Re: [BUG] Contents of the *Warnings* buffer, which has begun popping up at random intervals

2023-05-14 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Tom Davey  writes:

> I was prompted by a buffer named *Warnings* to send an email to
> This buffer appears seemingly at random every few days or so (I use
> Emacs and Org mode for about eight hours a day). The warnings began
> after I upgraded to Org 9.6.3. Find the contents of that buffer below.

Thanks for reporting!
May you please set `org-element--cache-self-verify' to 'backtrace, in
your config, and report when the warning appears again? Then, Org will
also output a very long debug information that can be used to diagnose
what is going on.

Do note that the debug info may contain parts of your actual Org
buffers, so you may want to send this info privately or remove the parts
that you are not willing to share.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at .
Support Org development at ,
or support my work at 

Re: [BUG] Contents of the *Warnings* buffer, which has begun popping up at random intervals

2023-05-13 Thread George Mauer
Not at my computer now, but that looks like a warning I've been getting
pretty constantly for a few weeks and have an investigated. I assumed it
was coming from org-ai as I just recently added to that to my workflow and
use it a lot, but maybe not

On Sat, May 13, 2023, 17:22 Tom Davey  wrote:

> I was prompted by a buffer named *Warnings* to send an email to
> This buffer appears seemingly at random every few days or so (I use
> Emacs and Org mode for about eight hours a day). The warnings began
> after I upgraded to Org 9.6.3. Find the contents of that buffer below.
> Thank you for the work on Org mode, which is magnificent and
> without peer.
> Tom Davey
> ■  Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache: Org parser error in
> Resetting.
> The error was: (error "Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)")
> Emacs  : GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32)
> of 2022-09-14
> Package: Org mode version 9.6.3 ( @
> c:/Users/tdavey/Documents/Dropbox/Emacs/Prod/.emacs.d/load-path-subdirs/td-esdf/td-startup-lisp/Elpa/org-9.6.3/)
> current state:
> ==
> (setq
> org-archive-location "%s_archive::datetree/"
> org-link-elisp-confirm-function 'yes-or-no-p
> org-directory "~/org-files"
> org-yank-adjusted-subtrees t
> org-tag-faces '(("PROJ" :background "indianred3" :foreground "cornsilk2"
> :weight bold))
> org-agenda-custom-commands '(("c" "Computers and Project Tags"
>((agenda "") (tags-todo "project")
> (tags-todo "orgmode") (tags-todo "emacs")
> (tags-todo "computers"))
>   ("e" "Email tag" ((tags-todo "email")
> (agenda "")))
>   ("g" "Microscheduling tag" ((tags-todo
> "microscheduling") (tags-todo "today") (agenda "")))
>   ("h" "Housing tags"
>((tags "+Strivers") (tags "+SGCagenda")
> (tags "+SGCbudget") (tags "+SGCcuo")
> (tags "+SGCdiscussion") (tags
> "+SGChouseRules") (tags "+SGCminutes") (tags "+SGCstaff")
> (tags "+SGCunit") (tags "+SGCvote") (tags
> "+improvement") (tags "+household"))
>((org-columns-default-format "%CATEGORY
>   ("n" "Agenda and all TODOs" ((agenda "")
> (alltodo "")))
>   ("p" "People tags"
>((agenda "") (tags-todo "atrajkov")
> (tags-todo "apotter") (tags-todo "dmcewan")
> (tags-todo "espector") (tags-todo
> "jbousley") (tags-todo "kmandel") (tags-todo "rosoria")
> (tags-todo "twasson") (tags-todo
> "cfrappier") (tags-todo "cmorales") (tags-todo "cwolan")
> (tags-todo "dbolen") (tags-todo
> "jterranella") (tags-todo "lortiz") (tags-todo "malzuru")
> (tags-todo "dhalsey") (tags-todo
> "jkendall") (tags-todo "kolson"))
>   ("b" "Tom's basic block agenda"
>((agenda "") (tags-todo
> "+homeImprovement-household") (tags-todo "FAredesign")
> (tags-todo "rhaass") (tags-todo "kolson")
> (tags-todo "dhalsey") (tags-todo "hr")
> (tags-todo "lhammes") (tags-todo
> "StaffMeeting") (tags-todo "cfrappier") (tags-todo "espector")
> (tags-todo "ahenry") (tags-todo "atrajkov")
> (tags-todo
> "+work-rhaass-kolson-cfrappier-jmcgrath-tkatavic-egosselin-aqualls-cshehadi-espector-pituk-ahalliday-metchison-nfreiberg-lhammes-emacs-lifelongLearning")
> (tags-todo "computers") (tags-todo "desk")
> (tags-todo "errands") (tags-todo "household")
> (tags-todo "lifelongLearning") (tags-todo
> "reading") (tags-todo "social"))
>   )
> org-log-into-drawer t
> org-use-fast-tag-selection t
> org-agenda-files '("~/org-files/")
> org-capture-templates '(("a" "Appointments & Meetings
> :appt:   timestamp" entry
>   (file+olp+datetree "~/org-files/")
> "* %? :appt:\nAppt time: %^T\n%i\n\n")
>  ("b" "Bills & paperwork at home
> :desk:" entry (file+olp+datetree "~/org-files/")
>   "* TODO %?  :desk:")
>  ("c" "Capture no
> tag  planning" entry

