
I now realize that the exporter (pdflatex) does create the desired document; however upon completing the export the new pdf document does not immediately open, to which I am accustomed. I can open the pdf by going to the exported document itself, etc.

LMDE Betsy

GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.14.5) of 2016-05-26

Org-mode version 8.3.4 (release_8.3.4-872-g3d0ade @ /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-mode/lisp/)

backtrace attached (org mode was reloaded, not compiled)

Charlie Millar

On 05/26/2016 07:44 PM, Charles Millar wrote:
Negleted to mention that the export to pdflatex worked fine with Emacs 24 version included in LMDE Betsy.

On 05/26/2016 07:28 PM, Charles Millar wrote:

I just upgraded via git to Emacs 25. My init file loads OK and everything "seems" to work, except:

Upon attempting to export to pdflatex following error results

LMDE Betsy

GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.14.5) of 2016-05-26

Org-mode version 8.3.4 (release_8.3.4-869-gf2c421 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-mode/lisp/)

Any help appreciated.

Charlie Millar

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
  find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer SomeoneInventory.pdf<SomeoneFrank>> 
"/mnt/Data/ActiveFiles/SomeoneFrank/SomeoneInventory.pdf" nil nil 
"/mnt/Data/ActiveFiles/SomeoneFrank/SomeoneInventory.pdf" (16840 2057))
nil nil nil)
  (cond ((and (stringp cmd) (not (string-match "^\\s-*$" cmd))) (while 
(string-match "['\"]%s['\"]" cmd) (setq cmd (replace-match "%s" t t cmd))) 
(while (string-match "%s" cmd) (setq cmd (replace-match (let 
((save-match-data-internal ...)) (unwind-protect (progn ...) (set-match-data 
save-match-data-internal ...))) t t cmd))) (let ((save-match-data-internal 
(match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((match-index 1) (number-of-groups 
...)) (set-match-data link-match-data) (while (<= match-index number-of-groups) 
(let ... ...) (setq match-index ...)))) (set-match-data 
save-match-data-internal (quote evaporate)))) (let ((wconfig 
(current-window-configuration))) (unwind-protect (progn (message "Running 
%s...done" cmd) (start-process-shell-command cmd nil cmd) (and (boundp (quote 
org-wait)) (numberp org-wait) (sit-for org-wait))) (set-window-configuration 
wconfig)))) ((or (stringp cmd) (eq cmd (quote emacs))) (funcall (cdr (assq 
(quote file) org-link-frame-setup)) file) (widen) (cond (line (org-goto-line 
line) (if (derived-mode-p (quote org-mode)) (progn (org-reveal)))) (search 
(org-link-search search)))) ((functionp cmd) (let ((save-match-data-internal 
(match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (set-match-data link-match-data) 
(condition-case nil (funcall cmd file link) ((debug wrong-number-of-arguments 
wrong-type-argument invalid-function) (user-error "Please see Org News for 
version 9.0 about `org-file-apps'--Lisp error: %S" cmd)))) (set-match-data 
save-match-data-internal (quote evaporate))))) ((consp cmd) (user-error "Please 
see Org News for version 9.0 about `org-file-apps'--Error: Deprecated usage of 
%S" cmd)) (t (funcall (cdr (assq (quote file) org-link-frame-setup)) file)))
  (let* ((file (if (equal path "") buffer-file-name (substitute-in-file-name 
(expand-file-name path)))) (file-apps (append org-file-apps 
(org-default-apps))) (apps (cl-remove-if (quote 
org-file-apps-entry-match-against-dlink-p) file-apps)) (apps-dlink 
(cl-remove-if-not (quote org-file-apps-entry-match-against-dlink-p) file-apps)) 
(remp (and (assq (quote remote) apps) (org-file-remote-p file))) (dirp (if remp 
nil (file-directory-p file))) (file (if (and dirp 
org-open-directory-means-index-dot-org) (concat (file-name-as-directory file) 
"index.org") file)) (a-m-a-p (assq (quote auto-mode) apps)) (dfile (downcase 
file)) (link (cond (line (concat file "::" (number-to-string line))) (search 
(concat file "::" search)) (t file))) (dlink (downcase link)) (old-buffer 
(current-buffer)) (old-pos (point)) (old-mode major-mode) (ext (and 
(string-match "\\`.*?\\.\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\(\\.gz\\)?\\)\\'" dfile) (match-string 
1 dfile))) cmd link-match-data) (cond ((member in-emacs (quote ((16) system))) 
(setq cmd (cdr (assq (quote system) apps)))) (in-emacs (setq cmd (quote 
emacs))) (t (setq cmd (or (and remp (cdr (assq ... apps))) (and dirp (cdr (assq 
... apps))) (let ((match ...)) (if match (progn ... match) (progn ... nil))) 
(assoc-default dfile (org-apps-regexp-alist apps a-m-a-p) (quote string-match)) 
(cdr (assoc ext apps)) (cdr (assq t apps)))))) (if (eq cmd (quote system)) 
(progn (setq cmd (cdr (assoc (quote system) apps))))) (if (eq cmd (quote 
default)) (progn (setq cmd (cdr (assoc t apps))))) (if (eq cmd (quote mailcap)) 
(progn (require (quote mailcap)) (mailcap-parse-mailcaps) (let* ((mime-type 
(mailcap-extension-to-mime (or ext ""))) (command (mailcap-mime-info 
mime-type))) (if (stringp command) (setq cmd command) (setq cmd (quote 
emacs)))))) (if (and (not (eq cmd (quote emacs))) (not (file-exists-p file)) 
