[O] Show all timestamps in agenda custom command

2017-05-24 Thread Thorsten Grothe

I would like to generate a agenda custom command which shows me always
*all* timestamps (with deadline and scheduled too) of todo items.

See this examples:

For this entry it works fine:
** TODO <2017-05-29 Mo> Test entry

it looks like this:
  TODO <2017-05-29> Test entry
but not for scheduled entries like this with linebreak:

** TODO Test
SCHEDULED: <2017-05-24 Mi>

Org agenda only shows this:
SCHULE Test → where's the timestamp?

I would like the see the timestamp like in the example above.

This is my agenda custom command so far:

("s" "Schule" todo "SCHULE"
   ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Schule")
(org-agenda-prefix-format "○  %t%s")
(org-agenda-entry-types '(:scheduled))

what can I do to solve this problem?


Thorsten Grothe

Re: [O] Sverweis like function for orgtbl

2015-02-16 Thread Thorsten Grothe
Thank you John and Michael for your suggestions, I will see if my 
knowledge is wide enough to understand this, unfortunately I'm a emacs 
newbie :-)

Anyway I will answer after testing your suggestions!


[O] Sverweis like function for orgtbl

2015-02-16 Thread Thorsten Grothe
Dear Org-users,

I got this table:

| Menge (x) | P(x) |   E(x) |   K(x) |  Gewinn |
| 0 |   20 | 0.00   | 140.00 | -140.00 |
|10 |   18 | 180.00 | 180.00 | 0.00|
|20 |   16 | 320.00 | 220.00 | 100.00  |
|30 |   14 | 420.00 | 260.00 | 160.00  |

and would like to find the highest value in the column "Gewinn" = 160 go 
two cells left to E(x), read out the value (420) and put this in a remote 
orgtbl. This is something similar to Sverweis in Excel.

I found no predefined function for orgtbl, is it possible?

Thanks in advance!


[O] Command for "Set field formula" in radiotables

2014-11-05 Thread Thorsten Grothe
Hello List,

I'm trying to assign a new shortcut for the function "Set field formula", 
but what is the command for that function? For "Set column formula" it is 
org-table-eval-formula &optional but I cannot find the command for the 
above function? What I'm doing wrong?

Thorsten Grothe

Re: [O] Help with column formula in radiotable

2014-08-31 Thread Thorsten Grothe

Am 31.08.2014 um 09:59 schrieb Christian Moe:

Here I add a formula to set the first row to 0.

I testet your formular and it works fine! Thank you very much for your 


Re: [O] Help with column formula in radiotable

2014-08-31 Thread Thorsten Grothe

Am 31.08.2014 um 09:59 schrieb Christian Moe:

Oops, I did misunderstand. I think this is what you wanted:

| ! | Jahr | Menge | Preis |  BIPn |  BIPr | W |
| # |1 |10 |   2.8 | 28.00 | 0 |   |
| # |2 |12 |   0.7 |  8.40 | 33.60 |   |
| # |3 | 4 |  4.00 | 16.00 |  2.80 |   |
| _ |  |   |   |  suma |  sumb |   |
|   |  |   |   | 52.40 |  36.4 |   |
#+TBLFM: $6=$3*@-1$4;%.2f::@2$6=0::$sumb=vsum(@II..@III)

Here I add a formula to set the first row to 0.

Christian, thank you for your help, I'm out now and will report later!!


Re: [O] Help with column formula in radiotable

2014-08-31 Thread Thorsten Grothe

No one an idea?

Thorsten Grothe

[O] Help with column formula in radiotable

2014-08-30 Thread Thorsten Grothe


I would like to assign a relative column formular for the 6 column (name 
= BIPr).

The formular should start in the *second field* of column 3 (value = 12) 
and multiply it with *first value of column* 4 (value = 2.8) etc. like this:

12 * 2.8
4 * 0.7

| ! | Jahr | Menge | Preis |  BIPn |  BIPr | W |
| # |1 |10 |   2.8 | 28.00 | 0 |   |
| # |2 |12 |   0.7 |  8.40 |   |   |
| # |3 | 4 |  4.00 | 16.00 |   |   |
| _ |  |   |   |  suma |  sumb |   |
|   |  |   |   | 52.40 | 16.00 |   |

How can I do this?

Thanks in advance for your help!!

