
While generating a clock table report with source data in files from the
current directory works, it does not work if there are *more than one* such
source file in the parent directory. Yes, I known, the description is
strange... Though, it seems to be the criteria...

ECM and recipe:

1. Source file `clock-file.org' (with clocking lines)

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+TITLE:     Clock file

* Tasks

Task with a CLOCK line.

** Design

*** TODO Do this
    CLOCK: [2013-06-19 Wed 09:00]--[2013-06-19 Wed 10:11] =>  1:11
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

2. Report file `report-same-level.org', in the same directory

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+TITLE:     Reporting

* Summary

#+BEGIN: clocktable :scope ("./clock-file.org" "./clock-file.org") :block 
2013-06 :indent t
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

   When updating the dblock, you'll get the right report, in double (as I've
   included twice the same input file).

3. Report file `report-subdir-level.org', in a sub-directory

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+TITLE:     Reporting

* Summary

#+BEGIN: clocktable :scope ("../clock-file.org" "../clock-file.org") :block 
2013-06 :indent t
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

   When updating the dblock, you'll get the error:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Non-existent agenda file ../clock-file.org.  [R]emove from list or [A]bort?
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

   Though, if you just put one instance of the source file, you'll get the
   right report (once, then).

In the ECM, I'm using twice the same file, for the sake of simplicity, to
reproduce the problem. But it's not due to that.

You can get the same error with a local (to the dir) file and one from the
parent directory:

- :scope ("clock-file.org" "clock-file.org") will work.
  2 local files.

- :scope ("../clock-file.org" "clock-file.org") as well.
  1 local file, 1 from parent directory.

- :scope ("clock-file.org" "../clock-file.org") as well.
  1 local file, 1 from parent directory.

- :scope ("../clock-file.org" "../clock-file.org") WON'T!
  2 files from PARENT directory.

You can see the bug reproduced in a 37-second video session on

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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