org-mobile-sync-pull-and-push)))

;(defun my-org-mobile-sync-stop ()
;  "Stop automated `org-mobile-push'"
;  (interactive)
;  (cancel-timer my-org-mobile-sync-timer))

;; (my-org-mobile-sync-start)

; ;; add after saving an org file
; (add-hook
;  'org-mode-hook
;  (lambda nil
;(add-hook 'after-save-hook
;  (lambda nil (org-mobile-push))
;  nil 'local))) ;Only in the current buffer

;;; --- end troublesome section ---

;; end automatic org-mobile-push -

Best wishes,

[O] org-mobile-pull not syncing back changes

2014-04-26 Thread Steve Dowe

I seem to have a weird issue with org mobile sync.

Changes from my laptop save fine into my sync files in Dropbox, and get
pulled into the mobile app fine too.  The problem occurs when making a
change on mobile and syncing back. The file gets written
correctly on the phone's Dropbox and arrives on the laptop ok, and when I
execute M-x org-mobile-pull, my designated gets updated by Emacs
after it reads in the changes.  So far so good, from what I
can tell.

The problem itself is that my org files then don't get updated with the
changes in never seems to get processed.  I have
cleared it out and started with a single change - simply an addition of a
TODO in one file, from the mobile app, and it never gets written to that

Here are the pertinent bits of my .emacs :

(setq org-agenda-files (list "~/org/"

;; mobileOrg
(setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/orgsync")
(setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/org/")

I'm using Emacs 24.3.1 on Debian Wheezy (although the same problem occurs
with this distro's default Emacs 23 too) and matburt's mobileorg on

Been putting off posting to the list in a vain effort to resolve this but I
guess I'm missing something obvious...


Re: [O] Basic question re. spreadsheet function

2014-01-09 Thread Steve Dowe
On Thu, 2014-01-09 at 09:04 -0500, Nick Dokos wrote:
> Until those are fixed, you can consult the org-mode manual on your own
> machine using emacs Info: C-h i should get you to the initial page and
> you can drill down. But Info offers search as well and it's integrated
> with emacs so e.g. if you evaluate this form in emacs, you'll get to
> the appropriate section:
> (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc")
> You can then follow the links to the calc documentation.

Thanks for this.  It appears I don't have an org info page installed,
which will be my next challenge :)

I must admit, I need to get more into the habit of consulting Emacs' own
help system.  Thanks for reminding me of it.


Re: [O] Basic question re. spreadsheet function

2014-01-09 Thread Steve Dowe
On Thu, 2014-01-09 at 16:36 +0100, Michael Brand wrote:

> Follow this path: > Tutorials > Tutorials on
> specific features > Tables, Spreadsheet, Plotting > The following are
> [...] > most of the automated Emacs Regression Tests (ERT) for Org
> tables

Wow.. it would have taken a long while for me to find this!

> There you will find test-org-table/compare and there if("$1" == "(z)",
> x, y) which hopefully answers your question. The additional
> parentheses are Org specific, not Calc specific.

It perfectly answers the question.  Thank you.

Lots to discover on worg, evidently!


[O] Basic question re. spreadsheet function

2014-01-09 Thread Steve Dowe
Hi all,

I'm testing out whether I can use a table in org as a project status
tracker.  In col 6, I have the value of the project (e.g. 162.50) and in
col 9, the status (e.g. quoted, approved, invoiced, closed, etc.)

I would like to see, at a glance, what the value of quoted work is, so I'm
currently doing this in col 12 (pasted from formula editor):

# Column Formulas
$12 = if($9=quoted,$6,0)

( Col 9 in this instance contains "closed" and Col 6 contains 162.50. )

This formula results in the text

 closed = quoted ? 162.5 : 0

being displayed in col 12.  However, in another row where the col 9 does
have the text "quoted", I get pretty much the result I'm looking for, e.g.
"400." will appear in col 12 where I have 400.00 in col 6.

In the instance where the if test proves false, I would like a zero or
nothing appearing.  The intention is to sum this column in a footer row.

I have consulted
it contains a dead link ( -
making it harder to RTFM :-)