Thorsten Grothe

Re: [O] Columns with marking characters are exported to latex (Org 8)

2014-08-20 Thread Thorsten Grothe

* Nick Dokos, 20.08.2014 18:34:15:

That leaves the somewhat counterintuitive case of a completely empty
first column which is therefore deemed special and gets stripped. This
could be "fixed" as a special case but instead I propose to document that
behaviour in the above section, with a suggested workaround: if you
really, really want an empty first column, then add a second one.

this is a programming problem, which exceeds by far my horizons, so I 
can not say much about this, it was just important for me to point out 
the problem, sorry, I think here I can not help . but of course I 
can live with your solution no matter what it looks like...


 * Deutsch - erkannt
 * Englisch

 * Englisch


Re: [O] Columns with marking characters are exported to latex (Org 8)

2014-08-18 Thread Thorsten Grothe

Hallo Nick,

* Nick Dokos, 19.08.2014 00:13:53:

Sorry - disregard that. I didn't test with radio tables, I just did a
straight export. I'll try radio tables later.

the attached file is a showing the latex code after the export from 
orgtbl -- see the result, I made some small comments on it...




#+ORGTBL: SEND Test orgtbl-to-latex
|   |A |B |
| / |6 |2 |
| / |4 |9 |
| _ | suma | sumb |
|   |   10 |   11 |
#+TBLFM: $suma=vsum(@I..@II)::$sumb=vsum(@I..@II)

 & A & B \\
/ & 6 & 2 \\ % see here
/ & 4 & 9 \\ % see here
$\backslash$$_$ & suma & sumb \\ % see here
 & 10 & 11 \\


[O] Columns with marking characters are exported to latex (Org 8)

2014-08-18 Thread Thorsten Grothe

Hello List,

I'm running here the maint branch of Org-Mode (8.2.7c). I installed it 
with git.

I tried to export this table to latex:

#+ORGTBL: SEND Test orgtbl-to-latex :skip 1 :splice t
|   |A |B |
|   |6 |2 |
|   |4 |9 |
| _ | suma | sumb |
|   |   10 |   11 |
#+TBLFM: $suma=vsum(@I..@II)::$sumb=vsum(@I..@II)

and got the following result:

 & 6 & 2 \\
 & 4 & 9 \\
$\backslash$$_$ & suma & sumb \\
 & 10 & 11 \\

as you can see the first column of the table is exported to latex. 
Normally columns with marking characters are *not* exported to latex. Is 
this a bug?

Thanks in advance!



Re: [O] Org 8 Bug in interactive formula editing mode?

2014-07-22 Thread Thorsten Grothe
> Can you please try this patch out and report whether it
> works or not and whether it causes any other problems?
> I'm not sure if Bastien is around to vet it, but if it
> seems to work for you, I can push it and deal with any
> other breakage later.

Seems to work here, the error is gone, very nice !!!

Th. Grothe

Re: [O] Org 8 Bug in interactive formula editing mode?

2014-07-22 Thread Thorsten Grothe
> I believe that you'll have to live with the problem for a while: it
> might be easy to fix or it might be difficult but until somebody takes a
> deeper look, we won't know for sure.

Of course I can live with that, we are on open source here and here are many
people like you doing a great big job!! It was only important for me to report
this strange behavior :-)

Th. Grothe

Re: [O] Org 8 Bug in interactive formula editing mode?

2014-07-22 Thread Thorsten Grothe
> If the frame is bigger than about 50 lines (so that after C-c ', it's
> big enough to show the whole table, including the formula and the empty
> line underneath it) then I don't see the problem.

Thank you very much for your instructions!

yes you are right for the org file. I tested Roberts example with your
instructions and after resizing the formula frame a bit it works but
unfortunately this does not work with my attached tex file. For the first table
it works but for the two other tables it does not work even not if I try to
resize the formula window, so that I can see the whole table and the formula
line, sorry about that :-) I throws me to the end of the buffer again, funny
thing :-)

Th. Grothe\documentclass[%

% Schriften

% Optischer Randausgleich

% Datenbank
% nosolutions

% Titel
\author{Th. Grothe}


  \item\PTs{6} \ldots die folgenden Geschäftsfälle
#+TBLNAME: sec-umsatzsteuer
#+ORGTBL: SEND sec-umsatzsteuer orgtbl-to-latex :skip 2 :splice t :lend "\\SThiderow"
|  Wert | UST/VST | gesamt |
| 1 |1900 |  11900 |
| 2 |3800 |  23800 |
#+TBLFM: $2=round($1*19/100,2)::$3=$1+$2

