Is there a way to make the green font face apply to custom agenda
views? Here is an example:


(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
    '(("w" "Agenda"
        ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-ndays 7)))

         (todo "next"
            ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Next Actions")))

         (todo "proj"
            ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Projects"))
                 '(todo-state-down category-keep)))))

My results:
- C-a t, then 5 r (to show done items) produces all green "done" names
- C-a a produces "done" items in green
- C-a w (my custom agenda above) produces done items in the schedule area as red

What am I goofing up?

Perhaps this has been discussed before... I only found one previous
mailing list item which was from quite some time ago and was reported
as being fixed in v6.07



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