[BUG] Contents of the *Warnings* buffer, which has begun popping up at random intervals

2023-05-13 Thread Tom Davey
I was prompted by a buffer named *Warnings* to send an email to

This buffer appears seemingly at random every few days or so (I use
Emacs and Org mode for about eight hours a day). The warnings began
after I upgraded to Org 9.6.3. Find the contents of that buffer below.

Thank you for the work on Org mode, which is magnificent and
without peer.

Tom Davey

■  Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.
The error was: (error "Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)")

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32)
of 2022-09-14
Package: Org mode version 9.6.3 ( @ 

current state:
org-archive-location "%s_archive::datetree/"
org-link-elisp-confirm-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-directory "~/org-files"
org-yank-adjusted-subtrees t
org-tag-faces '(("PROJ" :background "indianred3" :foreground "cornsilk2" 
:weight bold))
org-agenda-custom-commands '(("c" "Computers and Project Tags"
   ((agenda "") (tags-todo "project") (tags-todo 
"orgmode") (tags-todo "emacs")
(tags-todo "computers"))
  ("e" "Email tag" ((tags-todo "email") (agenda 
  ("g" "Microscheduling tag" ((tags-todo 
"microscheduling") (tags-todo "today") (agenda "")))
  ("h" "Housing tags"
   ((tags "+Strivers") (tags "+SGCagenda") (tags 
"+SGCbudget") (tags "+SGCcuo")
(tags "+SGCdiscussion") (tags "+SGChouseRules") 
(tags "+SGCminutes") (tags "+SGCstaff")
(tags "+SGCunit") (tags "+SGCvote") (tags 
"+improvement") (tags "+household"))
   ((org-columns-default-format "%CATEGORY %75ITEM 
  ("n" "Agenda and all TODOs" ((agenda "") (alltodo 
  ("p" "People tags"
   ((agenda "") (tags-todo "atrajkov") (tags-todo 
"apotter") (tags-todo "dmcewan")
(tags-todo "espector") (tags-todo "jbousley") 
(tags-todo "kmandel") (tags-todo "rosoria")
(tags-todo "twasson") (tags-todo "cfrappier") 
(tags-todo "cmorales") (tags-todo "cwolan")
(tags-todo "dbolen") (tags-todo "jterranella") 
(tags-todo "lortiz") (tags-todo "malzuru")
(tags-todo "dhalsey") (tags-todo "jkendall") 
(tags-todo "kolson"))
  ("b" "Tom's basic block agenda"
   ((agenda "") (tags-todo 
"+homeImprovement-household") (tags-todo "FAredesign")
(tags-todo "rhaass") (tags-todo "kolson") 
(tags-todo "dhalsey") (tags-todo "hr")
(tags-todo "lhammes") (tags-todo 
"StaffMeeting") (tags-todo "cfrappier") (tags-todo "espector")
(tags-todo "ahenry") (tags-todo "atrajkov")
(tags-todo "computers") (tags-todo "desk") 
(tags-todo "errands") (tags-todo "household")
(tags-todo "lifelongLearning") (tags-todo 
"reading") (tags-todo "social"))
org-log-into-drawer t
org-use-fast-tag-selection t
org-agenda-files '("~/org-files/")
org-capture-templates '(("a" "Appointments & Meetings:appt: 
  timestamp" entry
  (file+olp+datetree "~/org-files/") "* %? 
:appt:\nAppt time: %^T\n%i\n\n")
 ("b" "Bills & paperwork at home  :desk:" 
entry (file+olp+datetree "~/org-files/")
  "* TODO %?  :desk:")
 ("c" "Capture no tag   
   planning" entry
  (file+olp+datetree "~/org-files/") "* TODO 
%?\nSCHEDULED: %T\n%i\n\n")
 ("C" "Computers -- everything but Emacs")
 ("Cc" "Computers -- hardware generally 
 :computers:" entry
  (file+olp+datetree "~/org-files/") "* 
TODO %?  :computers:")
 ("Cr" "Replace Fortunata with Circe
 :circe:computers:" entry