[O] Faces issue with plain lists under second-level headings?

2014-01-03 Thread James Harkins
I'm not sure if this is reported, but I spotted a minor faces bug just 

Put this into an Org buffer.

** Headline
  - *Bold* non-bold
  - *Bold* non-bold
  - Non-bold

Put the cursor on Headline and do M-left, M-right. When the heading is 
any level other than second, no problem. But at the second level, the first 
boldface appears in normal type, while the second item's boldface works 

File this under trivial annoyance, but maybe easy to fix?

Org-mode version 8.2.4 (release_8.2.4-1-gb7d674 @ 

; omitting some variables that are only for agendas and exports

 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(column-number-mode t)
'(compilation-error-screen-columns nil)
'(global-hl-line-mode t)
'(hl-line-sticky-flag nil)
'(initial-frame-alist (quote ((menu-bar-lines . 1) (height . 47) (width . 

'(iswitchb-case t)
'(iswitchb-mode t)
'(org-agenda-cmp-user-defined (quote bh/agenda-sort-by-heading-date))
'(org-agenda-window-setup (quote current-window))
'(org-babel-load-languages (quote ((emacs-lisp . t) (sh . t) (org . t) 
(lilypond . t
'(org-beamer-environments-extra (quote ((CJK Z \\begin{CJK}%a%H 
\\end{CJK}) (onlyenv O \\begin{onlyenv}%a \\end{onlyenv}) 
(overlayarea Y \\begin{overlayarea}%r%a \\end{overlayarea}

'(org-blank-before-new-entry (quote ((heading) (plain-list-item
'(org-confirm-babel-evaluate t)
'(org-cycle-include-plain-lists (quote integrate))
'(org-directory ~/Documents/mobileorg)
'(org-export-allow-bind-keywords t)
'(org-export-latex-coding-system (quote utf-8))
'(org-export-odt-preferred-output-format pdf)
'(org-export-with-smart-quotes t)
'(org-habit-show-all-today t)
'(org-hide-leading-stars t)
'(org-id-link-to-org-use-id (quote 

'(org-latex-listings t)
'(org-latex-packages-alist nil)
'(org-latex-pdf-process (quote (xelatex -interaction nonstopmode 
-output-directory %o %f xelatex -interaction nonstopmode 
-output-directory %o %f xelatex -interaction nonstopmode 
-output-directory %o %f)))

'(org-latex-table-caption-above nil)
'(org-latex-title-command \\maketitle)
'(org-latex-to-pdf-process (quote (xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %s 
xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %s)))

'(org-link-to-org-use-id (quote create-if-interactive-and-no-custom-id))
'(org-mobile-directory /home/dlm/Ubuntu One/mobileorg)
'(org-mobile-files (quote (org-agenda-files 

'(org-mobile-inbox-for-pull ~/Documents/mobileorg/from-mobile.org)
'(org-modules (quote (org-bbdb org-bibtex org-docview org-gnus org-habit 
org-id org-info org-jsinfo org-irc org-mew org-mhe org-rmail org-vm org-wl 

'(org-odt-convert-process unoconv)
'(org-show-siblings (quote ((default) (isearch t
'(org-timeline-show-empty-dates nil)
'(org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence TODO MAYBE INPROG MTG | 

'(org-url-hexify-p nil)
'(show-paren-mode t)
'(word-wrap t))


Re: [O] Faces issue with plain lists under second-level headings?

2014-01-03 Thread Bastien
James Harkins jamshar...@gmail.com writes:

 I'm not sure if this is reported, but I spotted a minor faces bug
 just now.

 Put this into an Org buffer.

 ** Headline
   - *Bold* non-bold
   - *Bold* non-bold
   - Non-bold

 Put the cursor on Headline and do M-left, M-right. When the heading
 is any level other than second, no problem. But at the second level,
 the first boldface appears in normal type, while the second item's
 boldface works properly.

 File this under trivial annoyance, but maybe easy to fix?

This should be fixed in maint now, thanks for reporting this!
