Re: [O] (re-)introducing: orgtbl-query (nee org-query)

2019-10-15 Thread Adam Porter
Hi Greg,

That's very cool!  Thanks for sharing it.

[O] (re-)introducing: orgtbl-query (nee org-query)

2019-10-15 Thread Greg Minshall
apologies for the extra noise.

i've renamed (and moved) my small utility, now known as orgtbl-query,
that allows one to query, from the shell (command line), the contents of
an org-mode table in a file.  orgtbl-query is now located at:

part of it has also been re-written in C for performance reasons (a
makefile is included); apologies for making it that much harder to
install.  (the awk part remains.)

it works for my use cases (obviously), but i'm sure it will break, or be
feature-deficient, for those of others.  i'd be happy to try to fix
bugs.  below are the first N lines of help output.

cheers, Greg

usage: orgtbl-query -h|--help
 : orgtbl-query [-f|--field column] [--complement] [--regexp]
[--ignore-case] file [[table:]column] 
 : orgtbl-query -t|--tables file
 : orgtbl-query -c|--columns file [table[:]]
 : orgtbl-query -k|--keys file [[table:]column]

the first form prints this help message

the second form searches for KEY in FILE, TABLE, COLUMN, and prints out
any matching lines (or a single column).  tables are named, as in emacs
org-mode, "#+name: TABLE", starting in column one

the third form lists all the tables in FILE

the fourth form lists all the columns in a single TABLE in FILE

the fifth form lists the keys in column COLUMN of the table TABLE in FILE