	#+TBLNAME: sec-umsatzsteuer-3
#+ORGTBL: SEND sec-umsatzsteuer-3 orgtbl-to-latex :skip 2 :splice t 
|| Kto   |  Soll | Haben |
|| AW. Rohstoffe | 1 |   |
|| Vorsteuer |  1900 |   |
| an | Vall  |   | 11900 |
#+TBLFM: @2$3=remote(sec-umsatzsteuer,@2$1)::@3$3=remote(sec-umsatzsteuer,@2$2)::@4$4=remote(sec-umsatzsteuer,@2$3)

#+TBLNAME: sec-umsatzsteuer-5
#+ORGTBL: SEND sec-umsatzsteuer-5 orgtbl-to-latex :skip 2 :splice t :hline "\\cmidrule(lr){2-2}"
|| Kto|  Soll | Haben |
|| Bank   | 23800 |   |
| an | Umsatzerl. |   | 2 |
| an | Umsatzst.  |   |  3800 |
#+TBLFM: @2$3=remote(sec-umsatzsteuer,@3$3)::@3$4=remote(sec-umsatzsteuer,@3$1)::@4$4=remote(sec-umsatzsteuer,@3$2)



Re: [O] Org 8 Bug in interactive formula editing mode?

2014-07-22 Thread Thorsten Grothe
> Now, when I go down to the first formula whose referenced field(s) are
> not visible, the cursor in the org file jumps to the end of the file
> which is then displayed at the upper end of the tabletest.org buffer window.
> In "sufficient" long org files the visible cursor jumps to the end of
> the org file buffer as soon as you navigate to a line with a formula in
> the *Edit Formulae* buffer window.

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who has this problem. I tested the
file with the same result. Editing formulas works fine until line @4$4 see link
with uploaded screenshot 1:


from @5$4 to the end emacs jumps to the end of buffer 
see link with uploaded screenshot 2:


Th. Grothe

Re: [O] Org 8 Bug in interactive formula editing mode?

2014-07-21 Thread Thorsten Grothe
New test: 

I set up a minimal .emcas only for orgmode like this:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/lisp")
(require 'org)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org\\'" . org-mode))
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'orgtbl-mode)
(add-hook 'message-mode-hook 'turn-on-orgtbl)

My .emacs.d folder contains only the downloaded org files from git, same error 

Th. Grothe

Re: [O] Org 8 Bug in interactive formula editing mode?

2014-07-21 Thread Thorsten Grothe
Ok I installed the git-version, the patch is working and export to latex works
fine, but the thing with the formulas still resist, this does not happen with
org-8.2.6 (without patch). I don't know what do do now. Maybe it has something
to do with emacs and not with org?

Thanks again for your endless patience for people like me :-)

Th. Grothe

Re: [O] Org 8 Bug in interactive formula editing mode?

2014-07-21 Thread Thorsten Grothe

sorry for the confusion, you are right, I was not clear ...

> I don't understand what you did exactly: you installed a new version.
> Does that version include the patch? Check org-table.el around line 439:
> if the function just has a `lines' argument then it most likely includes
> the patch. I hope you did not try to apply the patch on top of that.
> If you did, go back, throw away the patch file (it's not useful any
> longer), and reinstall.

Ok I did the following and found something strange:

First I installed 8.2.7b.zip and installed it in my homedir (without) patch and
I found out the same error: Edit formulas C-c ' throws me to the end of another
line and I cannot see the formula anymore as I wrote above.

After that I installed org-8.2.6, an older version, in my homedir (without
patch) and everything works fine, emacs jumps from field to field in the

So I was wrong, it has nothing to do with the patch, there is something
different between version org-8.7b and version 8.6.0, which produces this
error I guess.

I will now try to install your version from latest maint, see what happens and

Th. Grothe

Re: [O] Org 8 Bug in interactive formula editing mode?

2014-07-21 Thread Thorsten Grothe

> Nope - I tried to reproduce it with latest (both master and maint) and
> could not, so I suspect an error in your configuration.

