[O] References: simplifying org mode usage for Bibtex files

2017-11-05 Thread lngndvs
My need is for a simple work flow/usage of Orgmode to annotate and
organize existing BibTex *.bib files.  I have mentioned on this list
that I had found Cb2Bib to work extremely well for, so to speak,
harvesting references from Google Scholar.  In fact, Pere Constans,
developer of Cb2Bib, recently helped me to streamline this usage to
allow the use of the "Annotation" field, and I have also worked out a
way to output and print a pdf with this field using Cb2Bib's bib2pdf
utility.  I use this as a basis for library research.

However, I have a wide range of such references in each file, over
dozens of topics, and I would like to incorporate by some means an
ability to include org-mode subheadings with maybe tags, so enable the
citations to be more easily sorted.

I do not need to have automatic selection for a bibliography in the
output, or automatic insertion of citations, at this point.

I have asked this question on this list, and studied from time to time
the solutions for using org-mode with bibtex, and visa-versa.  I don't
really have the time or inclination to learn  these.

I remember  that  in BibTeX documentation, was mention that almost
anything outside of the individual records could serve as a comment.
This is more or less what I have in mind.

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who use such a simple approach.
It would be most convenient if it were not necessary to change the
extension of the *.bib files; I used to do this, but the extra steps
for each reference was exhausting.

Thank you for any ideas,

Alan Davis

[O] Emacs bookmark: org-capture-last-stored

2015-02-25 Thread lngndvs

This feature has apparently crept into emacs and orgmode within the last
year or so, and I've come to rely on it.  I don't remember anything I
may have done to make this happen, but now I can have a persistent
record of my last capture.  Wow!  Love it.

Can this feature be tweaked to list, say, the last five captures, or

Also, the bookmark list only shows the filename where the most recent
capture was stored: is it possible to redesign this, so the heading is

Still loving org-capture.  But except for a number of specialized
captures I have been using one capture type and used tags for later
sorting.  Examples of my more complex usages are (1) a table insertion
of temperature and humidity readings; (2) in the moment captures of
lexical items when I learn them, with filling of various (band format)
categories such as "scientific name" or "english common name" as they
are being captured; appointments or deadlines); (3) song lyrics or
tablature from the clipboard, captured into a specific file and heading;
(4) specific project notes as they occur to me.

So my usage is diverse enough that a list of several of the last
captures, especially automatically through the bookmark facility of
Emacs, would be useful.

Thank you for any ideas.

Alan Davis

[O] Refile: refile to any open file.

2012-02-25 Thread lngndvs

It  occurs from time to time that I wish to refile to an open file, that
is not one of my org-refile-targets.  It doesn't make sense to use
org-agenda-files for refile targets since I might have other files open
for various reasons.  So I thought, why not either declare that any open
file is a refile target, or else write a function that will execture
org-refile with org-refile-targets set to include all open files.   In
truth, it would be even better to include org-agenda-files in the set of
target files.   

I have been using the function oog in org-occur-goto.el to search any
open file, so somewhere in that file is a way to find  open files.  What
remains is to use some condition from this file to declare
org-refile-targets.   I understand that a function can be used as a
value of this variable.  

I could spend all night working on this, or, ask on this list.

Can anyone point to a good way to declare that BOTH all open
buffers/files AND org-agenda-files as org-refile-targets?

A hint would help.

Alan Davis

[O] ?? While taking note, capture a note with reciprocal links to/from current location

2012-02-11 Thread lngndvs

  I am studying some text in an org file, some comments from a colleague
  on a research project.  I need to do a little google search about a
  term (something that happens quite often).  It would be convenient to
  produce a note elsewhere, perhaps in a different file, or perhaps
  under a different top-level heading in the same file, with a note to
  the term where the cursor is (let's say I've selected it as the
  region).   I want to capture some notes, perhaps some quite copious
  notes, and when done I would like reciprocal links to bind these
  bits.  Then I can take some good notes on the terms or the topic in
  my colleague's notes, and return, and so forth.

  I could do this, and it's not too difficult.  However, it would be
  *very* helpful to do this with one capture event.  Does a facility
  exist for this?  

  Let me say that I think it does, and it relates to the %a element of a
  template.  However, I would like permanent links, say of the
  current region to the note resulting from the capture event, and vise

  I thought of footnotes, but this footnote could end up being a whole
  chapter, or a small section, in a report!   

  Thank you for any suggestions.  I apologize in advance, because I'm
  sure this is no challenge for the gurus on this list.

