Hello list,

One of the many features I regularly enjoy with org-mode is
org-preview-latex-fragment, but after I started using a dark theme with
white text it haven't work so great.

org-preview-latex-fragment is smart and it tries to get my background color
and default text color so that the generated images for the latex fragments
can have the same appearance as rest of the text (this is REALLY
nice). However, while the background changes accordingly the text in the
generated images does not. That is, the text is still black as in the
default theme, while the background is dark following my theme (the
Naquadah theme by Julien Danjou).

After investigating this I found out the problem was my
org-export-latex-default-packages-alist variable. Particularly, if I
include the tikz package the problem occurs, but if tikz is not included
(at least not for preview latex) then org-preview-latex-fragment works as
it should.

Does this problems occur with anyone else?

The code I use to set org-export-latex-default-packages-alist is shown
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (setq org-export-latex-default-packages-alist 
        '(("AUTO" "inputenc" t)
          ("T1" "fontenc" t)
          ("" "fixltx2e" nil)
          ("" "graphicx" t)
          ("" "longtable" nil)
          ("" "float" nil)
          ("" "wrapfig" nil)
          ("" "soul" t)
          ("" "textcomp" t)
          ("" "marvosym" t)
          ;;("" "wasysym" t) ; Conflicts with amsmath
          ("" "latexsym" t)
          ("" "amssymb" t)
          ("" "amsmath" t)
          ;; ("" "tikz" t) ; uncomment to see the bug
          ("" "hyperref" nil)
          ("" "MathDefinitions" t)

Darlan Cavalcante

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