(not org-open-non-existing-files)) (progn (user-error "No such file: %s" 
file))) (cond ((and (stringp cmd) (not (string-match "^\\s-*$" cmd))) (while 
(string-match "['\"]%s['\"]" cmd) (setq cmd (replace-match "%s" t t cmd))) 
(while (string-match "%s" cmd) (setq cmd (replace-match (let (...) 
(unwind-protect ... ...)) t t cmd))) (let ((save-match-data-internal 
(match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (let (... ...) (set-match-data 
link-match-data) (while ... ... ...))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal 
(quote evaporate)))) (let ((wconfig (current-window-configuration))) 
(unwind-protect (progn (message "Running %s...done" cmd) 
(start-process-shell-command cmd nil cmd) (and (boundp ...) (numberp org-wait) 
(sit-for org-wait))) (set-window-configuration wconfig)))) ((or (stringp cmd) 
(eq cmd (quote emacs))) (funcall (cdr (assq (quote file) org-link-frame-setup)) 
file) (widen) (cond (line (org-goto-line line) (if (derived-mode-p (quote 
org-mode)) (progn (org-reveal)))) (search (org-link-search search)))) 
((functionp cmd) (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect 
(progn (set-match-data link-match-data) (condition-case nil (funcall cmd file 
link) (... ...))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal (quote 
evaporate))))) ((consp cmd) (user-error "Please see Org News for version 9.0 
about `org-file-apps'--Error: Deprecated usage of %S" cmd)) (t (funcall (cdr 
(assq (quote file) org-link-frame-setup)) file))) (and (derived-mode-p (quote 
org-mode)) (eq old-mode (quote org-mode)) (or (not (eq old-buffer 
(current-buffer))) (not (eq old-pos (point)))) (org-mark-ring-push old-pos 
  (if a (org-latex-export-to-pdf t s v b) (org-open-file 
(org-latex-export-to-pdf nil s v b)))
  (lambda (a s v b) (if a (org-latex-export-to-pdf t s v b) (org-open-file 
(org-latex-export-to-pdf nil s v b))))(nil nil nil nil)
  funcall((lambda (a s v b) (if a (org-latex-export-to-pdf t s v b) 
(org-open-file (org-latex-export-to-pdf nil s v b)))) nil nil nil nil)
  (save-excursion (if arg (progn (if (eq (marker-buffer 
org-export-dispatch-last-position) (org-base-buffer (current-buffer))) 
(goto-char org-export-dispatch-last-position) (move-marker 
org-export-dispatch-last-position nil)))) (funcall action (and (memq (quote 
async) optns) t) (and (memq (quote subtree) optns) t) (and (memq (quote 
visible) optns) t) (and (memq (quote body) optns) t)))
  (cond ((eql action (quote template)) (org-export-insert-default-template nil 
optns)) ((eql action (quote stack)) (org-export-stack)) ((eql action (quote 
publish-current-file)) (org-publish-current-file (memq (quote force) optns) 
(memq (quote async) optns))) ((eql action (quote publish-current-project)) 
(org-publish-current-project (memq (quote force) optns) (memq (quote async) 
optns))) ((eql action (quote publish-choose-project)) (org-publish (assoc 
(completing-read "Publish project: " org-publish-project-alist nil t) 
org-publish-project-alist) (memq (quote force) optns) (memq (quote async) 
optns))) ((eql action (quote publish-all)) (org-publish-all (memq (quote force) 
optns) (memq (quote async) optns))) (t (save-excursion (if arg (progn (if (eq 
(marker-buffer org-export-dispatch-last-position) (org-base-buffer ...)) 
(goto-char org-export-dispatch-last-position) (move-marker 
org-export-dispatch-last-position nil)))) (funcall action (and (memq (quote 
async) optns) t) (and (memq (quote subtree) optns) t) (and (memq (quote 
visible) optns) t) (and (memq (quote body) optns) t)))))
  (let* ((input (cond ((equal arg (quote (16))) (quote (stack))) ((and arg 
org-export-dispatch-last-action)) (t (let ((wconfig ...)) (unwind-protect 
(progn ...) (set-window-configuration wconfig)))))) (action (car input)) (optns 
(cdr input))) (if (memq (quote subtree) optns) nil (move-marker 
org-export-dispatch-last-position nil)) (cond ((eql action (quote template)) 
(org-export-insert-default-template nil optns)) ((eql action (quote stack)) 
(org-export-stack)) ((eql action (quote publish-current-file)) 
(org-publish-current-file (memq (quote force) optns) (memq (quote async) 
optns))) ((eql action (quote publish-current-project)) 
(org-publish-current-project (memq (quote force) optns) (memq (quote async) 
optns))) ((eql action (quote publish-choose-project)) (org-publish (assoc 
(completing-read "Publish project: " org-publish-project-alist nil t) 
org-publish-project-alist) (memq (quote force) optns) (memq (quote async) 
optns))) ((eql action (quote publish-all)) (org-publish-all (memq (quote force) 
optns) (memq (quote async) optns))) (t (save-excursion (if arg (progn (if (eq 
... ...) (goto-char org-export-dispatch-last-position) (move-marker 
org-export-dispatch-last-position nil)))) (funcall action (and (memq (quote 
async) optns) t) (and (memq (quote subtree) optns) t) (and (memq (quote 
visible) optns) t) (and (memq (quote body) optns) t))))))
  funcall-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil)
  call-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil nil)

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