  Alan Davis

[O] Some struggles of mine with org-mode

2012-02-07 Thread lngndvs

   [This post concerns what have become, for me, conflicts between the
   scopes of org-agenda-files and the universe I would like to search
   within all org files, in particular.  I hope I will be forgiven for
   drifting substantially from that focused topic]

Org-mode is well entrenched into my daily work flow, in many

 - Miscellaneous notes
 - Capturing ideas and articles
 - On-the-fly structured captures of several kinds
 - Todo lists
 - Remembering   deadlines and activities
 - Collecting project information from diverse sources
 - Exporting any of the above, just about anything at all, as
   clean PDF files.
 - The occasional Beamer presentation 

   For all that org-mode has become my go-to tool of choice, there are
   a number of things I still struggle with.  I want to post this
   message as, I suppose, too much of a blanket request.  Here are
   some of the things I don't get:

 - Firefox or other browser integration
 - Email.  Some very elegant (in  complicated ways) solutions have
   been generated, but all I need it simple text-based email.  I
   would be willing to install sendmail or postfix, if need be,
   but I don't really wish to send html based email.  See the next
 - Addresses/Contacts.  I like Gnus, and I like BBDB, but I've
   never been completely comfortable with them.   I used to keep
   contacts in EDB,  a database I designed myself, and it worked
   really, really well.  I've posted about his subject before, and
   I can see it didn't strike a chord on this list.  I tried
   org-contacts, but it seems  idiosyncratic, and limited.
 - Setting up birthday alerts, for example.  I feel intimidated
   every time I am about to try to put a new birthday in a
   list.  Ideally, I would do this with a capture template.  The
   best so far is to keep birthdays in a list in .emacs.el
 - Searching.  One  thing I really like about Org-mode is the
   ability to keep a large number of kinds of information straight
   in various ways---either in separate files, or for related
   topics, in different headlines of  the same file.  I need all
   of these files to be searched.   The best searching seems to
   reside in the agenda interface.   But it seems illogical, to
   me, to constrain searching to the same set of files as for an
   Agenda, except if I am only searching things I am currently
   keeping on todo lists.  I want a large subset of *.org files
   open for searches, but I may want to limit the number of files
   processed  for a daily or weekly agenda view.  Am I missing

A utility on the mailing list, org-occur-goto, searches any
   open files, an improvement.  But the very fact I am searching
   for something suggests this will require a greater search
   universe.  Ideally, that universe will include several
   large subtrees, even though within them, only a small number of
   files may be involved.  For example, one would like to have a
   directory, at some random location in the home "~/" tree, for
   recipes.  I want them to be kept together in an integral
   tree.  But I want some of the files to be kept under org-mode
   control.  Do I want these files in my agenda files?  

   I do not wish to have all of my action dumped together in ~/org
   or some such.   Examples  subdirectories might include:

   - ~/ARTICLES/tuning-the-guitar/
   - ~/PROJECTS/recipes/

   I have a large ~/WorkBench directory that includes all ongoing
   work.  I may not know on any  given day which existing projects I
   will be working on.  I like to scatter my TODOs among the
   project files, but I need to maintain instantaneous access to
   them, especially through the agenda views. 

So, to summarize,  org-agenda-files should reflect those files I
need to access because they have TODOs, Deadlines, Happenings, or
Reminders in them.  My search Universe should be constrained
enough to result in instant searches, but not so constrained as
org-agenda-files that need to be processed to produce a daily

Re: [Orgmode] Pop up reference card

2008-07-31 Thread lngndvs

The following was my help for the /Cx-6 keymap.  I cleaned it up a
little, but it seems to also insert an expanded minibuffer on my
system, with a second copy of this momentarily displayed screen.  (The
functions were little utilities for a lexicon project).

Hope it makes it across.

;  HELP FOR \\C-x6 keys  ;;
(defvar my-keys-CX6
  (concat " | \\C-x4.: Goto last focus lineF8: Scientific Names\n"
  " |  F9 : See-section\n"
  " | \\C-x61:  tc-merge   F10: fast-1995  \n"
  " | \\C-x62:  tc-twocolumns  F2: Swap-windows 
  " | \\C-x63:  ()\\C-xF2   Flipflop windows  \n" 
  " | \\C-x64:  ()   \\C-x4F2  transpose-windows \n" 
  " | \\C-x65:  move-curly-eol-cmnt  \\C-x45  lex-move-curly (OLD)\n"   

  " | \\C-x66:  ()  \n"   
  " | \\C-x67:  ()  \n"
  " | \\C-x68:  \n"
  " | \\C-x69: lex-remove-curly-brackets-region \n"  
  " | \\C-x60: shell-command-on-region \n"
  " | \\C-x6:: prepend-num-catcode  \n"
  " | \\C-x6f10: sort-lines \n"
  " | \\C-x6f9: sortex-retro   \\C-x6f8: unsortex-until  \n"
  " | \\C-x4- : focus  \\C-x+: unfocus  \\C--: focus-down  \\M--: 
focus-up  \n"
  " | \\C-x60 shell-cmnd-region \n")
  "*String displayed above current line by \\my-function-help].")
(defun my-functions-help-CX6 ()
  "Inserts a reminder of my own functions momentarily above current line, till 
next keystroke.
The ruler is defined by the value of column-ruler.
 The key typed is executed unless it is SPC."
   (save-excursion (point-min) (point))
 nil "Type SPC or any command to erase help.")))
(global-set-key (quote [24 54 f1]) (quote my-functions-help-CX6))

;;; End CX6-HELP


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