Re: [O] Avoid canceling of events which do have multiple time-stamps

2014-11-07 Thread Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo

Hi, Karl.

Karl Voit writes:

For other events, I do have one single "* Volleyball" heading 
and multiple time-stamps for each occurrence in its body. 
(method B) 

Unfortunately in the agenda view, both entries are visualized 
the same way. This is causing issues in certain cases. 

For example, when I see an event on my agenda and I know that I 
don't have time for it, I usually cancel the event right away in 
my agenda. 

However, when this time-stamp occured only in the body of a 
heading (method B), cancelling does cancel *all* occurrences. 
For example when I cancel "Volleyball" on the agenda of 
2014-09-06, I'd cancel also 2014-08-30 (in the past) and 
2014-09-13 (in the future). 

And much worse: I do not notice my error.

There is a certain issue with this: how to determine whether or 
not a time-stamp is the only one or if it is mentioned in the 
heading itself. 

I use several time stamps as well, but I use 
org-agenda-follow-mode by default (see the variable 
`org-agenda-start-with-follow-mode') so I can see the entry with 
its multiple entries before archiving or killing it.

Is there a clever way to differ the two methods so that we are 
able to come up with different visualizations?

In the case of something like Volleyball, perhaps you might want 
to look at habits: (info "(org) Tracking your habits")

Another option is to create subheadlines for each activity, and 
avoid multiple timestamps.




[O] Avoid canceling of events which do have multiple time-stamps

2014-11-07 Thread Karl Voit

Sometimes, I use single events and use
"org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift" to create clones for multiple
occurrences. (method A)

: ** <2014-08-30 Sat 15:00-17:00> Volleyball
: Do some sport.

For other events, I do have one single "* Volleyball" heading and
multiple time-stamps for each occurrence in its body. (method B)

: ** Volleyball
: - <2014-08-30 Sat 15:00-17:00> 
: - <2014-09-06 Sat 15:00-17:00> 
: - <2014-09-13 Sat 15:00-17:00> 

Unfortunately in the agenda view, both entries are visualized the same
way. This is causing issues in certain cases.

For example, when I see an event on my agenda and I know that I don't
have time for it, I usually cancel the event right away in my agenda.

However, when this time-stamp occured only in the body of a heading
(method B), cancelling does cancel *all* occurrences. For example when
I cancel "Volleyball" on the agenda of 2014-09-06, I'd cancel also
2014-08-30 (in the past) and 2014-09-13 (in the future).

And much worse: I do not notice my error.

There is a certain issue with this: how to determine whether or not a
time-stamp is the only one or if it is mentioned in the heading

Is there a clever way to differ the two methods so that we are able to
come up with different visualizations?

What are your thoughts on this issue?