Hi all,

is it possible to get \ref{} to work in #+caption lines generally?  As
it seems, the #+caption is not processed.  So the \ref{} statements in
#+captions work only in LaTeX export, where \ref{} is valid.  In the
#other exports, the \ref{} is exported literally.

=== test.org =================================
* Test ref in caption
#+caption: bar referencing \ref{fig:baz}
#+label: fig:bar
#+name: bar
#+attr_odt: :width 8
#+header: :file bar.png
#+header: :width 7200 :height 3600 :res 600
#+begin_src R :exports results :results graphics
  plot(1:10, 1:10)

#+caption: baz
#+label: fig:baz
#+name: baz
#+attr_odt: :scale 0.5
#+header: :file baz.png
#+header: :width 7200 :height 3600 :res 600
#+begin_src R :exports results :results graphics
  plot(1:10, 1:10)


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