I think I found the problem, it happened after I patched the file with your
patch from the thread above:

diff --git a/lisp/org-table.el b/lisp/org-table.el
index d7ef615..864493e 100644
--- a/lisp/org-table.el
+++ b/lisp/org-table.el
@@ -447,8 +447,8 @@ available parameters."
   "Check if the table has a marking column.
 If yes remove the column and the special lines."
   (let ((special (if maybe-quoted
-"^[ \t]*| *?[\#!$*_^/ ] *|"
-  "^[ \t]*| *[\#!$*_^/ ] *|"))
+"^[ \t]*| *?[\#!$*_^/] *|"
+  "^[ \t]*| *[\#!$*_^/] *|"))
(ignore  (if maybe-quoted
 "^[ \t]*| *?[!$_^/] *|"
   "^[ \t]*| *[!$_^/] *|")))

I tried to recover the saved file table.el.orig and everything works fine, so it
is something with the patch, right? What did I wrong ??

Th. Grothe

Re: [O] Org 8 Bug in interactive formula editing mode?

2014-07-21 Thread Thorsten Grothe
Dear list,

no one an idea?

Thanks in advance :-)

Th. Grothe

[O] Org 8 Bug in interactive formula editing mode?

2014-07-21 Thread Thorsten Grothe
Dear list,

I downloaded and installed the latest stable orgmode in my local homedir, typed
make all in a shell and put the following in my .emacs

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/src/org-8.2.7b/lisp")(require 'org-install)

org-version displays the correct org-mode, so everything is fine.

Now I created a table like this:

#+TBLNAME: sec-umsatzsteuer
#+ORGTBL: SEND sec-umsatzsteuer orgtbl-to-latex :skip 2 :splice 
|  Wert | UST/VST | gesamt |
| 15000 |2850 |  17850 |
| 8 |   15200 |  95200 |
#+TBLFM: $2=round($1*19/100,2)::$3=$1+$2

when I try to edit table formulas interactive with C-c ' emacs jumps to an
empty line at the end of the buffer and not to the formula in the table.

Does anyone have an idea?

Th. Grothe

Re: [O] orgtbl export to latex :fmt() fails

2014-07-18 Thread Thorsten Grothe

> ...
> $ patch -p1 < /tmp/org-table-clean-before-export.patch
> I got the following output when I did that against maint - you
> might get slightly different output:
> ...

yipieehhh it works, it was a lot of fiddling for a emacs newbe like me but now
I got it. I will test and report!

Thank you very much for your help!!

Th. Grothe

Re: [O] orgtbl export to latex :fmt() fails

2014-07-18 Thread Thorsten Grothe

thanks for  your patience :-)

> It depends on how exactly you installed: from git, from elpa, from a
> tarball, using the org mode that came with your emacs, some other way?
> (...)

I installed orgmode now from elpa (org-plus-contrib) in my local homedir. So is
there another way to apply your patch or do I  have to copy and paste the

Thank you!

Th. Grothe

Re: [O] orgtbl export to latex :fmt() fails

2014-07-17 Thread Thorsten Grothe

> Nothing - there is a bug in org-table.el:org-table-clean-before-export
> where the regexp that matches special chars in the first column (see
>   (info "(org)Advanced features")
> for the details) inadvertently matches "| | | | 3900|" and deletes the
> first column. The regexp is set like this:
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>   (let ((special (if maybe-quoted
>"^[ \t]*| *?[\#!$*_^/ ] *|"
>  "^[ \t]*| *[\#!$*_^/ ] *|"))
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> and in each case I think that the space inside the second [...] is
> spurious.
> So try this patch:
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> diff --git a/lisp/org-table.el b/lisp/org-table.el
> index d7ef615..864493e 100644
> --- a/lisp/org-table.el
> +++ b/lisp/org-table.el
> @@ -447,8 +447,8 @@ available parameters."
>"Check if the table has a marking column.
>  If yes remove the column and the special lines."
>(let ((special (if maybe-quoted
> -  "^[ \t]*| *?[\#!$*_^/ ] *|"
> -"^[ \t]*| *[\#!$*_^/ ] *|"))
> +  "^[ \t]*| *?[\#!$*_^/] *|"
> +"^[ \t]*| *[\#!$*_^/] *|"))
>   (ignore  (if maybe-quoted
>"^[ \t]*| *?[!$_^/] *|"
>  "^[ \t]*| *[!$_^/] *|")))
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> I think it's OK for the non-quoted case, but I'm not sure
> about the quoted case (maybe-quotes is t). If there are no
> objections, I'll push it later on tonight.
> Just to be sure: this is a bug, so it should be committed
> to the maint branch and then a merge should be done onto master -
> correct?

thank you very much for your response, well I'm not an emacs guru, so my simple
question is, how to apply this patch? I'm working with archlinux here and I
installed orgmode systemwide not locally, I guess I should first install it in
my local homedir and than patch it, but how?

