Does anyone have a good setup for the following use-case?

I find OrgMode to be extremely powerful tool for task management, but it
has limitations with respect to the Apple world.  Personally, I am a 30+
year developer (mostly retired) in Unix and have used Emacs off and on
for 35+ years (yes, since it was TECO based).  I've currently setup
Emacs and Orgmode v9.2 under Cygwin on a Windows 10 PC (a little slow,
but it works).  I'm also using an iPhone with BeOrg for day to day
things and syncing my Org files via Dropbox.  I like the ability to
produce an easy outline and turn it into an HTML website or a PDF
document or calendar events or reminders that are all easily backed up
in a simple text file.

My problem is that my family, although using iPhones, are not terribly
computer literate, so I'd like to keep them away from all things Org.
This means finding ways to handle the following:

1. Calendar

BeOrg has a great connection to the Org files and all the iPhone
calendars, but it's still "Org'ish".  I'm still evaluating whether I
could install it on my family phones and go with that.  I'm not sure
about the calendar interface yet.

The other possibility is to have Org export to Google Calendar and then
register the Google Calendar as a Calendar on the iPhones.  This is one
way and not that flexible in that I can't setup an Org calendar for each
family member as well as a general family calendar.

2. Reminders

I think, using Shortcuts, I can have BeOrg pipe tagged ToDos to the
Reminders list on Apple iPhones.  I also think, using Shortcuts, I can
pipe reminders from Apple iPhones to BeOrg for adding to Org files.  My
problem is going to preventing circular recurrence.  If this works, then
Siri can get involved to add reminders to the Apple reminders list and
have it added to Org automatically.  Theoretically, sounds doable, but
I'm slow at picking up how.

3. Tasks vs Events

The problem is how does Org represent events (which would go on the
Calendar) versus tasks (which would go in reminders)?


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