Sorry about this simple question :-)

Th. Grothe

[O] orgtbl export to latex :fmt() fails

2014-07-17 Thread Thorsten Grothe
Hi List,

I have a problem with a orgtbl which I would like to export with certain
options to latex.

The table looks like this:

#+TBLNAME: test
#+ORGTBL: SEND test orgtbl-to-latex :skip 2 :splice t :fmt (4"\\num{%s}")

| Soll |   |  | Haben |
|  |   |  | 39000 |

I would like to export the 4 column of the table with the latex \num{} tag,
see :fmt (4"\\num{%s}"), I got this from the manual.

this works fine but *only* if the first column is *not* empty like so:

| Soll |   |  | Haben |
|  0   |   |  | 39000 |

0 &  &  & \num{39000} \\

if the first column is *empty* the result looks like this:

| Soll |   |  | Haben |
|  |   |  | 39000 |

&  & 39000 \\

the \num{} tag is not exported and one "&" in the table is missing.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong???

Thanks in advance for your help!!

Th. Grothe

[O] orgtbl export linbread source code possible?

2014-02-28 Thread Thorsten Grothe
Dear List,

I have an org-radio table which I would like to export to latex. The
table header looks like this:

#+ORGTBL: SEND sec-6 orgtbl-to-latex :skip 3 :splice t :lend

as you can see there are a lot of \cmidrules in the code which are exported to
one long latex line like this:


is it possible to add a linbreak after two or three \cmidrule commands so that
it looks like this

[tabular code]
\cmidrule(lr){4-5}\cmidrule(lr){5-5} [linebreak]
\cmidrule(lr){6-6}\cmidrule(lr){7-7} [linebreak]


Thanks in advance!

Thorsten Grothe

[O] orgtbl export linbreak source code possible?

2014-02-27 Thread Thorsten Grothe
Dear List,

I have an org-radio table which I would like to export to latex. The
table header looks like this:

#+ORGTBL: SEND sec-6 orgtbl-to-latex :skip 3 :splice t :lend

as you can see there are a lot of \cmidrules in the code which are exported to
one long latex line like this:


is it possible to add a linbreak after two or three \cmidrule commands so that
the code looks like this:

[tabular code]
\cmidrule(lr){4-5}\cmidrule(lr){5-5} [linebreak]
\cmidrule(lr){6-6}\cmidrule(lr){7-7} [linebreak]


Thanks in advance!

Thorsten Grothe

Re: [O] Export all radio tables off a document

2013-12-05 Thread Thorsten Grothe


* Thu, 05 Dec 2013 18:50:53 +0100, garr...@lal.in2p3.fr:


I asked the same question sometimes ago
http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg64189.html and
Carsten posted this answer which is still working for me

(defun my-org-send-all-tables ()
   (lambda () (orgtbl-send-table 'maybe

very very nice, it works ! Thank you very much! It's a bit slow but 
that's not a problem!! I'm working with Auctex here and the code is not 
indented after exporting the tables. Would it be possible to expand the 
macro so that it automatically indents the code --> in Auctex this is 
C-c C-q C-e ?

If not, no problem but I think this would be a nice feature :-)

Thorsten Grothe

[O] Export all radio tables off a document

2013-12-05 Thread Thorsten Grothe

Hi all,

this is my first post to this list, so please be patient with me :-)

I have many radio tables in my document with this structure:

 #+TBLNAME: sec-10
 #+ORGTBL: SEND sec-10 orgtbl-to-latex :skip 3 :splice t
 | Anschaffungskosten | Nutzungsdauer | AfA in €/Std. |
 | 72 | 36000 |20 |

A C-c C-c exports the table to Latex like this:


72 & 36000 & 20\\


It would be very nice to automatically export *all* tables of the 
document to their corresponding latex tables in the same document. I 
found a function that does this for calculations in org-tables:

M-x org-table-recalculate-buffer-tables

but I found nothing similar for updating and exporting them automatically.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance!

Th. Grothe